Mama's Home Remedies: Discover Time-Tested Secrets of Good Health and the Pleasures of Natural Living

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Mama's Home Remedies: Discover Time-Tested Secrets of Good Health and the Pleasures of Natural Living Page 28

by Svetlana Konnikova

  —George Eliot [Mary Anne Evans] (1819–1880), English novelist ƒ

  The wonder is that we can see these trees and not wonder more.

  —Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882), American essayist and poet 260 ^ Mama’s Home Remedies

  Chapter 13

  As Isis, So Is Mama . . .

  She existed before time began. Time was one of Her children!

  —Nancy Blair, The Book of Goddesses

  As Isis, the Egyptian goddess; Kali, the Indian goddess; Tara, the Mother Goddess of Tibet and India; Greek goddesses Hera, Demeter, and Gaia; and the tender and powerful Mother Nature are archetypes of the Mother, so is Mama. Thus, we all are. We are the sense of the Universe’s existence. We conceive, give the birth to, and hold a new life, a new generation.

  The mother archetype drives women to be generous; to nourish, provide, and care for others; to nurture body, soul, and spirit. Just as a pregnant woman radiates love, beauty, and blissfulness, so do all “mamas” pass those traits along to their children and others whose lives they touch.

  The mother archetype influences men and women alike, at first by building them cell by cell and then by guiding them gently yet firmly and fully into their own lives with all the wisdom she bestows upon them. So what do you do first to live in this wisdom? Where do you begin and how do you become a wise guide for yourself and your family? How do you organize yourself at first to be a good achiever? I hope the following remedies without herbs, but with healthy thoughts, will help you answer these questions.

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  Fifteen secrets of success for all moms who

  work at home or away from home

  1. Style of Thinking

  Different people think in different ways. The relation of thinking to being, how you think, is everything: Always be positive, punctual, considerate, and confident in yourself. Don’t be negative; you can lose. As you know, positive energy creates and builds us. Negative energy destroys us. 2. In Search of Yourself

  Determine your goal and dreams. Write down your specific goals, decide upon your true dreams, and develop a plan to achieve them. Then just go for it. Don’t listen to others who want to discourage you. Trust your soul. 3. Preparation and Action

  Prepare and begin acting without any delay. Do everything you can today. Don’t leave your decision until tomorrow. Goals are nothing without action. Don’t be afraid to get started now. Just do what you plan. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a German poet, said once, “It is not enough only to wish. You must act.” Actions always speak louder than words. 4. Educate Yourself

  An old expression teaches us “Live a century, learn a century.” Take some additional courses at college. Read “know-how” and “do-it-yourself” books. Absorb to your benefit good examples from stories about people who have reached their goals and are successful. Perfect yourself and your knowledge. Cultivate your talent or gift. Get training and acquire new skills, if you feel a need for them. Your efforts will be repaid a hundredfold. 262 ^ Mama’s Home Remedies

  5. Be Self-Confident, Persistent, Consistent, and Fearless and Work Hard

  Success is a long marathon. It is not a fast sprinter’s distance. Success doesn’t happen overnight. It happens overnight only in fairy tales, but don’t get discouraged. Never give up what you started already. Sooner or later a right beginning will bring you a bountiful basket of good achievements. 6. Analysis and Consideration

  Learn to analyze all details and think them over. Our life and everything we do is like a big oil painting by a great artist. Put together ideas, facts, and details. Every small detail makes a big difference and adds to a whole picture. Learn from your mistakes and setbacks. Don’t ignore them; they are a good lesson for the future.

  7. People, Attention, Time, and Money

  Value your time and money, but remember people should always come first. Focus your attention on these matters. Don’t permit other people or things to distract or confuse you. Beware of negative environments and irritating or manipulating people. Defend yourself by keeping an “arm’s length” distance or just ignore them. Make friends with good, decent people. Search for those who stimulate your interest and respect. 8. Experiments, Innovation, Changes, and Challenges

  Don’t be afraid to experiment, implement innovation, and head for challenges and changes to the better life. Be different. Following the crowd is annoying and a sure path to mediocrity and intellectual sluggishness. 9. Communication Skills, Respect, and Effectiveness

  Communicate and deal with other people effectively and respectfully. No person is a lonely star but a part of a big constellation of others. Learn to understand and motivate others in a positive way. You will usually get a good response.

  As Isis, So Is Mama… @ 263

  10. Combination for Success

  Be kind. Be loyal. Be pleasant and friendly. Do the best you can. Help and respect other people. Take responsibility for your actions and your life. Don’t blame others for your failures; this attitude shows your weakness. See the root of your problem in yourself at first. It will show how strong you are. This combination leads to success.

  11. Faith and Hope

  Remember an ancient wisdom “Dum Spiro, Spero,” (Latin) which means

  “While I breathe, I hope.” Hope is like a shining lighthouse in the azureblue ocean of life. There we fight for our survival every day. Life proves that only the strongest and the best wil be able to swim so far to the shore and reach their big goals. Be one of them! Believe in this truth; thus you may understand: “Faith is an understanding of life and the recognition of duties fol owing this understanding,” said Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. 12. Standards

  Put in front of you only high standards in everything as your great motivation. This way you will accomplish a lot in your life. If your life is based on low standards, you’ll achieve very little.

