Jane's Playmates (A Tarzan and Jane Adventure)

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Jane's Playmates (A Tarzan and Jane Adventure) Page 8

by Virginia Wade

  “You look famished.” He handed me a wooden plate. “Help yourself.”

  “Thank you.” I filled my plate with delicious looking food and glanced at him expectantly. I needed a fork and knife.

  Understanding shone in his eyes. “Hands. We use our hands, Jane.”

  “Oh.” I dove in and ate heartily. To hell with propriety. It had gone out the window a long time ago. Ironically, a proper tea set was put before us, and there were spoons. Some of the dainty cups were slightly chipped. “I see you reserved one luxury.”

  “I did. How’s your mother?”

  “She’s well.”

  “That’s good.”

  “When are you coming home?”

  He sucked in a breath. “Jane…I don’t wish to break your heart, my love, but, I’m afraid I must. This is where I belong now.”

  I shook my head. “No. You’re coming home when your expedition is over.”

  “I’m sorry.” Those words were spoken simply, but with great feeling.

  “Your letters have been published! The Royal Geographical Society awarded you their highest distinction. Did you know that? Your campaign against slavery has made you a hero. I’m sure the queen would give you a title now. You always wanted one.”

  He sighed. “I’ve found my heart here. “I’m régéné—born again. How can I explain it to you? I belong to this jungle, to these people. This is my home.” His brows drew together. “Don’t look so sad, my darling. I love your mother. I just can’t live with her. You’re well taken care of. You must’ve come into your inheritance by now. Soon you’ll marry and have a family. Your mother has her cottage and garden. That’s all she’s ever wanted.” He murmured, “I doubt anything’s changed.”

  The room began to fill with natives. The men and women were dressed in skins, bark cloth, and hand woven cotton. They wore beads and coils of copper wire as anklets and bracelets.

  Tears were in my eyes. “What’s happened to you?”

  He smiled sympathetically. “I’ve found myself, my dear. I can’t explain it any other way. I’ve hurt you, and I’m sorry for that.”

  “You’re selfish.”

  “Yes, and worse. I’m a hedonist, if you must know. I was never a saint.”

  I thought of my own sexual conduct and my resentment lessoned. I’d behaved just as badly. We were obviously cut from the same cloth. I changed tact. “Who is that white-ape? Is he your man?”

  “Yes. He’s…a scout. He obtains things for me.”

  “You mean, women. He steals virgins for you.”

  He looked sheepish. “Perhaps, that and other things. His name is Tarzan. He’s a good egg.” He waved a hand. “Drink; eat. Enjoy my hospitality. We shall have dancing and festivities.” Someone handed him a long pipe. He drew on the end of it, and the noxious smell of cannabis filled the room. “We were meant to live, my dear. This is freedom.” He handed me the pipe.

  I took it and hesitated. I looked into his eyes, realizing that I’d never really known him. He’d always been a mystery. I’d idolized him and held him up to an impossible standard. I knew now that he was just a man, no lesser or greater than. Bringing the pipe to my lips, I met his gaze. I inhaled the mysterious smoke.

  He smiled. “Welcome to the party, my love.”

  I coughed soundly, as his laughter filled my ears. The rest of the evening passed in a fuzzy, dreamlike haze.

  I awoke the next morning to a commotion. Shouts rang out, and a musket fired. I sat up on an animal pelt and scrambled to my feet. I was groggy from the late night and the cannabis. I’d also had wine. Exiting the hut, I was greeted by the sight of natives running to the edge of the jungle. Were slave raiders attacking us? I glimpsed my father. Armed warriors surrounded him. I took off running in his direction. When I reached them, I pushed my way through the crowd.

  “I’m lookin’ for my wife,” a familiar voice said.

  “And, who exactly might she be?” asked my father.

  “Jane Tennent.” I’d emerged from the throng. Max stood before me. His eyes flew wide. “Jesus Christ!” I flung myself into his arms. He gripped me tightly. “I thought I’d lost you, darlin’. I was shittin’ bricks wonderin’ if I’d ever see you again.”

  “God in heaven,” gasped Evelyn. “Is that you, Mr. Tennent?”

