I Won't Remember You (Aidan & Vicky Book 6)

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I Won't Remember You (Aidan & Vicky Book 6) Page 10

by Mairsile Leabhair

  “Oh!” Vicky exclaimed, grabbing her blouse to pull it tighter around her.

  Aidan wrapped her arm around Vicky and pulled her close. Damn it, why didn’t they tell her about that ahead of time? She looked over at Harold, who was smiling. Bastard!

  “Order,” the Judge demanded.

  Meghan pulled a 5x7 photograph from her portfolio “Is this the picture that the defendant showed you, Mr. Montgomery?” She handed Leonard a plastic bag with a photograph in it. The picture had powder smudges of fingerprints visible on the corners.

  Leonard looked at it and recognized it immediately. “Yes, that’s the one,” he said as he handed it back to Meghan.

  Meghan walked over and handed it to the Bailiff. “Your Honor, I submit this photograph as peoples exhibit number one.”

  The Bailiff handed it to the Judge, who looked at it for a moment, and then handed it back.

  “The photograph was found on Mr. Cassidy’s person and had two sets of prints on it; Leonard Montgomery’s and Harold Cassidy’s,” Meghan pointed out to the Judge, then turned her attention back to Leonard. “Mr. Montgomery, tell us what happened next.”

  “He tied us up in the living room, mumbling something about revenge being sweet. I tried to talk to him, you know, get him to leave us alone, but he put tape over our mouths.”

  Vicky shivered violently. The memory of seeing her father bound and gagged was too much for her, and tears stung her eyes as she fought to keep control. She squeezed Aidan’s hand tightly, not realizing just how hard she was squeezing it.

  Aidan gladly bore the pain, knowing it was nothing compared to her wife’s pain. Aidan rubbed Vicky’s hand.

  “Mr. Montgomery, in your opinion, what was his motive?” Meghan asked.

  “He is fixated on my daughter, although I’m not sure why. He raped her when she was thirteen—”

  George jumped up. “Objection, Your Honor. Hearsay and statute of limitations.”

  “Sustained,” the Judge said.

  Meghan looked at Leonard again. “I’m sorry, Mr. Montgomery, but please stick with the facts in relation to your abduction.”

  Leonard nodded at Meghan. “The fact is that the man is fixated on my daughter. The whole time he sat there, waiting for Vicky to come over, he rambled on about how beautiful she was, how easily he could manipulate her,” Leonard paused, his face hardening, his eyes twitching with anger. “He told us that he was just sorry he didn’t think to take a picture when he shoved his dick into her mouth.”

  “I think I’m going to be sick,” Vicky cried, clapping her hand over her mouth and jumping up. She ran out the door and over to the ladies restroom.

  Aidan followed after her as the Judge banged her gavel, asking for order.

  Harold was beaming with pride.

  Chapter Nine

  The four storied, squared Criminal Circuit Court building still had wooden floors and furniture that Aidan would swear was from the eighteen-hundreds. But the marble encased restrooms were clean and stylish, and thankfully for Vicky, empty.

  Aidan quickly wet a towel and wrung it out. She placed it on the back of Vicky’s neck and rubbed her back as she heaved into the toilet. It was a dry heave, and subsided as fast as it came. Vicky stood up and used the towel to wipe her face. The cool dampness of it helped her to calm her nerves.

  “Are you okay, baby?” Aidan asked anxiously.

  “Yes, I will be,” Vicky said.

  Someone walked in and Vicky turned away, not wanting to be seen in the state she was in. The stranger went into a stall, and Vicky left the restroom.

  “Here, let’s sit over here for a minute,” Aidan suggested, pointing toward an empty bench in the hallway between courtrooms.

  Vicky wasn’t too keen on going back inside, so she gladly followed Aidan over to the bench. “Aidan, I can’t do it. I can’t go back in there.”

  Aidan interlaced her fingers with Vicky’s and said, “Then don’t. Meghan said she wasn’t going to call you as a witness, so why don’t you wait it out at home. I’ll stay here and let you know what’s happening.”

  “Yes, that sounds good…” Vicky said, but then changed her mind. She felt that she was being selfish. “No, I need to be there for Dad. Why didn’t he tell me about the photograph?”

  “Because I told him not to,” Meghan said as she walked up to them, followed by Vicky’s family and friends.

