Jane's Playmates (A Tarzan and Jane Adventure)

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Jane's Playmates (A Tarzan and Jane Adventure) Page 5

by Virginia Wade

  “You sure liked me this afternoon.”

  “You’re no gentlemen.”

  “And, thank God for that. Move on over, blondie. I’m coming in.”



  He lay on my sleeping bag. “How dare you!”

  His long legs were stretched out before him. “Help me get these boots off, will ya.”

  “You’ve got some nerve.”

  “Yeah I do.” He looked far too comfortable on my bedroll.

  “Where will I sleep?”

  He patted the spot next to him. “Right here.” He smiled roguishly. “You gonna grab the bottom of the boot or what?”

  I huffed, “Oh, all right, but I’m not having intercourse with you, Mr. Collins.”

  “I never forced a woman in my life. Ain’t about to start now.”

  I grabbed a boot and pulled. After the second one had been removed, I extinguished the lamp. “Move over!”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I rolled to the far edge and kept my legs straight as a board. I didn’t want to accidentally brush up against him. I needn’t have bothered. Max grabbed me and pulled me to him. He nuzzled my neck and sighed. We fit perfectly together. His arm went around me. It wasn’t long before we were both asleep.

  Chapter Eight

  I was lying on my side and a hand was on my thigh, beneath my chemise. I’d dreamed of being on a soft animal pelt with a broad shouldered and ruggedly handsome man. He was nestled between my thighs with his cock thrusting silkily in and out of my pussy. It had been a gloriously vivid dream. The hand on my thigh moved to my hips. From there, it drifted across my stomach and dipped between my legs where a long finger stroked me. This treatment went on for some time, and I arched my back. A kiss was planted on my neck.


  I felt wetness between my legs. The hand suddenly disappeared, and I grunted with disappointment. My concern was for naught, because a moment later, something nudged me from behind. This warm and lengthy instrument slid across my entrance. My pussy provided ample lubrication, and the tip of the penis pressed into me and slid in.

  I groaned, “Oh…yes…”

  A strong hand gripped my hip, and a purposeful thrust embedded the cock deeply. A manly groan filled the air. I rolled to my stomach and slid my hand to my crotch and fingered myself. He rose over my bottom and began to thrust into me. Never having had a real penis before, I was unprepared for just how wonderful it felt. It went beyond my expectations. I would never use that stupid wood tool again. A throbbing pressure deep inside my womanhood made my entire body tense with desire.

  “It’s so good.”

  “It is,” he groaned.

  He began to pump me harder, and the sound of skin slapping against skin resonated in the quiet morning air. The porters were still sleeping because the oxen hadn’t been tethered yet.

  I thrust up my bottom. “Now! Give me more! Oooohh…”

  My pussy contracted around him, throbbing and pulsing. The intense bliss of our mating overcame all of my senses. My hand was wet from my own juices as I stroked my clit. He pounded me with vigor. I gasped against the material of the sleeping bag and stiffened, moaning loudly.

  “Yes! Ooooo…yes!”

  “That’s it. Thatta girl. Cum on my cock.”

  He drove himself into me demandingly and groaned. He thrust deep and remained lodged, gasping and moaning. A moment later, he lowered himself and lay on my back. His heart beat furiously against me. When we had recovered from the experience, I turned to look at him. His eyes were bleary, his hair was a mess, but he looked happy.

  “Good mornin’.”

  “You took advantage of me.”

  He grinned. “You didn’t seem to mind.”

  I sat up. “I’m all wet now.”

  He scratched his beard. “Yeah? Occupational hazard.”

  “Ouf!” I slapped his arm.

  He got to his feet and dunked a washcloth into the ceramic bowl. He rung it out and handed it to me. “That should help. You want me to do it?”

  I snatched it from him. “No thank you.”

  “You’re a little cranky in the mornin’.”

  I washed my pussy with the cloth. “Don’t you have horses to tend or something?”

  He stared at me with an unreadable expression. “You should marry me.”

  I gasped.

  “A woman shouldn’t be without protection. I could offer you that…and some other nice things, if ya know what I mean.”

  “I don’t need protection. And, I certainly don’t need a husband.” I flung the cloth at him.

