Blushing Cheeks Volume Two

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Blushing Cheeks Volume Two Page 2

by Blushing Books

  Lord Essex walked up behind her. “Hands above your head, Amelia.”

  I was on my knees now, still hidden behind the chair but I had a perfect view. Amelia raised her arms above her head, her hands flat on the table. I was in shock, I knew I should cry out, stop this before it went any further. But I was glued to the spot. I wanted to see what was going to happen next.

  Amelia’s soft voice was barely audible. “Please forgive me, Milords. I’m sorry for my indiscretion. I pray you, show me my place.”

  The leather made a swishing noise as it sailed through the air and landed on Amelia’s bare bum. She moaned softly. “Thank you Milord for showing me my place. May I have more correction, please?”

  The leather landed again and again and again. Each time I heard it sail through the air my breath caught in my throat, as if the leather would land on my bum. After each swat Amelia thanked Lord Essex and asked for “more correction.” After a few minutes Lord Essex handed the leather to Lord Cannonberry, who continued the spanking. After a few more minutes he handed the strap to Lord Beaton, who took his place. I could hear the tears in Amelia’s voice. She was thanking them and then begging for more correction in the same breath, her crying very noticeable.

  I wanted to jump up and yell for them to stop. I wanted to scream and run from the room, telling every person in the drawing room that a woman was being whipped in the library. But I didn’t. I knelt and watched. The sounds of the leather and of Amelia’s moans were causing my belly to clinch. They were also causing a queer feeling in my quim. It quivered with each moan. I stared at Lord Essex. He was standing off to the side, watching his friends whip the young widow. I wondered what it felt like, what Amelia was feeling.

  When Lord Beaton finished the spanking the room was silent except for Amelia’s soft sobs. I could hear myself breathing heavily. I was fascinated. She seemed to love what they were doing to her but why, I wondered, were they whipping her? What gave them the right? Why did she permit it?

  There was silence and I saw Lord Beaton hand the strip to Lord Essex. He took it and lightly began to caress Amelia’s rear, which had bright splashes of red spread across it.

  “What is the first rule of the Club, Amelia?” Lord Beaton asked, his voice stern.

  “Milords are in charge,” she whispered. “Their word is law.”

  “And why were you punished today?” Lord Cannonberry’s voice held the same sternness.

  “For breaking the rules,” Amelia said. “I disobeyed an order from Lord Beaton today.”

  “And what order was that?” Lord Essex asked.

  “Lord Beaton ordered me to his home for a spanking today, and I couldn’t make the appointment.” Her voice was soft. “Please Milords, forgive me. Don’t make me leave the Club. I couldn’t get away from my family. I didn’t mean to miss the appointment. Please forgive me. It won’t happen again.”

  I watched as the three of them exchanged glances. Lord Essex nodded. “Very well Amelia, we will give you one more chance. You will receive ten more strokes from each of us now. Then you will come to Lord Beaton’s home at precisely two tomorrow. Do not be late. Do not miss the appointment. You will take whatever punishment Lord Beaton gives you. Do I make myself clear?”

  Amelia sniffled. “Yes, Milord, I will do as you say.”

  I listened as the swats were delivered, one right after the other. Amelia’s moans were growing louder.

  “Please Milords, please, I need release.” Her voice was loud, her tone pleading.

  “Release is for good little girls,” Lord Beaton said. “Perhaps I will allow it tomorrow, but not tonight.”

  The swats ended and Lord Essex’s voice rang out. “You are to make yourself available to any member of the Club when they ask Amelia, is that clear?”

  “Yes, Lord Essex, it’s very clear. Thank you for the correction, Milords.”

  “Very well,” Lord Cannonberry said. “We’ll see if you’ve learned your lesson tomorrow. You may stand now.”

  I watched as she stood, her legs wobbly. Lord Cannonberry supported her on one side, Lord Beaton on the other. Both reached up and gently pushed hair away from her face. Lord Essex moved in behind her and talked softly in her ear. I couldn’t hear what he was saying, but she was sighing with pleasure, showing that she enjoyed whatever it was he’d whispered.

