Bloodlust: A Gladiator's Tale

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Bloodlust: A Gladiator's Tale Page 25

by C. P. D. Harris

  Chapter Sixteen: Farewell

  1143/02/19 AR, Camp Valorous

  "I would give all the glory I have ever earned to be in a peaceful place, surrounded by friends and family, full of joy. But because some few would sacrifice anything and everything for power and glory, I cannot take the peaceful path." Chosen Vandurion

  Spring was in full bloom in Camp Valorous as the day of Gavin's sixteenth match dawned. The symphonic morning songs of the yellow-greywing birds woke Gavin earlier than normal. It was their second spring in the military town, but now he was familiar enough with the place to notice the subtler differences spring wrought upon their little corner of the Gladiators' quarter. The crisp highland air washed away the scents of industry and people, replacing them with the smell of new growth and nature's rebirth. The very rhythm of the place was more energetic, the townsfolk were happier now that winter was done and they could busy themselves with spring's labours.

  The Gladiator breathed deeply, enjoying the purity of the air, watching his lover's peaceful breathing. He realized unexpectedly that he would miss this simple, bustling town on the edge of the Domains. Today would be their last match in Camp Valorous. They'd been invited to join the Red Faction roster at a place called Scorpion's Oasis, a resort town far to the south and east of them with a small, but well appointed, arena. Sadira was excited because Scorpion's Oasis served as a feeder arena for nearby Brightsand Halls, the Jewel of the South, one of the largest cities in the Domains. It was the seat of power of Chosen Giselle, one of the younger and more ambitious of that illustrious peerage, a woman who still took a very active interest in the arena.

  Sadira had been ecstatic when she had heard the news. An invitation to join the Faction Games so soon after they'd achieved the third rank was a rare honour. Chosen Giselle was one of her role models, and she had emulated the famous woman's style, in fighting and fashion, as a girl. Gavin suspected that the recruiters who sent the invitation were primarily interested in Sadira; she was one of the best fighters the Faction had seen in many years. He was happy for her, but felt a little uneasy; he wanted to be accepted on his own merits. He also feared being separated from her as her career took her places he was not allowed to follow.

  He smiled. If any of them was worthy of joining the Chosen it was deadly, passionate Sadira; Scorpion's Oasis would take Gavin and the rest of them just to get her on their team. He looked at her, remembering how she had burst into tearful joy upon receiving the news. He had joked that it was the first time he had seen her cry. Happy on her behalf, he banished his unease; he would gladly follow her into the desert to fight at her side. They had celebrated long into the night on the day the invitation came.

  On most days Sadira would be up first, always waking him with a passionate kiss, a questing mouth taking advantage of his morning-glory, or some other invitation to early love-making. This morning however, he woke first, and so enjoyed the silent feeling of companionship, watching her as she slept. He drank in the beauty of her face and form, unmoving in sleep yet somehow still radiating the pure, unconquerable vitality that defined her; lustrous hair cascaded from her pillows in wild disarray, perfectly contrasting with her ivory skin; her ample curves and broad shoulders rising and falling with each slow breath. He watched her breathlessly, caught in the moment, feeling his heart fill with love.

  Her eyes opened, finding his immediately, and her lips curved into a wicked smile."Like what you see?" she asked after a long moment.

  "In every way you can think of," he said seriously. "I love you, Sadira Lacivia."

  "I was expecting some simple morning banter," she said softly, her pale cheeks flushing a little, her smile becoming one of deep contentment, "but I will take sweet words like those any day."

  Gavin held her gaze, plunging into the deep, dark purple pools of her eyes, losing himself for an endless heartbeat. Sadira savoured the moment, holding back her hunger for his touch, letting it build until she could no longer resist. And then she opened the gates and let desire flood over her. She gestured to him, her voice thick and sweet, like spiced honey. "Show me."

  He did.


  Afterwards, Gavin lay back in bed, lethargic and thoughtful, enjoying the afterglow of their amorous exertions. The scent of their love-making mingled with the odours of spring; it seemed somehow fitting to him. He watched his love as she moved about their rooms.