  “It don’t matter. Marry me anyway.”

  I looked at him with hoity indifference. “What exactly do you have to offer, Mr. Collins, besides your cock?”

  “Er…I got two horses, fifty porters, some gold pieces…and my good looks.”

  I laughed, “I bring in thirty thousand a year. I have my choice of husbands. A title and a large estate are in my future. Mother would expect no less.”

  “Shit!” He began to dress. “Stuck up bitch. You’ll have a husband with a limp dick is what you’re gonna get. Have fun with that, Lady.”

  My words had produced their desired affect. He was upset. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing him like this. Goading him was fun. “Well, our stations in life are vastly different, Mr. Collins. It would do you good to remember that.”

  “Go to hell.” He pulled on his boots and left the tent angrily. I heard him say; “Now I remember why I hate English bitches.”

  Twenty minutes later, I was seated on a crate with a cup of coffee in my hands. I had on a chemise and a white muslin gown. My corset, pantalettes, and petticoats now occupied the space at the bottom of a leather trunk. If my mother knew I was clad like this, she would be appalled. A pretty straw bonnet was on my head. I watched the porters load the wagons with the provisions and tents.

  Evelyn, where are you?

  As if to answer my unspoken question, my chaperone suddenly stepped from the impenetrable wall of jungle. She was naked and her hair was a tangled mess. Following her was the seven-foot warrior. He wore a strip of leather to cover his hanging manhood. A large spear was in his hand and a bow with many arrows was slung across his shoulder.

  Carlos approached them. He spoke in Zande. The exchange went on for some time.

  Mr. Collins joined them. “What’s he sayin?”

  “The chief is giving us this man to thank us for the use of the woman. She…uh…satisfied the tribe with enthusiasm. He says that this man, whose name is, Njambi, will protect us from the other tribes and their demands for hongo, boss.”

  “I’ll be goddamned.”

  “This is a great honor,” said Carlos. “It’s a good omen.”

  “I’m starving,” said Evelyn. “I need food.” She walked towards me.

  “You poor thing,” I said. “How’re you? Did they hurt you?”

  “It was the worst experience of my life.”

  Are you sure about that? I eyed her shrewdly. “Sit here. I’ll get you food.”

  I filled a plate with cassava bread, groundnuts, and yams. It was all we had left from breakfast. There were some green bananas as well. She ate ravenously. I poured a cup of coffee and gave it to her. She tossed back the contents in one gulp.

  I glanced into the empty cup. “I…guess…I’ll get more coffee.” I sat on a crate and watched her eat. When most of the food was gone, she belched loudly, astonishing me. I’d never seen her so ill mannered.

  She handed me the plate and stood. “Excuse me.” She walked away without another word and disappeared into the tent.

  “Time to get goin’, Miss Tennent.” Mr. Collins stood before me with a rifle in his hand. “We’ve wasted enough time as it is.” He’d shaven, which revealed the pleasing features of his face and a strong jaw. He squinted in the bright sun. He had yet to put his hat on.

  “I’m waiting for Evelyn.”

  “Get on the damn wagon.” He t
rudged off towards the horses.

  As soon as my chaperone emerged, the porters began to disassemble the tent. It was packed away within minutes. I was shocked to see her in only a chemise. She wore boots and a bonnet, but nothing else. The outlines of her breasts were clearly visible through the thin fabric. She took a seat next to me and stared straight ahead. Her hair was tangled down her back.

  “Are you al right?”

  She sniffed. “Just fine.”

  “Your hair…it’s a sight. You should let me brush it.”

  “If you feel you must, then do so.”

  Her demeanor was perplexing. She was standoffish and robotic. I prayed this was only a temporary affliction and that the Evelyn I knew and loved returned soon. It frightened me to see her like this.

  As we departed, the seven-foot warrior took his place at the front of our wagon. His shaven head glistened in the sun. He walked with confidence, his chin up and his posture straight. His muscled thighs bulged with each step. I felt oddly safe with him near.

