All of You (A Rebel Desire Novel Book 3)

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All of You (A Rebel Desire Novel Book 3) Page 23

by Fabiola Francisco

  Every day I spend with her, I fall more in love. The way she laughs, how she pinches her lips when she’s thinking hard, the love she has for Rae, all of those and countless other reasons are why I love her.

  Yesterday, the court evaluator assigned to their case, interviewed me. I think I passed. She seemed happy with my responses and saw the home I live in. I asked her what would happen if Cassidy Rae and Rae moved in with me. In short, she said that it wouldn’t be a problem unless Scott had issues with it and prohibited Rae from living with me.

  I don’t see that happening. He and I have gotten to a better place. After Mrs. Pressman passed away, I was surprised and angry to see him comforting my girls, but Rae is his daughter and I understood why he showed up. I kind of felt bad for the guy, when Rae reached for me instead of him. Compassion goes a long way in accepting someone and their place in your life. Scott’s not going anywhere, and I think he realized neither am I.

  I scratch my beard and jump in my car. We have a meeting with the lawyer today, and I’m picking Cassidy Rae up when she finishes her morning shift. Soon, the meetings will be over and we can move forward. It will be hard to see Rae spend time away from Cassidy Rae and me, but we’ll get the hang of it.

  Cassidy Rae is adamant that she remains the primary residential parent, with Scott being the alternate residential parent. I’m hoping the news from the lawyer is good today and Scott accepted Cassidy Rae’s terms. It’s been a bit of back and forth, but the sooner they reach an agreement, the sooner this is over.

  “Try this on.” I hold a dress up to show Cassidy Rae.

  “That’s too fancy,” she says. I chuckle at her expression.

  “It’s not. Come on.”

  I hold the dress I picked from the rack, knowing she’ll look gorgeous in it. We came shopping after the meeting with the lawyer. We have a few things to celebrate, and a dress to buy her.

  Scott accepted the terms and the lawyers are getting to work, drawing up all the paperwork. Scott and Cassidy Rae will have to appear in court for the final hearing, but the lawyers both said it should be painless and fast since there are no disputes.

  Cassidy Rae also agreed to go with me to Tyler and Mikayla’s wedding in two weeks. I’m looking forward to introducing her to my friends and spending a night out. I’m also hoping she gives me a yes about living together soon.

  “Just try it on. The wedding will be fancy,” I plead.

  “Are you sure? I’ve never been to anything like this.”

  “I’m positive.” I grab her hand and walk her to the fitting room. I hand the attendant the dress. “One, please.”

  She raises her eyebrows and I laugh. “It’s for her.” I move my head toward Cassidy Rae.

  “Good thing, or I’d be worried if I were her,” the attendant jokes.

  Chuckling, I reply. “Trust me, no worries in that department,” I quip.

  “Jason,” Cassidy Rae scolds and pushes me into the waiting section of the fitting room. “Thank you, ma’am. Don’t mind him,” she apologizes.

  “I have to make sure my reputation isn’t tarnished.”

  Cassidy Rae rolls her eyes and I sit on the small bench right outside of the women’s fitting room. A few minutes later, Cassidy Rae walks out. I catch my breath and stare at my beautiful girlfriend.

  “It’s too fancy and expensive.” She runs her hands down the front of the dress.

  “Quiet woman and let me look at you.” I stand and whistle. “You look beautiful.” The dress is strapless and has a slit where I can see her soft skin peeking out of. I hold her hand and pull her to me, swaying together. “It’s perfect to slow dance in.” I twirl her. “It has good mobility.” I bring her back to me and tilt her back. “Good coverage.”

  Cassidy Rae giggles. “And it makes you happy.”

  “We’ll take it,” I call out to the attendant in jest.

  “You’re out of control,” Cassidy Rae slaps my shoulder playfully.

  “Nope. I’m in love,” I kiss her perfect lips and slap her bottom before ushering her into the dressing room so she can change out of the dress before I tear it and embarrass her more than I have.

  “You’re in a good mood,” Cassidy Rae says as we walk out of the store hand in hand. The dress is draped over my right arm in a garment bag. It was worth every penny.

