The Sinful 7 of Delite, Texas 4: Double Infiltration (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Sinful 7 of Delite, Texas 4: Double Infiltration (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Her cowgirl boots clicked and clacked on the hardwood floors as they exited the dance floor and ate up the distance between the hallway and the staff lounge. Now he was closing the door. They were alone, in an empty lounge room, and the look in his eyes was intimidating to say the least.

  He appeared to be having difficulty breathing. He was really upset.

  He pointed at her with one finger as the other remained on his hip. He was red in the face.

  “If I ever, ever see you place yourself in between two men like that again, or even look as if you’re about to stop a fight, I swear, Juliet, I will drag your ass out of there, throw you over my knee, and spank your ass.”

  She gave herself a little mental shake. Was he out of his mind? Who did he think he was?

  “Calm down, Richie. I’m a big girl, and I know what I can and can’t handle. They were only fooling around.”

  He stepped closer, and she immediately took a step back. He advanced until her shoulder blades hit the wall behind her. Shocked at the intensity in his expression and something deeper, darker in his eyes, she was forced to look up until her head tilted as far back as it could go.

  She jumped when she felt his very large hand on her waist.

  “You are not listening to me, Juliet. Don’t do it. Don’t push Carl or me. We are responsible for your safety. G-Force, Big Dog, and Clyde are in charge of breaking up fights and handling potential situations. Not you.”

  His teeth were clenched. She took an uneasy breath. Juliet had never seen Richie so angry.

  “I’m sorry. You’re right. I should have just called G. It won’t happen again.”

  His expression softened, and he stepped closer. Her belly hit the belt buckle on the waist of his dress pants. One hand squeezed her hip a little harder as he raised his other hand and ran his fingers through her hair. It felt different than the way other men gave her hair a tug or teased her about being cute. His touch was different. It was coated with sexual pull and she felt it straight between her legs. She took a short, uneasy breath as she locked gazes with him. She saw something different. It was something dark, a hungry expression that instantly put her entire body on alert as well as her pussy. She felt it shimmer over her skin. Her breathing hitched, and she thought for a moment that he might try to kiss her. The panicky feeling increased. It flowed from where his dark eyes bore into hers and straight through every inch of her body. She began to shake, and sensing it, his expression changed. He gently pulled her ponytail closer to his nose and inhaled, but then seemed to recover from his intimate move and dropped it.

  Stepping back, he released his hold and gave the distance she so badly needed but also regretted.

  “And quit letting other guys yank that ponytail. It aggravates the crap out of Carl and me.”

  She watched him as he headed toward the door. His shoulders were wide and muscular. She could see the definition, despite the dark dress shirt. His narrow waist, enhanced by the tailored dress pants and designer belt, made him appear sophisticated and sexy. Again, her body reacted in a way she thought she would never feel.

  “Be safe, take a few minutes’ break. Remember that we’re watching you. Be smart, Juliet. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” He opened the door and exited.

  Juliet placed her hand over her belly. She could still feel his large hand against her hip and the way he ran his fingers gently through her hair and inhaled its scent. Carl and he always tugged gently on her hair. It was brotherly, fun, and they enjoyed teasing her, but for some odd reason, tonight it felt different. He had gently caressed her hair and then lifted it to smell the strands as if he had been waiting to do that. It was way different than what she felt when anyone else yanked her pony. He had caressed her hair, held her expression with deep, mysterious eyes, and she felt it to her core.

  She couldn’t accept his attraction. She wouldn’t take a chance like that. Not when the man who took everything away from her ran free and was living the perfect life while she suffered in continuous torment.

  Chapter 2

  Robert Sinclair sat in front of his boss’s desk. For the past five years he had stood by and watched this man get away with some pretty bad stuff. Pierce Mellbrook was a conniver, a manipulator, and a shrewd businessman to the extent of murder as a final resort to get what he wanted. He was a modern-day business gangster, and Robert sat there agreeing with his latest venture. He was wealthy beyond belief and so was Robert.

