Orville Mouse and the Puzzle of the Clockwork Glowbirds (Orville Wellington Mouse Book 1)

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Orville Mouse and the Puzzle of the Clockwork Glowbirds (Orville Wellington Mouse Book 1) Page 6

by Tom Hoffman

  Orville and Sophia strolled over to the area where the glowbirds were roosting. Sophia examined one of the glowbird boxes.

  “This is interesting. Each box has an electrical panel on the left side. It looks as though when the birds return they connect themselves to–”

  That was as far as Sophia ever got with her thought. She stopped in mid sentence because she was busy blinking up a powerful sphere of defense around her and Orville. One of the most commonly used shaping skills, the sphere of defense produces a virtually impenetrable wall of pure energy around the shaper. It’s a skill that shapers practice over and over until it becomes a reflex. Any unexpected motion or sound and the sphere of defense seems to pop up of its own accord. In this case, the impetus behind Sophia’s sphere of defense was the startling voice which had come out of nowhere behind her and Orville.

  “Would anyone care for a light snack? Perhaps a warm beverage?”

  The unexpected voice had taken Sophia and Orville completely by surprise, and they both whirled around in a panic. Orville froze, too stunned to even faint. He was staring into the eyes of a ten foot tall silver metallic rabbit with a look of grave concern on its face.

  Orville could barely get the words out. “Uhh...uhh... what is it?”

  Sophia answered in a hushed and raspy voice. “It’s a Rabbiton. Do not make any sudden movements. They’re autonomous bio-mechanical creations of the Elders, indestructible and heavily armed with deadly particle beam vaporizing weapons. It could obliterate us in a split second.”

  The tall Rabbiton laughed politely. “Oh my, I do hate to be a Little Master Know-it-all and correct you, but I’m really nothing like that at all. How scary that would be! I think you may be slightly confused, perhaps mistaking me for an Autonomous A6 Warrior Rabbiton. They were quite fearsome creatures indeed. Just the thought of having an A6 Rabbiton in my lovely home gives me a rather severe case of the willies. Brrrrrr! Now, who would like something to drink and a nice snack? I’ll fetch some comfy chairs so you can both sit down, relax, and rest for a while. You must be simply exhausted after climbing all those dreadfully steep stairs.”

  Sophia’s initial fear had vanished like fog in the afternoon sun, replaced with her intense natural curiosity. “If you’re not an A6 Warrior Rabbiton, what are you? What are you doing here?”

  “My, my, so many questions, my poor head is simply spinning! Let me dash off and get those comfy chairs and I’ll be right back. I wouldn’t be a proper host if I didn’t offer you both a comfy seat. My goodness, I just had the most wonderful thought. I realized there’s something about you two I like ever so much. I feel as though we’re already old friends. Such a lovely feeling, wouldn’t you agree? Now, you two stay right here and I’ll be back in a jiffy!”

  The silver Rabbiton strode over to an open doorway and disappeared into a long alcove. Sophia and Orville turned to each other, Sophia raising her eyebrows. Orville snickered. They heard the Rabbiton rummaging about moving heavy objects around in the other room. “Would you prefer a blue chair or a green one? I have both, so each of you may choose whichever color you like.”

  “I’d like a green chair, please!” Orville looked at Sophia and shrugged. “Green is my favorite color.” Sophia rolled her eyes.

  “Green is fine for me also. Thank you!”

  Moments later the Rabbiton returned carrying two large stuffed green chairs. “Here you go, my friends, two comfy green chairs. Now, do have a seat and tell me exactly what kind of snack you would like, and if you would like a warm beverage or a chilled beverage. Or perhaps you would like a fizzy drink? I’m told fizzy drinks are quite popular among the younger crowd.”

  Sophia smiled politely at the Rabbiton. “Honestly, we’re both fine. We just ate and had something to drink right before we arrived. Um... but I was wondering if you might possibly answer a few questions for me. It would be ever so gracious of you, though I certainly don’t wish to inconvenience you in any way.” Orville gave Sophia a sideways glance. Why was she talking like that?

  The Rabbiton beamed happily. “Most certainly, indeed, of course I would love to answer your questions. Would anyone care for some tasty chocolates? They’re quite delicious and I have a wide variety to choose from. I’m told the lemon creams are especially delightful.”