  “I’m happy that things worked out today in the meeting and that you’re going with me to this wedding. My friends are dying to meet you. Now I just need to convince you to come to one of my shows at Riot and move in with me. I’m sure I can think of a few ways to be convincing,” I whisper in her ear before scraping my teeth over her lobe.

  “You’re a terrible tease. I’m talking to my dad today when I get home. I think having things mostly squared away with Scott has helped me focus again. I want to be with you. I want all the same things you do, so please don’t think I’m stalling.”

  “I know you’re not, babe. I also know you have different responsibilities than my friends do. None are parents yet, and it’s not easy leaving Rae so you can go to a bar and watch your boyfriend perform.”

  “I want to, though. Maybe Scott can keep her one night? Or my dad? When do you perform again?” The guys offered to take a short break, so I can spend time with Cassidy Rae, which I’ll be forever grateful to them for.

  “This Saturday,” I tell her.

  “As in three days from now?”

  “Yeah,” I look at her, amused by her counting skills.

  “Maybe Rae can stay with my dad? It will be almost bedtime for her.”

  “Really?” My eyebrows pop up into my forehead. She smiles and nods her head. “I’d love that, but only if you really are okay with it. We won’t have to stay after the show for too long.” It’s hard being in the celebration mood after her mom passed away.

  “It will be like going out on a date. I used to leave her with Abigail. I’m sure my dad can watch her. It will be good to give him a role as well, some responsibility. It’ll help with the lack of focus on my mom.”

  “That’s a good idea,” I kiss her temple. “Thank you.” I finally feel like we’re moving forward. Cassidy Rae will be more incorporated in my life, meeting my friends and seeing me do what I do.

  “I love you, Jason. I want to make you as happy as you’ve made me and support you just as much. You’ve been incredible to me, and I want to offer the same partnership to you.”

  “You do.”

  “No. I haven’t been able to. Before we had a chance to get there, I moved back into my parents’ house. Now we’re getting a real chance at us.” She kisses my shoulder and smiles.

  “Mommy! You’re back,” Rae runs to the door and slams into Cassidy Rae, causing her to step back with the force.

  “I am.” She picks Rae up and hugs her. “And we brought ice cream.”

  I hold up the paper bag and waggle my eyebrows. “I’m pretty sure we have a vanilla scoop with rainbow sprinkles and chocolate syrup.” I dig in the bag until I find hers.

  Rae worms out of Cassidy Rae’s arms and grabs the ice cream. “Thank you, Jason.” She hugs me and skips away with her ice cream. We both laugh at her enthusiasm. It’s the little things that make that girl happy.

  “We brought you one, too,” Cassidy Rae sits next to her dad. “Pistachio with chopped almonds.” She smiles at her dad.

  “My favorite.” He grins and gratefully takes the cup. “Thanks, kids. How did it go today?” He creases his eyebrows.

  “Great.” Cassidy Rae takes the cup I hand her and removes the lid. “Everything worked out. We’ll have a court hearing to finalize it, but we’ve come to an agreement.”

  “I’m glad. It’ll be good for Rae to have her dad in her life.”

  “Yeah,” Cassidy Rae agrees, taking a spoonful of her plain chocolate ice cream. “I actually wanted to talk to you about something.” I stand to leave, but Cassidy Rae puts her hand on my knee. “Please stay,” she tells me.

  “What’s going on?” Mr. Pressman

  Cassidy Rae inhales and holds her breath before letting it go. “Jason and I are planning on moving in together. We have an offer for you. If you’d like, we can build you a small one-bedroom on his property, so you can have your space and still be close to us. In the meantime, we’d have a room for you in the house.” She holds her breath as she waits for him to respond. I’ve learned all her quirks, all her reactions and ticks.

  “I think it’s wonderful that you’re ready for that step. I’m happy here. This is my home and it’s where I belong.”


  “No. I lived here for over thirty years with your mother. It’s what I have left of her and I still belong here. I want you to go build your life with Jason and Rae.” Her dad is holding her hand. “I’ll be more than okay here, and you’ll come visit. I’ll go visit you as well.”