  Robert jotted down notes as his boss continued on his rampage about expanding his investments. He was a greedy son of a bitch. He was evil, and now, so was Robert. After working for Pierce and doing his dirty work, Robert was drawn into a life of murder, crime, and money. He was rich, too, and the laws didn’t apply to him. Robert wasn’t afraid to die, and he sure had no remorse in taking another human life when he was asked to. Yeah, it seemed money was the ultimate power.

  “I want you to look into this new place, Dixie Chix, outside of Dallas in a town called Delite.”

  Pierce picked up the magazine and a file that sat together on the desk.

  “It has made the top-ten lists of numerous elite social magazines. The best atmosphere, the best dance floor, the best service, yadda, yadda, yadda. I want to know more about this place, and I want you to go scope it out and get me info on the owner.”

  Pierce glanced down at the article again. “It states that it is a co-ownership, so you may need some help. Do it whichever way you want, but get the info to me pronto. The private jet is fueled and ready.”

  The buzzer sounded on the desk, and Pierce cursed. He hit the button.

  “I said no interruptions. What don’t you get about that?” he yelled at his secretary.

  “I’m sorry, sir, but Felix is on the line. He said to tell you that someone is out of the hospital. He wasn’t specific.” He hit the button and cut off his secretary in midsentence. He turned to look out the window. A great view stood before them, and he sighed then turned to Robert.

  Before the words left Pierce’s lips he was standing.

  “She’s out of the hospital. Take care of it before you head to Delite.”

  Robert nodded his head as he grabbed his papers. Shelly was a bitch. Her red hair was the only similarity to Juliana. His boss should just give up on finding Juliana and even trying to replace her. She was long gone and perhaps already dead because she was too naïve to survive on her own. Plus, with her good looks and great body, Juliana wouldn’t have lasted long on the streets with no money and no place to go. She was either hooking or six feet under.

  * * * *

  It was Wednesday morning, and Juliet was jogging down the road on the way back to her house. She heard the car coming down the street but didn’t bother to look. She was out of breath and ready for the few hundred feet until she reached her driveway. The car didn’t pass. Instead it slowed down, and she panicked. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Carl behind the wheel. Her belly clenched. She sped up and reached the driveway then walked back and forth as Carl parked the car. She glanced at her watch, noted the good time she’d made, but her body began to shake. Why was Carl here? He and Richie were really starting to lay on the flirtatious comments, and she knew with every feminine instinct she had that they were interested in her. But she remained distant. She had to. She wasn’t even able to get a decent night’s sleep. Her nightmares awoke her often, and now thoughts of Carl and Richie flirting with her added to her sleepless nights.

  “Hey, gorgeous, you’re up bright and early. We didn’t get out of the club until after four,” Carl stated.

  She looked at him. Her eyes absorbed the sight of the tight blue T-shirt and ripples of muscles, his relaxed-fit, dark blue jeans, and scuffed-up cowboy boots. He was a gorgeous one.

  “What do you want?” she found herself asking with an attitude. He raised his eyebrows at her, and his facial expression changed from shocked to relaxed in an instant. She almost missed it.

  “I’m meeting Susanna here along with Monte an
d Richie.” He looked her over from head to toe. He was just as intimidating and macho as his brother. She felt her cheeks warm as she lowered her head.

  “Oh. Okay,” she replied then started walking toward the house.

  “Got any plans today?” he asked her.


  “It’s going to be nice out. Richie and I are going to head into town later for lunch. Do you want to tag along?”

  She opened the front door, but he placed his palm against it to stop her from opening the second door.

  He was inches from her back. She closed her eyes and imagined him touching her, holding her, until she felt his hand on her hip. She jumped then turned her head to the side to look at him.

  He stared down at her with those big dark brown eyes of his.

  “What do you say, Juliet? Join us for lunch?”

