Conduct Unbecoming of a Gentleman

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Conduct Unbecoming of a Gentleman Page 7

by Woodson, Wareeze

  The maid piled her locks atop the crown of her head, applying the curling iron where needed. Allowing curls to cascade to Laurel’s shoulders with a few stray wisps left to caress her forehead and cheeks, the maid stepped back. For reassurance, Laurel gazed into the looking glass to check her features for any sign of fatigue. She found none. Instead, her underlying excitement brought color to her cheeks and an added sparkle to her eyes. Satisfied with her appearance, she touched a delicate perfume beneath her ears, allowing the light fragrance to add to her confidence.

  Finally with trembling fingers, she attached the sapphire earrings and necklace. The gems sparkled against her throat. A satisfied smile curved her lips as she brushed her hands down the sides of her gown and squared her shoulders.

  “Laws, Milady. You look grand. I’ll be here to unlace you when you get done tonight.”

  Laurel smiled at the girl. “I don’t suppose I’d ever be able to untie my laces by myself. I’ll call you.”

  The maid curtsied and took herself off.

  Although looking in on the children could make her late for the ball, she hurried downstairs and slipped inside Jamie’s room. All the children were asleep and she breathed a sigh of relief.

  Stepping out of the nursery she softly closed the door, nearly bumping into Adron’s broad chest. She reached out to steady herself and the muscles in his forearms rippled beneath her fingers. Admiring his dark blue velvet jacket and snowy cravat, she caught her breath at his teasing grin.

  His brown eyes sparkled with pleasure as he took in every inch of her appearance and her heart picked up speed. The appreciation in his eyes went to her head like fine Bordeaux and his gaze brought faint color to her cheeks. She lowered her lids to hide her wish to bask in his admiration for hours.

  “You’re very beautiful,” he whispered, so close his breath caressed her lips. His unique, clean spicy scent surrounded her, trapping her in a whirl of sensations.

  Caught up in a haze of physical attraction, she tilted her head to the side and smiled. “Thank you kind sir. You are beautiful too.”

  He let out a rich laugh. “I hope not.” Inspecting her every feature, he traced the curve of her brow with one finger before caressing her cheek with the back of his hand. He lifted her chin to gaze deeply into her eyes.

  “Why you?”

  “W-w-what do you mean?”

  “You know, my lovely. Why do I want you?”

  She twisted her chin from his grasp and answered, “Because I said no!”

  Adron caught her to his chest and lightly touched the telltale pulse at the base of her throat. “Wrong. I want you because you want me as well. The delicious little throb in your throat gives you away. You feel it too, so don’t lie.”

  Softly kissing the pounding vein in her throat, he trailed kisses to her mouth and covered her lips with his in deepening exploration. She couldn’t think, couldn’t move, she could only drown in the sensations created by his embrace. A movement in the corridor brought her out of the trance he had induced and she pushed against his chest.

  “Someone is coming.”

  “Too bad. Tonight, my beauty, I promise tonight,” he whispered before stepping away.

  Adron quickly turned and strode toward Melissa as she floated down the hall from the west wing of the house. Laurel stared at Melissa in her gown of creamy silk complimenting her fresh beauty. Laurel didn’t envy the young girl her beauty, but the sensation of being old and drab filled her with dismay.

  “Ah! Melissa, my dear, you look charming.”

  Laurel watched with interest when he took Melissa’s hand and threaded her fingers beneath his elbow. Melissa pouted up at him. “Only charming?”

  He patted her hand. “Charming will do, you minx.”

  Melissa laughed up at him and squeezed his arm. “And to think I hurried dreadfully, especially for you.”

  Laurel could only observe the back of his head, but she wondered if the other girl could detect admiration in his eyes. Did she long to drown in his approval as Laurel had wished to do only moments before? Laurel’s steps faltered before she continued after the couple.

  From the other direction, Rhonda glided down the hall, preening for a second in a stunning gown of crimson trimmed in gold.

