Bloodlust: A Gladiator's Tale

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Bloodlust: A Gladiator's Tale Page 21

by C. P. D. Harris


  Sadira and Vintia, being the more popular team in their home town, entered the arena after Evoni and Marisu. The partisan crowd cheered them with real enthusiasm, showering them with encouragement; Sadira felt energized, basking in their adoration. The four Gladiatrices began to size each other up, looking for hidden weaknesses and clues as to how to beat their foes.

  Evoni was a Shadow-Elf, like Sadira, but ebony-skinned and taller. Her platinum hair was done up in a short warrior's braid. She wore heavy armour that was coloured a regal blue, edged with silver, and studded with diamonds. The impressive shoulder guards were made to look like the serpentine heads of dragons. She carried a pair of wide-hilted, straight bladed, silver-blue broadswords with spikes jutting from the basket hilts. Her violet eyes flashed a challenge at Sadira, crimson lips curling into a mocking smile.

  "Leave it to a Red to dress like a whore for a fight, eh Marisu?" snickered Evoni, eyeing Sadira's attire.

  Sadira rolled her eyes. "I hope those blades have a keener edge than your wit!" she said. "Otherwise this is going to be a very short fight! Besides I hear you're the one who earned her position on her knees."

  The crowd jeered; Evoni's snowy eyebrow arched. "You'll see soon enough!"

  Sadira smiled; this was going to be a good fight.

  Marisu, the larger of the pair, also wore heavy armour; hers was steel coloured with jagged tribal patterns enamelled blue and turquoise. An Orc, she had pale green skin and wore her black hair in a fearsome mohawk. Her body was lean and muscular giving the impression of wild, predatory power. She carried a heavy-bladed great axe, swinging it with skillful ease. She nodded respectfully to Sadira and Vintia as their gazes met, her black eyes seeming to take everything in.

  The Gladiatrices saluted the audience signalling an end to the banter, the trumpets sounded, and then the action began.

  Evoni and Marisu channelled and wove spells to let loose at Sadira immediately, hoping to catch the lightly armoured Gladiatrix and dispatch her quickly. She leapt out of the way of a lightning blast, which scorched the sand as she felt the pressure of a cogimancer's brain hemorrhage spell building in her head. She had trained against this attack often enough with Gavin and so she succeeded in fighting it off with a concentrated effort of will.

  Vintia took advantage of their focus on Sadira to position herself on their flank channelling a stoneskin spell to protect her friend. Sadira felt the protective magic encase her, like being caressed by a thousand smooth pebbles. She shook off the last effects of the mental attack.

  Marisu turned to meet Vintia as she attacked hefting her heavy-blade axe while Evoni began to channel a more powerful spell to assault Sadira.

  Meanwhile Vintia baited her opponent with a series of quick attacks. Sadira kept Evoni busy, while waiting for Marisu to get close enough to swing her axe at Vintia; reading the Orc's movements, ignoring the quick initial slash that tested Vintia's shield and the following back-swing. As Marisu flowed smoothly into the third attack Sadira saw her chance and burst into motion. The Orc was intent on Vintia, eyes gleaming and muscles tightening as she got ready to deliver a punishing blow. Sadira covered the distance quickly, keeping the massive form of the Orcish woman between her and Evoni, letting out a loud war-scream as she closed in. Marisu, thinking that Sadira was charging at her, abruptly aborted her swing while Evoni closed in to take advantage of Sadira's change of focus. Sadira admired the skill of the strong Orc Gladiatrix, able to stop such a powerful attack in motion, and yet still avoid a quick thrust from Vintia's long blade.

  But their opponents had guessed wrong. Sadira had no intention if attacking Marisu.

  Sadira dove, tumbling past the massive Gladiatrix and rolling toward her true target. Evoni, caught off guard, was forced to stop moving and quickly unleash the spell that she had been carefully aiming a moment before. Heat washed over Sadira as the sand liquefied beside her. Her skin blistered from the scorching blast of the fireball, but she kept rolling. She swung her gleaming obsidian blades in a savage dual uppercut as she came to her feet. To her surprise, Evoni blocked both with quick, precise motions before shouldering forward, sending the smaller Sadira skittering backwards.