  “I can’t. I’ve got things to do before work tonight.”

  “You just said you didn’t have plans.”

  “I forgot.”

  He reached up and touched her chin. Her breathing hitched as she remained staring up into his eyes. Oh God, he’s so good looking. He smells so good, too.

  She swallowed hard.

  His thumb caressed her skin, and she held his gaze.

  “Baby, you’re so pretty and sweet. Come out with us. Tell me yes.”

  She was about to respond when the door flew open and Susanna stood there.

  “Hey, I thought I heard voices out here. Come on in, Carl.” Juliet quickly headed by Susanna. She owed her one for that interruption. She headed upstairs and straight into the shower. She wasn’t coming out of her room until Carl left.

  * * * *

  Carl sat by the table along with Richie, Monte, Susanna, Ava, and Paula. He kept glancing up toward the hallway, hoping that Juliet would come down soon. It was getting late, and he really wanted her to join them for lunch. He had to tell Richie about what happened outside earlier. It seemed to Carl that Juliet was getting more timid instead of more comfortable around him and his brother. They needed to know why.

  “So, I think that this is a great idea. I like the fact that Carl and Richie will alternate walking the floor each night. Their military backgrounds and experiences make them an asset to your security team, Susanna,” Monte stated. Susanna smiled.

  “I’m am certain that this will be a great idea. Let’s start it tonight. You’ve got your people set up in the surveillance room upstairs, correct?” Susanna asked.

  “Yes. Joe and Rex have it covered.”

  “Great, then I think we’re all set. Thanks, everyone.” Susanna smiled.

  Carl watched as Juliet entered the room. She was wearing a royal-blue sweater and slim-fitting black pants. She looked gorgeous as usual. He licked his bottom lip as he inhaled the scent of her perfume while his eyes roamed over the swells of her large breasts. She was stunning, and the sweater brought out the blue in her eyes. She had her long red hair flowing down in curls around her shoulders and down her back.

  She avoided eye contact completely, and Carl glanced at Richie, who was still staring at Juliet.

  “Well, we’ve got plans for lunch, so I’ll see you all tonight,” Susanna said as Monte wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her out of the room while he whispered in her ear. Susanna giggled as she waved good-bye.

  Carl saw Juliet watching them. She looked so sad and serious.

  “I’ve got to go, too. I’ll see you tonight. It will be fun having you two on the floor keeping security tight,” Paula stated as she waved good-bye and squeezed Juliet’s shoulders.

  “Hey, I’ll see you later.”

  Juliet nodded her head.

  “What is she talking about?” Juliet asked Ava instead of Carl and Richie, who still sat there at the island watching her.

  “Oh, Carl and Richie are going to be working downstairs from now on. Monte thinks with the larger crowds and more strange faces coming around that we need better security.” Ava rose from her seat.

  “I thought that was why Clyde walked the floor. He has an extensive military background.”

  “So do we, honey.” Richie rose from his chair. He leaned against the island and stared at her.

  “Well, I need to take care of a few things. I have some calls to make for this weekend’s events, and, Juliet, it looks like I’m going to need you taking care of the private tables only on Saturday night. The regular crew should be able to handle the main bar. I’ve got the whole section booked for a private group.”

  “Oh, okay.” Juliet took a sip from the bottle of water she held. Ava waved good-bye and left Juliet alone with Carl and Richie.

  “So, are you ready to go to lunch?” Richie asked, and Carl was surprised. He hadn’t had the chance to tell him what happened earlier.

  “Lunch? No,” Juliet stated then began to walk out of the room. Richie touched her hand to stop her, and she paused. Carl watched as Juliet stiffened up until Richie wrapped his other arm around her waist and pressed his body against hers. He leaned down and whispered against her neck.

  “Please come to lunch with us. I saw you looking at the refrigerator. I know you’re hungry.”

