Bloodlust: A Gladiator's Tale

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Bloodlust: A Gladiator's Tale Page 41

by C. P. D. Harris

  The Juggernaut floundered under their assault, hissing fire at Gavin and Sadira. Karmal and Vintia redoubled their barrage, throwing lightning and fire. A geyser of flame erupted from the ground, lifting the massive war engine briefly into the air. It caught fire, smoke pouring from its mouth. The Gladiators pounced. Swords rose and fell, digging mercilessly through plates of metal. Vintia and Karmal ran forward to join the rest of the team. Oil blackened the sand and the sound of tortured metal filled the air. The audience cheered.

  There was a sound from deep within as the Juggernaut tried to exhale fire at its assailants through broken tubes. A small boom followed. The Gladiators scattered. The Juggernaut exploded from the inside out, its massive bulk lifting into the air, higher this time, and slamming down again with a resounding crash. Shrapnel flew, but all the Gladiators survived intact protected by quick shields and the eye of fortune. For a moment the fighting grounds were obscured by a cloud of thick black smoke.

  The crowd, awed by the sudden demise of the metal giant and the pyrotechnic aftermath, cheered long and loud as the Gladiators became visible once again. The Blue team following them was not able to match the speed with which they had dispatched the giant war engine.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven: Double-Edged Débutante

  1144/08/23 AR, Scorpion's Oasis, Faction Score: Reds 2274 points, Blues 2231 points

  "Those who study necromancy learn to separate the spirit from the body; among other things this lore makes it easy for them to ignore pain." Excerpt from the Gladiator's Gazette, a popular link dedicated to the Great Games.

  "From the arena to the assembly, there are many fields of conflict. Ignore one and you risk ceding an advantage to your opponent in the others." Muzashi diKrass

  The Reds, led by Sadira and her team, enjoyed an exceptional run and surged ahead of the Blues once again. A festive, giddy, madness took hold of the Red Faction fighters of Scorpion's Oasis as the possibility of triumph took hold of them. The high spirits of their fellows helped take the edge off Gavin and Sadira's earlier dramas, and the ugly knowledge that they would be forced to part ways soon. Sadira was given much of the credit for their strong showing and she was now the toast of the town, the target of endless speculation, and of great admiration.

  Arena newsmongers from around the Domains started to frequent Scorpion's Oasis, writing about Sadira and the possibility of a Red Faction win. The strict privacy policy of the spa town, however, prevented them from becoming too much of a nuisance.

  Rumours of a great social event started circulating early in the month, rapidly reaching even the secluded part of town inhabited by the Gladiators. An anonymous person had rented the entire Shato diOre, the most expensive of the resorts in Scorpion's Oasis, for a grand celebration. Amoura Vogue, famed beauty and image magnate, was said to be under contract to plan and oversee the affair.

  Sadira had kept in contact, as best a Gladiatrix could, with Amoura after their first meeting. The image consultant's insight into style and beauty was of great use to Sadira in crafting her own image, a task that she took very seriously as a performer.

  The recipe of anonymous wealth and famous beauty mixed to create excitement that reached to Krass and the far corners of the Domains; it was soon decided that this would be the great party of the season. All of the resorts in Scorpion's Oasis found all their rooms booked, even after tripling their already extortionate rates, as socialites of every description made reservations as quickly as they could. Given the sums involved, most people assumed it could only be one of the Chosen who was behind the event, but although the names of several of the rulers of the Domains were included in the illustrious guest list, the man or woman responsible for the event remained a mystery.

  Normally this would be of little concern to Gladiators, who, because of their required Grey-Robe escorts make troublesome party fodder and are seldom invited to such events. But soon enough word filtered down that the most exciting and dynamic Gladiators were being invited. Once this was known, it was without question that Sadira would be invited

  Gavin just wondered if he would be allowed to escort her. He wasn't sure if he fit the expectations.


