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Samantha Sommersby - [Forbidden 03]

Page 4

by The Revolution (old ver. ) (lit)

  Bruno grinned. “The girl, too.”

  I couldn’t let that happen.

  “I’ll think about it,” I told him. Then I closed the door in his face.

  “What the hell is going on?” hissed Alex.

  She was kneeling in the center of the bed, clutching the sheet to her breasts. Her hair was seductively tousled and her eyes wide with fear.

  “Raif invited us to dinner earlier, I turned him down. Apparently he’s not a good listener. You stay here. I’ll go and have a chat with Raif.”

  “What are you going to say?”

  “That he can shove the job up his ass, we don’t need it badly enough to participate in his extracurricular activities.”

  “But we do need this job, Dell. I don’t understand. What extracurricular activities?”

  I pulled my t-shirt on over my head then sat down on the edge of the bed, my back to Alex. I began to pull on my socks and felt the bed shift. She’d climbed from it and made her way over to the dresser where I’d set her suitcase, the bed sheet wrapped loosely around her. I turned to look at her; my breath hitched in my throat.

  “It wasn’t just dinner, Alex.” She was rifling through the inside of the case with one hand, holding the sheet closed around her with the other. “He wants to fuck us.”

  Alex stopped dead in her tracks and turned to face me, clutching the sheet to her breasts. It had now slipped dangerously low in the back and the mirror behind her was flashing me a spectacular and practically unobstructed view of her backside.


  “You heard me.”

  “B… Both of us? At the same time?”

  I leaned back on my elbows and bit my lower lip, trying my damnedest not to ogle. “Can you blame him?” I asked, attempting to look casual “We are a pretty cute pair. Look at you. Is that a butterfly tattoo on your left…”

  Alex looked over her left shoulder at herself. “Christ!” she gasped, rearranging the sheet in a vain attempt to cover her nudity. “Do I look like the kind of girl that would…with two men?”

  “I don’t know,” I teased. “Maybe if you lower the sheet and give me better look I’ll be able to make up my mind.”

  Instead she reached down to retrieve one of my shoes and threw it at me. Then she motioned with her hand, demanding that I turn around so that she could get dressed.

  I did, dutifully. Apparently I’m a better listener than Raif and the good Lord rewarded my obedience by strategically hanging a print of the French Quarter over the bed.

  “Look,” I began. “Raif likes to play mind games. I think he’s just testing us.”

  I watched in the reflective glass as Alex quickly stepped into the pair of black lace panties along with the matching bra. “God, you’re hot!” I whispered.

  My second shoe hit me on the back of the head. I should have seen it coming, but when she bent over to pick it up, I kind of got distracted. “Then we just need to set him straight, that’s all,” said Alex, slipping into her dress.

  I turned around and watched for a second while she fussed with the ties that held her dress in place. “I’m going to go set him straight,” I told her. “That’s the plan.”

  “I’m going with you.”



  “No,” I said emphatically.

  “What are you doing? We don’t have time for this! Unless you plan on tying me up and leaving me here, I’m going.”

  Talk about a distraction.

  “Could I?” I asked hopefully.

  Alex frowned. “Could you what?”

  “Tie you up and leave you here?”


  “Christ, you’re stubborn!” I growled.

  “It’s one of the things that you love most about me, remember?” she said as she slid into her shoes.

  “I thought what I loved most about you was that little thing you do with your tongue,” I teased.

  “Charming. You probably said something like that to Raif earlier. Didn’t you?” she asked.

  “Of course not,” I assured her wrapping my hand around her wrist and my arm around her waist. I tugged on her arm and pulled her against me. “And I’ll have you know that if Raif so much as touches you tonight, I’m going to gnaw his hand off, sweetheart.”



  “So you agree? We’re in this together. You’re not going to leave me here all tied up?”

  I glanced over my shoulder at the bed. “Tempting, but no.”

  Alex gazed searchingly into my eyes. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. After you?”

  “So, you’re the jealous type?”

  I nodded and waved towards the door. “I’m afraid so. I’m also the over-protective type, just ask my little sister.”

  “Don’t worry about me, Dell. I’ll be fine. I’ve been politely side-stepping the advances of attentive men for years. I can handle Raif, especially with you in the room to back me up. It’ll be a piece of cake.”

  I reached up to cup her cheek in the palm of my hand, then I started deeply into her eyes and did what less than an hour ago I swore I wouldn’t.

  “I’ve got your back, Alex. You can trust me.” I promised. “Trust me,” I repeated, then I slipped inside, penetrating her mind, sliding past her defenses, folding in upon her, joining with her until I was her, until I’d taken her.

  “I do,” she sighed, melting into my arms “I do trust you, Dell.”

  “Because you’re mine,” I whispered, testing the waters. “Say it.”

