Beastly Bear (Shifter Brides Everafter Book 2)

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Beastly Bear (Shifter Brides Everafter Book 2) Page 4

by Lola Kidd

  Still, he couldn't believe that Potter had actually gone to talk with the girl. He was done with the whole thing. He couldn't care less if the pretty Miss Belle didn't want help when it was offered. Her loss.

  "What did she say?" he asked when Potter had been silent for too long.

  "She didn't want any of the jobs. Same as the email said."

  There was another long pause. Beckett was ready to throw his paper in the trash and leave the room. "And?"

  "And that is how I solved our second problem." Mrs.f Potter crossed her arms and smiled smugly. "I offered her the job of assisting you during Jasper's wedding."

  Beckett stood up and his mouth dropped open. "You what?"

  "You've been dragging your feet about this. I don't know if you expected me to help you, but I'm going to this wedding as a guest, dear." Her mouth was a firm line and there was fire behind her eyes. It was times like this that Beckett swore there was an animal inside his kindhearted house manager. "I have my own invite. I won't be looking after you and managing your affairs. I'm going to have fun and celebrate a fine young couple's love."

  "That's fine and dandy, but I don't want some stranger coming with me to an exclusive event. She can come and help you out after the wedding. There's no way in hell she's coming to the wedding with me."

  "Well then, who are you bringing as your assistant?" Potter asked. "And she won't be going with you as a guest. She's going as a working assistant. Do you know how many assistants are going to be working behind the scenes of this thing? Nobody is going to be mad there's one more. In fact, it would be strange if you didn't bring any help of your own."

  Beckett sat back down on the couch and picked the paper up again. "That could be, but I'll have someone from the company come out."

  "One of your virtual assistants? Which one? When are they coming?"

  "I haven't worked out all the details yet," he muttered.

  "Exactly. This is a nice girl and she's more than qualified to assist you packing and making sure you get dressed on time on the big day. That's all she'll be doing."

  "I don't need her help. I can pack myself."

  "When have you ever packed for an important event all on your own?"

  He snapped his paper again as he turned a page. "I have."

  Potter pushed the paper down gently and looked him in the eye. "She doesn't have to go to the wedding with you. She can stay at the hotel while we go. But we need this help. I really want to go to this wedding, Beckett, and I don't want to have to work. Make this easy for once. Please."

  She'd said the magic word. There was no more fighting about this. He was going to have to hire this girl and let her into his home, on his private plane, and let her help him get ready for this big event. There was no getting around it. He needed help for the wedding and Potter was only trying to be helpful. He couldn't throw this in her face. There was no way he could pack and make sure everything got to where it needed to in time. She was right. He had never done it on his own before and he wasn't going to start with Jasper's wedding.

  Jasper was his closest friend. Probably his only true friend. He wanted the wedding to go off without a hitch. Forgetting to pack a bowtie or cufflinks might not seem like a big deal, but it would be to Beckett.

  "Fine. Whatever. She can help out. But you're going to have to train her yourself."

  "I know." Potter smiled. "She'll be here in a few hours. I want to get the paperwork done today and show her around."

  "She needs to sign..."

  "An NDA," Potter waved her hand. "I know, dear. This isn't my first rodeo. I'm going to start printing all the paperwork now. Would you like to pick her room out?"

  "Her room?" Beckett slammed the paper down on the end table next to him. "I agreed to let her work for me. She will not be moving in here."

  "Where do you think she's going to stay then?"

  "At her home. She lives in town. She can drive up every day. There is no reason for her to stay here."

  "I think she should get used to living with us and your daily schedule."

  "She's going to be assisting me when I'm out of town at a big event. It won't be my regular schedule she needs to adhere to."

  "You're being unreasonable. The girl and her father only have one car. This will make things much easier for them. And for me. It will be easier to acclimate her to your way of life if she lives it every day."

  "No. Absolutely not. She will not be staying here."

  He and Potter stared each other down across the room. She crossed her arms in the door and stared at him without blinking.

