Blushing Cheeks Volume Two

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Blushing Cheeks Volume Two Page 14

by Blushing Books

  Regardless of the reason, he’d simply watched, a funny little smile on his face, while she wincingly pulled up first her panties and then her jeans, the tenderness of her aching bottom so deliciously wounded by those three wonderful, throbbing stripes. Not all the rubbing in the world could put out that kind of fire, and oh to have to sit down on that bus for the long ride home. She didn’t remember the road being that full of potholes when they’d come up here; she both moaned and laughed each time he hit a rut and she couldn’t quite arrest her bounce.

  Once home, Colton walked Mindy to her door. He took his hat off as he bid her goodnight, then tucked a finger under her chin, tilting her lips up into his and kissed her. Not a modest buss to her cheek, but a full on conquering kiss, his lips on hers, coaxing her mouth to open to him and then invading relentlessly when she obeyed. Who could ever could have thought a simple kiss could so thoroughly curl a girl’s toes? But his did. Curled her toes, weakened her knees, melted her through and through. He turned her into butter, right there on her own front porch. And after he was gone, she’d floated up the stairs to her bed as if she were walking on clouds.

  “Details,” Nana said, when Mindy joined her at the breakfast table in the morning.

  “There’s nothing to tell,” she replied, but try through she did to behave with absolute normalcy, the way she eased herself onto the hard, straight-backed chair did not pass unnoticed by her grandmother.

  Clucking her teeth and shaking her head, the old woman muttered, “One size fits all, my ass.”

  Hiding her knowing smile behind her coffee cup, she couldn’t wait until Friday to see him again. It would be a night of bowling and hotdogs, and maybe some hot spanking fun afterwards. Maybe back at his place. Maybe she should get her own condoms, just in case. Because she didn’t think she could stand to feel him rubbing up against her sorely aching bottom, not one more time without also wanting to feel him rubbing deep inside of her.

  Yeah. Yeah, they were definitely going to need condoms for date number three. And Mindy was washing the lunch dishes and quietly contemplating the pros and cons of strawberry-flavored versus ridged-for-her-pleasure when the phone rang.

  “Can Mindy come out and play?” a familiar voice asked from the other end of the line.

  “Colton!” It wasn’t Friday, but her heart skipped a beat anyway and she quickly found a dishtowel to dry her hands. “What’s up?”

  “Well, I actually have a favor to ask you. The sort of favor a guy normally wouldn’t ask a girl like you after only two dates, but since it does involve you—in a roundabout sort of way—and since I can’t get a hold of anyone else, I thought I might have some success in sweet-talking you into helping me.”

  Leaning her hip against the counter, the fingers of her free hand already aimlessly tangling themselves in the receiver cord, Mindy checked the stove clock. “Sure, I guess. I’ve got some time.” Even more curiously, she asked again, “What’s up?”

  “Can you meet me in town some time today?”

  She checked the clock again. “I can check with Nana, but I don’t think we’ve got anything planned. When?”

  “Whenever you can get here works for me.”

  Her eyebrows quirked closer together. He seemed cheerful enough, almost like he was trying not to laugh, but there was just something about his tone that sounded a “Are you broken down? I don’t have a car.”

  “No, no. Nothing like that.”

  “Where should I meet you?”

  “I’m at the sheriff’s station.”

  Mindy startled. “Oh my God, have you been arrested? Because of me?!” Her voice dropped to an incredulous whisper. “Oh my God, did somebody catch us on Montridge?” Her hand clapped to her forehead as, even worse, she felt a shock of pure panic at the thought of someone seeing them. This was way, way too small of a bible-thumping town for either of them to ever live something like a spanking fetish down.

  “No, no. Nothing like that. It was a minor infraction, really. Disturbing the peace, a little destruction of private property. I ran into the Balrays at Sunny’s Bar, and it quickly became a nose-breaking opportunity I just couldn’t walk away from. I don’t suppose you’ve got a couple hundred dollars just lying around somewhere? I can pay you back the instant I get out of here.”

