Blushing Cheeks Volume Two

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Blushing Cheeks Volume Two Page 8

by Blushing Books

  I sat up and looked at him.

  “You wouldn’t!”

  “Oh I would, if I thought it would get my point across,” George’s voice was firm. “Or I could call on another member of the Club, make you watch while I spank her.”

  I frowned at the thought of George spanking another woman. Of course I knew that he had done so in the past, and that as a member of the Club he would do so in the future, but I did not like the idea. I wanted George’s spankings to be for me only.

  “Do I make myself clear, Charlotte?” He lifted my chin so that our eyes met.

  “Yes Master George, very clear.”

  “Good, then we will just add a little more emphasis to the matter. Go and pick out a piece of leather.”

  And so I did.


  We left for Lord Buxton’s house party that Thursday morning. I was very worried about my initiation, which would be at Lord Ellington’s house the next Monday evening. George had just smiled at me when I mentioned it, asking again who would be there.

  “You’ll see, sweet wife, you’ll see.” While we traveled I tried to think of who I knew was in the Club. Lord Ellington said he and Lord Buxton had founded it some time ago. He said there were eleven members. I counted six that I knew of, the founders, my husband, Lords Cannonberry Beaton and Barton, and the Duke of Wickham.

  That meant there were four men I didn’t know who would be watching while my husband spanked me. The thought both thrilled and frightened me.

  “George,” I said. “Tell me how the Spanking Club came into being. I know that Lord Ellington and Lord Buxton formed it, but how did it grow? How did you become a member?”

  George laughed. “Ellington and Buxton were the first two members, of course. They were the only two members for years. They discovered, while sharing a woman one night, that they both enjoyed spanking a woman’s behind.”

  “At first it was some sort of joke, I believe.” George’s voice was light. He said the two would spank their latest conquests, taking turns, and soon discovered that some women loved it as much as they did.

  The Duke of Wickham was the next member to join.

  “Soon there were many other members,” George said. ‘I joined about five years ago, after Cannonberry told me about it. Men will talk, you know. And, we have a new male member. That brings us to twelve now.”

  George went on to say that male members had to prove that they were spanking for pleasure, and not to inflict pain, and that they had to prove they could spank without breaking the skin.

  “This, after all, is the Spanking Club, not the Beating Club,” my husband said.

  “And do you often make use of the female members?” I tried to keep my voice even but the thought was not one I wanted to entertain.

  “Jealous, wife?” George smiled at me. “I have been known to spank a few of the female members. But as Ellington told you sex between the members is frowned upon, unless they are attached.”

  “But spanking me always makes you hard,” I said. “How does it not make you hard with the others?”

  George smiled. “It does, but you don’t always act on it. That’s one of the reasons I’m very thrilled that you, who I was attracted to, enjoy spanking as much as I do. Not all members require their ladies to call them Master, either. That is something I enjoy, along with the Duke, as you found out.”

  I blushed. “It thrills me that you wanted me. Me. A lowly merchant’s daughter.”

  George lurched across the carriage and pulled me to him in a deep kiss “A lowly merchant’s daughter with beautiful eyes and a gorgeous bum.”

  We collapsed onto the seat in a fit of laughter. Moments later the carriage pulled into Lord Buxton’s country estate. It was large and somewhat foreboding.

  Our host greeted us and instructed a footman to take the bags to our room. We freshened up and then made our way to the drawing room. George gave me a smile before he opened the doors, revealing a long table where four ladies were bent over, their naked bums in the air.

  I gasped and he laughed. “I’m afraid that I’ve deceived you a bit, sweet wife. Your initiation is today. The ‘house party’ is really a gathering of the Club, to welcome our new member.”

  I looked around the room. In addition to the members I knew sat five gentlemen, The Duke of Salisbury, The Duke of Chesire, Lord Graham, Lord Shaw and Lord McIntyre. All the women in the room were wearing sheer robes and nothing else. I recognized Ellen, the Duchess of Wickham. She smiled at me and waved.

  Lord Buxton was standing behind the ladies bent over the table, a large wooden paddle in his hands.

  “Lady Essex, you’re just in time.” He rang for a maid. “Please help Lady Essex disrobe. Then, Milady, you may only watch until after your initiation tonight. But I’m afraid Club rules require all women to be clad only in the robes during playtime at the house parties.”

  Once I was wearing the robe George led us to a chair and pulled me onto his lap. Lord Buxton smiled, and then turned to the foursome who awaited him. Without uttering a word he pulled back and smartly swatted the behind of the first woman. He gave her fifteen resounding slaps and received a smattering of applause from the audience.

  Then he moved on to the next and repeated his moves. When he got to the end of the line he went back to the front and started again, giving each woman twenty swats. Their backsides were reddening and I felt wetness forming in my quim. He repeated the spankings a third time, giving each woman twenty-five swats. I looked around the room. Several of the men had taken a lady over their laps for a spanking. Lord Shaw eyed me and raised his eyebrows, laughing as I gasped. The Duchess of Salisbury was climbing onto his lap, begging to be spanked.