  “I’m yours,” she murmured, her breath beating softly against my cheek. Her body was warm and pliable as she wrapped her arms around my waist and began to nuzzle at the crook of my neck. “Only yours.”

  “Nothing you see will shock or surprise you tonight, Alex. If anything out of the ordinary occurs, anything that would normally be disturbing, you’ll take your cue as to how to respond from me. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she replied, tilting her head back and looking deeply into my eyes as if she was searching for something already, and she was. She was already searching for what I would request next, and she wanted only to give it to me, her deepest satisfaction now coming from fulfilling even the slightest of my desires.

  Thrall is a dangerous thing.

  Chapter Four

  Bruno escorted us into the dining room where Raif was waiting. The room was unlike any I’d ever seen before, and that was saying something. The floor was made of stone, huge pieces of dark slate. The ceiling was black; at least I think it was black—the truth was that it seemed to go on forever. The only lighting in the room came from what appeared to be a collection of oil pots. There must have been sixty or seventy of them. Each one independently sitting on its own dedicated narrow self. At first glance it appeared almost as it they were randomly floating at differing heights along the long walls.

  The walls. They were painted a vibrant blood red. Several coats of paint had been applied. Layer upon layer of thick pigment, ran down the walls haphazardly, as if the walls themselves were bleeding.

  There was a gleaming mahogany table that ran almost the entire length of the room. It would have easily seated eighteen or twenty. Tonight it was set for four. Already the table was adorned with delectable morsels, artfully arranged, meant to whet the appetite and tantalize the pallet. Sitting in the center of the assortment of hors d’oeuvres was a women.

  “Ah! There you are! Come in!” called out Raif. He’d been standing at the far end of the room next to the table. He was dressed in a pair of black silk pajamas. I suppressed the urge to make a Hugh Heffner joke. Did I mention that the woman was naked? She was. Completely. Well, except for the chain choke collar that was around her neck.

  “I can’t wait for you to meet Rita. She’s really outdone herself for us. Have you ever seen such a delicious appetizer? Bruno, get our guests a drink.”

  “Scotch, rocks,” I said.

for the lady?” asked Bruno.

  I looked at Alex. Her demeanor was perfectly calm, relaxed even. She left my side and strolled over to the sideboard that functioned as a bar. She studied the array of bottles briefly, then glanced back at me.

  “Have whatever strikes you’re fancy, sweetheart,” I told her while trying not to look at Rita. That was easier said then done.

  “I’ll have a scotch, too,” I heard Alex say.

  In the dim lighting of the flickering candlelight Rita’s pale, translucent skin gave off an almost ethereal glow. She sat as still as a statue, her knees drawn up to her chest, her head titled back, and her hands positioned flat on the table behind her on either side of her hips. The position accentuated the length of her long delicate neck and forced her breasts to jut out, their rosy tips hardened and peaked. Her hair was like a curtain of rich brown velvet, its ends grazing the top of the table. I couldn’t see the color of her eyes because they were closed. But her mouth was wide open. And resting alluringly in it was a rather large ripe red plum. The seductively macabre tableau was enticingly arousing, but then I’m sure that it was meant to be. It was a display of Raif’s wealth, status, and power.

  Rita was obviously his consort, a female vampire bread for sexual companionship and pleasure. From the feel of her, she was more than a couple centuries old. I had to admit, she looked damn good for her age.

  I watched transfixed, as a small rivulet of juice spilled from her mouth and snaked its way down the length of her chin and neck, along her delicate collarbone, over the full mound of her breast, to cling tantalizingly to the hardened tip of one puckered nipple.

  Raif nudged my arm. I looked over at him. He was smiling broadly and holding out a heavy crystal tumbler filled with amber liquid. “Single malt.”

  Bruno seemed to have disappeared. Guess he was going to miss the rest of the show.

  “Thanks. Rita, I assume?” I asked, accepting the drink and waving it in the general direction of the centerpiece.

  “Isn’t she exquisite? She was a gift. Help yourself to a taste,” Raif offered, then he leaned down and latched onto Rita’s nipple, the one covered in plum juice. He suckled at her breast noisily and roughly, lacing his fingers possessively through her hair.

  It was as if I were driving down Interstate 5 past a huge pile up. I couldn’t help but look. I glanced over towards Alex. The thrall seemed to be working nicely and as I intended. She was watching casually, with only a hint of arousal—a response she’d probably picked up from me.

  After a few moments Raif released Rita’s tit with a pop. His mouth and tongue were far from finished, however, and his quest continued as he lapped a slow trail up the path that the plum juice had previously taken. It appeared to be a pleasant journey and for the briefest of moments I envied him. In dogged pursuit Raif followed the course all the way back to Rita’s mouth where finally he bit into the succulent looking fruit, releasing both a flood of juices and a wantonly lustful moan.

  I walked over to the sideboard, set down my scotch, and subtly tugged at the crotch of my jeans.

