Samantha Sommersby - [Forbidden 03]

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Samantha Sommersby - [Forbidden 03] Page 7

by The Revolution (old ver. ) (lit)

Alex stepped back, then she looked up at me before falling to her knees in the shower, my dick in her hand.

  “I’ve only done this once, so if…if I’m not doing it right don’t be shy. Just tell me how you like it,” she asked, her mouth so close to the head of my dick that I could feel every pulse of breath as she spoke.

  “Uh huh,” I nodded, silver-tongued vampire that I am. Tell a woman exactly how I wanted her to suck my dick? I could do that. Sure. No problem.

  “Let me control this though. No hair pulling and no forcing me to deep throat.”

  “But I love to hold onto a woman’s hair while she… Wait, you can deep throat?”

  Alex looked up at me, her amazing emerald eyes sparkling with mischief. “Let’s find out,” she said right before sweeping her tongue in a circular motion around the head of my dick.

  The image of Raif flying across the room and slamming into the wall flashed through my mind. I think Mr. Happy saw it too, he suddenly seemed a little less enthusiastic. I guess the prospect of acting like a lightning rod didn’t appeal to him.

  I reached down and smoothed my hand over her hair, “Alex…”

  “Trust me,” she whispered right before taking the head of my cock into her luscious mouth, sucking on it like some delicious sweet.

  And for some absolutely inexplicable reason, I did. I did trust her. I didn’t know why and at that moment I didn’t want to think about it. I didn’t want to think at all. All I wanted to do was feel, feel her hands reaching around and clenching my ass, feel the suction of her warm delicious mouth and those full pink lips, and feel my cock coming back to life, growing inside of her until it was hard and full again.

  She backed off and released me. “Mmm,” she moaned, titling my cock up and licking the underside with her tongue tracing that vein underneath all the way back to the now almost purple head. My stomach was a mass of coiled springs quivering in anticipation. I had to fight the urge to grab her hair, so I reached for the soap dish on the shower wall instead. I closed my eyes, fighting for control.

  “No,” she said, “watch me.”

  My eyes flew open, just in time to see the tip of her tongue lap up a drop of pre-cum from my slit.

  “Christ, Alex!” I gasped. “Suck it. Use your mouth, baby.”

  And she did, she used it to suck down every inch of me, devouring my cock with a moan that made her throat rumble in the most spectacular way and made me believe she was enjoying it.


  Alex swallowed and the pressure in her mouth increased, her tongue undulating in a way that I’d never felt before. I could feel my balls tightening.

  “I’m gonna come, sweetheart!” I cried out in warning.

  I expected her to release me, to back off, but she didn’t. Instead she added a hand, twisting on the upstroke. She paused and, taking a cue from me earlier, she added a healthy dose of spit letting it run down my shaft and into her own hand.

  “Just like that. Perfect! Oh, God! Alex, sweetheart, stop! I’m gonna—”

  She released me then. Her eyes wide, her chest flush, her lips swollen and her breaths were coming in hard rasps. She looked glorious.

  I wrapped my hand around the base of my dick and leaned over, prepared to finish myself off and jack into the stream of the water.

  But Alex placed her hand over mine and stopped me.

  “No,” she said.

  My eyes connected with hers. “Here,” she said leaning forward and arching back, offering me those gorgeous tits and that taut, flat stomach.

  I came with a roar so fucking loud that it actually rattled the glass doors of the shower. I watched as my cum shot across her breasts, the milky fluid dripping down her torso and onto her belly.

  A few seconds ticked by and during that time my eyes never left hers.

  “So, you liked that, huh?” Alex asked, grinning broadly.

  I nodded. I wasn’t sure that I could trust my lips yet. They were feeling a little numb.

  Alex stood up and took a step towards me.

  “Ouch! Shit!” she cried out. Placing one hand on my shoulder and lifting her foot up. It wasn’t until then that I realized that I’d ripped the soap dish clean off the shower wall. There were shards of broken tile in the bottom of the shower and she’d cut her foot on one.

  “Don’t move,” I told her. “There’s more tile.” I took a deep breath to steady my nerves, big mistake. The smell of the blood had overpowered everything else.

  “Fuck!” I shouted, upset with myself for being so careless. I pushed open the shower door and stepped out, angrily throwing the chunk of ceramic that I still held in my hand into the sink before turning back to her. “Let me lift you out.”

  I placed my hands around her waist and lifted her effortlessly into the air.

  “My,” cooed Alex, “what big strong arms you have.”

  “The better to hold you with, my dear,” I answered, placing a playful kiss on her tummy before sliding her down the length of my body.

  Alex burst forth in a fit of giggles. “Don’t! I’m horribly ticklish!”

