McTureous, Pvt. Robert
Mabie, Capt. Howard
Madison, Michael
Maeda, Capt.
Majuro Atoll
Makin Atoll
Makinami, destroyer
Malinowski, Sgt. Tony
Malo, Lt. Raymond
Maples, Lt. Gordon
Marianas Islands
Marpi Point, mass suicides at
Marshall, Capt. Daniel
Marshall, Col. William
Marshall Islands; conquest of
Martin, Pfc. Edward
Martin, Lt. Harry
Maruyama, Maj. Chusa
Maruyama, Lt. Gen. Masao
Maryland, battleship
Mason, Maj. Leonard
Mason, Pfc. Leonard
Mason, Paul
Masters, Lt. Col. James
Matsuda, Maj. Gen. Iwao
Matsumoto, Lt. Col.
Matsuya, Lt. Tokuzo
Maya, cruiser
Meade, destroyer
Mears, Capt. Dwayne
Medal of Honor, list of winners of
Meeks, Sgt. “Pappy,”
Mercer, Lt. Frank
Mercer, Pfc. George
Merrill, Rear Adm. A. Stanton
Michels, Pfc. James
Mikawa, Rear Adm. Gunichi
Miller, Maj. Charles
Miller, Pvt. Russell
Minneapolis, cruiser
Mississippi, battleship
Missoula, transport
Mitchell, Maj. John
Mitchell, Maj. Gen. Ralph
Mitscher, Rear Adm. Marc
Mogami, cruiser
Monssen, destroyer
Montpelier, cruiser
Moore, Sgt. Claude
Moore, Pfc. Eugene
Moore, Capt. Marshall
Morgan, Sgt. Butch
Morgan, Lt. Henry
Morrison, Pvt. Jack
Morrison, destroyer
Mottola Sgt. Philip
Mount Austen (see Grassy Knoll)
Mount Suribachi; capture of; flag-raising on
Mueller, Maj. Gen. Paul
Mukai, Maj. Toyoji
Mulcahy, Maj. Gen. Francis
Mullaney, Cmdr. Baron
Munda Airfield
Munro, Donald
Murai, Maj. Gen. Kenjiro
Murakamo, destroyer
Murphy, Lt. George
Murray, Lt. Col. Raymond
Musashi, battleship
Mutsuki, destroyer
Myoko, cruiser
Nagano, Fleet Adm. Osami
Nagara, cruiser
Nagata, W. O.
Nagumo, Vice Adm. Chuichi
Nakagawa, Col. Kunio
Nakaguma, Col. Jiro
Nakarop 296
Nashville, cruiser
Natsugumo, destroyer
Nautilus, submarine
Neal, Capt. George
Nelson, Cmdr. Donald
New, Pfc. John
New Britain campaign on
New Caledonia, island of
New Georgia
New Guinea
New Ireland
New Jersey, battleship
New Mexico, battleship
New Orleans, cruiser
New York, battleship
New Zealand
Nimitz, Fleet Adm. Chester
Nishida, Maj. Gen. Yoshima
North Carolina, battleship
Noshiro, cruiser
Noumea, port of
O’Bannon, destroyer
O’Bannon, Lt. Wilcie
Obata, Lt. Gen. Hideyoshi
O’Brien, destroyer
O’Brien, Lt. Col. William
Oda, Capt.
O’Donnell, Lt. Col. Clarence
Ogata, Col. Kiyochi
Ogawa, Col.
Oka, Col. Akinosuke
Okinawa; conquest of
Oldendorf, Rear Adm. Jesse
Oliveria, Corp. Lawrence
Olivier, Corp. Leonce
Omori, Rear Adm. Sentaro
Onami, destroyer
Onishi, Vice Adm. Takejiro
Orote Peninsula
Oswald, Sgt. Robert
Ota, Vice Adm. Minoru
Owens, Sgt. Robert
Owens, Cmdr. Seymour
Oya, Capt. Goichi
Ozawa, Adm. Jisaburo
Paige. Sgt. Mitchell
Palau Islands; campaign in
Patch, Maj. Gen. Alexander
Patterson, destroyer
Payne, Pvt.
Pearl Harbor
Peleliu; conquest of
Pennsylvania, battleship
Percy, Lt. Gilbert
Perkins, Sgt. Keith
Petras, Capt. Theodore
Pettyjohn Pfc.