  Ten days into the month, the Blues had yet to post a challenge for which Sadira was eligible. She worried that she might have to make an appeal to the arena master to be allowed to fight this month. The desire to take a month off occurred to her, she deserved some relaxation, after all, but victory was in her sights and she could not give up the chase now.


  Eventually, the invitation arrived in a gilded, perfumed envelope delivered to their door by a handsome page dressed in a gold tunic. The Gladiators were training, but Lina answered for them, smiling at the nervous page. Soon after the crimson-haired vassal, her eyes wide with excitement brought the package to Sadira, rushing out to the training grounds the moment she understood the significance of what she held in her hand. Lina's appearance on the grounds was hardly unusual, but to see her running to her mistress, envelope in hand caused more than one curious Gladiator to pause.

  Sadira raised her hand, gesturing for the team to take a break. Lina was trembling with impatience by the time they gathered around her. Sadira smiled; she'd become quite fond of the young human girl, quickly finding that allowing Lina her freedom, and showing her compassion earned her the young woman's loyalty and affection. She was glad that her vassal had forgiven her for last month's argument. She looked forward to the day when they could regard each other as friends, maybe even sisters, the way she felt about Karmal and Vintia.

  "Can you read it Lina?" She smiled, breaking the special runed seal on the envelope and handing it back to the vassal. "My hands are too dirty."

  Lina took the shining invitation into her hands, as if she were receiving some kind of blessing, and began reading eagerly in a clear, sweet voice.

  Sadira Lacivia, the honour of your presence has been requested for a festive gathering of friends at Shato diOre on the twenty-sixth day of the eighth month of this year. The doors to the resort will open promptly at noon. At this time ladies are invited to join our hostess Amoura Vogue and a few special guests for an afternoon in the legendary Shato diOre Spa in preparation for the festivities to follow. Men are to arrive at four in the afternoon and are required to wear formal attire appropriate to their station, unless otherwise noted. Food and drink will be served throughout the event, which is to last until the following morning.

  Your hostess and friend, Amoura Vogue

  Lina paused in her reading to show them the sumptuous glistening imprint of a woman's lips on the gilded paper and then read on.

  PS: Sadira, I will be so happy to see you again! Bring your entire team if you can; fans of the Great Games are dying to meet all of you.

  "Ah, little sister, I knew letting you beat the life out of me every day on the training grounds would prove worthwhile someday," said a grinning Ravius, putting his arm around Sadira's shoulder.

  Lina looked somewhat crestfallen. Sadira felt her disappointment; being excluded from an event like this at her age, while everyone else she knew at Scorpion's Oasis would be attending was unthinkable. Perhaps there would be some way to get her into the festivity...


  Bright Cleothera arrived from Camp Valorous a week later, a pleasant surprise. The energetic Grey-Robe was taking great pains to get into the party. She had correctly anticipated Sadira's invitation and volunteered to be one of the Deliberative escorts needed for the Gladiators as soon as she had received word of the party, calling in several favours to get assigned to Scorpion's Oasis for the event.

  Sadira made sure to mention Cleothera's name to Arena Master Bloodsmith, who as the senior Grey-Robe in the Oasis was also in charge of providing officers to escort any Gladiators going to the party. Much to her surprise the gruff Orc merely nodded and waved her off, grumbling about having to find at least seventy more fitting escorts. It occurred to Sadira that many officers of the Deliberative prob
ably regarded escorting Gladiators to an event like this as more of a chore than a privilege.

  Cleothera immediately set about regaling them with all of the latest gossip that she had gathered about the event they were to attend, mainly who would be there and the conjecture about who was throwing the party. Gladiators, with the exception of the more well-connected Blues, are often very ill informed about the goings on of high society and so they listened to their friend raptly as she listed the names of the important people, Gladiators, Chosen, the aristocracy, the wealthy, and the famous who would attend with the salient points about each one. Even Gavin was excited to be going, more so when he heard that whoever planned the event had snubbed Valaran diVolcanus and his patron, Chosen Moltar.