  “Yes, my dear, it is.”

  My father spoke to the natives to reassure them that these white people were not raiders. The sight of Njambi clearly frightened them. They cowered in his presence. He stood menacingly tall, with a spear in hand. The straw through his cartilage was gruesome.

  “I assume this is your man?” asked my father. He eyed the warrior appreciatively.

  “He was a…gift,” Max said.

  Father looked impressed. “I see.” He waved. “Come, come. I offer you all refreshments. Then my daughter can explain to me how it is that she’s married.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  We sat on leopard pelts surrounded by the barbaric grandeur of the chief’s hut and ate and drank. Joviality and laughter filled the air as stories of calamity and triumph were exchanged. While Tarzan had held me hostage, pygmies had attacked the caravan. They had stolen crates of provisions and killed several porters with their poisoned arrows.

  “Do tell. I’m dying of curiosity,” implored father. “How is it that you’re this man’s wife?”

  “I…I’m not exactly his wife. We’re not married.”

  “I see.”

  “That’s only cause I ain’t asked her yet,” said Max. “I suppose since you’re her father, I should ask you for her hand in marriage.”

  “That is the custom.”

  Max’s scruffy, yet handsome features had my undivided attention. I grinned at him affectionately. My father’s attention drifted between us. He digested what he saw with sober acceptance.

  “Jane, dear. Are you serious about this person? Wouldn’t you prefer to be a countess or a marchioness, or perhaps even a duchess? I doubt your mother would approve of this boorish lout.” His tone was teasing.

  “Now, hold on there, just a minute,” objected Max. “I don’t—”

  “I adore him. Actually, I love him. He’ll do perfectly well.”

  “Is that so?” Father glanced at Max. “What exactly are your intentions, Mr. Collins?”

  Appearing slightly confused, yet hopeful, he said, “I’m gonna love her and take care of her.” He placed his hand over mine. “I love you, darlin’.”

  I tingled everywhere. “I love you too.”

  Evelyn and Carlos were quietly listening to this discussion.

  “Well then,” father said with finality. “That’s nearly settled.” He spoke to one of his people. They went to retrieve a basket. “I don’t suppose you have a ring? Jane may be unconventional, but I do think she’d prefer a small token, a symbol of commitment. Perhaps, something in here will be suitable.”

  The deep rich tones of gold sparkled dimly in the poor lighting. “Oh, my.” There were rings of various shapes and sizes holding stones of emeralds, rubies, and sapphires. There were pearls as well. “Where did you get these?” It looked like pirate treasure.

  “We’ve pilfered a Portuguese or two, no offence, Carlos.”

  “None taken.”

  “Help yourselves to as many as you like,” he said.

  I picked up a gold band with an enormous ruby. It glinted under the lamplight, flashing red fire. I slid it onto my ring finger. It was far too big. It had been made for a man. Max plucked out a smaller ring. It was a ruby surrounded by diamonds.

  “Try this one.” It fit perfectly. He grinned broadly. “Looks like we’re engaged.” He held my face between his weathered hands and smiled with tenderness. Then he kissed me.

  Father raised a tin cup. “Eat; drink. Tonight we shall celebrate the betrothal in true African fashion.” He patted Max on the back. “Congratulations, young man. She’s quite a catch.”

  “Thank you, sir. I appreciate that.”

  Hours later, af
ter having a nap and bathing in a waterfall with my fiancé, we walked hand in hand down the long path that led to my father’s hut. Dark clouds lingered, threatening rain. It had been raining most of the day. The sound of drums and laughter filled the air. The party had already started.

  “You look wonderful, darlin’.”

  I’d worn a green silk wrap and gold bangles. “So do you.” He had on fawn colored pants and a white linen shirt.

  “You sure you wanna marry me?” He grinned.

  I smiled. “Of course.” But, something was bothering me that I had to get off my chest. I was worried how he would react. “I have to tell you about what happened after I was kidnapped.”

  “What? Changed your mind already?” A smile lingered around the crinkled edges of his eyes.

  “No, it’s just that…while I was being held hostage by the white-ape—”


  “Yes, Tarzan, he…well…we….sort of had intimate relations.”

