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Orville Mouse and the Puzzle of the Clockwork Glowbirds (Orville Wellington Mouse Book 1)

Page 20

by Tom Hoffman

  “Orville, I’ve talked to a few of the members here who I know to be trustworthy. They will keep their eyes and ears open for any sign of Draken Mouse or his followers. We are well aware who supports him and who does not.”

  “Are you going to formshift us now?”

  “Yes, it won’t take long. I will introduce you as two initiate members from western Opar. That should be a safe bet, as few Symocans have ever been to Opar. Just be aware that the land there was completely devastated during the Anarkkian War by cloud bombs and all manner of mechanical beasts released by the Anarkkians. The great silver attack spiders with their dreadful force beams were the worst, I am told.”

  “We saw those spiders, Master Marloh! Proto showed us the old Anarkkian records on moving image panels back at the Cube.”

  “Perfect, that will work in your favor in the event anyone asks you questions about Opar. Now, what do you want to look like? Wait, don’t answer that. I believe I have a solution which will provide a rather enlightening lesson while still concealing your true identity.” Master Marloh grinned. “Let’s go find Sophia.”

  They found Sophia talking to a Metaphysical Adventurer about spectral doorways and their creation. He was demonstrating to her an old Anarkkian device officially designated the Model M1 Portable Spectral Field Actualizer, a device capable of producing a small spectral doorway to other worlds.

  “This was used by the Anarkkian Secret Forces to infiltrate behind enemy lines. The troopers nicknamed it Death’s Door, not for any sort of unreliability, but because very few of the troopers returned from these inherently dangerous missions. Quite a remarkable machine, and a reminder to us that shaping is not magic, but is based in deep physics and science.”

  Sophia glanced up from the device and saw Orville approaching. “Hi, Orville, are you ready to get formshifted?”

  “I guess so. Master Marloh says he’s going to change us into something that will be enlightening, whatever that means.”

  Sophia gave a frown. “Enlightening events usually aren’t very much fun.”

  Master Marloh looked extremely amused. “Oh, I think this one will be fun. You two follow me.” Master Marloh found a quiet practice room which offered complete privacy. “I’m probably being overly cautious, but I want to make certain none of Draken’s followers witness your formshifting. Who’s first?”

  Sophia raised her paw. “I volunteer Orville to be first.”


  Master Marloh laughed. “Orville it is then. Now, let me see... ah, I have it. This should work nicely.” He raised both paws and Orville glowed with a brilliant blue light then abruptly vanished. “And now, the new Orville.” He flicked his paws and a mouse appeared where Orville had been standing.

  Sophia gave a loud gasp. “Creekers! Look at him!”

  Orville looked down at his formshifted body with concern. “What?? Why are you saying creekers? Am I scary looking?”

  Sophia shook her head emphatically. “No, you’re the most handsome mouse I have ever seen in my entire life. You are ridiculously handsome. I can’t take my eyes off you. Creekers. Double creekers.”

  “I’m handsome? I’ve always wanted to be handsome.” He raised one eyebrow with a grin and gazed deeply into Sophia’s eyes.

  “Creeeekers... you are so handsome. I think I’m going to melt.”

  “Now it’s your turn, Sophia.” Sophia was bathed in the brilliant blue light, vanishing an instant later. With a bright flash of blue light a new mouse appeared where she had been standing.

  It was Orville’s turn to gasp. “Whoa! You are beautiful! You’re so beautiful it hurts my eyes to look at you, but I can’t stop looking.”

  “I’m beautiful? Thanks, Orville. No one has ever said that to me before.”

  “I said it to you once, remember?”

  “Oh, after I practically had to pull it out of you with a big pair of pliers.” Sophia found herself gazing into Orville’s eyes, realizing she had completely lost her train of thought. “What was I saying? You are so handsome. I could just sit here all day staring at you.” Sophia gave a long sigh, resting her chin on her paw as she gazed at Orville.

  “I can’t take my eyes off you, Sophia. I’ve never seen a mouse as stunningly beautiful as you. I could spend the rest of my life just looking into your eyes.”