  Aidan stood up, infuriated at the attorney’s callousness.

  Meghan ignored her and continued looking at Vicky. “Look, court has been recessed until tomorrow because the Judge was called away, and I’m starving, so let’s grab a bite to eat and I’ll explain everything.”

  “Then you’d better make it a damn large table, because we’re coming too,” Joyce inserted.

  Leonard walked up to Vicky and pulled her into a hug. “I’m so sorry, honey. So very sorry.”

  “No, Dad. You have nothing to be sorry for,” Vicky countered. “I’m just sorry you had to go through all of that because of me.”

  Leonard held her at arm’s length and said, “It wasn’t because of you, Vicky. It was because of that bastard, Harold.”

  “Mr. Montgomery, I don’t believe he actually abused Vicky… in that way,” Meghan interjected.

  “But he said—”

  Meghan cut him off. “He said whatever it took to emotionally compromise you.”

  “She’s right, Pop,” Aidan reluctantly agreed. “Harold is an expert at cutting deep with a word or two just so he can watch you suffer.”

  “Aidan, I’m so sorry you had to live with that,” Leonard said.

  “I admit, it was rough, but I had you and Vicky right next door. That’s what saved me.”

  “But what about the photograph?” Vicky asked, angrily. “Why didn’t you tell me about the photograph, Meghan?”

  “If I tell you, can we go eat?” Meghan asked.

  “Look, this isn’t a damn game,” Joyce growled.

  “Oh, but it is,” Meghan countered. “At least it is to Harold. Look, I didn’t tell Vicky ahead of time because, as heartless as it sounds, I was hoping for the response she gave. With the Judge being the jury, too, I needed an honest response. Granted, in hindsight I should have warned her about Mr. Montgomery’s testimony, but I guess I thought he would have told her already.”

  “I should have,” Leonard admitted, his eyes welling up. “I just couldn’t bear the thought of describing that to my little girl.”

  Vicky’s tears were instant as she hugged her father. “It’s done now, Daddy. You don’t ever have to see that vision again.”

  “As I said, I don’t think any of it is real,” Meghan said. “I think he manipulated you into believing he did that to her, as part of his game to keep you compliant.”

  Vicky pulled back and looked at Meghan. “Is this how it’s going to be? He’s had years to plant little manipulations like that, and now they’re all coming back to hurt us all over again.”

  “Yes, I think this is how it’s going to be,” Meghan answered succinctly.

  Richard nodded, “He’s displayed vulgar acts in front of Vicky before and enjoyed her revulsive reaction. It’s part of his grand scheme to get what he wants.”

  “Which is to hurt Vicky,” Aidan stated.

  “Yes, and if I may be so crass, it is a form of mental rape, which is next to impossible to prove.”

  “So that’s what gets him off?” Aidan asked. “Shocking Vicky with his filth and watching her reaction?”

  “Exactly. It’s how he feeds the monster,” Richard replied.

  Alice shook her head. “The monster?”

  “His jealous dick,” Aidan said disdainfully.


  After lunch, the discussion carried over to Aidan and Vicky’s condo, and everyone except Meghan, who went back to her office, gathered in the living room, dining room and kitchen. Clutches of conversations filled the air, and Vicky tried to block them all out. She excused herself to go to the bathroom, and as
soon as she shut the door, she sat on the lid of the toilet and cried.

  Aidan started to follow Vicky, when Alice caught her arm.

  “No, Aidan. Give her some space,” Alice said.

  “But she’s hurting,” Aidan replied.

  “Yes, but sometimes you just need a good cry to let the tension go. She’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  Aidan looked at the bathroom door, then back at Alice, who nodded encouragingly. Aidan reluctantly agreed, and walked into her bedroom, which was across the hall from the bathroom, and slumped down on the bed. Alice followed her in and closed the door.

  “Wait, I want to know when Vicky comes out,” Aidan protested.

  “Let’s chat for a moment, first,” Alice replied, and sat down beside her. She was uncharacteristically affectionate, taking Aidan’s hand in hers. “You’re a very strong woman, Aidan. I admire that strength, and Vicky depends on it. It’s best if you also take a moment and let the tension out.”

  Aidan shook her head. “Thanks, but I’m okay.”