  A corner of Mindy’s mouth started tugging its way into a smile. “You broke somebody’s nose for me?”

  “Three noses. One lesson in how to treat a lady apiece.”

  “Aw,” she said, grinning. That was almost too sweet to be mad about. “Yeah, I can bail you out.” But just to make sure this didn’t become a regular habit, she added, “But if you get sent to jail, all bets are off, buster!”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied.

  She hung up the phone and went to get her purse. She had a few bills and a letter to post, so she took those with her as well. “I’m going into town, Nana,” she called into the living room on her way to the door.

  Even though it wasn’t Monday, Nana made no complaint. “Bring back ice cream.”

  “It’ll melt.”

  “Then I’ll drink it!”

  Running a quick brush through her hair, Mindy dabbed on a little lipstick and then started out for Willow’s Grove. She hit the post office first and then the bank before heading across the street to the police station. Small towns had small police departments, and this one was manned by a sum-total of three men: Sheriff John Huskins and his two deputized employees, Mark Lennings and Fuddly Goosie, whom everyone just called Goose since any man named Fuddly had assuredly been punished enough for it during his childhood.

  The basement of the building had two holding cells, and after putting up his bail, Goose took her down to see them. The Balrays were in one, all of them huddled on the bench farthest from, while Colton stood leaned up against their separating wall, burly arms sticking through the bars, broad hands folded together, asking, “How’s those broken noses coming, fellas?”

  Her heart skipped a beat all over again. He looked good: tight butt in close-fitting jeans, the checkered flannel of his shirt stretching the width of his shoulders. His knuckles looked bruised, while even though he was smiling there was an underlying hardness to his faux cheerfulness that even the Balrays could recognize. The town bullies nursed their bloody noses, breathing through their mouths and blinking warily back at him in absolute silence as far from him as that tiny little cell would let them get.

  “Ready to go home?” Goose asked. “Or are you looking to stay another tour?”

  Colton glanced back over his shoulder. When he saw her, that hardness behind his expression vanished. “There’s my girl,” he announced, his smile turning genuine in an instant. He came to the door while Goose unlocked it, and like a pony shooting from the gates, he caught her up in his arms, lifting her clean up off her feet and, before she could even squeal her surprise, kissed her. It was very public and, considering they hadn’t yet been dating long enough even to hold hands in front of anybody else, very surprising. It was also toe curlingly good all over again and her knees wobbled a little when in the end, he let her slide down the length of him to stand on her own two feet.

  “Let’s go home,” he said, his long arm settling across her shoulders. It was all so very proprietary, and Mindy didn’t mind a bit.

  “Just so long as you don’t pee on my leg,” she said while they stood waiting to collect his belt and his belongings from the front desk.

  Colton laughed. He also held the door for her, and they walked out of the station and into the daylight. “I’m not a jealous man, honey. I’m just letting folks know that I take care of what’s mine.”

  “I’m yours?” she asked, her breath catching a little, like a tiny hiccup in the back of her throat.

  “I was saving this conversation for Friday. You want to talk about it now, or do you have to go straight on back home again?”

  “Well...” she hedged, her sense of responsibility waging a bitter war with her desire to be w
ith him just a little while longer. “I do need to be back in time to fix Nana supper. And I have to bring ice cream.”

  As he led her back across the street to the bank, he leaned in close enough to whisper, “Want to go home sitting on cold packs?”

  “I’d never use cold packs,” she whispered back. “It ruins the burn.”

  * * * * *

  Colton took Mindy home to his two-story white farmhouse with its white-picketed wrap-around porch set back off the road and privatized by a shield of ash and dogwood trees. Everything looked neat, and the yard was large but tidy. She could see the peak of a red barn behind the house, and sure enough, he had a woodshed. A smaller gray building with cords of wood aging under an attached, open-faced carport that was way too small to house the bus.