  Master Marloh had an enormous grin on his face. “All right, you two, it’s safe to go out in public now. Would you mind running down to the general store and getting me a large ball of green twine?”

  “I could shape one for you. I’m a little busy looking at Sophia right now.”

  “No, they have a very special green twine at the general store. Nothing else will do, I’m afraid.”

  “Master Marloh, isn’t Sophia beautiful?”

  “Yes, quite beautiful, Orville.”

  “You’re so much more handsome than I am beautiful, Orville.”

  “Thanks, Sophia, but I’m quite certain your beauty is unsurpassed in this world or any other.”

  Master Marloh interrupted them. “The twine? You were going to get me some twine?”

  “Oh, of course. Let’s go.”

  Soon Orville and Sophia were strolling down the street toward the general store. Orville was finding it impossible to take his eyes off Sophia. “Your face is like an exquisite painting, your eyes the deepest blue green color I–”

  Orville never finished his sentence. He never finished it because he walked into a low hanging branch.

  “OWWW! My head! I knocked my head on that dumb tree!”

  Sophia looked at him with concern. “Are you all right? You... you... you’re sooo handsome. Your fur is so smooth, so perfect, and your eyes... I can’t seem to...”

  “Stop saying how handsome I am! I just walked into a tree and almost bashed my brains out because I couldn’t stop looking at you.”

  “Oh, sorry. This is not exactly what I thought being beautiful would be like. It’s just that you’re so handsome...”

  Sophia noticed two mice approaching them and stepped out their way. One of mice nodded his thanks, glancing over at Sophia.

  “Creekers, you’re a beauty! Where have you been all my life? Would you mind if I just stood here forever and gazed at you? Your eyes, so green... your fur is so smooth and the color of honey, with...”

  Sophia found herself suddenly very embarrassed. “Stop saying that, please. You don’t even know me, you can’t just say things like that to someone you don’t know.”

  The mouse stopped, giving Sophia an irritated look. “Oh, I get it, too beautiful for the likes of us? Just want to be with your ridiculously handsome friend? Fine with me, you two belong together, a pair of snooty little beautiful mice.” The two mice turned and walked away, laughing loudly for the benefit of Sophia and Orville.

  “Was I being snooty?”

  “Not at all, Sophia. He shouldn’t have said those things to you when he doesn’t even know you... even though your beauty overwhelms my senses, your eyes, so green, your fur so...”

  “Stop! Stop that right now. Stop saying how beautiful I am! This is going to drive me mad. I can’t walk down the street without mice stopping me, and I can’t take my eyes off you because you’re so handsome. How are we supposed to get anything done? We have to figure out how to keep Draken from disrupting Proto’s projection during the meeting.”

  “Oh, I forgot about that. We also need to get the green twine for Master Marloh.”

  “Master Marloh doesn’t need any twine. He just wanted us to walk around in public so we’d see what it was like to be amazingly beautiful. Nobody cares who we really are, all they see is how beautiful we are. They don’t care how smart I am or how good you are at finding puzzles. They don’t care how cute it is that you faint at the sight of giant centipedes.”

  “You think that’s cute? I hate it that I faint.”

  “I love it that you faint. It makes you special. Papa used to tell me it’s our flaws that make us lovable. He used to laugh a
nd say our flaws make us perfect.”

  “He might be right. I like it that you’re so bossy and always think you know everything.”

  “What did you just say??”

  “Umm, well, just a little bit bossy... sometimes. Not really very much at all when I think about it, though.”

  Sophia laughed. “Papa used to say that about me too. I know I’m really smart and I guess I like to show off sometimes and I do like to be in charge.”

  “You’re Sophia Mouse, and there’s no one else in the world like you.”

  “We should go back. I want Master Marloh to formshift us again into not so beautiful mice.”

  They turned around and headed back to the Book Emporium, crossing the street several times to avoid approaching mice. “Whew, I’m glad I don’t have to do this every day.”

  Master Marloh could not stop grinning when he saw them step back through the door after only fifteen minutes. “Back so soon? How was your walk?”