  “Thank you so much for your kind offer, but we’re really not very hungry just at this moment. I wonder if you might tell us something about your lovely home? It’s so spacious and beautifully decorated, I must say.”

  The Rabbiton smiled brightly. “Of course, of course. Goodness me, where to begin? I suppose I should begin at the beginning. How does that sound to you? Would that be a good place to start?”

  “That’s sounds perfect and perfectly delightful!” Sophia beamed as brightly as she could. Orville grimaced. All this politeness was making him queasy.

  The Rabbiton gave a cheery laugh. “Oh my, how clever you are with words! I’m so lucky to have such a clever new friend! Well, let me see now, it was the Anarkkians who built my lovely home, which I simply call the Cube. This was before the great war of course, and before the Anarkkians invaded all those poor unfortunate worlds. The Cube was originally created to house a highly secret and technologically advanced surveillance center. The Anarkkians wanted to keep a wary eye on all their enemies, and I believe they built surveillance centers such as this one on a great number of planets. It took the Elders five long years to discover the Anarkkians’ secret surveillance network, but when they did, I assure you they acted without a moment’s delay. In marched the Autonomous A6 Warrior Rabbitons and they sent those Anarkkians packing double time. The Elders’ first impulse was to destroy the Cube and everything in it, but after some thoughtful consideration they decided to use it as their own surveillance center, keeping a sharp lookout for Anarkkian spies or any other such skullduggery. The Elders kept things humming along at the Cube until the day they packed up their bags and headed off to Mandora, a peaceful new world they created. Oh my, you must be famished after a long story like that. Now, who would care for a tasty snack or a chilled beverage?”

  “Not quite yet, but thank you so much for asking. If you wouldn’t mind one more question, what in the world are all the lovely glowbirds for?”

  “Oh, dear me, how embarrassing, I completely forgot to mention the glowbirds. They were the ones doing all the spying, you see! Once a day, groups of glowbirds would depart from the Cube and fly great distances to any number of towns and cities where they did their spying. These are not normal glowbirds, mind you, they are very special ones created by those crafty Anarkkians. Each bird has the most marvelous optical and auditory sensory input system you could ever imagine. My goodness, those glowbirds can spot things miles away and hear every word. Not only that, but they remember everything they see and hear. At the end of the day the glowbirds would return to the Cube, each one to its own little roosting box, where they would transfer all their secret information to crystalline storage cubes. Once the information was safely stored on the crystals, the Anarkkians would carefully review it for any suspicious activity. I imagine you must have seen all those display panels down on the first two levels. That’s where they viewed the glowbird records. After the Anarkkians left, there were over a hundred Elders working here day and night, watching those panels and keeping a wary eye out for Anarkkian spies. I’m sad to say the number of active glowbirds has declined drastically since I first arrived at the Cube. There used to be almost four hundred glowbirds to take care of, but now there are just thirty-nine remaining. I’m afraid we lost another one only a few weeks ago. Quite sad indeed.”

  “If I might ask, when did you arrive here?”

  “Oh dear, you’re going to think I’m dreadfully old, but I arrived here well over fourteen hundred years ago. That’s a rather a humorous story all on its own. I was one of the last Rabbitons ever to be created by the Elders, you know. In my day I was quite well known, some rabbits even saying I was famous. The Elders in charge of manufacturing
Rabbitons had received many requests over the years to make Rabbitons behave more like rabbits. Customers said over and over they wanted Rabbitons to be friendly and caring, full of compassion and concern. I was the very first friendly Rabbiton ever built. I was what they called a Prototype, the first of its kind, and I was very successful, if you’ll forgive a little boasting by an old Rabbiton. My official title was Prototype Model 10E Deluxe Rabbiton with the Expanded L7 Sincere Friendship Simulation Package. I spent the first six months of my life living with an extraordinarily delightful family of Elders. There were two of the most charming adult rabbits you could ever hope to meet, and they were blessed with three rambunctious, but ever so lovable young bunnies. It was a glorious time, simply glorious. I spent every moment of every day being their dearest friend and confidant, listening to every word they said and offering them an endless array of snacks, warm beverages, and all manner of other kindnesses. It brings tears to my eyes just to think of those days so very long ago.”