  “Of course you are, but this is just the first day and you look like you’re about ready to punch a wall.”

  Aidan laughed. “How did you know?”

  “If you tell anyone I told you this, I’ll deny it, but when Leonard was in the hospital, and his heart was about to explode, I had to go into the bathroom and cry, just as Vicky is now. I didn’t want Leonard or Vicky to know just how weak I was.”

  “You weren’t being weak, Alice, and neither is Vicky. She’s upset, yes, but who wouldn’t be?” Aidan asked.

  “It wasn’t that kind of weakness, Aidan. It was fear, failure, desperation, and crying helped wash it away so that I could face Leonard with a smile on my face. Vicky needs to see your smile.”

  “I’m not going to cry in front of you Alice,” Aidan chuckled.

  “Then I’ll leave you alone,” she countered, and stood up. “There’s no shame in crying, Aidan, but there is if you let Harold take control of your emotions.”

  Aidan watched as Alice left the bedroom, closing the door behind her. She grabbed a pillow off the bed and pounded it with her fists. Then she covered her face with it and screamed. Finally, Aidan hugged the pillow to her chest as if she were hugging Vicky, and let the tears flow.

  Richard cornered Samantha it the kitchen. “Samantha, have you reconsidered about testifying tomorrow?”

  “No, I haven’t,” She replied.

  “I don’t think you are prepared for what Harold will say or do,” Richard pointed out.

  “It can’t get much worse than what I heard today,” Samantha argued.

  “Knowing Harold, it could get much worse, and I don’t want him to set off your post-traumatic stress disorder.”

  “I was there, Doc. I saw him on top of Vicky. I have to testify. I owe her that much for my baby.”

  “I know you’re grateful to Vicky for delivering your baby in the middle of the Syrian Desert, but if you have a PTSD episode, you could do more harm than good.”

  “Aidan thinks it’s a risk worth taking,” Samantha argued.

  “No offense to Aidan, but her main focus right now is on Vicky. Had she thought about your PTSD, I doubt she would feel the same.”

  “We’ll never know because we’re not going to tell her. This is something I feel I need to do, Doc.”

  “All right, then come to my office first thing in the morning and let me get you ready for Harold’s tricks.”

  “What kind of tricks?” Samantha asked uncertainly.

  “Harold or his lawyer will most certainly bring up the fact that you are seeing a psychiatrist. He will insist that you be dismissed on grounds of instability.”

  “Bullshit! I’ve never been more stable in my life.”

  “I like hearing you say that, Samantha. That’s very good… but…”

  “But my PTSD could rear its ugly head.”

  “Yes, exactly.”

  “Okay, I’ll meet you in the morning before court. And uh, Doc, thank you.”

  Richard nodded, then returned to the group gathered in the living room, as Samantha pulled out her cellphone.

  “Hey, uh, have you got a minute?”

  “Sure,” Dakota replied. “What’s up?”

  In spite of herself, Samantha gasped at the sweet sound of Dakota’s raspy voice on the phone. “I was wondering if you were going to be in court tomorrow?”

  “I offered to go, but Vicky said it wasn’t necessary,” Dakota said.

  “Oh…” Samantha hesitated. She needed Dakota there just to be able to look at her if things got frantic. Dakota had seen her in a full blown episode, and she was able to pull her out of it without too much embarrassment. At least that was her rationale for wishing she would be there.

  “What’s going on, Sam?” Dakota asked, hearing the uncertainty in Samantha’s voice. Samantha was the strongest, most determined woman Dakota had ever met, so something had to be wrong for her to hesitate like that. Hell, for her to have even called in the first place.

  “I’m supposed to testify tomorrow and Dr. Kline thinks it could set off my PTSD,” Samantha explained even as she was thinking that she shouldn’t have called. She was feeling embarrassed at her weakness.

  “You’re testifying tomorrow?” Dakota asked.

  “Yes, around mid-morning I think.”

  “Would you mind if I was there for that?”

  Samantha exhaled gratefully, almost as if Dakota had thrown her a lifeline. “No, I don’t mind at all, but it will probably be pretty boring for you.” What am I doing? Don’t start playing games now.

  “I doubt it will be boring from what I’ve heard about that man.” Dakota reciprocated.