  "Fancy moves," snarled Evoni. "Too bad you don't have the skill to follow-up!"

  Evoni shifted as she spoke. Sadira recognized her drop into the much-feared Swan stance. The two Shadow Elves stared at each other for a moment; behind them Marisu shouldered into Vintia's shield, pressing the small defender back. The Blues knew that the Reds trained for better teamwork and so planned to keep Sadira and Vintia away from each other. Vintia met each blow with a measured response, giving ground as needed, and although to many in the crowd she looked to be in grave danger, overwhelmed by the savage assault, Sadira could tell she was holding her own for now.

  Evoni moved as Sadira circled her, deceptively graceful despite the blinding speed of her attacks. Sadira was forced onto the defensive, backing away quickly as Evoni's silver-blue blades seemed to come at her from all sides at once. When they finally broke off Sadira was bleeding from several deep cuts.

  "Nicely done!" she yelled to Evoni, channelling power into the weave of a healing spell as she backed away. "But I'm still standing, and I wonder how long you can keep up that kind of pressure without tiring..."

  "You'll be eating dirt before I break a sweat, gutter slut!" snarled Evoni, moving forward angrily.

  Sadira smiled inwardly. She knew that anger could be a weakness; her own had almost led to her death at Bella's hands. She and Gavin had worked hard together so that she could curb her temper when she needed to. Her blades flicked out to meet Evoni's swords and the crowd roared as they clashed and whirled.

  Marisu slammed her heavy axe into Vintia's shield again and again, hoping to unbalance the smaller woman. The massive Orcish Gladiatrix measured each blow precisely, trying to drive her smaller opponent to the ground or find a way to hook her axe blade around Vintia's heavy shield and drag it away. Vintia weathered the assault sheltering behind her thick shield, always moving to deny her opponent the best angle of attack. She pelted the Orc with blasts of frost and lightning, trying to wear her opponent down.

  The four Gladiatrices fought on before the cheering crowds. Swords and axes rent the air, filling the arena with the thunderous ring of metal crashing into metal. Spells dazzled the audience. The Blue fighters kept Sadira and Vintia apart but were unable to land a decisive blow and by the third round they were all bleeding from cuts or showing the more exotic wounds caused by spells, but still they all remained in fighting condition.

  Sadira enjoyed herself more and more with each passing moment.


  Valaran's grin had long-since disappeared. The two women on his knee relaxed a little, as their captor's attention seemed firmly fixed on the fight.

  Valaran saw himself as a wolf among sheep. He had been trained by master Moltar to be the perfect fighter, and was skilled beyond any of them. Other Gladiators were his prey, nothing more. Even the brilliantly skilled Evoni and the perfectly controlled power of Marisu did not earn his respect. But as he watched Sadira unexpectedly survive Evoni's blistering assaults and fight back, he felt a strange sensation in his black heart and brutal loins. It seemed that he was not the only wolf, after all. His mouth hung open slightly in awe.

  Gavin and Ravius smiled while the soldiers and townsfolk around them cheered and chanted.


  With a growing sense of dread, Evoni realized that Sadira was not faltering before her relentless assault. Sadira's powerful healing magic meant that Evoni could not rely on whittling her down. The lighter Gladiatrix was bleeding from several cuts, but seemed no less energetic than when she'd started the fight. Chosen's balls, she's even grinning like she's enjoying this, thought Evoni. She did not know what to do; swan stance had never failed her like this before. The constant pressure of keeping up such a relentless, swift assault was wearing her down.

  Sadira drove Evoni t
o the limit, showing no fear of the dreaded technique her opponent employed. She used her root spell to trip up Evoni, breaking the larger Gladiatrix's stride and opening her up to quick slashes. On her third try, the strategy nearly paid off as the blade of her left hand sabre skidded off a badly timed parry and slipped toward Evoni's neck. Fortunately for her opponent, Sadira's blade was stopped by the gorget protecting her throat.

  "Almost!" snarled Sadira, following up with a series of savage slashes that pushed her opponent back.

  Evoni was sweating now. Her blades felt heavy in her hands. Fear of failure took root in her heart. She was the protege of Chosen Moltar! How could this hussy of a Red defeat her? She could feel the eyes of her dread patron on her. Anger and fear drove her and she roared, throwing herself at Sadira, hammering her lighter foe with massively powerful sword strokes.