  Essex then took the leather strap and stepped back. I slipped back down behind the chair. Cannonberry and Beaton were helping Amelia straighten her skirts and fix her hair. The four of them stood in the center of the room and talked for a few moments.

  I heard the door open and shut. I leaned my head against the back of the chair, trying to catch my breath. I had not been discovered, amazingly enough. I had started to rise when I heard footsteps coming across the room. Lord Essex had the leather strap in his hands. He crossed the room and sat down in the chair I was hiding behind.

  “You may come out now Mrs. Hudson,” he said sternly. I stood up and he turned around to face me.

  “My, my, my, what a naughty little girl you are,” he said, laughter in his voice. “Whatever am I going to do with you?”

  Chapter Two

  Lord Essex had taken off his coat and loosened his shirtsleeves before the spanking. Now, sitting in the chair with the leather draped casually across his lap he looked wicked.

  I shivered, trying to find my voice. “Please forgive me, Milord,” I said in a mimic of Amelia’s words. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I was simply looking for a quiet place. I won’t tell anyone what I’ve seen. I swear.”

  Lord Essex’s smile deepened. “Oh I know you won’t say anything, Mrs. Hudson. It would further harm your already damaged reputation. I’m not worried about you saying anything. I’m wondering how to punish you for prying into my private affairs.”

  He wiggled the leather in his lap and smiled.

  “Oh no!” My voice was quivering. I tried to put conviction in my words. “I will not allow you to do THAT...” I stopped and pointed to the table, “to ME. And I did not pry. It was an honest mistake.”

  And he laughed. He actually laughed at me. He stood and walked toward me, the leather strap hanging from his hand.

  “Oh my dear Mrs. Hudson, you will allow it, and much more before we are finished. And, if it was an honest mistake you should have made your presence known.” He crossed behind me and gathered me into his arms, using the strap to pull me back against him. The leather was resting against my stomach and I shuddered.

  His lips were near my ears. Never had a man held me this closely, not even Barnard.

  “My sweet Mrs. Hudson, I simply cannot allow you to witness what you just did without any punishment.”

  I tried to wiggle out of his arms and he pulled the leather tighter. I could feel his manhood pressed against my bum. It was hard and much larger than I thought it would be. It caused a wave of what I could only assume was desire that made my knees go weak. I wanted to turn around and touch it. To see it. The feelings scared me and thrilled me at the same time.

  “Release me,” I said softly. “I promise you I won’t say anything. Please, release me.”

  He kissed my neck, just below my ear and I moaned. He dropped the leather at my feet and his hands went up to my breasts, gently caressing them through the satin material. Then he pulled on the bodice and my nipples spilled forth. They were hard and aching. He gathered them in his fingers and gently twisted them. I pushed myself back against him and laid my head on his shoulder.

  “Mrs. Hudson how I look forward to training you.” He continued to caress my nipples. “Your sweet bum calls to me even now. However we don’t have time. Dinner will be served in moments.”

  My breathing was coming in short gasps. I knew that I should try and break out of his arms but I didn’t want to. “Please.”

  He laughed lightly. “Please what, my sweet Mrs. Hudson?” His lips were in my hair, his fingers twisted my nipples harshly and I cried out.

  “Please. Stop. No. More.” His voi
ce was deep, his breath tickling my neck.

  “Which is it, Mrs. Hudson, stop, or more?” I didn’t answer. I couldn’t answer. All I could do was press my breasts against his hands.

  He twisted my nipples again and whispered in my ears. “We’ll walk in the gardens after dinner and discuss this predicament.” He turned me around and looked in my eyes. His were heavy with lust and I knew that mine were probably the same. Watching Amelia being spanked had caused feelings of warmth to spread through my belly. His handling of my breasts had increased that feeling.

  He leaned down and took one of my nipples in his mouth. I gasped and tried to pull away and he bit gently. Then I moaned and felt myself melt in his arms.