Phelps, Pfc. Wesley
Philippine Islands
Philippine Sea, Battle of the
Phillips, Pvt. George
Phillips, Gy. Sgt. Ralph
Pilotfish, submarine
Pintado, submarine
Pistol Pete
Polakowski. Sgt. Casimir
Pollock, Lt. Col. Al
Pope, Capt. Everett
Portland, cruiser
Port Moresby
Postal, Pfc. Robert
Power, Lt. John
Pratt, Cmdr. Malcolm
Preston, destroyer
Princeton, carrier
Probst, Pfc. Donald
Puller, Lt. Col. Lewis
Pursuit, minesweeper
Puruata Island
Pyle, Ernie
Quadrant Conference
Quincy, cruiser
Rabaul; importance of
Raschke, Pfc. Luther
Rayburn, Pfc. Kenneth
Raysbrook, Sgt. Robert
Read, Jack
Reed, Pvt. Robert
Reilly, Pfc.
Rennie, Lt. Robert
Requisite, minesweeper
Reusser, Capt. Kenneth
Richard, Lt. Robert
Ridlon, Capt. Walter
Ringgold, destroyer
Riseley, Col. James
Rivers, Pvt. John
Rixey, Lt. Col. Presley
Roan, Pfc. Charles
Robeson, Pfc. James
Rockey, Maj. Gen. Keller
Rockmore, Capt. Clayton
Rocky Mount, flagship of Adm. Turner
Rogalski, Corpsman
Rogers, Maj. Otho
Roi-Namur; capture of
Rollen, Capt. Claude
Rooke Island
Roosevelt, President Franklin Delano
Rosenthal, Joe
Rouh, Lt. Carlton
Rupertus, Brig. Gen. William
Russell Islands
Russo, Lt.
Ryan, Maj. Michael
Ryukyu Islands, campagin in
Sabini, Lt. John
Saichiro, Rear Adm. Tomanari
Saida Maru, transport
Sailer, Maj. Joseph
Saipan; conquest of
Saito, Lt. Gen. Yoshitsugo
Sakai, Lt. Gen. Yasushi
Salt Lake City, cruiser
Samidare, destroyer
San Bernardino Strait
San Francisco, cruiser
Sangamon, carrier
Santa Cruz Islands, Battle of the
Saratoga, carrier
Sasaki, Capt.
Sasaki, Maj. Gen. Noboru
Sato, Col. Jiro
Savage, Sgt. Merritt
Savo Island; battle of
Schley, destroyer
Schneider, Col. Merlin
Schmidt, Pvt. Al
Schmidt, Maj. Gen. Harry
, Capt. Maynard
Schmuck, Maj. Donald
Schoettel, Maj. John
Schrier, Lt. Harold
Schroeder, destroyer
Schultz, Lt. Col. Maynard
Schwab, Pfc. Albert
Scott, Rear Adm. Norman
Seahorse, submarine
Sealark Channel (see Iron Bottom Bay)
Segal, Lt. Harold
Segi Point
Selden, Col. John
Seminole, tugboat
Senda, Maj. Gen. Sadasui
Sendai, cruiser
Seward, Pfc. William
Shanley, Capt. James
Shapley, Col. Alan
Shark, submarine
Shea, Corp. John
Shea, minelayer
Shelburne, Lt. Col. Charles
Shepherd, Brig. Gen. Lemuel
Sherrod, Robert
Shibasaki, Rear Adm. Keiji
Shigeto, Corp. Kashida
Shinn, Lt. Leo
Shiratsuyo, destroyer
Shoemaker, Capt. William
Shokaku, carrier
Shoup, Col. David
Shuri Castle
Sigler, Pvt. Franklin
Sigourney, destroyer
Sigsbee, destroyer
Silverthorn, Col. Merwin
Skaggs, Pfc. Luther
Skinner, Pvt. Charles
Skoczylas, Maj. Joseph
Slot, The
Smith, Maj. Gen. Holland M. .
Smith, Pfc. Howard
Smith, Lt. John
Smith, Maj. John
Smith, Maj. Gen. Julian
Smith, Col. Oliver P.
Smith, Maj. Gen. Ralph
Smoak, Lt. Col. Eustace
Sorenson, Pfc. Richard
Sousley, Pfc. Franklin
South Dakota, battleship
Spence, destroyer
Spillane, Corp. John
Spruance, Vice Adm. Raymond
Squires, Sgt. Dean
St. Matthias Islands
Stat, Pvt.