  Beckett gritted his teeth. He had already caved on having Lenni working with him. He couldn't have her living with him too.

  Potter narrowed her eyes. "What are you afraid of?"

  "You know I don't like to have my life encroached upon. That's why we live all the way out here. If some random girl is living here, that will all be for nothing."

  "She's going to sign an NDA. Nothing she sees here can be repeated to anyone. What she sees here will stay here."

  "An NDA won't stop her from talking to all her little friends in town. It won't protect me from gossip."

  Potter sighed. "How about this. We start with her coming up for work nine to five. If she does well, we can try the subject again after a week."

  He ground his teeth. "Fine. If it will get you to leave me alone right now."

  "She's just one little woman, dear. She's not a threat to you."

  "I'm not afraid of her. I just don't want my life to be turned upside down for some stupid girl."

  "Yes, because you spend your days doing very important work. Can't be bothered when you're knocking down yet another topiary."

  Beckett pointed to the door. "Out! I've had enough of this conversation. I don't need to be mocked in my own home."

  She chuckled. "Don't get all worked up. I'm not mocking you. But you're going to have to get out in the world sometime, dear. There's no other way for you to find your mate."

  "No I don't," he yelled after her retreating figure. "I can just use that stupid app my dad made. I can search for my mate from the comfort of my own home."

  "You have to actually use the app for that to work," she called back to him before turning the corner.

  He picked up the paper and tried to keep reading. The words were all running together and he couldn't make sense of any of it. Beckett ripped it in half and threw it in the trash. He didn't need to read anything. He might as well get some quality shifting in before the girl showed up. He didn't know when he would get to do it again unencumbered. It wasn't like he could strip down when there was a stranger in the house.

  He was already starting to regret his decision. With any luck, the girl would do a terrible job and be out in less than day. Potter had very high standards. Maybe the girl would fail and he could have his life back. It wasn't the most generous wish he'd ever made, but he couldn't let someone new into his life at such a crucial moment. When she lost this job, he would offer her something else. He'd have a better job for her. Something far from him.

  Chapter Eight

  Lenni smoothed down her dress. She fidgeted in her seat and checked her makeup once more before unbuckling her seatbelt. She looked at the big imposing house and then took out her favorite tube of red lipstick.

  She smoothed on another layer and pressed her lips together. She had a feeling lipstick would help in a house like this. She always felt like a real, responsible grown-up when she was wearing it. This lipstick gave her courage.

  She had pulled together her outfit with great care. Clean crisp black slacks, a white blouse, and a black blazer. She wanted to look the part of high-class assistant to a billionaire.

  She had gotten the blazer at her favorite secondhand store and the pants were brand-new. This was a little more formal than her normal outfit at Pat's Pages. She wanted to impress Beckett. She had to overcome the handicap of turning him down earlier. She could tell that it bothered him. He'd emailed her father tw
ice and his own servant had taken it upon herself to find Lenni in person and offer a job.

  Lenni wanted this job and she didn't care if she had to suck up to Beckett Hansen to keep it. She still hadn't told her father about it just in case it didn't work out. She also had no idea how she was going to explain it to him. He was going to get all excited about her working with shifters. She didn't need him coming up and bothering her while at work.

  He'd never come into the bookstore more than a dozen times over the last few years, but this was different. This was Beckett Hansen. Reclusive billionaire bear shifter. Oh so mysterious and handsome.

  Wait. Not handsome. Well, he was handsome, but her father wouldn't care about that. That was something her friends from high school were going to love hearing about. How handsome the legendary Beckett Hansen was in person. She wondered how tall he was going to be. Because he looked imposing in all the tabloid pictures.

  She was stalling now. She needed to get it over with already. If he turned her away, he turned her away. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

  She pushed the button on the intercom next to the gate. It crackled to life in a moment. "Yes?"

  She didn't recognize the voice. It threw her for a moment. She had assumed that Mrs. Potter would be the one to greet her. "Lenni Belle?"