  “How lovely that must have been for you. How did you ever end up at the Cube?”

  “Oh, dear, it was the war, that dreadful war. It changed everything. The family I lived with said I was ever so wonderful, their dearest and most cherished friend forever, but they felt quite deeply that I would be more useful somewhere else, perhaps helping with the war effort out on the front lines of battle. Such patriotic rabbits they were, giving up so very much for their country. I was deeply moved when I heard them tell the Rabbiton representative they should drop me from an Interstellar Battle Cruiser into the middle of a raging Anarkkian vape gun battle. I’m afraid the poor dears quite mistakenly thought I was an Autonomous A6 Warrior Rabbiton. I am quite tall, and I do have a rather commanding presence, so it’s not surprising in the least they would assume that. The Rabbiton manufacturers knew better, of course, and since I was clearly not designed for warfare they sent me here. They were very concerned that the glowbirds were not receiving all the necessary care and attention they needed, and emphasized quite strongly that keeping the glowbirds happy was an absolutely vital part of the war effort. And, here I am, so many years later, still minding after my lovely glowbirds. Now, surely you must be ready for a snack. A warm beverage perhaps? Does it seem a little chilly to you? I could bring you a toasty warm blanket if you’d care for one. I also have some freshly baked oatmeal cookies, right out of the oven. Or, if you’d prefer there are some tasty little frosted cakes.”

  Orville glanced over at Sophia. “You know, those oatmeal cookies sound delicious. I think I’d like six oatmeal cookies, four tasty little cakes, a warm cocoa, a chilled glass of lemonade, a dozen lemon cream chocolates and six orange cream chocolates.”

  The Rabbiton let out a great gasp. “Oh, my! What a hungry mouse you are! How wonderful! Yes, of course, of course, I would be more than delighted to bring you everything you asked for. Sit right here and I’ll be back in a blink!”

  Sophia was gaping at Orville. “What is wrong with you?”

  “What? I’m hungry. Besides, it will give us a little time to talk.”

  “A dozen lemon cream chocolates?”

  “Um, the Rabbiton said they’re delightful? Anyway, we know this Rabbiton is definitely not the one who’s going to start a war, but we still have no idea why your inner voice wanted us to find out what the glowbirds were doing.”

  Sophia shook her head. “I don’t know. Maybe if we keep talking to the Rabbiton something it says will make sense. All I know is I shall go nummers in the head if that Rabbiton offers me another snack.”

  Chapter 12


  “Mmmmm... these little cakes are delicious! I don’t think I’ve ever had anything so tasty. Thank you... umm... hey, we don’t even know your name. What is your name anyway?”

  “Oh my, this is quite an embarrassment. I’m afraid I don’t have a clever little name like you and Sophia do. I’ve always been Prototype Model 10E Deluxe Rabbiton with the Expanded L7 Sincere Friendship Simulation Package. One of the Elders who worked here used to call me the Silver Snackosaurus, but he never explained why.”

  “I’ll bet it was because your snacks were so delicious. I think you need a new name, and we certainly can’t call you Prototype Model 10E Deluxe Rabbiton. How about if we just call you Proto? That’s short for Prototype. It suits you well because there’s not another Rabbiton in the world like you, and there’s not another Rabbiton in the world who can make snacks as tasty as yours.”

  The Rabbiton stood quite still, its eyes blinking rapidly. “Oh, dear, I think I might just have to cry. I dearly love my new name, Orville. It’s the most wonderful gift anyone has ever given me.”

  “You’re welcome, Proto. Your snacks were the best treats anyone has ever given me.”

  Sophia looked at Orville with surprise, seeing him in a new light. This was a side of him she had never seen before, but she liked it.

  Orville finished the last little cake and said, “Mmmm. So delicious. Say, Proto, what do you do here all day long? The glowbirds are gone during the day, so what do you do to keep busy?”

  “I’m so pleased you asked me that, Orville, and I would love to answer your question. You would probably never guess it to look at me, but I’m quite a history buff. All the information the glowbirds ever gathered is still here on the crystalline storage cubes. Every day after the glowbirds leave, I watch exactly ten hours of the historical glowbird records. I’ve learned a great deal about the Anarkkians and the Elders, not to mention their marvelous technology. They had some of the most fantastical flying vehicles you can possibly imagine. It’s all quite fascinating.”