  “Yeah? Good to know,” I teased, turning her around and reaching for her foot. There was a small shard of tile sticking out of the soft pad of her heel that I easily extracted with my thumb and forefinger.

  Alex hissed.

  “You all right?”

  She nodded. “I’ll heal quickly. I always do. Are you all right?”


  “With the blood? You’re still…”

  I was still in vamp face. It was the smell of the blood. It was far too exciting. Mr. Happy agreed, and he’d just had a good seeing to.

  “Sorry,” I said turning away.

  She caught my chin and turned my face back towards her, then she looked down at my cock.

  “You’re hard again. The smell of my blood excites you.”

  I closed my eyes. “Yes.”

  “You want to taste me.”

  “Yes,” I nodded.

  “You can.”

  “Yes, but I won’t.”

  “Why not?”

  I opened my eyes and looked down at her. She was so young, so innocent, so fragile, so…dangerous.

  I swallowed. “Because…because one taste of you would never be enough.” That realization was far better than the cold shower. I felt my fangs recede and I let go of her foot.

  Alex turned around to face me. “I understand,” she said solemnly, “and I won’t offer it again. You change you’re mind…”

  “You’ll be the first to know,” I told her.

  She smiled. “Good. Now close your eyes. I have a present for you.”

  The momentary mistrust must have been evident on my face.

  “Hey, what’s that look for? I’m not even armed and you’re heap big vampire!”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Heap big vampire?”

  “Close them,” she said, reaching up to cover my eyes with her hand.

  “Okay, okay,” I relented.

  Then I felt the air around me shift as she stepped into my space. Her tits, sticky with my cum, pressed up against my chest creating a tactile memory that I was sure I’d never forget. For a moment, I thought it was going to be my new favorite. But what came next was even better. The press of her lips, the nibble of teeth, the sweep of her tongue teasing until my mouth opened and welcomed her inside. I had never tasted anything so exquisite. Never had I felt anything so intimate. Stroking, exploring, over and over. All that existed was her—this moment. I wanted it to last forever…my first real kiss.

  Alex pulled back, licked her lips, and sighed. “You’re a really great kisser, Agent Renfield.”

  “Am I?” I asked, running the pad of my thumb across her bee-stung lips.

  Alex rolled her eyes and started to step away. “Oh, please! I’m sure you’ve heard that—”

  I held onto her, pulling her back into my embrace and holding her close to my chest, her head tucked under my chin.

  “That was my
first,” I confessed.

  Alex looked up at me. “Your first kiss?”

  I felt myself begin to blush. “Yeah. I don’t kiss. Not like that. It’s too easy to get carried away and—”

  Alex placed her hand over my lips to silence me.

  “You can’t nick me, Dell. I can hurt myself by doing something like stepping on a shard of tile, but you can’t hurt me. You’d be stopped first,” she reminded me.

  “If my fangs descend you could nick yourself,” I pointed out.

  “We just need to be careful,” she continued, “stay in tune with one another and stop before your lust for blood goes too far.”

  “What about your lust?” I asked. “How are we going to keep that from going too far?”

  She turned away.

  “You want me, I can tell. I can smell it. You want me now even, don’t you?” I asked, curling my arm around her waist and then weaving my fingers through the mass of dark curly hair and into her slippery folds.

  “Yes!” she gasped. “Yes, I want you.”

  “And not just my tongue, not just my mouth,” I said. “You want my cock.”

  Alex nodded and bit her lip.

  The desire to bury myself inside of her was strong, to lower her onto the floor, to spread her legs and to push myself deep inside, to take her like no man had ever taken her. But no matter how much foreplay we engaged in, how gentle I was, the first time… It was going to hurt.

  “I think I might know how to break the spell, Alex.” I told her, running my hands through her hair.

  “You do? Do it!” she begged. “Oh, Dell! Please!”

  I stepped back, suddenly filled with dread. “You don’t even ask how. You haven’t taken time to consider the consequences.”

  “I need to be free of this,” she said.

  “Even if it would mean that you could get hurt?”

  “People get hurt all the time, Dell. That’s life. That’s normal,” she reasoned.

  I didn’t pull any punches, she deserved to hear the unvarnished truth. “Without any consequence or protection you could probably seduce any vampire you wanted and while you’re having a good time, fucking him, he could bleed you dry.”

  She looked horrified.

  “Do you think so little of me?” she asked, tears forming in her eyes.

  “No, sweetheart,” I said, reaching out to her to cup her face in my hands, only she pushed them away. “But I don’t think a lot of feeders, all they want to do it sate their hunger. It’s not about the girl, it’s never about the girl. It’s just about the blood.”

  “Is that what it’s like with your parents?” she challenged.

  I shook my head. “Blood shared during a ritual mating or during sex between mates…that’s different. It binds them, it makes them stronger, it’s…different. My parents are mates, Alex. They love one another.