  Her trill of laughter splashed down the hall. “Adron, how handsome you are. You’re taking advantage of us poor females. No ladies’ heart will be safe from you tonight. I know mine isn’t.” She kissed him beside his mouth.

  “Thank you, my dear. You are devastating as well.”

  Laurel’s heart sank as Rhonda shifted her attention, giving a self-satisfied smirk before she sauntered over.

  “Oh! Dear sister, I see you’re wearing the family jewels.”

  Laurel lowered her head in acknowledgement. “As you see.”

  With a slow almost hypnotic motion, Rhonda reached out and touched the necklace that graced Laurel’s throat. “These should have come to me as the daughter of the house, not to my brother. You should be forced to give them up.” Her eyes were sharp and disgruntled as she watched for Laurel’s reaction.

  “Rhonda I can’t oblige.” Laurel’s tone was low and fierce. “It would be like throwing Robert’s gift back in his face.”

  “Some people will do anything for wealth, marry, steal, kill—anything at all however dishonorable.” Rhonda’s harsh tone rang with accusations. “Robert wouldn’t know. He’s dead.”

  Laurel gritted her teeth in an effort to keep from spewing harsh, ugly words, but she couldn’t keep the glint of anger out of her eyes. No, he wouldn’t know but she would.

  Before Laurel could answer, Adron shot a warning glance in her direction. He linked arms with Rhonda as well as Melissa leaving Laurel to trail behind. “Come ladies.”

  With her confidence shaken, disquiet ruffled the edges of her composure. She had been looking forward to this ball, but the entire thing had fallen sadly flat and now she dreaded the party.

  Regardless of the kiss exchanged earlier, his warm greeting for both Melissa and Rhonda warned Laurel to watch for stormy waters ahead. She should never have allowed Adron to kiss her and with such passion. Of course gentlemen were known to act with less than honor when passions were ignited and he had ignored her ever since. Perhaps she should follow his lead and dismiss him as well. She lagged a little behind as Adron escorted the ladies into the ballroom before he disappeared into the crowd.

  Laurel stood alone in the threshold, gazing at the glow cast by the chandeliers on the polished floor. She found the scene enchanting and smiled broadly. The scent of flowers perfuming the air with a delicate fragrance added to the magic. Music swelled through the room from the alcove where the musicians had gathered and suddenly, she wished to dance, to laugh, to be carefree for a while. Her fatigue fled and she fought free from the ugly, black cloud of depression hovering over her. Laurel straightened her shoulders and stepped into the ballroom prepared to enjoy the moment.

  Laurel surveyed the couples dancing and unwittingly caught Adron’s gaze. Spellbound she couldn’t glance away and a deep need to tear Melissa out of his arms engulfed her. Jealous, she was jealous. Absurd of course, but her gaze strayed to him again and again. Each time she detected his broad shoulders or tall form, his eyes seemed to catch hers.

  When George Dunaway approached, she tore her gaze away from Adron again.

  “May I have this dance?” George whirled her away before she agreed. “I’m dancing with the most charming lady in the room.”

  She laughed. “Such flummery. Do flowery compliments usually work for you?”

  “Usually.” He grinned and mischief lingered in his eyes.

  “What a take-in.” The compliments he paid her and his admiration went straight to her head. She basked in his approval.

  “I’m trying to avoid the m
atchmaking mothers on the look-out for me.”

  “And you’re safe from my match making mother. Is that it?” she teased.

  He cleared his throat. “Not true, else I wouldn’t have spent every available minute with you for the last two weeks. You must admit I didn’t make a single complaint at having to accompany the children on nature walks, eat nursery food and in general visit with you under constrained circumstances.”

  She dimpled up at him. “I do wonder why.”

  “I’ve come to admire you very much. You’re beautiful, devoted to the children, and the servants like you, a great character reference. Any man would be honored not to merely dance with you but to call you his own.” His voice dropped to a deep level, his hand tightening on hers. “Is it too early to press my suit?”