  "Lenni Belle what?" The voice did not sound impressed. Christ. She wasn't even going to make it to the front door. Her father had managed to get inside and talk to the man, but she wasn't going to be able to get that far. This was going to be humiliating.

  She took a deep breath to steady herself. "I'm here for a job."

  "One moment."

  Lenni waited patiently as a bead of sweat dripped down the middle of her back. Her fingers tightened on the steering wheel until her knuckles turned white. What was taking so long?

  She contemplated putting on another layer of lipstick when the box crackled to life again. "Sorry about the wait, Miss Belle. Please come on up."

  The wrought-iron gate swung open slowly with grinding and popping. Lenni nudged her blue Taurus to life and started the arduous trek up the hill. There were a few times that she had to pray for her car to keep moving but her calls were heard. She got up the hill without any stalls.

  The mansion was even more imposing up close. There were so many more details than she imagined. She ran her hands along the brick next to the door. "Marvelous."

  She had never seen decorations chiseled into brick like this before. There were swirls and whorls that seemed to have no direction.

  "Lovely isn't it?"

  Lenni jumped back and put her hand down. "Yes."

  A man in a butler's suit was staring at her with an unreadable expression. He ran his hand along one of the bricks. "These are similar to what you'll find on Beckett's father's home up north."


  "Yes, Beckett borrowed some of the designs from his childhood home." The man extended his hand. "I'm Patrick, the full-time butler."

  "Lenni Belle, new assistant to Mrs. Potter, I guess?" Lenni pumped his hand firmly.

  "Lovely name you have. So original. And so lovely of you to come to work for Potter." Patrick ushered her inside. "She can use a lot of help with Beckett at this wedding. It's going to be an absolute madhouse. I do not envy either of you."

  "I'm pretty happy I get to go," Lenni said truthfully. "I've never been to such a fancy wedding before."

  "You say that now, but wait until you see everything you're going to have to do." Patrick turned and looked at the stairs. "Mrs. Potter should be around here somewhere."

  Lenni could see down the hallway in front of her and into the giant ballroom to her right. It was going to be easy to get lost in a place like this.

  "We'll try the kitchen first." Patrick snapped his fingers. "Dollars to donuts she's in there making herself an evening cup of coffee."

  Patrick led her down the hallway into the kitchen. Lenni could spend hours exploring this house. It was too gorgeous for words. Everything was very dark and very masculine. It was the polar opposite of her decorating style, but it probably suited a shifter like Beckett. She had read so many things about him and this looked exactly how she would expect a home of his to look inside.

  As they got closer to the kitchen there was an intense coffee smell.

  "Here she is," Patrick told Lenni. "Look at what I've got for you, Potter."

  Mrs. Potter set down her coffee cup as they came into the room. "Oh, I must have lost track of time. I'm so sorry, dear. I meant to meet you at the door."

  "No problem," Lenni assured her. "I'm just so happy that I get to be here."

  "This girl is ridiculously happy," Patrick declared. "She's said excited and happy at least four times since I've met her and it's only been three minutes. I don't know about this one, Potter."

  "Shush you," Mrs. Potter chided. "Don't let him get you scared, dear. Beckett is really just a pussycat."

  "He's an actual bear," Patrick told her. "Never forget that. The man is a bear in his heart."

  Lenni had no idea what that meant. When she thought of bears, she thought of Winnie the Pooh or Smokey the Bear. When she thought of Beckett, she thought alpha. Rich. Hot. She definitely didn't think bear though. She'd never even seen a picture of him shifted.

  "Oh, will I be meeting him?"

  "Not today, dear," Mrs. Potter said. "I have a stack of papers for you to sign first and I'd like to show you to your room tonight too. Where is your luggage?"

  "My luggage?" Lenni's brow furrowed. "I wasn't aware I needed to bring anything."

  "Well, you're going to be my assistant and I live here. I'd like it if you lived here too."