  Sadira laughed, dancing away from Evoni's reckless, hungry blades, her eyes flashing.

  Marisu continued to physically dominate the smaller Vintia, knocking her opponent around with powerful swings of her heavy-blade axe. The larger woman was, however, unable to get past the bright-eyed defender's shield. Marisu was focused and relentless, but Vintia held her ground. The little defender was quite used to being attacked by larger foes, and although Marisu was better than anyone she had faced before, Vintia was determined and undaunted. She would not fail Sadira. They too attacked each other with spells, trading bolts of fire and lightning mingling for mind-crushing mental blasts.

  Sadira could see the desperation in her opponent's eyes. If the match went to the full time limit the audience would determine who won; Evoni and Marisu would be subjected to the judgement of a very unfriendly crowd. They would fail their mighty patron; Sadira doubted that the merciless Chosen Moltar would be kind to them at all. She let Evoni wear herself out a little more. The woman's aggressive offence and heavy armour were liabilities now that she was reckless. She parried, ducked, and danced out of the way of Evoni's glittering blades as the crowd chanted her name.

  Sadira calmly waited for her opportunity. After ducking a powerful sword stroke from Evoni, she stepped on the larger woman's boot, then she feinted a double slash with both sabres at her opponent's throat. Evoni quickly brought up both her swords, and Sadira used the shadow power trick of her race to cloak them both in shadows for the briefest of moments. Evoni, still lost in frustration, did not anticipate Sadira's intentions this time. The sudden shadow obscured the change of a short slash into a thrust with her right hand blade. Evoni stepped back, parried the left hand blade while getting ready to parry the slash she thought was coming. When she realized her mistake she tried valiantly to step back again and sidestep, but Sadira was too quick, opening a long, ugly cut on her adversary's mouth and cheek.

  This proved to be the winning blow. Evoni's violet eyes blazed with fury, and Sadira danced away, laughing again, staying just out of reach of her opponent's hungry swords. Evoni lost focused and attacked in a berserk rage. When the fight ended half a minute later, Evoni's beautiful face was still rent and slick with blood, although it was much healed. Two other wounds could be seen on her leg and chest. Marisu had not broken stalwart Vintia. The partisan crowd of Red Faction supporters gleefully showed their thumbs in support for the hometown Reds, giving them the victory.

  "Say hello to Moltar for me!" Sadira called to Evoni.

  The other woman stood there shocked, touching the cut on her face, fear of her master's wrath clear in her eyes. As the heat of battle faded, she realized her errors. Marisu turned her back on Evoni and stalked out of the arena. Sadira and Vintia embraced, laughing as ten thousand voices screamed their names.


  Gavin turned to Valaran, grinning in triumph.

  The big man merely shrugged. Gavin's smiled faded as he read Valaran's piercing grey eyes. The golden haired giant was staring at Sadira as she left the fighting grounds. "I guess you Reds do have something I desire after all. Sadira. I will make this Gladiatrix mine."

  Gavin's eye's widened. If it had not been for Ravius's hand on his shoulder, he would have leapt at his nemesis right there, in spite of the nearby Grey-Robes.

  "She'll be your death if you try, Valaran!" Ravius said evenly. Beside him Gavin shook with rage; he almost didn't care what would happen to him if he attacked the hated Gladiator. "The man who tries to impose his will on a Gladiatrix is surely doomed."

  Valaran laughed loudly, an ugly sound despite its mirth. His two female thralls echoed his laughter, almost sadly, as he stood, towering. "Folk sayings apply to commoners, not men like me, boy. I'm sure she will come to appreciate my charms, one way or another. I doubt any of you Reds are worthy of a woman like that. Speaking of women, I must get back to my master's tent. He will be most displeased that Evoni and Marisu lost this challenge and I will enjoy watching their punishment." He turned his back and walked away; his thralls and the Grey-Robes followed him. One of the women looked back at Gavin and Ravius over her shoulder, just for a moment, face full of resignation and sadness.