  Sadira was energized by their dalliance. She was glad that Gavin never questioned her urges as some men come to do. She got up, cleaned herself with a simple Glamour, moving to a large mirror on the wall in their bedroom. It was a patron gift, perfectly made with a frame of rare woods. It picked up her reflection flawlessly. She could see Gavin watching her and smiled at his twin in the mirror. She then began to look at herself with a critical eye, examining the minute details of her own reflected form, channelling power as she did so.

  Gavin watched her lazily. It was a familiar part of her morning ritual. Body-sculpting was the art of using magic to make permanent changes to one's body. It was a difficult discipline, requiring patience and self-control. Many gifted practised this art in one form or another. Body-sculpting could be used in conjunction with other magics to change a person's physical characteristics, such as Omodo's growth, but it was most often used for purely cosmetic purposes. The effects of body-sculpting could be very dramatic. Often people became addicted to it; ending up grotesque or inhuman as they pursued a confused vision of perfection that was unpalatable to anyone else. Gavin had been uneasy with the practice early on, arguing against it, but his fears were unfounded in this case. Sadira was far more subtle than most practitioners. He knew she had made some alterations since they first met, but they were so subtle and so well done that even he could not be entirely sure what she had changed. Life energy poured through her while she worked, weaving spell-patterns. After an hour or so of this she turned to him. By now he was out of bed and checking their gear. The match was still hours away but they would want to get some practice time in. He also wanted to enjoy a short run in the spring air with her.

  "Should I change my hair?" The now familiar mane of black spikes bristled from her head; a savage crown, impressive and fearsome. She had worn her hair in the arena in the same way since their match against the crazed Manticore. Gavin liked the hair, although his reminiscence of their match with the mad creature was something he did not like to relive. The after-touch of its tainted magic still haunted his dreams sometimes.

  "You should keep that style for this fight at least; the fans at Camp Valorous now see it as your personal look," he answered. "I saw two barmaids at the Sword and Standard with that exact cut last week. However, you can show me any other styles you've come up with. if you want..."

  She smiled. She was very proud of her "little glamours", and delighted in the chance to show them off. Gavin wondered if a stranger would believe him if he described this part of their morning ritual, the fearsome and deadly Sadira Lacivia showing off her newest hair creations...


  Gavin and Sadira stood with Vintia, Karmal, and smiling Ravius in the shadows of the Gladiator's entrance. They were mostly silent now, all banter having died away as the appointed time drew closer. Hulking Omodo sat nearby, eyes closed, massive war-maul on his lap, steadfastly ignoring the sounds of the excited audience in the arena outside.

  The people of Camp Valorous had filled the seats for this event. This was the last time that many of them would have a chance to watch these six Gladiators fight. Sadira might be the biggest draw and the most celebrated of their group, but they each had their fans. Many of these people took great pride, like parents do with children, in the accomplishments of the young fighters who had been training in their town for the last two years.

  "Spiders, eh?" said Ravius, breaking the silence. "I don't like Spiders, friends. It’s the eyes, so many, always staring."

  "Well you'll get ample chance to show your dislike soon enough," said Vintia, glancing over her
shoulder at Ravius. She smiled at him mocking-sweet. "If you stay near me, little brother, I'll make sure they don't eat you."

  "Hold on now," Karmal looked over quickly from where she and Sadira were standing. "You're my protector this match Vintia."

  "Oh so you want my shield now," said Vintia. "I remember how you spurned my skills not so long ago."

  "How many times do I have to apologize for that?" Karmal said, rolling her eyes. "If you don’t shield me, I'm going to have trouble using my biggest spells..."

  "Stick to the plan, ladies," Ravius intoned, mock serious. "I don't want to end up in a cocoon because you two start bickering like an old Dwarven couple..."

  Omodo stood up, filling the corridor, his ears flicking to attention. A fraction of a second later they heard the trumpets call them into the arena. The big Armodon led them into the fighting ground, followed by Sadira, flanked by Karmal and Vintia, then Ravius and Gavin. They moved in formation, halting in the centre of the sands to draw their weapons in salute to the audience. The happy crowd cheered raucously, a few shouting Sadira's name above the din.