  He took a long breath. “I see.”

  “I…it was…forced on me, but then…I…well…I liked it.”

  He kissed my hand. “I don’t give a damn. I’m just happy you’re alive and safe, honey. Whatever else don’t matter.”

  Relief washed over me. “You don’t think I’m a harlot?”

  “Not at all, darlin’. People gotta do what they gotta do to survive in the jungle.” He squeezed my hand.

  I had the most understanding fiancé. “Let’s hurry,” I said. “I’m starving.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  We laughed as we ran down the path.

  Father was adorned in a black baboon headdress with red feathers and a necklace of lion’s fangs. He sat between Evelyn and Carlos. Max and I were across from him. Njambi had joined us as well. It was especially humid within the dwelling, and natives stood over us with woven fans circulating the air. To my surprise, Tarzan appeared. He wore a strip of leather over his manhood and nothing else. His balls hung low between his muscled thighs, and I couldn’t help staring, remembering how they had felt in my mouth. He sat near my father and eyed me with blatant desire. I tingled in my tummy from his heated perusal. Max noticed the attention. His perceptive gaze ran between us. I wondered what he thought of the ape-man’s presence?

  After we’d eaten, wine flowed, and pipes were passed around. Father stood then, surprising us all. “I’ve arranged a special entertainment this evening.” He glanced at me. “I hope I won’t offend you, my dear.”

  What was he planning?

  A naked female stepped into the hut followed by two equally naked men. They took their places where the food had been in the center of the room. We sat around them in a large circle. Drums began beating as they swayed and rubbed their hands over each other in sensuous, lingering caresses. Someone brought out a wooden bowl, brimming with oil. Hands dipped into the fluid, and it was rubbed over dark, glistening skin.

  Max’s breath was in my ear. “This could be interesting.”

  “Yes.” My sex clenched with anticipation.

  I was mesmerized by what I saw. The cocks of the warriors had grown, their rigid lengths protruding. The woman knelt and gripped both. She took one into her mouth, then the other. She repeated this over and over until they were dripping with saliva.

  Tarzan glanced at me. Fire flared in his look. He was aroused by what he was seeing, as was I. I was horribly damp and throbbing. To illustrate this point, Max’s hand landed on my thigh and slid between my legs. He stroked my slit with a firm finger.

  “You’re enjoying this,” he murmured.

  How could I not? It was stimulating beyond belief.

  Father had removed himself from my line of sight. Where had he gone? Tarzan noted where Max’s hand was, clearly envious. His lower lip hung out. Was he pouting? His loincloth was sitting high in the air. It looked like a tent. It was hardly effective in hiding his excited cock. Evelyn watched with rapt attention as one of the men pushed the native to her hands and knees. A warrior took his position behind her and thrust his cock in deep. Her mouth was suddenly filled with a long, black phallus.

  The rhythmic beat of the drums matched the wildness of the fornicating trio. They grunted and moaned with pleasure. The air was thick with unrealized lust and the smell of mating. Every man who watched had become aroused. Njambi suddenly stood and roared his approval. The wild light of animal sensuality glinted in his look. He pulled Evelyn to him and ripped off her clothing. Her pale breasts burst out and jiggled invitingly.

  “Oh, yes, my black lover! I know what you want.” She touched the tip of his massive cock. “I shouldn’t have this all to myself. It’s not nice to bring a toy to a party and not share.” She glanced at me. “Jane, dear. Won’t you help me with this?” She held the thick root. Her fingers struggled to go all the way around it.

  I glanced furtively at Max. I prayed my eyes did not betray my inner longings. I would never admit it openly, but I did wonder about that enormous cock. What did it feel like? Would I like it inside me?

  He touched my face. “If you want to play with your friends, I won’t stop you darlin’. I love you. I know you love me. We’re just havin’ a good time.”

  “I’ll understand, if you don’t want me to. We can leave and go back to our hut.”

  He let out a long breath. “I wouldn’t mind watchin’, if you know what I mean.”

  “Oh.” Oh. He was thrilled by the thought of the warrior taking me. “I see.” I smiled coyly.