  Gavin fumed all afternoon. He was still angry as he and Ravius made their way back to the Arena. It did not help his temper that he'd barely been able to talk to Sadira for more than a few moments after her victory. She and Vintia were the heroines of the moment, having handed a surprise loss to the hated Blues. They were being hailed as heroes; every Gladiator, arena fan, and Red Faction patriot in Camp Valorous wanted to congratulate them. Gavin knew it was wrong to blame Sadira for not dropping everything to make time for him, but his anger felt good, in a very petty way. Valaran's mocking voice chased him, taunting; how could he compete with a man like that? He grimaced as they walked.

  "Slow down, little brother," Ravius advised. "Don't let Valaran get to you. You should be happy today. The summer evening is calm and peaceful. Life is good. Sadira and Vintia won a victory that will be the talk of the town for a long while. Don't let your anger rob you of the opportunity to share in their triumph, my friend. They'll have time enough for us after our match is done."

  "You're right," said Gavin "I should not have let that malevolent brute get to me."

  "Well, even though I am appalled that you aren't pleased beyond words to join your old friend Ravius in the arena, basking in his reflected glory as he demolishes his foes, I will forgive you," said Ravius in a melodramatic tone.

  Gavin wanted to say many things. Valaran's comments had been too close to the mark. He did not feel worthy of Sadira or his friends at times. He was unsure of his destiny, of whether or not he possessed the capacity for greatness. He wanted to tell Ravius...but the words stuck in his throat; he was not the type who burdened others with his problems. So he smiled at his friend's good-natured antics and they made their way to the arena to get ready for their upcoming fight, passing cheerful fans still talking about Sadira's win.


  Trolls are curious creatures. They existed before the Reckoning, but none of the old powers had any dealings with them. They survived in the areas of the world where no one else wanted to dwell, ancient bogs, isolated caves, the oldest forests. Rare creatures in the old days, they frequented places rendered uninhabitable by disaster or wild magic. Later, after the great wars ended and the Chosen expanded back outwards from Krass, they found a great number of these creatures. Trolls thrived in the tainted lands.

  Trolls are incredibly tough. They heal wounds even faster than a Gladiator, and can survive and recover from horrific injuries without any need of spells. They do not really feel or even understand pain. Few diseases affect them. They can eat and gain nourishment from almost anything. They are highly resistant to magic as well, including the taint caused by the wild magics of the Reckoning. These qualities allowed them to survive and expand after the Great War. No one has ever heard of a troll with the Gift, even in legend.

  The Chosen at first tried to conquer the creatures, but quickly changed their minds when they realized that the trolls could be bargained with. Facing a hostile land
filled with tainted magic and terrible enemies it was easy for the armies of Krass to see the advantages of an alliance. For their part the Trolls respected the strength of the Chosen. Troll lands are independent regions within the Domains, subject to the laws of the trolls that live there. Trolls often go forth from their lands to live in the Domains, trading for goods or seeking their fortunes in the arena, where they are a common sight. Since they are unlikely to get killed and do not even consider pain, young trolls will line up to get a "job" fighting against Gladiators for considerable pay. A skilled Troll warrior is very hard to kill and is strong enough, smart enough, and aggressive enough to present a serious challenge to a Gladiator. It is not uncommon for one of these trolls to retire after a decade or two, having amassed a large fortune and acquired a respected reputation in the arena. Some of them become so adept at the Great Games that they fight against teams of Gladiators or against the highest ranking warriors of the day. These combatants return home as legends and often become important figures in their own tribes.

  Gavin and Ravius were facing two of these powerful beings.


  The audience was still in an excellent mood when Gavin and Ravius entered the arena that evening, their spirits buoyed by the victory against the Blues that morning. Some of the spectators at this match had kept their seats throughout the day, and they described Sadira and Vintia's epic victory in excited tones with their envious neighbours. Quite a few seats were empty, however.

  Although Gavin was still angry as he took the field, his mood lightened a little when he saw that Moltar's gloomy pavilion had already been taken down. Hopefully Valaran was far away by now. He and Ravius raised their weapons to the crowd. The two trolls, both from a blue-skinned northern variety, lifted their double bladed greataxes in salute as well. The trumpets sounded and the four fighters converged on each other. The trolls moved with a lumbering gait, fast despite their short legs.


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