  In the midst of all the excitement, the Blues finally decided on a challenge: a blind draw singles versus match in which a random Blue would fight against a Red Gladiator of the same rank. It was the third time during the current season that the Blues had chosen this type of challenge; it seemed to be the only way for them to hold off the surging Reds. And so Gavin found himself facing Desert Star, a Blue Gladiatrix he had only fought against once in a team match, and rarely glimpsed on the training grounds.

  The lithe human female was dressed in bright silks, wielding two heavy scimitars that looked over-large in her graceful hands. Gladiators often wield weapons that are much larger and heavier than a normal soldier could use effectively, but the effect is never as impressive as when a small, delicate looking fighter does so. Desert Star was pale and dark haired, with dark eyes and the cold distant demeanour of one who oft communed with the dead.

  Like Sadira, Desert Star was trained as a war-dancer, and she whirled around Gavin with inhuman grace as they fought, but being a skirmisher she preferred hit and run fighting over Sadira's direct approach. After the first minute of fighting Gavin gave silent thanks that he trained with a war-dancer on a regular basis and knew how to compensate for the rapid, graceful, relentless techniques of the school. Both fighters shrugged off each other's spells with relative ease. Desert Star kept up a constant barrage of complex sword slashes, thrusts, and kicks all the while trying to find an angle at which she could penetrate Gavin's guard.

  Gavin then tried to take the offence with a well timed feint and thrust with his spear, using a mirage spell to further obfuscate his movements. His precisely timed effort was rewarded with a bloody cut along his opponent's ribs, but before he could get back into position she darted around him. He could not pivot fast enough and she slashed his upper arm, answering the wound he'd given her with one of her own. She did not laugh or taunt him like most skirmisher's would; her vicious smile was all she needed.

  Their next exchange brought forth the brutality in both of them. Desert Star moved closer, launching a flurry of attacks, which prompted Gavin to try to slam his shield into her face, hoping to take advantage of his superior size and strength. Although medium-weight in armour, Desert Star was exceptionally agile, surprising Gavin with a quick whirling sidestep manoeuvre, raking one of her heavy blades across his exposed back. He felt the pain of the deep cuts, but reacted on instinct, moving as he had learned to respond when Sadira performed the same move, pivoting the other way to block Desert Star's second sword before she could cut him again. At the same time he jabbed out with his spear, catching her in the shoulder, despite the awkward angle of attack. She danced back, looking a little surprised before her face set, blood spreading on the bright silks of her armour. He readied himself for another clash, setting his feet in a wide stance that would allow him to defend against any angle of attack.

  Gavin took the initiative as Desert Star closed, channelling power through the pattern of a mental blast spell. With a savage effort of will he overcame her resistance. Blood gushed from his opponent's nose and ears, slowing her charge and forcing her to dart away from his follow-up spear thrust. His triumph faded as he felt the cold touch of her magic a moment later, pulling life energy from him and using it to heal her own wounds. It took him a moment to muster enough will to shake off her spell. She smiled at his distress, dancing back toward him, brandishing her cruel scimitars. The two Gladiators fought on in silence under the bright night stars, each struggling in vain to gain the upper hand with spells and skill at arms. The arena seats were less than half full, but the small audience were all true patrons of the arena, enthusiasts to whom a match between two lesser known Gladiators with unusual styles had great appeal.

  Desert Star tumbled past Gavin, leaving a deep cut gushing on his leg from a skillful slash. He paid little heed to this wound, staggering her with a brutal mental assault that made her cry out in pain, giving him a cruel sense of satisfaction. He rushed in as she staggered, impaling her with his spear just below her ribs. The Gladiatrix gasped in pain, showing impressive endurance as she twisted and brought her scimitars cleaving down with surprising force, cutting through his shoulder armour. Blood dripped onto the sand. He twisted the spear in her wound. Her eyes glazed as she summoned power and a dire spell flowed back down to him through his weapon. A wave of nausea crept over him and then his wounds began to weep pus as Desert Star's spell caused them to instantly fester and rot. The audience shivered in horror, various magics allowing them to see every grisly detail of the vile spell.