  “Where are my manners?” asked Raif as he offered Rita his hand and helped her to first stand, then climb down from the table. “Randell, this is Rita.”

  “The pleasure is mine,” I said, bowing my head slightly. “And this is Alex.”

  Rita approached me staring appraisingly into my eyes before allowing her gaze to wander unabashedly down the length of my body. She made no attempt to hide the interest as her deep brown eyes slowly drank me in.

  “You’re body begs for release,” she observed, her eyes fixed on the now all too prominent bulge in my jeans. “I could bring you much pleasure.”

  There was no sense in denying or trying to hide my erection.

  “It brings me pleasure to be faithful to my lady,” I told her, slipping my arm possessively around Alex’s waist.

  Raif laughed. “How mundane.”

  “It’s nice to know that among some, gallantry is still in fashion,” said Rita. “You’re a gentleman. Your father has taught you well.”

  “Unfortunately, gentlemen don’t normally make for good muscle,” interjected Raif.

  “He’s strong,” declared Rita. “Young in some ways, but very old in others. Interesting…” A slow satisfied smile formed on her lips as she scented the air. “She reeks of him, but they haven’t had sex. Not tonight. Not yet, anyways. The need is there though, it’s heavy and laced with desperation. Can you smell it? They’re both positively dripping with desire. Young love… It’s so delicious.”

  Raif stepped closer. I stood my ground as he sidled up to me, leaning in to inhale deeply at the hollow of my throat as he ran his hand down the length of my chest.

  “You want her so badly,” he said, “that the slightest touch could set you off. Am I right?”

  I looked down pointedly at his hand.

  “I guess not, Raif. Or maybe you just don’t do it for me,” I said with a shrug.

  He glanced up at me, raising his head so that his mouth was now just a fraction away from mine, his hand skimming over the front of my jeans.

  “I’ve yet to barely even try to do it for you,” he whispered, licking his lips.

  This was a practiced act, perfected from probably over a century of seductions. But I didn’t want any part of it. I reached down and grabbed his wrist.

  “Stop,” I said, giving him just a small a taste of my power. “Stop, or we leave now. We don’t need the job. We want it, but we don’t need it. I can be of great value to you, but certain compromises will not be made, I told you that. Take it or leave it.”

  Raif stepped back. I thought that meant he was going to accept the terms. I thought that the slight taste of power would be enough to deter him. I thought wrong. Raif had retreated all right, but only so that he could get closer to Alex. I’d underestimated him and the error cost me. In the space of a moment he had wrenched her from me and had her in his embrace.

  “I think I’ll take it,” he growled, his eyes flashing crimson as he pulled her back roughly against his chest, his arms wrapped around her, tightly encircling her waist and upper torso and effectively pinning both her arms. It was a feeding posture and if I didn’t do something fast, Alex was going to become the soup course.

  It’s amazing how a bit of anger helps to enhance one’s strength. It was the most effortless assault I’d ever executed. I’d meant to erect a simple mirror shield and boost the impact with telekinetic force. I expected the power of the magic to push Raif away. I hadn’t counted on the gust of wind, the almost blinding light, and the great big boom that literally catapulted Raif across the room, smashing him into the wall and leaving him in a crumpled heap of smarmy silk on the floor.

  “Dell?” asked Alex, her voice filled at once with terror and confusion. The thrall had been shattered, interrupted somehow. The air around her was electric, even someone with an untrained eye could clearly see the sparks that continued to snap and pop like a flurry of fire flies on a hot August night. She appeared almost dazed, trying to search through the array of lights for me, the pupils of her eyes now a pinpoint from the earlier flash.

  Raif started to climb to his feet, a low rumbling chuckle emanating from deep within his chest as he held onto the wall for support. His eyes were once again that cold steel blue.

  Rita clapped slowly.

  “Nice. Very impressive, Randell,” she said. “See, Raif? I told you that the boy was strong.”

  “This was a test?” I shouted, advancing towards Raif, my hands balled into fists and my eyes flashing red. I could feel the sheaths of my fangs start to recede and I had to make a conscious effort to not ride the anger, to harness it instead.

  “Dell?” called out Alex again.

  First, I attempted to quickly reinitiate the thrall without taking my eyes off of Raif. I couldn’t. The remnants of what remained was like a thin slice of baby swiss riddled with tiny holes. I would have had to clear the connection and start over. I didn’t have t
ime for that, I had to deal with Raif.

  “Utulu,” I whispered, extending my hand out behind me, expelling a rain of power intended to slither through the residual defenses and envelop Alex in a blanket of safe warmth until I called her back.

  Raif was watching over my shoulder.

  I heard a rustle of sound, which I imagined was Alex sliding to the floor. It was immediately followed by a sick sounding thunk.

  Raif winced. “She’s going to have a whopper of a headache when she comes to.”

  “We’ve seen only a hint of what you’re capable of, haven’t we?” asked Rita.


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