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Power Games Page 5

by David Applegate

  “Yes, captain,” Ash said.

  “Bring me his quarterstaff, a red robe, identification card, and the box of prepaid credit cards in the top drawer of his desk,” Andre ordered.

  “Help me,” the Nāga pleaded.

  The Ogres looked at each other, then Andre yelled, “Now, or I leave without you.”

  The two guards shrugged, closed the door, and left. The panicking Nāga bit Andre’s hand. He flinched, and he tossed her onto the bed. As she tried to get up, he moved fast, got on top of her and pinned her down. He pulled off his bandages.

  “What is so special about me?” Andre demanded in a low growl as he straddled her and pinned her arms over her head.

  “Powerful magic is keeping you alive, and as you decay, hard, scar tissue replaces your rotting Ogre flesh,” the Nāga replied.

  “Obviously. Pilu told us it was just an old sword; clearly, it is not,” Andre said. “Tell me about the sword?”

  “The Dökkálfar made it. It’s called the Soul Sword. It is an ancient artefact that is worth billions,” the Nāga squealed.

  “Tell me the whole truth, bitch,” Andre barked at her as he dug his bony fingers it to her wrists. The trickle of blood excited him. “What is so special about it?”

  “It is no ordinary blade. It can be used as a wand and can trap a demon within it,” the Nāga cried out.

  Andre, face to face with her, asked, “While you are in the mood for a chat. Why did you have us scan stars in the Dark Nebula?”

  “We told you. It was a survey of the stars.”

  Andre unbuttoned her top and pulled it open. “I don’t believe you.”

  The Nāga had tears in her eyes, and with a strained voice said, “If you harm me, the Alliance will hunt you down.”

  “Do I look like I care?” Andre asked as he unbuttoned her top.

  She grabbed his arms and pulled herself up to his neck. She sank her fangs into it. Foul black blood squirted into her mouth, and Andre howled in pain. He tumbled off her and grabbed his neck.

  Andre’s hit the floor, and the room spun. She pulled free of him and got out from under him. She said in a loud voice, “You may have a few of the guards under your spell, but you will not get to the front door. I have a car waiting to take us to the airport. Come quietly, and I will not have my guards come and torture you.”

  Andre felt his heart stop beating, and he could not breathe. The room went dark as he begged for his life.

  She hissed and repeatedly bit him. After each bite, she laughed as the Ogre flayed about on the floor waving his arms in the air. She licked her tongue over her lips as she circled him. After the fourth bite, as he lay in a pool of his blood, she went to the door and waited, ready to pounce.

  Andre gasped, his chest was silent, the room was dark, but he could see. He sat up and saw the Nāga by the door. She turned to look at him. He slowly got to his feet.

  The Nāga opened her mouth and raced at him. She went to grab him, and as she went to bite down on his shoulder, he grabbed her arms and twisted them as he head-butted her.

  Andre let go of one arm, twisted the other up and over his shoulder and snapped it. Disorientated, the Nāga screamed in pain. He grabbed the other arm and forced it behind her back again and again until he dislocated it and then snapped it over his shoulder. The Nāga howled in pain.

  He gave her a two-fisted hit to the back of her neck. She hit the floor hard. He stepped on her shoulder blades and said, “Bitch!”

  Andre picked her up. She tried one more time to bite him. He grabbed the coffee cup and smashed her fangs with it. He lifted her and slammed her down over his knee, then dumped her on the bed.

  He straddled her and punched her repeatedly until bruises covered her face. He ripped open her top and rubbed her breasts.

  The Nāga tried to wiggle free; He squeezed hard and bit her nipple. She stopped moving and turned her head to the wall.

  Andre ripped off her skirt and ran his hand over her groin. All she could do was cry and look away. She let out of howl like that of a wounded animal as he violently violated her with his fist.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  The parade floats lined up behind the marching band, followed by other participants in the large carpark at the north end of Abelle Mall. Kaede, age nine, stood upon one of the floats in an orange yukata covered in white bamboo stalks behind him was Sora and Akiko, who both wore a red yukata with white trim, covered in tiny pink blossoms. Izanami stood between them in a pink yukata with white trim and covered in white flowers. Behind them stood Mako and Miko. They wore a yellow yukata with black trim and stripes like a tiger. All of them held a naruko, small wooden clappers, in each hand.