  13. Be kind and reasonable

  By doing kind acts, we strengthen ourselves. Being reasonable, we do good deeds automatically which leads us to success in the end.

  14. Credo: Honesty, Dignity, and Conscience

  Honesty and dignity are not a safe shield of self-defense, but convey to others our values in life. Our conscience is our guide in the search for the best in us. It is our internal judge that determines if our actions, words, or attitudes are reprehensible or merit censure.

  15. Be Fair, Dependable, Truthful, and Reliable

  Take the courage, liberty, and responsibility for your life, your actions, and your family. Otherwise, numbers 1–14 won’t matter at all.

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  Mama’s memos about children

  ^ Al children are bright and smart. They are the most amazing miracles given to you. They are beautiful, talented, and kindhearted.

  ^ You love them with all your heart, even if they give you a hard time sometimes. But what are mothers for? The answer is simple: Forgive no matter what, because you and no one else brought them into this wonderful world.

  ^ Never forget that you are the mother. Accept this title with the big responsibility which comes with it. Moms are like apple trees, blooming with delicate rose-white spring flowers. These flowers turn one day into fresh green apples. These are our children, sitting happily in our arms (branches) until we give them a chance to fly high in life.

  ^ Feel obligated to give children a right direction before they wil sail independently. It’s your sacred duty. Know quite wel that they will demand too much from you. They always test you too.

  ^ Should you spoil them? Yes, you should, but do it in a smart and reasonable way because nobody will do it so lovingly as you’ll do as their mother. You gave birth to them and the right to live on the planet Earth.

  ^ Sort out your priorities and you’l discover that your No.1 obligation is to create for your children a comfortable home that they wil respect, wil want to be part of, and wil desire to live in.

  ^ Think over and over again about your great responsibility
to be the mother and how important it is to provide your children with a warm home and a happy, encouraging atmosphere. If you are able to do it, they wil never forget where they came from.

  ^ All children prefer their parents to be firm with them, but they will never tell you that. However, it makes them feel more secure and confident if you keep your word.

  As Isis, So Is Mama… @ 265

  ^ Detect when your children form bad habits. Don’t miss these, especially in the early ages. At this stage you’ll be able to help them efficiently. You can explain to them the difference between bad and good things, positive and negative acts. This approach will help you prevent them from destroying their lives in the future.

  ^ Put yourself on high alert during the first seven years of the lives of your children. These years are very special. This is a very important time when they learn, with your help, the basics of life and how to be a good human being. It is crucial that we teach our children wholesome values they will carry with them through the rest of their days.

  ^ Always tell them how good they are. Never let them down. Don’t intimidate them or make them shy.

  ^ If your children do something wrong, talk to them quietly in private. Explain in a kind manner their mistakes. Always do that no matter how angry you are at the moment. Keep your

  anger to yourself.

  ^ Never correct them in front of others, especial y their friends. They want to look good in other people’s eyes. Your children will notice how you behave yourself and wil appreciate it.

  ^ Keep your discontent to yourself if you disagree with you husband on how you should raise your children. Never argue with him in front of them. It makes them feel unhappy and unsafe when their parents, who are supposed to be strong and powerful adults, cannot find common ground.

  ^ Let your children see a harmony in your actions and your good relationship with your spouse. They will grow to be happy and confident people.

  ^ Never nag your children again and again about their mistakes. Don’t threaten them with punishment or say that the mistake is equal to a sin. They become confused. It upsets their sense of values.

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  ^ Be loving, kind, and protective, but don’t protect them from consequences. They need to see and learn the painful way once in a while.

  ^ Don’t promise your children too much as an impulse of your good mood. Be fair and reasonable with your promises. Try to keep your word no matter what. Remember, they’ll feel very disappointed and greatly let down if the promises are broken.

  ^ Don’t demand explanations from your children. They will never explain themselves the way you do. They will not always be precise and accurate as you think they should be.

  ^ Forgive your children their bad behavior or bad attitude towards you.

  ^ Don’t fight with your children. Don’t try to prove your point. Remember that you brought them into the world. Very soon

  they will stand on the thorny path of life and will try to make something of it. Only you are their first friend, mentor, an aide in each step. Be patient, fair, and resolve everything peacefully so they will have you to depend on.

  ^ Don’t be inconsistent in your behavior and actions. That wil greatly confuse your children and they wil lose their respect for you.

  ^ Don’t scream at your children if they do something unexpected and wrong. They will get angry and will want to do wrong things again.

  ^ Even if you feel it is “below your dignity,” have the courage to apologize to your children. An honest apology wil gain their respect and love and wil make them feel happy and warm towards you. Their attitude wil come as a nice surprise and a beautiful gift to you.

  ^ You may think highly about yourself, that you are a great mother, that you accomplished a lot in your life, and became a good person, but don’t ever tell that to your children. Don’t ever suggest that you are perfect and fully accomplished. If you do, it will give them a big shock when they discover one day that you are neither.