  Her eyes met his warm gaze and her smile disappeared. Here was a nightmare. She truly appreciated George, admiring his address as well as his appearance, but Adron would never allow her to marry and take Jamie with her.

  “Much too early,” she replied with her lashes lowered to cover her expressive eyes and the distress mirrored there.

  “This is Adron’s fault, every bit of it. He’s a stubborn, blind sort of fellow.” He glanced at the gliding couples before gazing into her eyes. “Would it make a difference if I tell you Adron thinks to marry Melissa?”

  “Heloise warned me off the day I arrived,” she said in a flat voice.

  Laurel only wished she’d heeded Heloise, but she’d been convinced she could ignore his masculine appeal. That was before he turned the full force of his charm on her.

  “There is an added piece of drama to unfold. Rhonda has her eye on him as well.”

  Surprise rounded Laurel’s eyes. “Truly?”

  He lifted his shoulders. “Yes, truly and I’m determined to save you from yourself. And Adron. Even from Rhonda’s tender mercies.”

  A little shocked by the surprising disclosure, Laurel’s gaze sought Adron’s broad shoulders amongst the dancers once again. She must conquer the need to seek his approval for every move, else she would be lost and he would be in complete control. She refused to accept the fact he was in control, of Jamie’s destiny at least, and in large part in control of hers as well.

  In that moment, Laurel’s gaze locked with Adron’s over Melissa’s shoulder. George followed her glance and his frown heralded his displeasure. “I don’t want to see you hurt.” In almost a whisper he continued, “but perhaps if he is foolish enough to finally succumb to his grandmother’s plead and actually marries one of them, he’ll relent and allow you to remove Jamie from his house.”

  “You know about his need to have me prove myself worthy?”

  “Of course. I’ve been friends with the man these many years,” he said with a pensive smile. George tore his gaze away from the couple and stared down at her. “I intend to be around to pick up the shattered pieces. You need someone to look after you. I won’t pressure you more. At least not now.”

  Afterward the ball took on the realm of a dream, floating, enchanted and disconnected as she danced with one gentleman after another. She managed to push Adron to the back of her mind, but somehow she knew exactly where he was all the same.

  The music ended with Adron standing next to her and for the first time that evening she was caught up in the dance by him. A hissing sound signaled Adron’s displeasure. “I don’t care to see you sitting in George’s pocket. And I shouldn’t take him too seriously if I were you. He’s a good chap but all too often he falls prey to his chivalrous instinct.”

  “I’ve only danced with him one time.”

  “I stand corrected. I can read the passion in your eyes and that belongs to me. I feel the tremble of excitement in your fingers and that too belongs to me.” His lips curled up in a devastating, knowing smile. “And I can actually see your pulse throb in your throat. A telltale sign your heart is racing—for me, my beauty. Remember, it’s my kisses you crave, not his.” Laughter threaded his voice.

  A lump lodged in her throat before she drew in a deep breath. “Crave is perhaps too strong a word. You once reminded me, a widow is allowed a certain license to indulge in a little—flirting shall we say, without the censure of society.”

  “Is that what you call it? Flirting?” He whispered a promise in her ear, “Later, my beauty.”

  She gave an unsteady laugh. Would he take no for an answer this time and did she want him to accept her no as final?

  Chapter 7

  “Blast the wench,” Adron muttered to himself. He envisioned her standing before him with her lips parted, moist and sweet, making him daft. His plan to drive her away had reached out and coiled him in the clutches of this insane, wanting dilemma he seemed unable to escape.

  Adron slipped into his library and poured brandy into a snifter, swallowing the burning liquid in one gulp. Tightening his lips, he determined his body would not rule him and sank into his chair when all he wanted to do was possess Laurel. He shuffled through his papers, penned instructions for Edmond and rose, fully intending to seek his bed.

  Heading up the stairs, he somehow found himself outside her door instead of his own. He’d truly tried to keep away, but against his will he found himself drawn by her sensual allure.