  Abelle, in uniform, came to the float. “All of you look beautiful. Since this is your first time in the Founders’ Day Parade, listen carefully. After leaving the carpark, you will slowly make your way over to Main Street and go down it. When the marching band reaches the roundabout, you will stop and wait until they have performed a routine. Then you continue past Abelle Mall until you reach Founders Park. There your float will stop at the crossroad before entering the park. There you get off and go with Yuki,” Abelle said.

  “You’re not coming with us?” Izanami asked.

  “Yuki is with you. She is driving the float, and there are many Knights, house Guards and police on duty along the route,” Abelle replied.

  An organiser blew her whistle and drivers went to their floats and waited. Camera crews stood ready on the road and rooftops. A team of four armoured Knights with a Cù Sìth, a dark green shaggy hound, the size of a small bull, escorted Kaede’s float, with a second team following. The dog was not on a leash; it wore an Imperial Knight tabard and followed the Knights.

  In the middle of Main Street, opposite the main entrance to Abelle Mall, was a park with a stadium with many rows of seats with a row of small marquee tents on top.

  Takahiro’s box was in the middle. He looked at his pocket watch as he sat waiting.

  Precisely at noon, he stood and walked to the microphone at the front of the box.

  A very animated and loud Takahiro said into the microphone, “Welcome to the 11,571 Founders’ Day Parade. Today we celebrate the founding of the new Empire. On behalf of the Senate, to those about to start school, we hope you enjoy commencement week.”

  He paused and nodded to the crowd.

  “In the years before the Empire, we were in a terrible ice age on Terra and fought three wars for survival against the Orcs, Goblins, Ogres, and the Nāga. Then came the great flood!” Takahiro said.

  Many nodded as Takahiro spoke.

  “During the Great Flood, we saved all life, including the primitive Homo Sapiens, only to be persecuted, hunted, and enslaved by them. Our kind forced to live as a minority in our lands, where we were persecuted and oppressed. We planned our escape. A thousand years after the flood, we landed on Mars and began a long slow Exodus. Yule, 11,201, the last elf left Terra.”

  Takahiro paused and looked around. Many were confused and looked around.

  “Never again will we give another race our land, our women, or our resources. In the year 2,000, the First Fleet arrived in the Pleiades with 77,000. Since then, we have grown into a thriving Empire of 114 star-systems, with no rival. We will bend, but not break, we will be kind and merciful, but never again will we put the needs of another before our own. Never again will we face Armageddon!”

  Many stood and cheered.

  Kaede, listened wide-eyed. It is not just the words but the intensity of his delivery that captivated the people. Then a whistle blew, and Izanami tapped Kaede on the shoulder. Kaede struck as pose and waited. The motor started, Kaede clacked his naruko, and Yuki turned the music on. They began their dance routine while they waited, with Kaede at the front of the line of girls. They had a naruko in each hand, which they clacked while they twirled, and spun to the beat of many drums, and a large cymbal, backed by three different kotos and a flute.

  At the front of the parade
was a marching band led by a baton twirler, followed by the Imperial Navy float, then Sky Force, The Guard, The Inquisition, Knights, Medical Bureau, the Blood-Witches, and Technical Support.

  Following them came various floats with groups of Elves, led by Flower Elves. The float in front of Kaede had three Geisha Girls from the Teahouse, two danced with giant fans, while one played a shamisen. On the float behind him had four shirtless well-built male Flower Elves beating on Japanese kettle drums, followed by a group of females, three each played the koto, and two playing the flute. Kaede and his friends danced to the music.

  After various cultural groups came floats with a sporting team on them, the first was the Galaxy Girls Football team. They had a banner on poles at the rear and sides of the float. It read, ‘Petrov Interstellar Football Federation Champions.’

  The next group of floats represented various other sports and competitions. There was a ballroom dancing couple; shirtless male athletes from the Olympics, most of whom were Mountain Elves; swimmers, most of whom were Aquatic Elves; last was Hilda holding up a pair of golden gloves on the boxing float.

