Orville Mouse and the Puzzle of the Clockwork Glowbirds (Orville Wellington Mouse Book 1)

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Orville Mouse and the Puzzle of the Clockwork Glowbirds (Orville Wellington Mouse Book 1) Page 3

by Tom Hoffman

  Orville froze. Maybe nobody else knew about Mandora except Sophia, and she knew about it because she was from Quintari. He certainly couldn’t tell Master Marloh that Sophia was–”

  “Orville? Are you still with us?”

  “Oh, sure, I was just trying to remember where I heard about Mandora. I guess it was in history class or something.”

  “Ah, history class, yes, that must have been it.” Master Marloh nodded, but seemed less than satisfied by Orville’s answer.

  Orville darted off to the loading area and spent the next four hours opening long wooden crates packed with hundreds of new books. He then began the rather tedious task of carting them into the store and distributing each book to its proper place on the shelves. While he was doing this he also kept an eye open for the mice he had come to call ‘the strangers’. On a fairly regular basis unfamiliar mice would enter the shop and browse the aisles as though searching for a particular book. Orville, however, with his excellent powers of observation, had noticed on his first day of work that things were not as they appeared to be. He could tell the strangers had no real interest in the books, but they did keep sidling closer and closer to the dark blue door at the rear of the shop. Once they got close enough, they would casually stroll over to the door and enter the room, quickly closing the blue door behind them.

  Orville had worked part time at the Book Emporium for almost three years and he had never caught a glimpse of what lay behind the blue door. He had tried to open it several times only to find it locked. There was a small sign on the door reading STORAGE ROOM, but Orville did not for a moment believe that was the true purpose of the room. Many of the strangers had a rough and tumble look about them, and a few of them had even been carrying weapons. Just this morning he had spotted three strangers enter the store and meander back to the blue door.

  Orville had no idea who the strangers were or what they were doing, and their identity had become one more puzzle in a long line of puzzles he had uncovered. He doubted there was anything unscrupulous going on, but he was curious. Some mice would call Master Marloh eccentric, but he was quite proper, and by all accounts appeared to be a kind and generous mouse. Orville sensed there was far more depth to Master Marloh than he let on.

  The following morning Orville discovered a history book containing a few paragraphs about the Elders. Sophia was right, they were technologically advanced rabbits who had helped bring an end to the Anarkkian War, although the book did mention that the Anarkkians had never been defeated. For no apparent reason they had abruptly withdrawn all their forces and the war came to an abrupt and unexpected end.

  Orville was searching for any mention of Mandora when a voice from behind made him jump.

  “Find any mention of Mandora?”

  “Oh, sorry, Master Marloh, you startled me. It’s my break time and I was just looking. No, nothing there about Mandora, I’m afraid.”

  “Hmmm... that’s undoubtedly because only a hundred or so mice and rabbits on the entire planet have ever heard of Mandora. You’re certain you can’t remember who told you about it?”

  Orville gave sigh of resignation. “I remember now where I heard about it. A friend of mine mentioned something about Mandora and the Elders, but I have no idea how she knew about them.”

  “I see. I’d like to speak with you in my office if you wouldn’t mind.”

  “Am I going to get fired? Did I do something?”

  Master Marloh looked sincerely puzzled. “Fired? Why would I fire you? To the contrary, you might even say I’m giving you a promotion.” He gave a low chuckle, then motioned for Orville to follow him. “Come along, we’ll talk in my office.”

  Filled with growing apprehension, Orville followed Master Marloh down the hallway. It didn’t feel anything at all like he was getting a promotion.

  Chapter 6

  The Blue Door

  Master Marloh leaned back in his chair, his eyes coming to rest on a very anxious Orville Wellington Mouse.

  “Let me ask you this. Would you say you’re fond of oranges?”

  These were the very last words Orville had expected to come out of Master Marloh’s mouth. Orville’s body froze, but his mind was spinning a thousand miles an hour trying to come up with a satisfactory answer while simultaneously deciding exactly how much, if anything, Master Marloh knew about the orange he’d found on his bedside table.

