Bloodlust: A Gladiator's Tale

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Bloodlust: A Gladiator's Tale Page 37

by C. P. D. Harris

  The sharp spikes whistled through the air. Gavin felt a strange sensation as his skin hardened, protected by Vintia's stoneskin spell. This time all the Gladiators received cuts and abrasions from the projectiles, but the spell spared Gavin from any serious injury. He advanced on the ranks of clockwork gunners, Sadira darting out from behind him as he moved.

  They all sensed the tremendous shift in power as Karmal dropped a massive pillar of flame on a group of silver men, causing two to start smoking and fall, and one to melt into slag. The crowd roared, feeling some of the heat of the powerful spell even through the protective warding that separated them from the fighting grounds.

  Sadira leapt high into the air, bearing down on her prey like a shrieking, blade-winged raptor, burying her sword-points in the chest of one of the clockwork soldiers and then sheering it apart with an energetic scissoring motion. Oil splashed on her skin, like blood of a living foe. The fallen automaton's comrades forced the Gladiatrix back as more of them strode into the arena. Ravius jumped in to help her escape, tripping two of the clockwork soldiers with a low, graceful sweep of his net.

  Another volley of spikes lanced into the Gladiators. There were almost twenty gunners in the arena now. This time most of the Gladiators were struck hard; only heavily armoured Vintia escaped painful perforations. Sadira did not run forward to attack, as she was inclined; instead she channelled power into a complex spell-weave, creating a font of healing energy. All of her team-mates felt some relief as her verdant healing magic flowed over them. Karmal shouted, sending blast after blast of bright lightning arcing into the enemy ranks. The air filled with smoke, hissing spikes, and shards of blackened silver.

  "Pull together!" yelled Sadira. The Gladiator's tightened their formation making it easier for Gavin and Vintia to protect all of them and for Sadira's font of healing spell to cover the whole group. Spikes flew; they staggered, but no one fell. Gavin felt like a human pincushion. If they could all stay on their feet until the time limit was up, they could win an immense number of points.

  Ravius darted out from the formation, casting his net with an expert motion, entangling a group of clockwork men, who fell struggling uselessly and getting in the way of their comrades, and then finished one off with a quick thrust of his trident. Although his movements were far from graceful, as he was hobbled with pain, they were effective nonetheless.

  Gavin scrambled the mechanical brain of one of the constructs with a mental blast, while Vintia hacked another down with her longsword, finishing it with a blast of fire as it thrashed on the ground. More of the silver skinned automatons poured into the arena.

  Another lethal volley slammed into the team. The machines were relentless, heedless of the casualties they were taking. The Gladiators staggered under the hail of spikes. Gavin could feel metal sticking into his legs, arms, and belly. He felt blood dripping from dozens of cuts. Still, he felt exhilarated, alive, defying his enemies. He forgot about his flaws and losses. He could see the rest of the team still moving. Grinning to spite the pain, he raised his spear defiantly.

  "We're stilled standing!" he shouted. His team-mates took heart.

  Sadira's powerful healing spell continued to counteract the damage done to them, closing wounds. Karmal managed another lightning blast. Smoke from wrecked automatons filled their nostrils. Ravius threw his trident, taking the head off an advancing machine, and drew his mace.

  Two more volleys struck them before the trumpets rang. Sword and magic rang against metal armour. Blood and oil mixed on the white sand. The Gladiators huddled together, supporting one another and presenting as small a target as possible until the match ended. As the automatons stopped moving, Gavin pushed himself up, as did the rest of the team, bloodied and limping. The audience cheered the enduring Gladiators with gusto, awed by the sheer persistence of the fighters. None of the Reds stayed down; all of were able to stand under their own power.

  "SIXTY EIGHT POINTS RED!" shouted the announcer.

  "I do not feel well at all..." muttered Ravius through gritted teeth. Like the rest of them, he had several metal spikes sticking out of him and numerous cuts. "Sadira, I think you might need to keep that spell up while I bathe." They all laughed, pulling out spikes and limping from the arena.