  When Buxton was finished the ladies stood up. I recognized three prominent widows and the Duchess of Chesire. All four knelt and thanked ‘Milord Buxton’ and kissed his hands. Four ladies scrambled to take their places at the table and Lord Graham took up the paddle, performing the same way Lord Buxton had.

  Master George began playing with my quim during Lord Graham’s second time round the table. I wanted desperately to spend. I also wanted to be one of the women bent over the table.

  “Are you watching them sweet Charlotte?” George’s voice was low in my ear. “See how they enjoy it? Just as much as you do.”

  He continued to play with my quim as I watched Lord Graham paddle Amelia, who was squealing with delight. I leaned my head against George’s shoulder and listened to her cries of pleasure, wishing it was me bent over that table. When Master George’s fingers brought me to a climax I heard loud applause. I hadn’t realized that everyone was watching us, that all spanking had stopped.

  Amelia was turned toward me, giggling and squealing. I blushed furiously to know that everyone had watched me climax.

  “I do believe it’s time for Lady Essex’s initiation,” Lord Ellington said. “Ladies, if you would kindly kneel by your husbands or sponsors, we shall finish our business”

  The ladies all sat by their men, sending me knowing smiles. I shivered upon my husband’s lap. He held me close, whispering in my ear about how he was looking forward to this, how he wanted to show everyone that I was his.

  Lord Ellington offered me his hand and I took it, standing and following him to the middle of the room. I was told to kneel and I did so. All eyes were upon me.

  “Lady Essex,” Lord Buxton said. “Have the rules of the Club been explained to you?”

  “They have, Milord Buxton,” I said softly.

  “Very well,” he continued. “You will bend over the table. Your husband has chosen to spank you with a wooden paddle for your initiation. There are no bindings as this is a voluntary initiation. You will make no noise during the spankings except to count each stroke. At the end of the spanking you will pledge to follow the rules of the Club. Is that clear?”

  “It is, Milord Buxton.” My heart was beating wildly. I knew that each man was watching me eagerly.

  I was led to the table wher
e I was bent over. Buxton turned and said loudly, “Let the initiation begin.”

  The assembled group clapped and I kept my gaze turned forward. George stepped up behind me and lifted the robe so that my bum was naked. I shivered at the idea that men, and women, were seeing me naked.

  George ran his hand across my backside, and then I felt the cool of the wooden paddle slide across my skin, which still bore the marks from last night’s punishment.

  Swish. The first stroke landed and I counted out “One.”

  Swish. “Two.”

  Swish. “Three.”

  Swish. “Four.”

  Swish. “Five.”

  When he got to ten the tears were flowing freely down my face. My bum was still aching from the previous night. But despite the pain I was very excited. I could hear men and women murmuring as each swat landed. It was a thrilling feeling.

  Smack. “Eleven.”

  Smack. “Twelve.”

  Smack. “Thirteen.”

  Smack. “Fourteen.”

  Smack. “Fifteen.”

  When George reached fifty he stopped and rubbed my behind. The crowd applauded lightly and I felt a stirring of pride. It had been hard to stay still as the paddle landed but I had not wanted to embarrass George. I wanted him to be proud of me. I wanted to please him.

  The next twenty-five strokes were delivered quickly and then George paused and rubbed my behind with the wood again. Only twenty-five to go and I would be done. George would be proud and I would be a full-fledged member of the Spanking Club. I wondered what other surprises, like the spanking horses, awaited me.

  When we reached ninety George spoke for the first time since we’d started. “Count very loud sweet wife.”

  Whack. “Ninety-one.” My voice was a whisper and my ass was on fire.

  Whack. “Ninety-two.” Only eight more to go.

  Whack. “Ninety-three.” I fought the urge to look back at George.

  Whack. “Ninety-four.” My voice broke on the words. George’s swings were getting harder. I began to sob, trying to keep it quiet but failing. The men in the room began to utter encouraging words.

  “You’re almost there, Charlotte, don’t lose it now.”

  “Just a few more little one, just a few more.”

  “Don’t tense up, just relax.”

  Whack. “Ninety-five.” The crowd applauded and I smiled.

  Then, without warning the remaining five were delivered quickly without giving me time to count. My tears were fully in bloom, and applause filled the room.

  Master George sat me on my feet and grabbed me in his arms and told me how much he loved me, and how glad he was that I had done so well.

  The ladies and men all congratulated me in some manner, with hugs, kisses or sharp slaps on the behind, telling me how happy they were that I was now a member of the Club. Several of the ladies wiped away my tears, asking to see my reddened behind.

  “I do believe we need time to get ready for dinner,” Lord Buxton said, moving people out the doors.

  George and I went to our room where he inspected my behind. He ran his fingers across the welts, telling me how beautiful they looked.

  Then he laid me across the bed, with my bum in the air. My eyes were still stinging with tears but I knew that George was pleased, and so was I. Each stroke had been incredibly painful, but incredibly thrilling. I remembered the clapping and the words of encouragement from those who were watching. I wondered what it would feel like to be on the other end, watching a new member be initiated. The thought pleased me greatly.