  “Okay, well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  “Um, maybe we could have lunch afterwards? My treat.”

  “That sounds great,” Samantha replied. It’s a date.


  Lying in bed that night, neither of them able to sleep. Vicky laid her head on Aidan’s breast, listening to her heart beat. There was something life-affirming about listening to her lover’s heart, almost as if it were beating just for her. Rationally, Vicky knew that she shouldn’t feel that way, but emotionally, after the day she’d had, she needed to feel like that.

  Aidan abstractedly twirled a strand of Vicky’s thick blond hair between her fingers. “Are you going back tomorrow?” she asked quietly.

  “Yes,” Vicky replied, patting the soft skin between Aidan’s breasts. “You’re on the stand tomorrow. I have to be there.”

  “No. You don’t. In fact, I’d rather you weren’t there,” Aidan said more harshly than she meant.

  Vicky raised up and looked at her. “I thought you said you were my future and I didn’t have to worry about being in court? You’re ashamed of me, aren’t you?”

  Aidan jerked upright, nearly hitting Vicky as she did. “Where the hell did that come from? Of course I’m not. God, I could never be ashamed of you, Vicky.”

  “Then why are you so worried about how I’ll act in court?”

  “I don’t give a shit how you act in court. I’m trying to protect you, damn it.”

  “Well, stop it. He can’t do any worse than what he did today. I’m ready for him now.”

  “He can, and he will, and I don’t want you to be put through that again,” Aidan explained calmly. “That’s the only reason why I think you should stay home tomorrow.”

  “Aidan, no matter what I do, stay at home or go in, he wins. He’s in control. He has been all along.”

  “No, you’re wrong, kid. He might have been in control today, but tomorrow we’ll take it back.”

  “And I want to be there when we do,” Vicky stated.

  “God, woman, you are so damn stubborn sometimes,” Aidan declared. She took a breath and then changed her tone. “What do you need from me?”

  “What I need is for you to make love to me. Soft, gentle, heavenly love. Take me into that rapturous euphoria and keep me there until I can
erase the vision of Harold and his—”

  Aidan grabbed Vicky by the shoulders and smothered her words with a kiss. She couldn’t let Vicky finish that sentence. She too needed to erase the vision from her mind. Gentle, damn it. Be gentle with her. Aidan slowed her hunger and caressed Vicky’s tongue with her own. She slid her hand under Vicky’s breast and squeezed it gently, kneading it to the rhythm of her kiss. Then she moved her lips down Vicky’s neck to her breast and suckled, while her hand fondled the other breast. Vicky’s velvet breasts swelled under Aidan’s gentle touch, as the nipples hardened with desire. Aidan pinched the rigid tip, causing Vicky to gasp.

  “Oh, yes,” she groaned.

  Aidan kept one hand caressing a breast, and kissed her way down to Vicky’s stomach. “You are so beautiful,” she said, as she ran her fingers down to the blonde curls between Vicky’s legs. She teased the area, using her hand like it was a vibrator, patting the folds of skin until she could feel the heat escaping between her fingers. Then Aidan slid her fingers between the moist lips and teased the clit, bringing Vicky to the edge, only to pull her back again by moving back up to the breasts, the neck, and the mouth. After a few intoxicating moments, filled with Vicky’s moans of pleasure, Aidan rubbed her hands down Vicky’s stomach, over her thighs, until she made her way back to the sensitive organs, still hot and throbbing.

  “Please, Aidan, I think I’m going to come,” Vicky begged, grabbing the sheets and arching her back with each stroke of Aidan’s long fingers.

  “No, not yet, baby,” Aidan said as she pinched the erect nipple again.

  “Oh! Oh, please… don’t stop,” Vicky gasped.

  “I won’t, baby. I won’t,” Aidan said, her own heat rising with each stroke.

  Vicky was usually a firecracker under Aidan’s expert touch, but this time, it took much longer than usual, and Aidan knew that when her wife did climax, it would be because she had finally purged Harold from her mind.

  With the thrust of her tongue, Aidan pushed Vicky into that rapturous euphoria she so desperately desired. Vicky’s screams of erotic release expelled the demons from her soul, and replaced them with spasms of pleasure that only love could sustain. And for the first time in her life, her orgasm kept Vicky shuddering with intense pleasure for over ten minutes.


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