  The Blues, taking the field next, killed more mechanical men, but two of their Gladiators were unable to stand at the end of their turn. Their final score was Sixty. Sadira later sought out and complimented Azure Dream on her part in the match. The two would soon become fast friends, startling the more partisan members of their respective Factions.

  Chapter Twenty-Four: Red Days

  1144/06/14 AR, Scorpion's Oasis, Faction Score: Blues 1755 points; Reds 1661 points

  "Elemental magic has always been a crowd favourite. The spells are impressive both in appearance and effect. There is also a dramatic aspect to many of the more powerful magics; they take a while to build up and have the capacity to end a fight in one awesome, explosive demonstration of power. Many fans find this kind of pyrotechnic climax very satisfying." Gaius Gerald White, Announcer and Colour Commentator.

  "Out of every generation of Gladiators only one or two become one of the Chosen. Sooner or later this realization tears every friendship among our kind apart. Betrayal is the mother's milk of Champions." Chosen Moltar

  "What do you think?" Sadira had finally decided she was tired of the spiked hairstyle she had adopted when they fought the Manticore at Camp Valorous. The Shadow-Elf Gladiatrix was slowly, thoughtfully tuning her image; taking her discussions with Amoura Vogue to heart. She had been working on this particular style for several days and was very proud of the results. Holding still in a dramatic warrior's pose, she waited for Gavin's assessment; she was sure he would approve, but the anticipation of his gentle sanction never failed to excite her.

  The thick, lustrous black hair on the top of Sadira's head was drawn up into a wide crest rising a full hand-length above her head like the plumes on an ancient hoplite's helm. The hair at the sides of her head was swept back, slicked close to her scalp and braided where the sides met with the central crest. At the back the crest and sides melded into a short, intricate war braid.

  "I like this one," Gavin responded, catching her eye in the mirror and smiling. "I think it does a good job of conveying your personality."

  "Oh? Tell me more..."

  "Ferocious and majestic, a queen among Gladiators," he said, honestly, despite his bombastic wording. "It is eye-catching, beautiful, rebellious, complex, and daring; a style that suits you very much, I think."

  "Thank you, beloved!"

  "It's obvious you put a lot of thought into it: are you going to colour it?"

  "I might, but only when the mood strikes me," she turned and smiled at him directly, showing her full approval of his compliment. "A tribal-braid pattern tattoo would be perfect with this...."

  "Why can't you glamour a tattoo onto yourself?" he asked, his eyes dancing around her delicious curves before coming to rest in the warmth of her gaze. "I know we will heal any permanent inking but you should be able to whip something up that will last at least a match."

  "Nope, counts as armour under current arena regulations." She rolled her eyes. "A few hundred years ago some idiot came up with the bright idea they could use an armoured tattoo to gain an advantage and ruined it for the rest of us. We’re lucky we are allowed to use any glamours at all with the way people cheat. I'm sure someone is going to figure out how to turn an oil-skin glamour into some form of contact poison or skin hardening one of these days."

  "What about poisonous lip gloss or armoured eye-shadow?" Gavin joked.

  "Both legal, actually," Sadira responded, turning back to the mirror. "You would not believe some of the stuff that has been upheld by the Council of the Chosen."

  "So I could die a horrible venomous death if some Blue vixen kisses me next match?" said Gavin, taking his eyes off Sadira, closing the brass bound volume on magical theory he was reading
, and getting out of bed.

  "Well it depends. If you kiss her willingly, you'd likely have to worry about me before any poison could kill you. Besides, it's tough to get a truly lethal poison on your lips without endangering yourself..." She trailed off, applying a glamour that turned her lips and eye-shadow a dramatic black colour before returning to her favourite red make-up. "That's why it’s legal, I think. If you can pull off a win that way, more power to you. It would be a real crowd pleaser, I think..."

  "Should I be worried?" he asked.

  "I'm not giving away all my secrets," she said, eyes flashing. "Besides, for all you know, you could already be poisoned and the only thing keeping you alive is an antidote you get..."