  “Please make us not quite so beautiful. It caused far more trouble than I ever imagined it would.”

  “Congratulations, you two have learned a valuable lesson in a very short amount of time. It doesn’t mean much if a mouse only finds value in your physical self. True friendship begins when another mouse appreciates you for the beauty and depth of your inner self, appreciating you for who you really are.”

  Chapter 34

  Back in a Blink

  “This is much better, now I can concentrate again. Orville, do you still think I’m beeeyoootiful?”

  “Arggh! Don’t ever ask me that again,.” Orville opened the flap on his pack and took Proto out, setting him on a nearby table. “Proto, we’re here in the Metaphysical Adventurers Headquarters below the Book Emporium. Are you there? Proto? Proto?”

  The glowbird abruptly moved its head, then stood up. “I’m here, Orville. My apologies, I was just putting the final touches on my special project. I’ll be testing it tonight. If you see a gigantic orange explosion on the horizon you’ll know it was less than successful.”

  “What? Proto, whatever you’re doing, please be careful.”

  “I am quite indestructible, I assure you. Now, what did you need to know?”

  “We need your help, Proto. We’re planning to reveal the truth about Draken Mouse at the Metaphysical Adventurers High Council meeting two nights from now. Draken Mouse will be there, and we’re afraid if the glowbird is projecting the images onto a wall Draken will simply blast the glowbird to pieces and that will be the end of it.”

  “Oh my, quite a quandary indeed. Hmmm... one moment while I check something. Hmmm hmmm... mmm... yes, that should work... transferring data now... mmm hmmm... that does it. Yes, quite humorous, this should work. Ha ha ha ha! Orville, I believe I have just this moment concocted a foolproof plan to deter any action taken by Draken Mouse. I will take care of everything, as always. I’ve transferred all the data from the glowbird to a crystalline storage cube. You need not worry about a single thing. It will be Proto to the rescue, once again! I do have one question, however. Which do you believe mice would perceive to be funnier, a joke about my mother-in-law or a joke about my very unlikeable first wife?”

  “Proto, what are you talking about? You don’t have a mother-in-law or a first wife. Why are you asking me this?”

  “Very well, one mother-in-law joke and one first wife joke.”

  “Proto, the sort of jokes you’re talking about don’t sound appropriate for a meeting like this. I really think you should tell us what you’re planning, so we know what to expect.”

  “What to expect? You may expect a surprise! Ha ha ha ha! Rest assured, I have everything under control. Nothing can possibly go wrong, for my plan is quite foolproof. Just relax and have a pleasant evening with your lovely friend Sophia. You said the meeting is in three days?”

  “Two days, Proto! The meeting is in two days at the Metaphysical Adventurers Headquarters below the Book Emporium. It starts at eight o’clock in the evening. Members will be blinking in from all over.”

  “Very well, I have calculated precisely the necessary space-time coordinates. We’re set to go. I’d better get busy, as I have dozens of tests to run before I’m ready.”

  The glowbird slumped down on the table and closed its eyes.

  “Proto? Are you still there?”

  Orville looked up at Sophia. “What should we do? I know Proto means well, but I’m not certain about this plan of his. I have no idea why he’s asking about jokes.”

  “Well... I can’t think of anything else we can do. Draken is far too powerful a shaper for us to confront head on. Perhaps we should have faith in our good friend Proto. Maybe he was introduced to us for just this reason.”

  Orville did not look entirely convinced, but nodded. “I suppose there’s nothing else we can do. At least we know he has a copy of Draken’s glowbird record safely stored in the Cube. That’s something, I guess. Now we just sit and wait for two days?”

  “No, Master Marloh wants us to practice blinking. Given our current predicament he thinks we need to become proficient in it.”

  “I thought you said it was only for advanced shapers?”

  “Master Marloh thinks we’re ready. I’ve already blinked a few times, and he said you’ll pick it up right away. He’s certain we’ll do fine. He said we need to practice it until we can blink without thinking.”