  “I uhh... oranges, let’s see... well, yes, now that you mention it, I am quite fond of them. It’s a shame we only get them in the summer though, when the train can make it over the mountain pass.”

  Master Marloh nodded, his expression unreadable even to Orville.

  “Indeed. An excellent answer. You know, I couldn’t help but notice you were so busy unpacking the new books that you didn’t even take time for lunch. You must be famished. Would you care for something to eat? Perhaps a fresh juicy orange?”

  Orville’s mind was a whirlwind. What game was Master Marloh playing? Why did he keep talking about oranges? Maybe he was far more eccentric than Orville had suspected. Or maybe Master Marloh was as nutty as Aunt Molly’s fruitcake. Orville decided to play along with his peculiar game.

  “A fresh orange does sound quite delicious.”

  Master Marloh flicked his right paw, and with a flash of blue light a fat juicy orange appeared on the desk in front of Orville. Before Orville even realized what he was doing he had skittered his chair away from Master Marloh’s desk. He gaped at the orange, then at Master Marloh.

  “You’re a shaper?”

  Master Marloh smiled pleasantly, quite amused by Orville’s reaction. “The expression on your face is priceless, Orville, but be assured this little display is the full extent of today’s theatrics. Now, let’s discuss why you’re here.”

  Master Marloh clasped his paws together beneath his chin. “I’ll get straight to the point. I’m offering you a chance to become one of the most powerful shapers in Symoca. What do you think about that?”

  Orville was stunned. “You want to teach me to be a shaper?”

  “I wouldn’t be the one teaching you at first. Someone else would tutor you on the basics, and later on I would assist with the more advanced training. You’ll need a great deal of training if you’re going to become a member of the Metaphysical Adventurers.”

  Orville stared blankly at Master Marloh. “What are the Metaphysical Adventurers?”

  “I thought you might ask that. Shaping is an ancient mystical art with a long and sometimes checkered history. The first shapers we know of were the Thaumatarians, creators of the World Doors. I won’t turn this into a history lesson, but it’s an art that has been practiced for many thousands of years. In the past, shaping was performed in secret, usually behind locked doors, but the world is changing and so is its acceptance of shaping. Mice and rabbits are beginning to understand that shaping is not some dark magical power to be afraid of, but is simply a matter of science and deep physics.”

  “You mean compressing energy into physical objects using the power of the mind?”

  Master Marloh smiled. “Excellent. I’m guessing you learned that from the same mysterious friend who told you about Mandora?”

  “Umm... it may have been her.”

  “Indeed. To continue, over the centuries shapers gradually joined forces, forming small regional guilds. Those guilds eventually combined to form one large guild known today as the Shapers Guild. In many countries, such as Lapinor and Grymmore, the Shapers Guild practices openly and the citizens are more or less accepting of it. It’s a little different here in Muridaan Falls, of course, which is why our Shapers Guild is still a closely guarded secret. I’m well aware you’ve noticed our mysterious guests who frequent the Book Emporium. They are members of the Shapers Guild visiting from neighboring towns and villages.

  “Now, more to the point, I will tell you about a small elite group of shapers most Guild members are not aware of, a group known as the Metaphysical Adventurers. If you don’t already know, metap
hysics is the study of the deep and profound mysteries held by our universe. The group’s name is a rather antiquated nomenclature to be sure, but there is a great deal of history and proud tradition standing behind it.”

  Orville’s mind was spinning. “I don’t understand why you’re asking me to join the Shapers Guild or this Metaphysical Adventurers group. I can’t do anything. I don’t know anything at all about shaping. I couldn’t shape an orange if I tried for a month.”

  A light of understanding blinked on in Master Marloh’s eyes. “Ahhh, of course you don’t know why. I do apologize for my inexcusable lack of clarity. When a shaper is deeply connected to their inner self they gain an intuitive understanding of the mice around them. When I look at you with my intuitive mind, it is blindingly evident that you possess the innate potential necessary to become a truly legendary shaper. Let me ask you this, have objects ever appeared out of nowhere around you?”