  "...from a kiss?" he finished her sentence.

  "Close enough..," she laughed. "You'd be amazed at what you can and can't do with glamour in the arena. One of these days I'll persuade you to let me help you decide on your next look."

  Gavin wondered if she was hinting at some lack of style on his part, but Sadira was simply thinking how glad she would be to share her knowledge of these arts with her beloved.


  It was the Blues turn to challenge again. Regina's Gladiators had met with good success in matches like the one that pitted Gavin against Shield-Splitter. Thus, the only challenge issued for which Gladiators of Gavin and Sadira's rank qualified was a blind-draw mixed pairs versus match; they would each be paired with a random faction-mate, of the opposite sex, and would fight against a similar team from the Blue Faction. The Blues were more practised in this type of match, but it did not bother Sadira. She approached the situation with her characteristic fearlessness; After all, why worry about what she could not control?

  Gavin was nervous. His loss to Shield-Splitter still stung. He did not want to let down the team again. He needed to prove, perhaps to himself, perhaps to others, that he was worthy of being a Gladiator. He also felt a need to redeem himself, in spite of what Sax had said about him getting control of his temper.

  Sulius ul-Cyrus, the Red's chief promoter, was happy and cheerful; almost half a season had played out and his team was still within striking distance of the Blues; it was unheard of. He felt healthier and more energetic than he had been in years. He put his new-found vigour to good use helping his Gladiators train and seeing to their needs. He provided detailed scouting reports on the Blue Faction fighters as well, after calling in a few favours....

  Regina diCouture, his counterpart among the Blues was as frustrated as Sulius was pleased. Her superiors were quite displeased at her team's poor showing this season. If the Reds actually won, they would be furious and her superb record would not save her from their wrath. Other powerful figures were even more displeased with her inability to derail Sadira's career. A rising star could foil their carefully laid plans, after all. To top it off, most of her newest recruits were no more willing to face the deadly Red Gladiatrix than her regular fighters, too intimidated by Sadira's growing reputation to risk their own records.


  For her match Sadira was randomly paired with a recent addition to the Red faction roster named Cassius. They drew Azure Dream and a male Gladiator named Twilight Crescent as their opponents. As the match began, both Blue Gladiators went for Sadira, but this turned out to be a mistake. Cassius, a skirmisher by training, showed his worth by foiling their attacks with his deftly wielded battle whips. Sadira took advantage of their momentary vulnerability and dealt bloody wounds to both of their opponents. After that, the outcome of the match was never in doubt, even though the Blues fought on with great bravery and managed to last the full time limit.

  Sadira found the audience very receptive to her new look, and she gloried in their cheers. After the fight, she embraced Azure Dream and complimented her while the audience roared their names.


  After her match Sadira met Gavin in the Arena baths, bidding farewell to Cassius, who was somewhat disappointed not to be joining her. Refreshed and revitalized, they returned to the apartment they shared in the Red Faction residence, where a strange surprise awaited them.

  A small, compact human girl dressed in a golden silk gown stood before their door. Her skin was nearly as pale as Sadira's, contrasting with her scarlet hair and bright blue eyes. She carried a covered birdcage in one hand and bowed low, gracefully to the pair as they approached. She kept her eyes carefully lowered after an initial glance at them.

  Saying nothing, the girl handed Sadira a perfumed envelope with a runed seal. She looked very young, but Gavin guessed she was a vassal. Many high ranking Gladiators had gifted servants and companions. He and Sadira had never really felt the need. Sadira read the note and handed it to Gavin with a frown, looking at the strange girl standing before them.

  He read the flowing script; the style of writing and calligraphy was, unfortunately, familiar.

  Greetings Red Scorpion, Blinding Brilliant Bright Star of Scorpion's Oasis!

  I have followed your destiny since I first saw you fight in Camp Valorous; they say that you are the only other Gladiator who is as skilled as I am. I must concede that this is true. However, a fight is not the type of match with you that interests me, for my heart has belonged to you since that fateful day when I saw you display your unmatched beauty on the fighting grounds.