  “Creekers, that’s something. I wish you could meet the Mad Mouse of Muridaan. He’s a mouse we know who loves to invent things. He built the flying ship we used to get here. You should take a look at it before we go. It looks just like an oversized glowbird except it has wheels instead of legs.”

  “Well, perhaps I could take a quick peek out the front door if you were both with me. I’m afraid my programming parameters are not very well developed in the area of bold adventuring. It takes me a good while to work up enough courage just to open the front door. It’s been so long since I’ve spent any time in the wild and wooly outdoors that I’m quite fearful of what might be lurking out there now. You didn’t happen to notice any silver Anarkkian Attack spiders skulking about the building did you? They’re quite dangerous, as you might well imagine. Dreadfully powerful force beams. Simply awful creatures they are.”

  Sophia perked up. “I’ve read about them in history books. You’re quite right, they were terribly frightening creatures and capable of devastating entire cities in only a few hours.”

  “Oh, yes, that’s very true. My goodness, a marvelous idea just popped into my head out of nowhere! How would you two like to see some of those dreadful spiders in action? The glowbirds were watching when the Anarkkians released hundreds of them over the city of Cathne in Opar. I know exactly where those records are if you’d like to see them.”

  Orville sat up. “That would be amazing! I’d love to see that, Proto.”

  “Well, then, so you shall. Follow me down to the second level, but please be ever so careful on the stairs, they’re quite steep and you wouldn’t want to fall. Just thinking about a terrible fall on those stairs gives me a dreadful case of the willies.”

  Fifteen minutes later Orville and Sophia were seated comfortably in two cushioned lounge chairs, watching as Proto selected the correct storage crystal. “Ah, this is the one. I’m quite certain of it, Crystal 11091949. Who could forget a lovely number like that? Now, let me see.... I think it’s right about... here.”

  A huge display panel in front of Orville and Sophia blinked on, a sharp colorful moving image appearing. Orville leaned forward, his eyes focused on the screen. “What is that thing?”

  “Ah, that is a Class 9 Anarkkian Interstellar Battle Support Cruiser. They’re quite large, aren’t they? If I remember correctly they’re nine hundred and seventeen feet l
ong and two hundred and twelve feet tall. Now, keep your eyes on the stern of the ship.”

  Orville watched in amazement as a huge door on the back of the cruiser yawned open. The ship was hovering silently several hundred feet above the city, flames sprouting from the nearby buildings, rabbits and mice running for their lives through the streets in a desperate attempt to escape the approaching Anarkkian ships. Massive thundering explosions rumbled across the city, brilliant flashes of green light from the blasts illuminating the night sky.

  “Here it comes now, watch for the spiders!”

  Orville let out a gasp as hundreds of monstrous eight legged gleaming metallic spiders spilled out of the battle cruiser in a silver cascade, tumbling down to the ground below. The hideous creatures hit the ground running, their fearsome red eyes a terrible sight to behold. Seconds later brilliant vermillion beams of light shot out from their eyes, blasting to pieces anything that stood in their path.

  “Those are the force beams I mentioned! Quite dreadful, just as I told you. They’re quite different from the A6 Warrior Rabbitons’ particle vaporizing beams, but equally as destructive. Would you like to see a cloud bomb? They’re far worse than those fearsome spiders. The Anarkkians released cloud bombs all over Opar, and I am told it takes over a thousand years for the vegetation to grow back after a cloud bomb attack.”

  Almost two hours later Sophia and Orville were still watching scenes from the dreadful Anarkkian War, but Sophia had seen enough. “Oh, dear, I’m afraid that’s all the violence I can watch for one day, Proto. Do you have any recent records which might not be so frightening?”

  “Indeed I do. Let me see, you said you’re both from Muridaan Falls? Did I remember that correctly?”

  “Yes, you’re quite right. Orville was born there and I moved there from Quintari a year ago.”

  “Well, then, I have just the perfect records for you. If you look here at the map, you’ll see we still have two active glowbirds in Muridaan Falls keeping an eye on things. Let me see, would you like to see yesterday’s records? You might even see someone you know. Wouldn’t that be lovely to see a dear friend?”


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