  “It’s a big house for you alone,” Cassidy Rae argues, but I can tell there’s no changing Mr. Pressman’s mind.

  “I’m used to the space. I promise you, sweetie, that I’ll be just fine here.”

  “I just got here, and I feel like I’m leaving you again just because Mom died.” I had a feeling that was part of her hesitance.

  “You’re not leaving me. You’re building a life. One day, Rae will go off to college or move into her own place. She’ll still be a part of your life, but you’ll learn that you need to give her space to fly with her wings.”

  “But, Daddy.”

  “Don’t daddy me.” He wipes her tears. “This young man and you deserve a life full of love like your momma and I had. Be happy, Cassie. I’m still Number One Grandpa, and that girl will have me in her life. Besides, I can play bingo in the Senior Community Center and meet friends.”

  Cassidy Rae nods. “We’ll come over for dinner and take you out. You can babysit Rae.”

  She kisses his cheek and hugs her father. He shakes my hand. “Be good to her,” he warns.

  “I will, sir.”

  After dinner, Cassidy Rae and I sit with Rae.

  “We wanted to tell you something,” Cassidy Rae begins.

  “What is it?”

  “You know everything worked out with Scott.” Rae nods at Cassidy Rae’s words. “Now, Jason wants us to live in his house.”

  I watch as Rae’s eyebrows scrunch and her lips pinch. She’s so much like her mother. “Are you guys getting married?”

  “What?” My eyebrows jump into my hairline. “Um, no… I mean… not yet.” I look at Cassidy Rae.

  Laughing, she places her hand on my arm. “We’re not, but we love each other very much and want to live our lives together,” she tells her. It’s not that I don’t want to marry her, but I wasn’t expecting that from Rae.

  “Will I have my own room?”

  “You sure will,” I smile. This I can answer.

  “What will my room look like?” Rae asks.

  “Well, we have to decorate it. How do you want it to look?” I ask.

  Rae’s eyes widen. “I don’t know. I’ve never had my own room before.” My heart breaks a little for her. I will do everything in my power to take care of her and Cassidy Rae. They’ll never have to worry about money or safety ever again.

  “We’ll go shopping and pick out the things you like.”

  “Really?” she whispers.

  “Yup, Rae Rae.” Her smile wins me over. I’d give that girl anything she wants.

  “Well, not whatever you want,” Cassidy Rae raises her eyebrows. I know I can get carried away. We’ll talk about this later.

  When she asks if she could go back to her old school, Cassidy Rae tells her she’d talk to the principal. We both think it would be best for her to stay in an environment she is familiar and comfortable with. She’s been through enough in the short span of a few months, and stability is the best for her.

  “Are you happy about this then?” Cassidy Rae asks Rae.

  “Yeah. I love Jason.” I’m a man and I can admit I have emotions. Hearing her say she loves me chokes me up.

  “I love you, too, kiddo.” I squeeze her. I catch Cassidy Rae wiping her eyes and I wink. Fucking happiest day of my life. For now.

  Once Rae and Mr. Pressman are in bed, I bring Cassidy Rae with me to the sofa and pull her onto my lap. Kissing her soft lips, I smile against her.

  “I’m so fucking happy.”

  “Me, too.” She tilts her head, her eyes smiling. As she holds my face, her eyes stare into mine. “You know I never thought I’d meet someone like you. I’ve piled so many things onto your plate and it isn’t fair, but you wouldn’t leave. You proved to me I could be loved through the good and the bad. Thank you.”

  “Caz, you deserve to be loved. I vowed to myself to show you that you are more than a mother. That you are a woman deserving of everything you want. I’ll keep doing that each day.” I kiss her shoulder.

  “We’ll have to talk about me getting a job at some point,” she abruptly changes the direction of this conversation. I squeeze her hips and shake my head.

  “I already told you, you don’t need to work.”

  “You’re not going to take us in and pay for everything. You already won’t let me pay for a portion of the mortgage.”

  “Cassidy Rae, let me take care of you.”

  “You already do, but in order for me to be the woman you want me to be, the woman I am, I need to work. It’s a need in me.” She tries to explain the same thing she told me when she first agreed to move in with me. I want her to know she has support now. She doesn’t have to do it alone or kill herself working.