Stein, Lt. Saul
Stein, Corp. Tony
Sterrett, destroyer
Stevenson, Lt. Robert
Stout, Maj. Robert
Strange, Pfc. Adrian
Strank, Sgt. Michale
Stuart, Col. Walter
Sumiya, Col. Koki
Sutherland, Lt. Gen. R. K.
Suzuki, Baron Kantaro
Suzuki, Col. Takuji
Suzuya, cruiser
Swanek, Pvt.
Sweeney, Capt. John
Sweeney, Lt. Robert
Swett, Lt. James
Tada, Col. Tokechi
Taiho, carrier
Takabe, Maj. Shinichi
Takao, cruiser
Takashina, Lt. Gen. Takeshi
Tamai, Cmdr. Asaichi
Tanambogo; fight for
Tang, submarine
Tannyhill, Lt. Col. Guy
Tanzola, Col. Vincent
Tarawa; defenses of preparation for; capture of
Tassafaronga, Battle of
Tatsumi, Maj. Asachichi
Taul, Maj. James
Tennessee, battleship
Terunuma, Capt. Kyamatsu
Terzi, Capt. Joseph
Thomas, Sgt. Ernest
Thomas, Col. Gerald
Thomas, Sgt. Herbert
Thomas, Lt. Norman
Throneson, Maj. Harold
Timmerman, Sgt. Grant
Tinian; conquest of
Tiscornia, Capt. Edward
Togo, Adm.
Tojo, Premier Hideki
Tokyo Express, The
Tompkins, Lt. Col. Rathvon
Torgerson, Capt. Harry
Torokina Airfield
Torpedo Junction
Totman, Pfc.
Toyoda, Adm. Soemu
Treasury Islands
Trout, submarine
Truk Island
Tucker, Sgt. Frank
Tulagi; fight for
Turnage, Maj. Gen. Allen
Turner, Vice Adm. Richmond Kelly
Turtora, Lt. Anthony
Twining, Lt. Col. Merrill
Udo, Col. Takehito
Ugaki, Vice Adm. Matome
Umikaze, destroyer-transport
Underwater Demolition Teams
Ushijima, Lt. Gen. Mitsuru
Uzuki, destroyer-transport
Vandegrift, Col. Alexander, Jr.
Vandegrift, Maj. Gen. Alexander, Sr.
Van Orden, Col. George
Vincennes, cruiser
Vouza, Sgt. Maj.
Wada, Maj. Gen. Kosuke
Wadsworth, destroyer
Wahlen, Corpsman George
Wakatsuki, destroyer
Wake Island
Walke, destroyer
Walker, Col. John
Wallace, Col. Clarence
Walsh, Lt. Kenneth
Walsh, Gy. Sgt. William
Walt, Maj. Lewis
Warfield, Pfc. Horace
Warner, Capt. Gordon
Washing-Machine Charley
Washington, battleship
Wasp, carrier
Watson, Lt.
Watson, Sgt. Sherman
Watson, Brig. Gen. Thomas
Watson, Pvt. Wilson
Weeks, Lt. Harvey
Wellington Dominion, newspaper
Wells, Lt. George
Whaling, Col. William
White, Pfc. Theodore
Whitehead, Corpsman James
Widdecke, Capt. Charles
Wilheit, Capt. Phillip
Williams, Corp. Hershel
Williams, Corpsman Jack
Williams, Maj. Robert
Williamson, Lt. Col. Herbert
Willis, Corpsman John
Willis, Lt. William
Wilson, Corp. Dean
Wilson, Capt. Louis
Wilson, Pfc. Robert
Wilson, Sgt. William
Witek, Pfc. Frank
Woodlark Islands
Yahagi, cruiser
Yahara, Col. Hiromichi
Yamada, Vice Adm. Michiyuki
Yamaguchi, W. O. Kiyoshi
Yamamoto, Fleet Adm. Isoroku; death of
Yamamoto, Cmdr. Tadashi
Yamato, battleship
Yano, Col. Toshio
Yasakuni Shrine
Yawn, Capt. James
Yorktown, carrier
Yoshida, Ens. Mitsuru
Yudachi, destroyer
Yugiri, destroyer-transport
Yukioka, Maj. Setsuo
Zuikaku, carrier
Copyright © 1962, 1990 by Robert Leckie
All pictures are official Marine Corps photographs, courtesy of the United States Defense Department.
Poem on page 131 used by permission of The Atlantic Monthly.
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First Da Capo Press edition 1997
First Da Capo Press paperback edition 2010
eISBN : 978-0-786-74832-7
Published by Da Capo Press
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