  Her head rolled back against his shoulder, and then she abruptly pulled forward as if she hadn’t been consciously aware of her move.

  “I can’t.”

  “Sure you can. Everyone else left to do his or her own thing. Let us take you to lunch. We promise to have you back in time to get ready for work.” Carl walked toward her. His brother remained behind her, and now Carl stood in front of her. He reached out and touched her hair, letting the silky strands of red slide between his fingers.

  “Come on. I’m not taking no for an answer.” Carl took her hand, and together they led her from the house.

  * * * *

  They sat at a small table toward the middle of the diner. Juliet was trying hard to stop her hands from shaking. At multiple points during the ride here and to the table, both Carl and Richie made a point of touching her, caressing her back or keeping a hand on her as they escorted her. It was unnerving, and she was exasperated at the attraction she felt to both men.

  They stared at her now as she looked over the menu, deciding on a Cobb salad with grilled chicken over it.

  They placed their orders, and the waitress smiled at Juliet as she took the menus from them.

  “I have to compliment your hair, honey. It is absolutely gorgeous.”

  Juliet smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Sure thing. You’re adorable,” she added, and Juliet smiled. She had been called adorable for most of her life just because she was petite and had small features.

  She felt Richie’s hand on her thigh. She tensed up and looked at him, holding his gaze as he leaned closer.

  “You are beautiful, adorable I guess, too, but from where I’m sitting, I’d say sexy covers it.” He gave her thigh a squeeze then caressed it.

  She reached down and touched his hand as he held her gaze. When she lifted her hand to remove it, he squinted at her, and she felt the intensity of that look he gave her.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, honey. Don’t be so scared. I know you feel it. I can hear your heart racing from here.” He looked away from her to take a sip of his seltzer.

  “We’re looking forward to being downstairs at Dixie Chix. We can keep a better eye on you. Make sure you stay out of trouble,” Carl added.

  “Please don’t do this to me,” she whispered as she lowered her head and clasped her hands together on her lap. Both men reached under the table and covered her hands.

  She jerked at their move then looked back and forth between them. Richie looked very serious as usual. Both men were very big men. They were tall with large, wide shoulders. Richie’s facial features looked chiseled and intense, while Carl appeared more relaxed. But right now they both showed that same intensity.

  “Juliet, we’ve been patient, but you see, we can’t wait anymore,” Richie began to say, and she felt that panicky feeling inside. Bot
h men squeezed her hand as they moved their chairs closer to hers.

  “What he means to say is that watching other men flirt with you, touch your hair, and want you is making us crazy with jealousy. We like you, and we know that you like us, too.”

  “I do like you, but I don’t date. I don’t want to be in a relationship with a man or men.” She felt her cheeks flush.

  “Is that what scares you? Are you afraid of a ménage relationship? You worried about what people might say?” Carl asked her.

  “Please don’t do this. If you’re going to try and pressure me, then I’m leaving. Right now.” She went to move, but Richie placed a hand on the back of her chair. She glanced around the room. They seemed to have grabbed a few people’s attention. She didn’t want that attention.

  “I won’t leave. Let go of the chair, Richie.”

  “I have your food ready for y’all,” the waitress interrupted and began to place the food down in front of them.

  Juliet moved the food around with her fork. She watched as Carl and Richie began to eat their lunch. She stared at each man’s hands. They were large and muscular, including their fingers, which were long and thick. They were so much larger than hers. She liked how they felt on her skin, and she would be lying to herself if she didn’t admit how attracted to them she was. But she was also too scared to get close to them. She had guilt left in her heart over Danny’s death. She was the reason he died. She had caused it. Juliet just couldn’t take that kind of chance again. Carl and Richie were military men. They were strong, resourceful, and everything she could ever want in a man, or in this case, men, to start a serious relationship with. But inside, that guilt nagged her. So did the feeling that she would never be safe until the monster that haunted her dreams was dead. She just couldn’t get over it.


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