  “After dinner, Mrs. Hudson,” he whispered. “We’ll dance and discuss.” He pulled my bodice back up, positioning it to cover my nipples again. I was speechless, unable to answer. I didn’t want to wait until after dinner. If he was going to divest me of my maidenhead I wanted him to do it right now, before I changed my mind. I could feel the dew on my quim.

  He stepped back and offered me his arm. “Shall we?”

  I looked down and he lifted my face back up gently. “Soon, Mrs. Hudson, soon. Your training must come first, but soon I will fulfill what you are feeling now. Give it time.”

  And then he turned and headed for the door, offering me his arm again as he opened it. “Shall we?”


  Dinner seemed to last an eternity. I’d been seated next to two older gentlemen that I did not know. Happily for me they did not shun me. Both included me in conversations and were polite and attentive.

  But I was unable to eat much. My stomach was in knots. I pushed the food around on my plate and thought about Lord Essex’s hands on my breasts. I thought about Amelia bent over the table in the library, the three Lords punishing her behind with the leather strap. I looked down the table at her. She was laughing and happy, a rosy blush on her cheeks. She was seated next to Lord Beaton, who leaned over repeatedly and whispered in her ear.

  The longer I watched them the madder I became. How dare Lord Essex try to drag me into his debauchery? I didn’t care if he and his friends spanked every one seated at this table. They would not spank me.

  I smiled at the ancient Lord seated next to me, and then turned and shot an evil glare at Lord Essex. He had been looking at me already, a twinkle in his eye. That twinkle deepened upon seeing my scowl. Then he took his knife and rapped it repeatedly against the palm of his hand, mimicking a spanking motion.

  I couldn’t believe that he would be so blatant. If he thought I was walking in the gardens with him after dinner he was sorely mistaken. Just because I’d melted when he’d explored my breasts didn’t mean I was interested in him. I was 23 years old. I was a virgin and a widow. I would have melted if the old man sitting next to me had played with my breasts. Then I took another look at the aging man. Well, maybe not melted.

  I glanced around the table. The women were clearly uninterested in me. The men, however, were very interested. I did have money. I stared at the gathered Lords and gentlemen, trying to decide whom I could flirt with after dinner. Perhaps the flirting could turn into something more permanent.

  I glanced down the table again and received a shy smile from Geoffrey Edwards. Geoffrey was the second son of a Duke, untitled but still a good catch. I decided he would do nicely. Then I attacked the remaining food on my plate.

  Lord Essex could go to the devil. He could walk in the gardens with someone else. I had other things to attend to.


  The second dance of the evening was in full swing when Geoffrey Edwards appeared at my side, asking me to join him on the floor. Lord Essex scowled at this turn of events. He had been dancing with his aunt, a woman barely ten years older than himself who was acting as his hostess.

  Geoffrey led me to the floor but I felt none of the exciting shiver when he took me in his arms that I’d felt in the library.

  “You look very lovely this evening, Mrs. Hudson,” Geoffrey said. “I’m glad to see your mourning is over and you will be able to join us more often.”

  I smiled up at him.

  “Why thank you Mr. Edwards,” I whispered. “It is most gratifying to be able to move about in society again.” I lowered my eyes and sneaked a glance at Lord Essex. He was still dancing with his aunt.

  I pushed myself closer to Geoffrey. “Not that I don’t miss Barnard, but one does get tired of wearing black.”

  Geoffrey laughed and tightened the arm he held around my back. “Perhaps I might call upon you sometime? We could go for a ride in the park, or perhaps to see a play? I will ask your father-in-law for permission, if that is acceptable to you.”

  I smiled up at him, but before I could say yes, a hand on my shoulder stopped us both in the middle of the floor.

  “Forgive me, Edwards,” Lord Essex said, his voice dripping with anger. “If you don’t mind Mrs. Hudson and I have something we need to discuss.”

  Geoffrey dropped his arms immediately and I stepped back.

  “Actually,” I said. “I do believe we have finished that conversation, Lord Essex.”

  The handsome lord’s eyes darkened even more.