  At the entry to Abelle Mall, a roundabout split main Street. It lined up with the middle of the stadium and the main entrance to the mall. The parade stopped just before the roundabout. The marching band had split into two groups. While one group marched around the roundabout clockwise, the other marched counterclockwise. They passed through each other and met up in front of the floats; They performed a U-turn and marched past their column to return into their original formation. They went around the roundabout on the stadium side, followed by the floats.

  Hiro, Freya, and Masako were in the box beside Takahiro’s. They clapped and cheered as Kaede passed them. Kaede saw them but didn’t miss a beat; they danced in unison. They performed the Yosakoi dance with naruko clappers.

  Along the route, many fans of Kaede cheered and held up signs with ‘We Love You’ and pictures of Kaede. One group of screaming fans followed them along Main Street. Many of them were young girls in white kimonos covered in bright red hearts with a gold K in the middle.

  Chapter 6

  Andre left the Nāga battered and bruised lying curled up in a ball on the bed sobbing as he entered the bathroom. He turned the water on full and as hot as it would go.

  While in the shower, he heard, you’re dying.

  Confused, he looked around; He heard a deep voice. I can save you.

  Still confused Andre looked about the room. Ash and Avi were not back, and the Nāga sobbed quietly to herself. Puzzled, he returned to the bathroom. His body fluids had glued the bandages to his skin, but Andre felt nothing as he peeled them off.

  His skin was hard and covered in sticky slime. Andre stood in the shower. He barely felt the hot water on his body. His once proud manhood was a burnt sausage. All of his hair was gone, his body covered head to toe in scars.

  Dripping wet, he stood in the mirror and examined his ruined face. It looked like his eyelids were torn off. His nose looked like a dog had chewed on it, and his lips stuck in a grin. It excited him how fear-inspiring he looked.

  How dare you ignore me!

  Andre turned around and called out, “Who are you?”

  Ash came in holding a long quarterstaff in one hand and a robe over his other arm, followed by Avi with a large box and a security card on a lanyard.

  “I am Avi,” he replied.

  Andre looked under the bed.

  “Are you alright captain Barbaro?” Ash asked.

  Andre stood and replied, “There is a car waiting for me, but don’t kill them, only lock them in the cells.”

  “Captain?” Avi asked.

  “I said to lock the occupants in the cells, along with all the security officers,” Andre said.

  “What about those loyal to you?” Ash asked.

  “Tell them I need them to go quietly to the cells,” Andre replied.

  If you go to the Brotherhood, they will kill you slowly.

  Andre realised the voice was in his head.

  “We have orders to-” Avi said.

  Ash elbowed Avi and stared at the Nāga on the bed. Avi stopped talking. Andre walked over to them and stared at them.

  They looked at each other but were too scared to talk.

  Andre said, “I am rebuilding my crew. Do as I say, and I will make you my lieutenants. If not, I kill you both.”

  Ash stood at attention and saluted, “Aye-Aye, captain.”

  Andre grinned and said, “Good. While you are at it, take all the petty cash you can find and place as many weapons as you can in the car.”

  Andre heard a chortle. You can run, but not from me.

  Ash grabbed Avi, and they left in a hurry. Andre walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. What are you?

  I am the Horned King, and I live in the space between life and death.


  Andre grabbed his arm. “What the fuck!” he exclaimed as his limb went numb.

  The poison is killing you. Soon your legs will go numb. Not that I should care, but I want you to serve me. I will offer you a new life as a powerful necromancer.

  Andre was sceptical. “Powerful?” he asked in a loud voice.

  You only need to think; I hear your thoughts. I know your desires, and I can make your darkest desires for wealth, power, revenge, rape, and torture come true. All you need to do is get down on your knees and bow to the east and say three times, I submit to the Horned King. I am your forever obedient servant.

  Is that it?

  You want to lift Pilu and crush his skull. You want to see the light extinguished from his eyes. I can make that moment last. Feel his terror as you squeeze the life out of him, then we turn him into your undead slave. In time, you will have an army of undead minions and establish a kingdom in my name.