  “And we don’t,” she said matter-of-factly.


  “Love each other. We’re…”

  “Partners,” I finished. “Although my feelings go beyond that, Alex. I care about you more than—”

  “We’re friends,” she declared. “With benefits, maybe?” she added.

  Now, that should have sounded great, right? But it didn’t. This girl had my stomach in knots. How the hell had she managed to turn what guys everywhere tout as the best-case scenario into something unsatisfying? I wasn’t sure and just as I was about to conclude that her continued nudity was probably preventing me from thinking clearly she launched a sneak attack.

  “Friends help one another, Dell,” Alex said pointedly. “Please,” she begged. “Help me fix this.”

  I wasn’t even a hundred percent sure that I could help her, that I could break it. But I’d remembered something, a spell that I’d seen in a book that had been given to me years ago by Basta, a book that my father would have sorely disapproved of. It was filled with spells fueled by dark magic, magic that required the kind of sacrifice I’d never been willing to make.

  Would the price of reversal be that steep? I didn’t know, but one thing I did know, if it turned out that I needed Basta’s help, it was going to come at a price. And chances were, it was going to be a price that I didn’t want to pay.

  “There are things I need to tell you. Things that I need to share with you—” There was so much that Alex didn’t know, so much that she didn’t understand, that she wasn’t prepared to understand. But she would…in time.

  “About the mission?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “What I’m talking about is more important than this one mission.”

  “I thought the mission always came first?” she challenged. “That’s what you said.”

  “Yeah,” I sighed, leaning down until that my forehead rested against hers. “I was wrong.”

  Chapter Eight

  I emerged from the bathroom to find Alex sitting in the overstuffed chair with a glass of scotch in her hand. Her legs were draped casually over one arm, her silk robe seductively parted, giving me an unobstructed view of her legs and a good bit of thigh. I’d ordered our dinner while she’d showered and then when she’d finished I’d claimed the bathroom for myself. The food had yet to arrive. “I see you found the scotch,” I said as I finished toweling off my wet hair.

  Alex shrugged. “I have a feeling I’m going to need it.”

  She stood up then and walked over to me, a smile gracing her lips that I hadn’t seen before on her. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it.

  “You shaved,” she said, lifting her hand to my face and running it over my cheek.

  The fact that she’d noticed made me feel self-conscious. I’d done it for her, of course. Because I wanted to be close to her, to burry my face between her breasts and between her thighs. It felt like a considerate thing to do at the time, now it felt presumptuous.

  “I always shave at night,” I said dismissively.

  She looked into my eyes, then grinned.

  “What?” I asked, tossing the towel I’d been using to dry my hair onto the bed, then loosening the one that was around my waist and dropping it on the floor.

  She turned around.

  “Nothing,” she said.

  I didn’t understand her sudden shyness and I didn’t want to give in to it. So I closed the gap between us, pressing the length of my body against hers and wrapping my arms around her waist.

  “Okay, the truth is that I can’t resist your charms,” I told her as I swept her hair across her back and over one shoulder, baring her neck so that I could nuzzle where I’d kissed her earlier. “I shaved because I want to get close to you again. I want you again. I want you still. I—”

  “You what?” she asked.

  I’d stepped away from her and turned on an extra light. “I just realized I left a mark on you earlier, Alex. It’s red.”

  Alex lifted her hand to her neck, then raced to the mirror. “It is!” She turned to face me. “How?”

  I shook my head. “What went into the spell, what exactly the barriers are, I don’t know. It’s about more then intention, although I think that’s part of it. I think it’s also about your experience. Did you experience pain when I—”

  She blushed and turned away again and the surprise of it had me stopping mid-sentence.

  “Are you the same girl that walked into the bathroom an hour ago and blew me so superbly in the shower that my orgasm rattled the doors and made me rip the soap dish off the wall?”

  Alex’s hands flew up to cover her face and she shook her head. “That girl was drunk on endorphins or…vampire pheromones.”

  “That girl knew what she wanted and she wasn’t afraid to ask for it,” I told her, peeling her hands from her face and lacing my fingers through hers.

  “I’m not afraid,” she said with an unexpected fierceness.

  I let images of our earlier coupling float through my mind, then reality gave way to fantasy, what I’d done blended with what I wanted to do. What I’d resisted doing.
r />   “You should be afraid, Alex. You should be very afraid.”

  “We’re not talking about sex anymore, are we?” she asked, looking at me steadily now. Suddenly she was all business. The blushing virgin was gone.

  I stepped away from her. Moving over to the dresser, I opened one of the drawers, pulled out a pair of black sweatpants and slipped them on. “Yes and no,” I replied, yanking on the drawstring and tying it off.


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