  “Mr. Edwards has just invited me to a play this weekend,” I turned and beamed at Geoffrey. “I’m sure my father-in-law would agree to our outing. Shall I look for you around seven?”

  Geoffrey bowed and kissed my hand. “The pleasure will be all mine, Mrs. Hudson.”

  Then he nodded to Lord Essex and left the dance floor. Couples had been mulling around us, trying to overhear the conversation. Another little tidbit for the gossip columns.

  Lord Essex gathered me in his arms and we began to dance. “Mrs. Hudson, you’re not playing by the rules. You’ve seen what I do to those who don’t obey the rules.”

  The laughter that had been in his eyes at dinner was gone. He was guiding us toward the open doorway that led to the gardens. The cool spring air was flowing inside. I could smell the flowers that were in bloom. The feeling of warmth in my stomach had returned.

  I fought the feeling down and looked up at Lord Essex.

  “I told you before I will not play your games. Your secret is safe with me, however.”

  He kept his arm around me as we moved out onto the stone landing at the top of the gardens.

  “Yes, you did say that,” he said, keeping his arm around me. “However, I don’t accept that. You are not in charge of this situation, Mrs. Hudson, I am.”

  He had his arm around my waist and we were moving toward a bench that was nestled near the rose bushes. I could push him away and cause another scene. Several couples were also headed toward the gardens. I knew there was nothing he could do to me physically. It was too public of an area. I was worried, however, about what he could do to me mentally. My ability, and desire, to resist him was hanging by a thread.

  All it had taken was the feel of his hand against the small of my back. I had not had this giddy feeling when Geoffrey Edwards touched me. He sat on the bench and pulled me down beside him, nestling me close against him.

  “If I were you, my sweet, I would break your plans with Geoffrey Edwards for Saturday evening,” he was whispering in my ear, leaning very close. I was sure every couple nearby was straining to hear what he was saying. “I believe you are going to be otherwise engaged.”

  I shook my head. “Geoffrey is a very sweet man. I plan on keeping the engagement. Lord Essex, although I appreciate your interest, I do believe we are not suited for each other.”

  I could see Amelia in my mind, bent over the table. Lord Essex was swinging the leather toward her behind. I shivered and he drew me closer. “Say it all you want, Mrs. Hudson, but we are very suited to each other.”

  He pulled back and lifted my face so that our gazes met. “Come tomorrow, at tea time. My aunt will welcome you, and then she will give us time together, to get to know one another.”

  The anger that I’d felt at dinner returned. “
How dare you just assume that I will be at your beck and call! I have other plans for tomorrow.”

  I stood and turned. Layla and her husband, Martin, were in the doorway, watching us with great interest. Lord Essex pulled me back down onto the bench and I almost lost my balance. Only his outstretched arm kept me from toppling backwards.

  “Mrs. Hudson, tomorrow’s engagement is not an invitation, it is an order.” His voice was steely. Layla and Martin started toward us. “This is my only warning, my sweet. Do not cross me.”

  He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, pulling me to my feet just as Layla and Martin reached us.

  Lord Essex turned his smile on the pair. “A beautiful night, isn’t it? If you’ll excuse me I must attend to my other guests.” He kissed my cheek, and then kissed Layla’s, shaking hands with Martin before he disappeared into the ballroom.

  My hands were shaking. His voice had held a determination that I had never heard. Layla looked at me questioningly. Martin had a smug smile on his face. “It seems you’ve captured the attention of Lord Essex,” he said.

  I looked at him and smiled. Inside I was thinking it was the most stupid statement I had ever heard. Everyone had noticed the attention I had received from Essex. Layla looked at her husband and shook her head, a smile on her face. Then she leaned in as if to kiss my cheek. “What did I tell you? And when do I need to create an alibi for your first tryst?”

  She laughed and Martin joined in, even though he didn’t know the joke. I smiled at the both of them and felt my insides quaking. An order indeed. We would see who would win this battle of wills. I would not go gently into Lord Essex’s plans. He could kiss his order goodbye. I would be otherwise engaged at teatime tomorrow.


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