  All the color drained from Lenni's face. "I live in town. There's no need for me to live here. I can come up every morning."

  Mrs. Potter frowned. "It would be much easier if I could train you all day for the next two weeks. There isn't nearly enough time to get you ready, and I don't see how I can get you ready for this job if I only have you a few hours a day. You'll be able to get a better feel for Beckett's schedule and quirks this way. You'll be compensated for your time, and your food and housing will be free."

  Lenni gulped. "I'm not sure if I can do that."

  "Did you not hear? We'll be paying you overtime, dear. And all of your accommodations, food, and entertainment are free. You know there's a theater in the house?"

  "We have a pool too you know," Patrick said. "This place is a dream. We barely ever see Beckett and he does most of the stuff for himself. This will really feel more like a two-week vacation than a terrible assistant job."

  "I thought you said he was a bear?"

  "That he is, dear, but he's also a very capable man. He just needs someone to make sure nothing falls through the cracks," Mrs. Potter chuckled. "It sounds more overwhelming than it is. If I have you here all the time, I'll be able to train you quicker is all."

  "She doesn't want to stay here. She can stay in her own home. I told you that would be easier."

  Lenni turned and saw Beckett in the doorway. She was taken aback for a moment. He was much better-looking in person than any of his pictures. Tall, dark, and so very handsome. He had a jawline you could cut glass on. And he had luscious hair that was up in a messy bun. She normally didn't go for long hair on men, but on Beckett it just seemed right.

  "Oh well. Lenni, this is Beckett Hansen. Beckett, meet Lenni." Mrs. Potter introduced them.

  "I have some work to do," Patrick said, and made a hasty exit. He shot Lenni a small smile before leaving the room.

  "Nice to meet you." Lenni put out her hand. She gave him her most winning smile.

  "You don't have to stay here." Beckett looked at her hand but didn't shake it.

  Lenni withdrew her hand and dropped her smile. "If you don't want me to, I won't."

  "Mrs. Potter shook her head and tsked. "No, no. You need to stay here. I need you with me."

  "She doesn't need to stay here," Beckett growled. His eyes shot daggers at Pot
ter. Lenni could feel the air turn stifling. "I've told you this a million times. She doesn't need to stay if she doesn't want to."

  This was getting ridiculous. "I guess I can stay if she needs me."

  Potter beamed. "Then it's settled. You can go back and get bags tonight. Let me show you to your room."

  Potter took her by the hand and led her out of the room as Beckett stood there growling. Lenni's head was a whirlwind. She didn't know what she had gotten herself into, but at least she had an ally in Mrs. Potter. Beckett may not be friendly, but he was going to be paying her a fortune.

  Chapter Nine

  Beckett stalked after the pair of women. Of course Potter was going to force the girl to live here. It wasn't like she wanted to anyway, but there was no arguing anymore. It was already done.

  "This is Beckett's office." Potter pointed to the large French doors.

  Lenni put her fingers to the wood. "This is like the brick at the front of the mansion."

  Potter nodded. "It is. The same artist designed them both. You'll find this pattern in a few more places in the house. But I'll let you discover them yourself. It's a little game Patrick and I play with the new workers."

  "Where did you get the idea for this?" Lenni turned and met his eyes.

  Beckett set his mouth in a hard line and raised his chin. "It was my idea. It was a design that my mother loved. I put the design in all my homes."

  Lenni's eyebrows rose and her fingers followed the design without even looking. "Did your mother design this herself? She's very talented."

  Beckett nodded curtly. His mother had exceptional taste. "She saw it in Paris and decided to make a wooden design of it."

  "It was the first piece of artwork in his nursery." Potter's voice had the edge that made his teeth ache. She was going to cry. He could see the fine mist over her eyes already.

  "Keep the tour up," he said gruffly. "You have much more to show her."

  "Right." Potter wiped her finger under her eyes quickly. "So this is his office."

  "Don't go in there. Ever," he added before they walked away. "If I'm in there and you need me, knock and I'll come out."


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