  The Gladiatrix swung her blades again; Gavin fought through the pain and caught them with his shield. He twisted his spear, still impaled, and pushed against her, using his greater size and strength to force her back toward the wall. Rather than allow him to overpower her, she ripped herself off the barbed weapon, leaving bloody chunks of her own flesh behind on the barbs. It had taken tremendous effort, but her grave face barely betrayed the pain that it caused her. Slowly, surely, she pulled away from him, stealing his life force with her spells, healing her own wounds while his continued to fester. He staggered, his regenerative magics failing; only pride and will keeping him upright. Their eyes met, and neither saw any give in the other. Twice more, they clashed, and although she gifted him with fresh wounds each time, he attacked her with an agony fuelled mental blast on the final pass, knocking her off her feet as she danced away. This elicited loud cheers from the audience.

  In the end when the trumpets sounded to end the fight they were both still standing, bloody and brutalized. The small crowd cheered, praising them both for their endurance, but in the end they decided in Gavin's favour, by a small margin. He was surprised by this, but hid his elation out of respect for his opponent. Both Gladiators retired to the praises of the late night crowd, saluting each other grimly before leaving to seek healing for their terrible wounds.


  Sadira, Vintia, Karmal, and Cleothera went to the much anticipated party early, taking advantage of the chance to enjoy a day in the extravagant spa and baths of Shato diOre. Sadira regretted leaving Lina behind, but her arrangement to get the young vassal into the event precluded the spa. Lina did not seem to mind, haughtily proclaiming she doubted any of the various attendants working at the Shato diOre were as talented as her in the arts of massage and body magics.

  The Shato diOre lobby was decorated with roses for the occasion, taken directly from the famed gardens of Chosen Giselle and the people's conservatory in Krass. Each rose was a perfect specimen of its kind, flawless in form and scent; those garnishing the lobby were a sumptuous cream colour.

  "Sadira!" called a familiar, cheerful voice from behind them, as they climbed the broad white marble steps into the main lobby. She turned to see the Blue Gladiatrix, Azure Dream, who had long since become a friend, heading toward them with a small group of athletic women. She recognized most of them as Blue fighters. Karmal bristled beside her, always ready for a quarrel with the opposing faction.

  "Calm down, we aren't here to fight," said Sadira, looking at Karmal, who rolled her eyes in annoyance, but relaxed nonetheless.

  Azure Dream, Minerva to her friends, read Karmal's animosity easily enough. "Truce today ladies?" She said respectfully a
s she approached. Her expressive face formed into a disarming smile, and she held up her hands to show she meant no threat.

  "Absolutely!" said Sadira, taking in the Blue fighters with a smile that was truly bright and welcoming. The women made quick introductions as they passed through the entrance columns; Azure Dream raised an eye-brow when Sadira introduced Cleothera as an officer of the Deliberative. The Blues did not name their own Grey-Robe escorts.

  The initial tension melted as Sadira and Azure Dream fell in next to each other and started conversing. After showing their invitations to the greeters and admiring the sea of roses, they walked slowly through the spacious lobby of the Shato diOre. The cavernous front foyer was filled with women, the beautiful and the influential, talking in small groups. Energy filled the room despite the relaxed atmosphere.

  A nubile young woman, her skin covered in a substance that glistened like molten gold approached them as they moved further into the building. "Welcome to the Shato diOre ladies. All of our facilities are yours to enjoy today, but first let me escort you to the grand baths where our hostess, Amoura Vogue, will want to greet you herself." The attendant somehow managed to say all this without disturbing the bright, broad smile on her face. "You may use any of the baths and don't worry about modesty; the men will not be joining us for some time." She winked at them, brazen and inviting, before turning around to lead them further in.

  Sadira frowned a little as she followed the golden-skinned woman, wondering what they would find. Azure Dream fell in beside her.


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