  Rapping softly, he pushed into her room only to find she wasn’t there. Before reason took over, he panicked. Adron knew she dared not take Jamie without his permission else she would pay a price for her folly. Moreover, she wouldn’t leave without her son. Nevertheless, he exhaled a deep breath when he recalled her unwavering duty to her charges. From the moment she’d entered his home, she’d always made certain all was well with the children before any other consideration.

  Not wanting to recall that about her, he thrust the disturbing recollections from him. Adron wanted to think the worst of her, to believe she deserved no better after what she’d done to his cousin. Acknowledging he could be wrong would prove fatal to his plan so he pushed even that aside. He simply wanted her. His body was on fire and fight as he would, he could no more avoid her than he could fly. He waited.

  Upon entering her room, Laurel suppressed a scream as she spied a man standing beside her bed. “You frightened the life out of me. What are you doing in my chamber?”

  “Waiting. As you well know, you’ve sat me on fire this night, deliberately. Every time I happened to glance around, your melting gaze managed to catch my eye. That is when you weren’t blinding my friend with your sorcery,” he muttered, his expression stiff and a trifle grim. “I don’t intend to let George Dunaway steal a march on me.”

  She could only gape. Basking in the warmth of George’s regard had been a mistake and the term guilty as charged applied, although unwittingly. “I—I . . .”

  “Exactly so,” he said, his smile laced with irony as he stepped closer. His gaze locked with hers, his intense with passion and she suspected hers mirrored the same.

  His deep intake of breath signaled his intentions and before she realized he had moved, she was entwined in his embrace.

  “Adron,” she whispered.

  “Yes, Adron. It’s me, Adron and it’s me you want.”

  Her own awareness was heightened to a level of intensity she hated. She was caught, dangerously drawn to him physically—only physically she assured herself. Laurel deliberately played with fire, deadly, all consuming, and she dreaded getting burned. Perhaps the experience would break the physical attraction that drew her to him.

  The passion in Adron’s eyes made her heart lurch. For several days she’d longed to touch his skin, to feel the texture, to drown in the scent of him. Her fingers had tingled to stroke his skin and hair, all of him. Now that she was in his embrace she could feel the strength in his arms and his heart pounding against her breast. This was madness, but how could she continue to fight him and herself as well?

dron slid his hand into her hair and kissed her. He whispered, “Laurel, you’re beautiful. So beautiful.”

  With a strangled groan, he uttered, “Irresistible.”

  His desire sparked hers and waves of longing washed over her. Adron wanted her and the sensation of having that effect on such a man added to her hunger. Her breath came in soft gasps as she stared up at him. Adron trailed kisses from her forehead to her ear and she moaned as he caught the lobe between his teeth.

  “You’re delicious. Every inch of you.”

  He caressed the pulse in her throat with the tip of his tongue sending quakes of pleasure to the sensitive area between her legs. She gasped. Her breast grew heavy, the nipples distended and almost painful with desire.

  His mouth closed over her lips with a force that left her drowning in sensations as she joined him in the kiss. Laurel couldn’t resist the urge to trace those steel muscles up his arms and across his broad shoulders. Her fingers tangled in his hair. Somehow the buttons of his fine lawn shirt came undone baring his chest and his snowy cravat had long since disappeared. She could tell there would be no reprieve, but she wanted none. Laurel longed to be held, to be taken and filled with his passion. Laurel wanted to surrender to his strength and her need.

  Her clothes miraculously disappeared as well. She could feel his body, rigid with need, his flesh melting hot pressed against hers. He lifted her in his arms. Yes, this is what she longed for and she pushed all thoughts away. Laurel would deal with the consequences in the morning. Now she wanted to feel passion rising and ripping her apart with pleasure. She needed to surrender, to be consumed by him, as she wanted to consume him.

  His raging pulse matched hers. He rained soft kisses over her eyelids, down her cheek and her throat to her breast. He suckled one and then the other. The sensation shattered her with pleasure and she writhed beneath him.


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