  Instead, he parked the bus at the corner of the house under the shade of a sprawling oak. Unbuckling her belt, she stood up as he started to disembark, but on the middle step he stopped and faced her, his expression one that seemed startlingly somber. “All right now, honey, there’s two talks I’d like to have with you. The first one is completely under your control. You can say no, and I’ll honor and respect that decision. We’ll just try it again later when we’ve both had a chance to get more comfortable with one another. Do you understand?”

  Not really, but she nodded anyway.

  “All right.” A corner of his mouth turned up in that smile she liked so much, yet at the same time, he gave her a Look that made her stomach tense up in all kinds of funny little knots. “Then I want you to stay on the porch until you feel comfortable coming into the house, because if you come inside, honey, I’m going to take your control away.”

  “This must be some talk.” She mused, following him off the bus on watery knees.

  “A long, hard one,” he said, as he climbed the front porch steps. “The first of many ‘real’ talks we’re going to have.”

  That made her stomach tighten with nervous anticipation all over again.

  He opened the front door without needing to unlock it first. That was one of the things she’d never get used to about Willow Grove. It might be the 21st century, but almost nobody here locked their doors whether they were home or not.

  While he went inside, she crept as close as the threshold as she could come without crossing it and rested her hand on the jamb so she could peek inside. Although as neat and tidy as the exterior and yard, it was definitely a bachelor’s house with wood trim and green wallpaper, a few hunting trophies on the mantle and hanging in the living room, and a singing trout on a plaque halfway up the stairs.

  “How serious is this talk going to be?” she finally asked, her eyes coming back to him.

  “The school called today,” Colton replied, as he hung his hat up on the coat rack just inside the door. Then he turned to confront her, arms folded across his chest. Despite the fact that she hadn’t been in school for years, he had a deadly serious look on his face. “You’ve been playing hookie.”

  Like nothing she had ever felt before, a tiny stone dropped out of nowhere and landed, cold and trembling, in the very pit of her stomach.

  Unfolding one long arm, Colton pointed to a spot directly on the carpet before him. “Come here, young lady. Right here. We’re about to have us a reckoning.”

  For a moment—just one split moment—she was fifteen and standing in the entryway of her best friend’s house, staring up at into the angry face of a man she’d never seen lose his temper before and knowing all the way down into the creases of her soul that she was about to get a very real spanking—the first in all her young life. For a moment, Mindy honestly forgot how to breathe.

  His eyebrows arched. As serious as the grave, Colton said again, slower, darker, “Mindy. Come. Here.”

  In that moment, Mindy knew two things instantly and with all of her heart: one, she really, really liked Colton; and two, she trusted him enough to put her foot across the threshold and step inside his house.

  That’s about as far as her courage took her before the trembling took over. After that, she crept under the shadow of his authoritative finger like a puppy under the threat of a rolled up newspaper.

  The consequences happened just as fast as she remembered back happening to her best friend all those years ago. Colton caught her arm, completely disregarding her startled shriek, and in one fluid jerk he had her bent over his lean hip and pinned beneath the iron strength of his left arm. He didn’t take the back of her skirt up or her panties down. He simply started spanking her, and right from the very start, his hand as hard and flat as any wooden paddle, it hurt like hell.

  This wasn’t playful. It wasn’t sexy. It was fast and hard and jarring all the way down to her madly scrambling toes as a whole barrage of furious swats knocked her feet right out from under her. Her hand shot back in vain attempt to catch hold of his.

  “Ow! Wait, OW!” One hand encountered his back, the other pushed and shoved at his restraining arm, but she might just as well have been trying to bend chiseled stone. “Co—Ouch! OW! Colton! Wa—ow, please!—wait!”

  She scrambled to squeeze her arm back under his and cover her already fiercely aching backside. It worked; for just a few blessed seconds, the spanking stopped.

  “Move your hand,” he said, stern and so obviously not yet finished.