  I have sent you this skilled servant and this treasured bird as tokens of my great esteem and undying affection. The girl is a Vassal trained as a personal assistant to the exacting standards of my homeland. She is exceptionally adept at massage and perfectly obedient; I could barely resist trying her out myself!

  The bird is a Volcanus Peacock Phoenix, a rare specimen and worth a king's ransom. I hunted the bird's mother down in the ash plains near Mount Wreckfire. It reminds me of yourself, beautiful and lively. If neither one suits your fancy, I am sure that a place can be found for them in my lord Moltar's household.

  As you may have guessed, the bird is the true treasure, but the girl is well versed in its care.

  In Anticipation, Valaran diVolcanus

  Gavin was livid by the time he finished reading. Valaran often sent Sadira gifts, but this was one they could not ignore. Vassals were very poorly treated in the Domain of Chosen Moltar, Volcanus; the image of the two half-nude, sad-eyed vassals sitting on Valaran's knees was still seared in his mind. If he were a Chosen, he would invoke the right of Challenge against Moltar and take Volcanus; he would change the way people were treated there. He took a deep breath to calm himself.

  "We can't send her back," he said. "They would consider it a failure and punish her."

  Watching the girl's reaction as Gavin spoke told Sadira, all she needed to know. The Gladiatrix felt a surge of pity as she examined the scarlet-haired girl, "What is your name?"

  "I am called Lina, mistress." The little woman's eyes flicked up, meeting Sadira's for the barest instant before darting again to the floor, demure and submissive.

  "You need not call me mistress, Lina," said Sadira. "My name is Sadira, and I am always happy to hear it spoken by a friend. Why don't you take your things inside and make yourself comfortable while I talk with Gavin." The woman shot Gavin a look of alarm, but obeyed swiftly.

  "Well after what I've heard about Volcanus, I agree that we can't send her back," she said to Gavin after she was sure Lina was out of earshot; her voice was quiet but full of iron resolve. "We can make space for her. She can earn her freedom with us away from Moltar's cruel Domain."

  "I won't argue; we can make it work," he put his arm around Sadira's shoulders and kissed her on the forehead. "In fact, even though she was given to you by a man I despise, a man who is trying to steal you away from me, I think it’s the right decision. I approve of your compassion, my love."

  Sadira laughed gently. "Just don't tell any of my opponents I've gone soft. Let's go talk to our new friend."

  The cage was already uncovered, perched artfully on a table as they entered. The peacock phoenix, a glory of sparkling sapphire blue, sh
immering molten gold and radiant emerald green, regarded them with expressive eyes. Its feathers seemed to sparkle and glow as if from an inner fire, bathing the room in a rainbow of warm colours. They both stopped for a moment, enraptured by the dazzling bird. Lina was kneeling in front of the door, waiting for them, like a dog for its master. Sadira regarded her and motioned for her to stand.

  "Lina, you are no longer in Volcanus." Sadira's voice was quiet but firm. "I am not sure how the laws of that Domain function, but here Vassals may choose their service. The Deliberative safeguards your rights..." She stopped, confused, as she saw tears forming in the young woman's eyes; the girl was trembling with fear.

  "What's wrong?" Gavin asked.

  "My family still lives in Volcanus sir. If I do not please the mistress..."

  Gavin and Sadira exchanged glances. This is why I want to become a Chosen, thought Sadira; I want to end such treatment. Gavin's sentiment echoed hers but was tempered by the desire to end the grim prejudice against the Gifted that had forced this young woman into Vassal-ship.

  "I do not know what lies they have told you Lina, but you may remain in my service as long as you wish," said Sadira, smiling gently. "You will earn your freedom as quickly as it is allowed, and enough money for you and your family to move away from Volcanus. I will write immediately to Valaran and tell him how pleased I am with you. I'll see if I can get word to your kin as well. We will convert one of our rooms for your use, and tomorrow you and I will go shopping with my two friends, buy you some clothes, and discuss your future with us. Okay?"


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