  Andre laughed and cried out, “Yes! My friend,” as he got down on his knees, bent over and called out three times, “I submit to the Horned King. I am forever your obedient servant.”

  Rise my subject. First, you need apprentices to serve you. Start with those two. Use mind control on them until we can summon shadow demons to inhabit them.

  Yes, my king.

  Leave now, for the Brotherhood sent a team of assassins to kill you, they serve the Nāga, go to the Dökkálfar.

  This confused Andre. Why would the Dökkálfar help me? They are our enemies.

  Go to the Dökkálfar or die. You serve me. If you disobey me, you will die! I will guide you to them, trust me, you need time to learn. They will serve our needs, for now.


  Founders Park was a large park divided by Main Street, crossed by the road that ran around the lake. On the east side of the park were seven sizeable black marble walls with the names of the 77,000 founders on them in gold.

  On the western side were thirteen statues in a ring. They were life-sized marble statues of Prince Dain Hartman, Emperor Takahiro Hashimoto, Czar Patya Petrov, Kaiser Argon Agrovar, General Kenta Yoshida, Sky Marshal Rudolf Reinhart, Maharajah Arjuna Desai, Pharaoh Takis Alexandris, Prince Georgi Vlasov, Chief Árni Tikkanen, General Adalwulf Feygold, Admiral Viktor Niemi and Chief Yaotl Belaúnde. The founders of the New Empire and the first Senate.

  Main Street ended at a large double gate in a white wall that lined the south side of the park. The estate was on the edge of the lake with a private beach, and a dock, with a large cabin cruiser. The gates opened as Toshiko approached. On the wall beside the entrance, there was a sign that had ‘The Witch of the East’ on it.

  The driveway comprised an assortment of pink and grey stones. It ended in a roundabout with a garden with a statue of Lilith in the middle. On the left an underground parking bay. On the right side, a small parking area for three cars. Seven white marble steps lead to the entrance of the mansion.

  Six household staff, in black maid outfits, stood on the front steps and bowed, Toshiko bowed slightly to them and led Kaede inside.

  Toshiko’s house was a substanti
al three-story mansion. The estate was the size of four city blocks. Inside the double doors was the main entrance. It was two storeys with a domed roof and had two stairs, on either side of an arch, to a balcony. They passed under that into the two-story main hall that led to two sets of glass double doors at the rear. The rear deck was huge with four stone columns with a balcony over it. They walked down the steps towards the helipad east of the pool house.

  Most of the pool house was clear, and inside was a large black marble pool with gold flecks. It had a diving board.

  North of the pool house stood a two-storey pagoda in the middle of a hedge maze, with a two-story guest house to the east. West of the main house was a hothouse that contained roses, besides that was a greenhouse full of orchids, and a cold house with a variety of flowers inside.

  The helicopter approached the helipad.

  “Wow, your place is huge,” Kaede said.

  “Yes. It is as big as the Petrov Estate and the Yoshida Estate combined. Kenta is on my east and Patya to the west,” Toshiko replied.

  “You must have a lot of fun there.”

  “I do, but I spent most of my time at the Palace.”

  “Who takes care of it?”

  “I hire former Knights.”

  “Good idea.”

  “That was exciting music, but I never heard it before.”

  “It is called Thunderstorm, and I wrote it myself.”

  “That is amazing. I noticed the koto sounded different.”

  “I used three different kotos that I designed.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me? I love the koto; Can I see them?” Why keep it a secret? Is he testing me to see if I spy on his secret places?

  Kaede smiled and replied, “Yes, they are in my recording studio.”

  “Could we play them?”


  “Who arranged for the other floats to play music for you?”

  “Lady Hitomi. She is a member of the Flower Elf Cultural Society. She was on a float playing the flute.”


  Ash and Avi shivered as they witnessed Andre violate the Nāga until she bled to death. He twisted her head around, back and forth until he ripped it off. Andre tossed the head to Ash and began to consume the headless corpse. Ash vomited, while Avi pissed his pants as he tore the flesh off the body and feasted on her organs. He left the skeleton on the blood-soaked bed and went to the Ambassador’s office.


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