  I gasped slightly as George rubbed a cool cream into my aching behind. The cream cooled the fire somewhat. I lay where I was as George removed his clothing. He lay down on top of me and I cried out at the contact.

  “How sweet you look, how delicious,” George said. He was already hard. Spanking me always made him rise and I could feel him pressed against me.

  He moved himself back and forth so that he rubbed against my fiery backside. I heard him moan in approval as he moved my thighs apart and slipped into my wetness.

  “How I love you Charlotte,” he whispered in my ear. “Fate dealt us a good hand, don’t you think?”

  George began to move and I sighed. “Yes Master George, a very fine hand.” It took mere moments for me to find my center and when I did so did George, both of us collapsing into the bed and laughing.

  “What happens for the rest of the house party?”

  George rolled us onto the bed so that I was pulled into his chest, his arms wrapped protectively around me.

  “Why spankings, of course. A great number of spankings. I will have a lot of requests for you tomorrow but I don’t think I’m going to allow it. I don’t think I’m ready to share your sweet bum quite yet.”

  I laughed as he spoke.

  “Are there other things, like the horses?”

  He looked down at me and grinned. “Oh yes, my sweet. There are several things. We can try then, or we can watch. We might do a lot of watching this weekend. I don’t want to overwhelm you.”

  I grinned up at him as he leaned down to kiss me. I had never felt so warm and wonderful.


  George and I were lying on a blanket in the backyard of Lord Buxton’s house. He was behind me, his hands wandering below the thin robe, his fingers stroking breasts and my quim.

  We watched as Amelia Turnston was shackled to a wooden horse. Lord Cannonberry was on one side, Lord Barton the other. They began whipping and she began riding, her cries of pleasure ringing out across the lawn. I smiled as I nestled my own naked, reddened bum closer to my husband. I remembered my own experience with the horse and how much I had loved it.

  Was it possible that just a few short weeks ago I had watched while those two men and my husband whipped Amelia while I watched? I should really thank her for helping bring us together.

  Did I really fight him? Tell him no? Try and keep myself away from him? If I knew then what I knew now, I would have not only gone for tea the first day, I would have never left. Of course really, I went for one spanking and never left.

  I turned my head and looked at George.

  “Did you really plan for me to watch you whip Amelia that evening?”

  He laughed. “Not exactly. I planned to make a play for you, and that little scenario just presented itself to me. It let me see right away that you and I are very suited for each other.”

  He kissed me and I smiled.

  Across the way we watched Lord Ellington lead Talia Barrows to a tree where he made her choose a branch and strip away the bark. Then he sat down on a bench and took her over his knee.

  I thought of the handsome Lord and the way that he had treated me the past few weeks. Always kind and sweet. I smiled.

  “We need to find a good woman for Lord Ellington,” I said. “Someone who will be as happy with him as I am with you.”

  George pulled me closer. “Say it again.”

  I looked at him questioningly. “Say what again?”

  “That you’re happy with me.”

  “Oh yes, Master George, I’ll say it again. I’m very happy with you.”

  And then I turned to him and grinned. “And if I say that I’m not? What happens then?”

  For an answer he pushed me over and swatted my behind soundly. “Why Charlotte, I do believe you haven’t been introduced to the tree yet. Do we need to make a visit?”

  I giggled and moaned as he slapped my behind again.

  “Will you say it again, Charlotte?”

  I sighed. “Oh yes, George, again, and again, and again. I’m very happy with you.”

  Also by Melinda Barron for Blushing Books:

  Lily’s Lessons

  ISBN: 978-1-60968-074-9

  Lily Park is coming home. But she's not happy about it. Eleven years ago, Lily was driving during an accident in which her mother was killed, and she was seriously injured. Her father laid the blame on her, and told her he never wanted to see her again.<
br />
  Now, Joe Park has become injured in a fall from his horse. He needs Lily's help to help him around the family's ranch. At the urging of her sisters, Lily comes home to Texas, reluctantly.

  Once Lily is home, though, she and her father clash, and she regrets her decision. She especially regrets it after Chase Hamilton, her father's ranch foreman, steps in to let Lily know that her nasty attitude won't be tolerated at the Park Bar III. And he has just the right way to correct her behavior.

  Tricky Situation

  ISBN: 978-1-60968-192-0

  Doreen Cole loves Halloween, and everything that goes with it. She always overspends on candy for the neighborhood children, and always decorates so much that the neighbors remark on the gaudiness of the house. But Doreen doesn't care, those little infractions are worth the fun at Halloween, and she'll gladly pay the price of the spankings she receives for them.

  This year, though, things are different. She and her husband, Walter, are now empty nesters, since the last of their three children has left for college. Doreen decides to host a murder mystery Halloween weekend in their huge house. She invites five other couples that will fit perfectly into their five extra bedrooms, and she sends out the invitations, and makes all the plans, without consulting her husband.

  She figures she'll tell him a week before hand, he'll spank her for not telling him, and that will be the end of his anger. But when Walter finds out before Doreen is ready to let the cat out of the bag, she finds out that he
  During the party, however, a prankster makes himself known, and the fake hunt for a murderer turns into a full-fledged hunt for a Halloween jokester.

  The Research Assistant


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