  “I’ll work part-time only,” she tries to negotiate.

  I move her body so she’s straddling me. “Baby…” I grip her upper thighs.

  “Jason,” she warns.

  “I love you. I want you to breathe a little and relax. You’ve had some tough years and these last few months have been emotionally draining for you. Take a break. Spend the days with your dad while Rae is in school. Let me do this. In a few months, once we’re settled, you can get a job. I don’t want to take away your freedom, I love that most about you, but I want to be a partner in this. I need you to let me take care of you.”

  “You’re too giving,” she pushes down to kiss me. Having her in this position isn’t going to let me think straight if she wants to keep discussing this.

  “I want to give you and Rae the world. I know she has her dad, but I love that little girl.”

  “We love you, too. I’ll take some time, and when Rae is back in school and we’ve gotten a routine, I’ll look for a job.”

  “I’m glad we could come to an understanding. Now, about that kiss you’re itching to give me…” I wink.

  I twist my fingers as Jason drives. My heart has been racing since this morning and my stomach has been in knots. It’s silly but I don’t know what to expect from his friends. Do they think I’ve gotten in the middle of their work? Do they think I’m after his money? It doesn’t help that Jason sprang on me that his sisters would be there tonight as well.

  He reaches for my hand in the darkened car. “Breathe.”

  We’ll get there early enough so Jason will be with me while I meet the guys and their wives or girlfriends. I think Bri is the only one not married. It doesn’t help that his ex-girlfriend used to work at the same bar. I’m glad she’s no longer there. He said something about her moving to Los Angeles. I wasn’t really paying attention. Her loss was my gain.

  “I feel stupid, but I keep questioning if they’ll like me.”

  “They already do. I’ve told them all a lot about you. The girls are excited to meet you. You’ll see. We’re all one big family. We have been for years.”

  “And I’m the outsider intruding.”

  “Cassidy Rae,” he chastises. “We’re here.” He pulls into a parking lot and parks the car. I walk out of the car when he opens the door for me. It’s awkward at times, but I know he loves doing that, so I wait for him.

  “Ready?” I nod. “I love you,” he pecks my
lips and guides the way into Riot. As soon as we enter I take in the space. It’s a lot more casual than I imagined. A wooden bar is on the far wall with a stage to the left. The tables and chairs are against the walls so the center is open for people to dance. I’m sure people are standing and moving around while they perform.

  He squeezes my hand and winks. I look forward and see Cash Knight. Holy shit. He’s taller in person than he seems in pictures. Next to him is a brunette, laughing at something he is saying. Cole, and I’m assuming Bri, is next to them. I notice Cole elbow Cash. Suddenly four pairs of eyes are on us, and I’m ready to bolt.

  “Hey,” Cash says.

  “Hey, guys.” Jason says. “This is Cassidy Rae. Cassidy Rae, this is Cole, Bri, Cash, and Olivia. We call her Liv, though.” He points each of them out.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Olivia says.

  “It’s nice to meet you all.” I smile tentatively.

  “We’re sorry about your mom. We heard what happened. Hope you and your family are okay,” Bri sympathizes.

  “Thank you. We’re doing alright.”

  “Are you excited about the show? It’s your first time, right?” Olivia asks.

  “It is. This is really cool.” I look around as more people fill the bar.

  “Do you want something to drink?” Jason asks.

  “I’m okay. Thanks.” He leans into the bar and places his order.

  “Oh, the girlfriend.” I hear from behind me.

  Jason turns around. “Ryder,” he warns.

  “I’m the jackass. It’s nice to meet you, Cassidy Rae.” I laugh at his introduction and shake his hand.

  “I’m Mrs. Jackass, also known as Jen. So happy you came tonight.” I’m taken aback when she hugs me.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” I reply.

  “Don’t mind her, she’s a hugger,” Olivia excuses.

  “I’m handsy,” Jen shrugs.

  “Yeah you are,” Ryder jokes. Everyone groans, and I laugh.

  “They’re the perverted couple,” Bri says.


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