  Not only did she not move her hand, Mindy spread her fingers in an attempt to cover as much vulnerable space as she could reach. Wincing and panting, she said, “I’ve changed my mind! I think I’d like to go back out on the porch now!”

  Taking hold of her wrist, Colton shifted her blocking hand into the grip of the arm that held her bent over and pinned. “Little girl, you’re going to be very sorry you didn’t mind me when you had the chance.”

  With a bottom already smarting like the devil, his words and tone set her body to throbbing in a whole different way. A flavor of that old, familiar eroticism crept in on throbbing pulses of pain.

  “W-wait,” she stammered when he took hold of the back of her skirt, lifting it up and tucking it under his arm. Twin fingers and a thumb hooked the back of her underwear and her eyes flew open wide when she felt the brush of elastic being skinned down the backs of her thighs and cool air smoothed over the swells of her now quite naked behind. “No, no, no!”

  But his ‘yes’ was to resume the spanking, just as hard and as fast as before, only now the breadth of his hand was flattening her naked bottom with scalding intensity. It was unreal. No, scratch that. It was very real. The most real thing that she’d ever experienced, and between smacks and splats and yelps and shrieks, there was a very, very real fire beginning to build into bonfire proportions underneath her skin. It was hurt so good all over again, only with a whole lot more ‘hurt’ and a very shy ‘good’ playing peekaboo in between the spanks.

  “Please!” Mindy grabbed onto the back of his leg, needing something solid to hold onto while her eyes began to tear and tireless rise and fall of his right arm absolutely rocked her fragile world. “Colton, please!”

  Please stop, please don’t stop, she had no idea exactly what she was pleading for, but he did. He spanked until there was no white left anywhere in her bottom. He spanked until the mottled prints of his hand blended into a warring patches of red and pink, fury and fire in every imaginable shade of pain.

  She wasn’t crying. She didn’t think it possible to take a spanking like that without falling absolutely to pieces, but maybe that was the difference between fantasy and reality. Grown women need more than just hurt bottoms to cry. They needed strong, implacable, intractable men to give them Looks, because it wasn’t until Colton set her upright and sternly gave her his that whatever reservoir inside her finally broke and the tears came flooding out of Mindy.

  “Ow!” she wailed at him, catching hold of her bottom and rubbing furiously to put the fire out.

  One hand on the back of her neck, he steered her through the living room into the nearest corner. “Hands on your head,” he said, spanking her twice more when sh
e failed to instantly obey. Her poor, abused bottom twisted to escape, but his hand found it anyway, and his palm felt no less like granite for her being upright instead of bent over and pinned helplessly into place. “You go on and let that heat percolate some. No rubbing until I say you can.”

  He rolled the back of her skirt up, tucking it into its own waistband and putting her bottom on full, cherry-red display. She had no idea where her panties had gone to. Or her sandals for that matter. She couldn’t even remember kicking them off, but she was bare foot now.

  “Nose in the corner,” he told her, taking a seat on the couch to watch her. He rubbed his spanking palm. It was red. A dark red. Was her bottom that dark?

  She forgot the corner and twisted back to see for herself.

  “Corner,” Colton said, his tone warningly low. “Or haven’t you had enough yet?”

  Mindy faced the wall. She wanted to rub so badly! This spanking wasn’t like the others. The hurt was taking longer to fade and the fire was intensifying. “Was that a real spanking?”

  “Yes, ma’am. As close as you’ll ever get to the real thing, at least with me, without doing something to deserve it.”

  “Wow,” she said softly, and reached down to touch the scalding heat. Her fingers skimmed along the sides of her hips, coddling half milky-white skin and half scarlet.

  “Hands,” he reminded her. She put them back on her head and after a moment of quiet contemplation, he chuckled. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  Mindy sniffled, but she was smiling now too. Although the hurt was still devastatingly strong, the throbbing was beginning to spread, out from her buttocks and down between her legs. “D-did you mean what you said?”


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