  The sound of bells filled the air as the oxen plodded on through the jungle. The going was relatively easy due to the hippo trail Carlos had discovered. The giant animals always chose the easiest gradients. We were surrounded by the continual hum of insects and abrupt, intermittent downpours, which prevented our clothing from drying completely. The denseness of the foliage blocked out the sun and trapped the heat in the lower strata of the atmosphere. The effect was like a steam room.

  I brushed out Evelyn’s hair to the best of my abilities and braided the strands. A thick braid now hung down her back. “Did they hurt you?” I asked gently.

  “You needn’t worry over me. I’m fine.”

  She still wasn’t her old self. I fretted the entire day, concerned over her mental outlook. What had happened last night after we had left? Perhaps we should have stayed? I chastised myself for being a horrible human being and an even worse friend. Mr. Collins had saved me last night. The heathens had wanted me! I was a coward for letting Evelyn bear the brunt of their animalistic needs. I hung my head in shame.

  That evening, we made camp in a small clearing near the sound of rushing water. After dinner, Evelyn and I went to the water’s edge and bathed. Njambi stood nearby and watched over us as we submerged ourselves in the refreshing pool. It felt wonderful to be thoroughly clean. Back at camp, I was surprised to find that Evelyn and I would not be sharing a tent. She went into a neighboring tent with the hulking warrior. This was indeed perplexing.

  I’m sleeping alone?

  I had settled myself on the bedroll, as Mr. Collins crossed the threshold. He’d been drinking by the campfire with Carlos. He said nothing to me, and began to undress. I took in the sight of his pronounced pectoral muscles and the rippling of muscles beneath his flattened stomach. Seeing him like this made my pussy throb with need. He pulled his boots off and stood with his hands on his hips. His penis was beginning to show signs of life. It jutted out in front of him looking deliciously threatening.

  “Ya see somethin’ ya want?”

  I sucked in a breath. “I most certainly do.” I whipped the chemise over my head and smiled naughtily. “You’re going to fuck me with that thing, Mr. Collins. I demand it.”

  He smiled revealing straight, white teeth. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Fuck me, you big black beast!” shouted Evelyn from the next tent.

  I glanced at Max. “Good Lord. Will that go on all night?”

  Mirth shone in his eyes. “More than likely.” He sat on the bedroll.

  “Fuck my ass! Do it! Yes! Yes! Ooooo…”

  “Keep it down over there,” he shouted. “The whole damn camp can hear you.” He grinned. “That’ll take care of it.”

  We stared at each other for a long moment. He touched my face. “You’re so beautiful. I wanna take you home with me. You’d make a terrific Mrs. Collins. Mrs. Jane Collins. Has a nice ring to it, don’t it?”

  “I could do so much better than you.” I was teasing, but I sounded serious. “I could marry a viscount or an earl or even a duke. A man of stature with a dwindling fortune would marry me in a heartbeat. I’ve had offers. I’m considering one seriously right at this very minute.”

  “You don’t say?” His voice was thick with Texas twang.

  “Certainly. As soon as this expedition is over I’m throwing myself into society. A successful season will end with a proposal of marriage, naturally. Mother will be overjoyed.”

  He grabbed me and pushed me to the bedding. Anger, fear, and need shone in his eyes. “You ain’t doin’ none of that. I’m draggin’ your ass back to Texas with me. You’ll be a proper cattle rancher’s wife. If I gotta tie you up and throw you in a burlap sack, then I will.”

  I smiled. “You really are a heathen, aren’t you?”

  He kissed my neck. “You know you like it.”

  I sighed as his hand cupped my breast. “I’m so glad I came to Africa. I’ve never been happier in my life.” He suckled a nipple. I laced my fingers through his thick hair. “I want you lower than that, Mr. Collins.” I opened my legs. “I need you here.” I ran a finger over my slit. I was dripping. “Suck my pussy.”

  He kissed his way across my stomach and below. Settling between my thighs, he flicked out his tongue and laved me. He sank into my hole, and I moaned. I flung my head against the bedroll and pushed his face into my snatch.

  “More. I need more.”

  “You sure are a horny bitch.”

  “Shush. Just suck.”