  Giant Omodo planted his Maul on the ground and then knelt holding his hands in the air, arms level with his shoulders. Vintia and Karmal moved forward, stepping onto his massive frame and sitting on his biceps. Sadira vaulted lightly into the air, landing with her feet on the rhino-man's armoured shoulders. The audience cheered as Omodo stood up. Sadira kept her balance with easy grace, while heavily armoured Vintia looked ill at ease. The big Armodon held them there while the crowd whistled and clapped.

  "Biggest cheer I've ever gotten!" Omodo joked as he put them down.

  "Don't worry." Sadira smiled up at her huge team-mate. "One day people will roar your name my friend." The Armodon did not protest; she seemed so certain to him.

  The trumpets sounded again, prompting doorways all around the fighting grounds to open. The six Gladiators formed a loose circle at the centre of the arena, bright weapons held at the ready, armour gleaming in the early evening moonlight. Hundreds of hate-filled eyes glinted at them from the shadows of the doorways. Karmal began drawing on her power. The peculiar sound of chattering reached their ears. Gavin and Ravius braced their long-hafted weapons for the charge.

  "Come out you ugly little buggers!" shouted Ravius, hopping from one foot to the other, whirling his folded net.

  As if responding to his shout the spiders burst from the dozen entrances swiftly, in unison, their spindly limbs carrying them toward the Gladiators with a quickness that unnerved many of the spectators. Their carapaces shone a sickly green in the moonlight and their eyes gleamed a hateful red. Their mouth parts chittered and clicked, eager for the kill.

  Sadira felt her skin tingle as Vintia cast a protective stoneskin enchantment on her. She did not wait for the spiders to get to them, jogging in behind Omodo's thundering form. The giant Armodon slammed into the pack of arachnids before them, impaling one on his horn and sweeping away two more with a single broad sweep of his immense war-maul as they scattered to avoid him. Sadira vaulted up onto his shoulder and launched herself, landing where the spiders were thickest, her war-shriek sounding. Her twin obsidian blades swept out, finding the fat thoraxes of her enemies, spilling their bright green innards on the moonlit white sand. Whirling, swords drenched in gore, she danced her way back to Omodo, killing as she went.

  Gavin impaled a spider on his spear, slamming a leaping arachnid out of the air with his lion-headed shield. Nearby, cunning Ravius cast his net, snaring a pair of the beasts who promptly began to slice themselves apart trying to escape from their barbed prison. The skirmisher howled in laughter, darting forward with his trident to slay another spider as it tried to climb over the struggling bodies of its cohorts.

  Vintia was fending off a veritable wall of eight-legged nightmares, holding her massive tower shield in front of her. Despite her small size, she was sturdy and immovable, making full use of her lower centre of balance. Her long knight's blade darted out to wound a few, but she mostly concentrated on defending Karmal who bombarded their arachnid enemies with small jolts of fire, shocks of electricity, and sudden bursts of frost, while channelling power for stronger spells that took time to weave.

  "Faster Karmal!" shouted Vintia, the spiders in front of her were now forming a living ramp, trying to climb over her tall shield as she swept them back with her sword. "I can't hold them much longer."

  Gavin and Ravius moved closer, tightening the group's formation in response to Vintia's situation. Omodo and Sadira began to fall back as well; more and more spiders scuttling into the arena. The Gladiators fought on, giving ground as their innumerable foes climbed over the broken shells of their brethren to get at them. Gavin glanced at the massive doors in the arena wall that had not opened yet; and he fancied he heard something moving on the other side.

  Karmal let out a shout as the sheer amount of power channelling through her lifted her off the ground. The crowd hushed expectantly; the flame-haired Gladiatrix was gaining a reputation for spectacular magic. The Gladiators reformed around her, fending off the pack. Ravius grunted as a spider bit him. Gavin's ears popped as Karmal finished weaving and her spell came into being.