  As Isis, So Is Mama… @ 267

  ^ Show them sincerely your respect and they will respect you in return.

  ^ Attract their attention in a smart, innovative way. Joke and chat with your children and they will believe in you, love you, and support you.

  ^ Never use words of bravado when you want to tell your children about your personal or somebody else’s achievements in the past. They will spot right away when you try too hard to convince them of something.

  ^ Show by example the way you act from your heart. Children are excellent observers, better than we think. They absorb everything, good or bad like a sponge. If they like what you do, they will duplicate your good endeavors. They will duplicate the bad ones too, if you let them.

  ^ Remember, children are like beautiful flowers. They are fragile, confused, loving, and delicate. Sometimes they are not fair and even rude. Don’t take to your heart their “downs.”

  ^ Encourage your children to reach for the stars, dream, and be the best they can be.

  ^ Albert Einstein said once, “If you want your children to be brilliant, tell them fairy tales. If you want them to be very brilliant, tell them even more fairy tales.” Make your children wonder. Teach them that good actions will always give them strength and inspire the same in others.

  Can you imagine the happiness of a young hero of an ancient folk tale from the far North? He entered the Valley of Flowers, saved the lives of his father and many other people, and changed a malicious witch to a beautiful, kind girl. Then he married her and lived happily ever after. I heard it from Grandma in my childhood and told it many times to my children to show them that good actions will always give them strength, confidence, and the desire to do something good with their life.

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  Valley of Flowers

  Once far away up north a husband and wife lived

  in one tribe. The husband went hunting and

  brought home birds to feed his family. His wife took care of their four deer, sewed new clothes, and maintained the house. They had a lot of children born, but all of them died—one after another. One day early in the morning the husband went hunting again. While he was absent, his wife gave birth to another son. His face looked like a full moon. His eyes shone like two stars. His delicate skin had a pink glow like a spring dawn. His mother gave him a bath with salty water, and his skin was healthy and smooth. Herbal teas and tasteful vegetable meals also made the boy strong and gave him a great endurance in case something bad happened.

  Much time passed, but the boy’s father didn’t come back home from hunting. Days passed one after another. The son grew big and fast in the father’s absence.

  Finally the boy decided that his time had come to go and look for his father. One day he made a bow from the branches of a young birch. Then he showed it to his mother and asked her permission to go hunt and try his luck to find his father. His mother gave him her blessings. For the first time in his life the young boy left his parents’ house and went to the unknown and mysterious forest. He didn’t have any food with him, so he had to feed himself with game birds that he shot during the day. At night he fell asleep under a cedar tree. In the morning he washed up in the mountain spring and went further and further.

  Once at night a terrible scream woke him up. The young hunter got scared. He bent his bow and stood ready to defend himself. Suddenly he heard a woman laughing. He thought the sound came from the top of the cedar tree where he stood. He looked at the summit of the tree and saw a snowy owl. This was the owl waking him up in the middle of the night and making fun of him.

  As Isis, So Is Mama… @ 269

  The young man became angry and directed the

  arrow towards the owl, but the owl flew to another tree

  and said, “OK, brother Ula, don’t be angry. Just remember where you are going and what you want to do, and I will help you. From this time on, you’ll sleep during the day. At night you’ll go se
arch for your father. I can tell you for sure that your father is alive, but he was bewitched by a vicious sorceress. You must save him, mustn’t you?”

  The owl flew through the dense forest three nights. Ula followed her step by step. Three days the owl sat in the hollow of a tree, and Ula slept under the same tree. On the fourth night the owl said to Ula, “Now we’ll soon be in the sorceress’ charmed place. She’ll try to put you to sleep, but you shouldn’t fall asleep because you’ll lose control, and you will not be able to save your father. Fill your pockets with stones and small twigs. Put them under your body when you feel drowsy, and then you can guess what you have to do. I’ll be close by; don’t worry.”

  At midnight Ula came to a beautiful, sparkling green meadow. He heard a ringing of cymbals and a tinkling of bells. A young girl’s voice was singing a melodic song. Every flower emanated its radiance. Ula could see a yellow thin strip between all flowers of the meadow.

  Ula could hardly keep his eyes opened. He lay down on the emerald grass and suddenly he recalled what the owl told him. He gathered stones and twigs and placed them under his body. However, an invisible girl continued to sing her beautiful songs, each one sweeter than the last. The bells continued to tinkle, and the cymbals continued ringing. Ula’s head fell heavily into the grass, but the stones and twigs were uncomfortable. He opened his eyes and exclaimed, “Who does the singing there? Who prevents me from my peaceful sleep with these songs?”

  “This is me,” responded a voice of an invisible girl.

  “Who are you? Show up.”

  “Now I cannot show up. You can find me only at sunrise.”

  “Tell me, how can I find you?” Ula asked.

  “Do you see the yellow strip? Come close by at sunrise and you will see me,” answered the girl.

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  Then Ula heard the outcry of the owl, and he

  understood that the time had come to catch the sorceress.

  He jumped back on his feet and ran to the yellow strip.


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