  “He looks like he could work you over real good. I’m guessin’ you wouldn’t mind it, would you?” His hand tilted my chin up. “You don’t have to hide from me. If you wanna be fucked, all you gotta do is say so.”

  “I…don’t want to upset you.”

  Others had undressed, and they were fornicating. Carlos rode a black beauty. He was thrusting into her with growing urgency. Evelyn had taken Njambi’s meat into her mouth, and she worked it furiously. Tarzan was receiving a blowjob from one of my father’s women. She’d been the one who had used the wooden tool on me. She devoured his member with relish. The ape-man’s eyes were on me. He was watching my every move.

  Max untied my silk sheath. He touched my breasts. “Go on, honey. You won’t upset me. Go help Evelyn. She could use an extra pair of hands.”

  I tingled with yearning. I couldn’t wait to join in the fun. “Are you sure?”

  He fingered my slit. “You’re more than ready, darlin’.”

  “I know,” I breathed. “Being married to you is going to be fun.”

  His brown eyes sparkled. “You’re a horny bitch.”

  “I’ll be taking care of you later.”

  “I’m countin’ on it.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  As I approached Evelyn, anticipation mixed with fear filled my belly to bursting. I was petrified, yet intrigued by the size of that piece of meat. It was bigger than a fat man’s wrist. My chaperone glanced at me.

  “Get on your knees, Jane.”

  Njambi’s features blazed with undisguised lust. He looked pleased that I would be servicing him. He spoke softly.

  “What’s he saying?” I asked.

  Carlos said, “He wants to fuck you, Miss Tennent.”

  “Oh.” I didn’t need a translator for that. It was more than obvious.

  “Come, my dear.” Evelyn held the warrior’s cock. “Taste the best that mother Africa has to offer.”

  I knelt and stared at the throbbing organ in front of me. The huge head looked like the top of an enormous mushroom. The shaft was riddled with hidden veins, and it seemed to go on forever. Where would I begin?

  Evelyn licked the wide tip. “Let’s start here.”

  I murmured, “It’s too much for one person.” I glanced up at Njambi and sucked in a breath. He was the fiercest looking creature I’d ever beheld with his shaved head, expressive black eyes, and generous lips. He’d removed the straw from his nose. There was something about his aura, though, and the manner in which he protected and
took care of Evelyn, that spoke volumes. He might be frightening looking, but there was honor and goodness in him.

  I ran my tongue over the top and tasted a salty tang. He smelled deliciously musky. I nibbled gently around the edges. I attempted to suck him into my mouth. If I opened wide enough, I could just get the top most portion in.

  Njambi moaned.

  “Good girl,” said Max. He grinned with approval. His pants were pointing upward. “You got ‘em now.”

  Someone touched my breast. It was Tarzan. His crystal blue gaze was on me. Hunger burned in his eyes. He murmured in a language I didn’t understand.

  I glanced at Carlos. “What did he say?”

  “He wants to fuck you, Miss Tennent.”

  I laughed, “Whatever shall I do?”

  Max had lowered his pants, and a native woman was sucking his cock. “Let ‘em fuck you, honey.” His voice sounded husky.

  I tingled pleasurably. “That’s a wonderful idea.”

  Evelyn sucked the warrior noisily. She thrust his cock my way. “You’re turn, my dear.”

  I opened my mouth and laved him until he groaned. Evelyn and I tongued the length of the shaft down to his enormous hanging balls. Tarzan’s hand was on my bottom, and it slid between my cheeks and lower. He massaged my slit. The lack of pubic hair increased the sensation tenfold. He slipped a finger into me, and I groaned. Two of the most magnificent men in the world were offering to pleasure me and my soon to be husband was encouraging this to happen.

  I am the luckiest girl on the planet.

  Tarzan spoke to Njambi. They were both touching my breasts. The white-ape had my nipple lodged between his knuckles.

  “What are they saying, Carlos?”

  “They want to fuck you at the same time.”

  I gasped. Absolute terror raced through me, propelling me to my feet. I ran only to be caught up in the warrior’s steely arms. My feet dangled above the floor.

  “Oh…oh…Max!” I was returned to the leopard pelt. “Max!”


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