  Energy erupted all around them as Karmal shouted with triumph. Whirling pools of fire, chased by tongues of lightning, and sudden snaps of intense cold appeared all around them, in the midst of their eight legged foes. The air was filled with smoke, ozone, and frost and the sounds of a storm gone mad. Caught in the raw elemental chaos of Karmal's maelstrom, the spiders alternately burned, froze, or dissolved. Ravius threw one of his assailants back into the chaos, letting out a victorious whoop. In spite of the ferocity of the spell, the Gladiators remained untouched, the tendrils of the maelstrom could differentiate between friend and foe. The crowd shouted and clapped, enjoying the bright, beautiful spectacle of the magic. It was a very rare sight for many of them, wondrous and strange, like something out of a child's tale or some legend of the arena.

  As the magic of the maelstrom faded the largest set of doors in the arena opened. More spiders scuttled into the fighting grounds, as something huge and vile climbed into the light behind them. The spectators shouted in shock and fear as the massive spider-creature dragged its bulk into the arena, its black and yellow carapace glistening in the moonlight, studded with spikes. The beast was like the rest of the spiders in shape, but warped and mutated by wild magic. Its slavering jaws spoke more of wolf than arachnid, despite the mandibles, and its forelegs were long and sharp, bent mantis-like to impale the creature's prey. It let loose a gurgling roar, dragging itself toward the Gladiators. It was a living embodiment of the Reckoning's taint, the lingering wild magic that warped the land and that all good folk in the Domains fear. The crowd recoiled.

  Gavin, Vintia and Omodo moved to block its progress. It slowed and reared back, suddenly tall as a giant, slamming its spear-like forelegs downwards. The Gladiators backpedalled and dived out of the way as the massive points buried themselves in the sand, sending up a shower of sand and shaking the ground. As the Gladiators readied themselves, the spider-creature leaned in and roared at them again, shaking its abominable, mandibled and toothed maw back and forth. Much to their surprise it vomited foul globs of poisonous black tar as it did so, spraying a wide area.

  Gavin instinctively lifted his shield to provide as much protection from the spray as he could, to himself and those nearby, but the black slime landed on one of his unprotected legs and arms. His skin burned as the acidic black venom ate into his flesh. He heard the others gasp in pain all around him. He gritted his teeth, not daring to drop his guard to wipe the goo off while the creature was spewing more.

  Sadira, whirling her deadly blades alongside Ravius, keeping their flanks clear of the smaller spiders, risked a look over at her comrades as the bellow ended. Gavin was still standing, trying to shake some slick black substance from his leg while backing away from the creature. Omodo was trying to wipe more of the same substance off his skin, snout twist
ed in pain. Vintia and Karmal seemed less affected, taking cover behind the little defender's massive tower shield. The spider-creature moved forward, lifted its massive foreleg-spears again. The Gladiators backed out of reach as they slammed down, Gavin half pulling Omodo with him.

  Taking all this in instantly, Sadira channelled a burst of magic toward the stricken Omodo, weaving a spell; purging poison was one of the first things any student of Druidic magic learned. Her magic did not entirely neutralize the goo, but it helped. She could sense Omodo's relief. She turned back to the smaller spiders as they closed around, her sharp sabres singing death.

  Karmal pelted the spider-creature with spells. Fire snaps and bolts of blue-white lighting scorched its carapace but did little to slow it.

  "We need a plan!" shouted Gavin. The creature was slowly forcing them back toward the wall of the arena. The smaller spiders cleverly hemmed them in, keeping them from moving to the sides. Beside him Omodo smashed his heavy war maul into one of the creature's forelegs, bellowing. The powerful attack only bounced off the creature's heavily armoured leg. Gavin's heart sank to see this, and he lifted his shield, stepping forward to cover Omodo as the creature leaned in to spit poison at them once more.

  "We need to time our attack to avoid the spray and the claws," Vintia mind-linked to him, lifting her immense shield to block the poison spray. She wrinkled her nose.

  They fared better this time, but the spray of black poisonous goo still struck Gavin and Omodo. They gritted their teeth against the pain. The smell was rank. The creature lifted its long spiked forelegs again. The Gladiators backed out of the way, moving toward the wall, running out of room.

  "Help them, see if you can figure it out," Sadira said to Ravius, sending him to where his cunning would do the most good. "I'll hold the flanks. Yell when you need me."


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