  “Oh, you mean like oranges?”

  “Like oranges.”

  “And feathers, and leaves. How did you know about the orange?”

  Master Marloh continued without answering. “Orville, you did not bring those objects back from your dreams as you suspected. You shaped them in your sleep. Your inner self was sending your outer self a message which would be impossible to ignore. Now, do you sometimes know what other mice are thinking? Do you know things about them that you have no reason to know? Perhaps on occasion you have found yourself suddenly standing in a different location with no idea how you got there?”

  Orville’s chest tightened, his heart pounding. “How did you... well... yes, that has happened. When I was a mouseling it happened twice. I was playing in the front yard and then I was in the back yard. It scared me badly and I never told anyone.”

  “No, I don’t suppose you did. It’s called spontaneous blinking. Very experienced shapers can blink themselves many miles away in a split second. You blinked when you were a mouseling. Are you starting to understand why I am asking you to join the Metaphysical Adventurers?”

  “Kind of. I always thought there was something wrong with me.”

  “No, there is nothing wrong with you. To the contrary, you are the most gifted mouse I have ever met in all my years of shaping. There is one more thing I must ask of you. The Shapers Guild has some basic rules which must be adhered to by all members. Without going into great detail I will tell you there are two basic tenets. The first, you must never under any circumstances take the life of another living creature. If you are being attacked by a vicious beast or assailant you must defend yourself without harming your attacker. Second, you may not use your shaping skills for personal gain. No shaping crates of gold coins or bags of Nirriimian white crystals. Do you think you can live with those rules?”

  Orville had no idea what Nirriimian white crystals were, but said, “I’m certain I can. Papa told me I shouldn’t even kill a small bug. He said all life was precious and was a miracle.”

  “Very good. I thought as much.” Master Marloh pushed his chair back and stood up. “Well, my curious and eminently gifted friend, it’s time you saw what’s behind the mysterious blue door you’ve been eyeing for three long years.”

  Chapter 7

  Orville’s New Teacher

  Orville’s excitement mounted as they approached the blue door at the back of the shop. Master Marloh stopped in front of the door and silently held up one paw, turning it slowly so Orville could see both sides of it. Using that paw he swung the door open and motioned for Orville to enter. Orville stepped into what appeared to be a large library, the walls lined with ornate wooden shelves holding thousands of dusty old tomes. A number of mice were sitting at tables reading. One of them looked up and nodded his hello to Master Marloh. Master Marloh gave him a quick wave.

  “I’d like you all to meet Orville Wellington Mouse, the newest member of our Guild.”

  The mice at the tables greeted Orville cordially, then went back to their reading.

  Master Marloh led Orville out of the library and closed the door.

  “That’s it? It’s just a library?”

  “That was the Symocan Shapers Guild library. It is the largest collection of shaping books in Symoca, covering nearly every conceivable aspect of the craft.”

  Master Marloh held up his other paw for Orville to see, slowly turning it. This paw was adorned with a large silver ring bearing the symbol of a single eye positioned between the letters ‘M’ and ‘A’.

  “This is the ring worn by all Metaphysical Adventurers. Watch what happens when I use this paw instead of my other paw to open the blue door.”

  When Master Marloh swung the door open this time, the library was gone. Instead, Orville stood facing an ancient spiral stone staircase worn smooth by the ages. He couldn’t help but notice that the stairs were descending into inky blackness. Orville was unsure what he had been expecting, but this was not it. This was far scarier than anything he had imagined. “Umm... what’s down there?”

  “There’s only one way to find out, my friend.” Master Marloh flicked his wrist and a glowing sphere of light drifted out from his paw and floated down the stairway, gradually growing in brightness.

  It took almost three full minutes to descend the great winding staircase, but Orville finally hopped off the last step, following Master Marloh through a long low archway.