  “Well, if he thinks we can do it, I guess it should be all right.”

  The following morning Orville rose early and found Sophia out on the main floor of the headquarters. She was having her breakfast while watching one of the advanced members creating a spectral door.

  “Hi, Orville! Here’s some breakfast for you. You should see him open these spectral doors. It’s amazing.”

  “Thanks.” Orville watched with fascination as a mouse wearing a long dark cloak cupped his paws together, a small vaporous glowing sphere appearing above them. The sphere grew in substance, turning a marvelous shade of blue green, tiny bolts of lightning flashing around its periphery, then expanded rapidly to a diameter of fifteen feet, floating ten feet above the mouse’s head. Dark clouds were swirling wildly inside it, sharp claps of thunder echoing through the main room. Great flashes of lightning created dancing light and shadows across the floor.

  Orville’s breakfast tray tumbled to the floor with a great crash when the enormous creature wriggled out of the spectral door. Orville’s first thought was of the beasts in the Senyph Ocean, but this particular monstrosity had legs, not fins. In fact, it had a dozen legs, and attached to each leg was a set of six frightfully long glowing green claws. Orville wasn’t certain if the creature actually had a face, but there were six yellow orbs on the end of long waving tentacles which may have been eyes, and something resembling a snake’s blue forked tongue flicking in and out of a round aperture filled with hundreds of small pointy teeth. The creature hit the floor with a horrible wet smack, the yellow orbs whirling about on their sinewy blue tentacles. The orbs were now all pointing toward Orville, and with a great howl the hideous monstrosity began clawing its way across the floor toward him.

  Three things happened in quick succession. First, Orville’s legs gave out from under him and he began to fall. Second, Sophia lunged forward and grabbed him before he could hit the floor. Third, the mouse in the dark cloak shot out a brilliant beam of blue light and the hideous creature vanished, blinked back to its own world.

  “Sorry! Is your friend okay? Must be his first encounter with a Plindorian Swamp Hornet. Kind of scary looking, aren’t they?”

  Orville was still groggy but sitting up. “Is that thing gone? What happened?”

  “Um, I think you tripped on your chair when you were jumping up to save me from that awful beast.”

  Orville studied Sophia’s face. “You really think it’s cute when I faint?”

  “I think it’s adorable.”

  “Well, I guess it’s okay then. Maybe Master Marloh can help me with it.”

p; “Speaking of Master Marloh, we’re supposed to meet him in the second practice room right after breakfast.”

  Orville made a wide detour around the flashing spectral doorway and they headed toward the practice room where Master Marloh was waiting for them.

  “Ah, there you are. Ready to learn about blinking? We have a lot to cover in a short time, so lets begin. You are both fully capable of creating objects from thought clouds by compressing the energy fields into physical matter. You are also able to convert physical matter back into energy fields again. Blinking is simply the process of converting your own physical body into an energy field, willing it to travel a certain distance, and then converting the energy field back into your physical body again. Sophia, you have done this a number of times. What was the most difficult part of the process for you?”

  “Being an energy field without a body was very strange, even though it lasted for less than a second. It felt dreamlike, as though I was just floating consciousness. I didn’t want it to end, but I knew if I stayed in that form for more than two or three seconds I would not be able to convert back again.”

  “Precisely. You have to be able to convert back and forth almost instantly. Go ahead and demonstrate blinking for Orville.”

  Sophia held one paw out and glowed with a brilliant blue light, vanishing a split second later. She reappeared almost instantly across the room.

  “Creekers, that was amazing.”

  “Thanks. It’s not too hard once you get used to the feeling of being a cloud of energy.”

  Master Marloh pointed to the wooden chair sitting next to Orville. “Orville, convert that chair to an energy field and back again, over and over as quickly as you can.”

  Orville held out his paw and a bright blue light flashed out. Sophia watched as the chair rapidly blinked in and out of existence.

  “Excellent job. Now, instead of the chair, I want you to blink me across the room. No need to worry, if for some reason you are taking too long I will convert myself back to physical form. Just pretend I’m a chair.”


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