  He violated me repeatedly, which was exactly what I wanted. His tongue was longer and stronger than Evelyn’s. He nudged my clit in-between thrusts. Then he dipped deep and wiggled, delighting my senses and sending my pulses racing. I basked in this particular technique, noting that I preferred to have a man performing this act rather than a woman. I loved the firmness of a man, and the way his day old beard chafed. I was tired of soft and feathery. I wanted it long, thick, and hard. I hoped Mr. Collins was ready to give it to me.

  “Let me get on top,” I breathed.

  His face glistened with my juices. “I’m more than happy to oblige a lady.”

  I flung my leg over. “Tonight I’m not a lady. I want to be fucked like a whore. Are you ready for me?”

  “Jesus, yes.”

  My words had scandalized him. That was saying a great deal, considering his station in life and the fact that he consorted with heathens and blackguards, not to mention slave traders.

  I grabbed his cock. It was rock hard. “Ooo…I love this.”


  I kissed the tip. Clear fluid appeared immediately. I rubbed my thumb across the bulbous head and spread the lubrication over his skin. I drew the end into my mouth and sucked with zeal, working his meat noisily.

  “Oh, God,” he moaned.

  I brought him to the back of my throat and beyond, tamping down the gag reflex. His hands tangled in my hair. Releasing his cock, I licked the sides all the way to the base. Then I fondled his ball sacks and lifted one. I proceeded to lick it thoroughly. I sucked it into my mouth gently.


  I repeated this maneuver with its mate and fondled and sucked both, savoring their warmth and softness. It thrilled me to hear his moans. He was enjoying what I was doing to him. Returning to his hardened member, I sucked the tip aggressively.

  “Jesus Christ, that’s so good.”

  My pussy tensed and contracted with each tug. I was nearing the end of my patience for this particular love game. I needed so much more. I straddled him and stared down at his pleasing face.

  “I’ve never done this before.” I sounded breathless.

  “I’ll help you, honey.”

  He held his penis and guided it within me. I moaned loudly. It felt so good. I sat until it was embedded entirely. My bottom rested on the tops of his thighs. “What do I do now?”

  He pushed me forward and back. “Ride me, baby. Ride me.”

; I moved my hips as instructed. With each pass my clit rubbed against his heated skin. This was a most advantageous position. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I experimented with my movements, grinding myself against him over and over.

  “Yeah, that’s it. You got it.” His head fell back and he closed his eyes. “Fuck me, honey. Do anything you want to me.”

  I played around with increasing the tempo and then slowing myself, until I found the perfect speed and rhythm. My lush breasts heaved up and down with the effort. My nipples were hard and pointy. I leaned forward and grasped his chest, kneading his flesh. A nipple found its way into his mouth, and he sucked it. My hips increased their movement driving low and sharp as I fucked with uncontrolled passion.

  “Oh…God…yeah…” he murmured. “Like a duck to water.”

  “I—really—love—this!” Like a woman possessed, my body had taken over. I pumped his cock with wild abandon, and it still wasn’t enough. I dug my fingertips into his flesh, and he moaned. The force of the orgasm had me screaming, which shocked me. I trembled and convulsed, my pussy contracting around his tool. I saw stars; the feeling was so intense. Breathing raggedly, I collapsed on his chest.

  “Keep it down, yourself!” Shouted Evelyn from the next tent.

  I giggled, embarrassed. “Oh, dear.”

  Max chuckled, “It’s hot in the jungle tonight, ain’t it?”

  I sighed tiredly. His chest hair itched my breasts as our body’s clung together. We were drenched with perspiration. “I like that position.”

  “I bet you do. Scoot on over.” I rolled to my side. He sat up and grabbed me. “I want you on your hands and knees.”

  “Really?” I did as instructed.

  “Thatta girl.” He rubbed his penis across my wet slit. “You’re more than ready for me.” With one push he was buried to the hilt. I moaned. “This is gonna be short and sweet cause I’m almost there.” He began to pound me roughly. My teeth clattered with the force of his lovemaking. “Oh, God, baby, yeah! Take that cock you little whore. Take it!” The sound of skin smacking against skin filled the tent. “Oooo…hell…yeah!” He thrust forward, burying himself to the hilt and stiffened. He groaned noisily. He drew himself in and out until he’d taken every last bit of pleasure I offered. Pulling himself free, he dropped to the bedroll.


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