  When they emerged from the archway Orville stood in stunned silence. He had never witnessed anything even remotely like this.

  Orville was looking out across a vast room, three hundred feet long and two hundred feet wide with ceilings that towered fifty feet above the smooth stone floor. Running around the perimeter of the room were three enormous stacked walkways constructed of massive ornately carved wooden beams supported by a complex network of spiraling wrought iron rails. Each walkway was lined with wide iron mesh shelves holding thousands of gleaming, fantastical objects of every conceivable size and shape, their purpose a mystery to Orville.

  He ran his eyes studiously across this monumental assortment of baffling contraptions, very quickly realizing he could not clearly identify even one of them. Many of the objects were fabricated from smooth gleaming synthetic materials, some holding strange sparkling glass spheroids or mysterious glowing cylinders with pulsing colored lights. A few of the larger objects looked as though they could be vehicles, but that was simply speculation on Orville’s part. He felt as though he been dropped into another world, one of those imaginary worlds he had spent so much time dreaming about.

  The main floor of the room was divided into six distinct sections, two of them were clear open areas, the other four were filled with long tables, shelves and workbenches piled high with curious instruments of unknown design and purpose. Orville counted over twenty mice in the room, many of them standing at workbenches in front of bubbling, gurgling glass cylinders and unidentifiable whirring mechanical devices. A few of the mice stood motionless in one of the open areas, eyes closed, paws extended out in front of them. Several of the mice were shooting brilliant streams of blue light from their paws at a ten foot wide black sphere which floated slowly across the room.

  Orville noticed an area containing a roiling black cloud rimmed with miniature lightning bolts. Before his startled eyes a ragged looking mouse tumbled out of the dark cloud and rolled across the hard stone floor, quickly rising to his feet and brushing off his coat.

  Orville turned to Master Marloh with a look of complete bewilderment. “What is this? Where are we?”

  Master Marloh grinned, resting his paw on Orville’s shoulder. “I remember the first time I saw it. It’s not something you soon forget. Only a few hundred living mice have ever seen this room. This is the main headquarters of the Metaphysical Adventurers, and it won’t be long until this astonishing room feels like your second home.”

  “What are all those weird objects on the walkways?”

  “What do you know about the universe?”

  “What do you mean?”

do you know about the planets, stars, galaxies, dimensions, the concept that time is fluid and passes at different rates in different worlds, the true nature of our dreams... that sort of thing.”

  “Umm... not very much I guess. I know Earth is a round ball and there’s millions of stars and planets and a lot have living creatures on them, some of them like us.”

  “That’s a good start. Many mice aren’t even aware of those things. As a Metaphysical Adventurer, you will be learning a great deal more than you currently know about the universe we live in. Metaphysical Adventurers often will travel to... shall we say, very unfamiliar and often inhospitable environments. To survive in such worlds you must possess a broad range of skills and a clear understanding of many different species and cultures.

  “You’ll learn it’s possible for many worlds to simultaneously occupy the same space, as impossible as that may sound right now. These are called parallel dimensions, and there are many of them. But, to answer your question, all the objects you see on the walkways are highly advanced technological devices brought back from other worlds over the years by Metaphysical Adventurers. Such devices are often necessary on various MA missions, especially in the more hostile worlds.

  Orville was overwhelmed. “Are you sure I should be here?”

  “I have never been more certain of anything. How would you like to meet your new shaping instructor?”

  Orville nodded, his eyes still scanning the massive room. “I guess so.”

  “Would you allow me just a little theatrical latitude?”

  “Um, okay.”

  With a grin Master Marloh raised one paw above his head and announced dramatically, “Orville Wellington Mouse, I present to you a most proficient shaper, an honored member of the Metaphysical Adventurers, and now, your new shaping instructor.”

  There was a brilliant flash of blinding light followed by a deafening crash of thunder. A second blast of blue light followed and a mouse blinked into existence directly in front of Orville. Orville’s jaw dropped. His new shaping instructor was Sophia.


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