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by Graham Stewart

  10. Sir Edward Pickering to the author and Richard Searby to the author, 11 June 2002; Rupert Murdoch to the author, 4 August 2003; Denis Hamilton, Editor-in-Chief, p. 181; Leapman, Barefaced Cheek, p. 205.

  11. Louis Heren, February 1981, Quarterly of the Commonwealth Press Union.

  12. Hugh Stephenson, ‘Not the age of The Times’, New Statesman, 11 January 1985.

  13. Harold Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, pp. 188–9.

  14. Evans in British Journalism Review, vol. 13, no. 4, 2002.

  15. Michael Leapman, Treacherous Estate, 1992, p. 51.

  16. Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, p. 340.

  17. TNL News, April 1981.

  18. Spectator, 20 June 1981.

  19. Ibid., 28 February 1981.

  20. Harold Evans to Frank Giles, 27 and 29 April 1981, Evans files.

  21. Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, p. 253.

  22. Evans Day File, 29 April 1981.

  23. Evans Day File, 6 April 1981.

  24. Clive Jenkins to Harold Evans, 3 July 1981 and Evans to Jenkins 12 July 1981; Jenkins to Anthony Holden, 3 July 1981, Evans Day File, 3 July 1981.

  25. The Times, 23 October 1980.

  26. Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, p. 263.

  27. Anthony Holden to the author, interview, 9 April 2003.

  28. The Times, 23 November 1963.

  29. Ibid., 2 April 1981.

  30. Evans to Rupert Davenport-Hines (and others), 14 June 1981, Evans Day File.

  31. Private Eye, 28 August 1981; Evans to Anthony Whitaker, 23 October 1981, Evans Day File, A327/3692.

  32. Evans Day File, 22 May 1981.

  33. Evans to N. P. L. Price, 27 May 1981, Evans Day File.

  34. Anthony Holden to the author, interview, 9 April 2003.

  35. Ibid.

  36. Gerald Long to Herbert Kremp (joint editor-in-chief Die Welt), 15 June 1981, Evans file 1, A153–658; TNL News.

  37. John Grieg to Harold Evans, 9 March 1981 Evans box 1.

  38. Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, pp. 271, 274.

  39. Evans, press release, 30 July 1981.

  40. Lord Astor to Gerald Long, 30 July 1981, A153–655.

  41. TNL News, August 1981.

  42. Jack Lonsdale, letter in TNL News, October 1981.

  43. Evans to Colin Watson, 10 January 1982, Evans Day File A759/9329.

  44. Evans to Henry Kissinger, 21 May 1981, Evan Day File.

  45. Frank Johnson to the author, interview, 15 January 2003.

  46. Paul Johnson, Spectator, 11 March and 21 March 1981.

  47. Fred Emery, The Times, 11 March 1981.

  48. The Times, leading article (by Harold Evans), 11 March 1981; Evans Good Times, Bad Times, p. 214.

  49. Evans to Michael Foot, 26 March 1981, Evans Day File A327/3626.

  50. Margaret Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, pp. 137–8.

  51. The Times, 30 March 1981.

  52. The Times, leading article, ‘An Avalanche of Economists’, 31 March 1981.

  53. Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 138.

  54. Patrick Minford, The Times, 7 April 1981.

  55. Nigel Lawson, The View from No. 11, 1992, p. 98.

  56. ‘The Price of Floating’, leading article, The Times, 8 July 1981.

  57. ‘The Ottawa Opportunity’, leading article, The Times, 17 July 1981; see Grigg, The Thomson Years, p. 390; Edmund Dell, The Chancellors, p. 427.

  58. James Tobin, The Times, 14 October 1981.

  59. ‘Britain’s Economic Legacy’, leading article, The Times, 27 January 1982.

  60. ‘The Flexible Side of EMS’, leading article, The Times, 6 October 1981.

  61. ‘Wanted: European Vision’, leading article, The Times, 2 December 1981.

  62. Charles Hargrove and Ian Murray, The Times, 11 March 1981.

  63. ‘The Choice for France’, leading article, The Times, 12 May 1981.

  64. Ronald Butt, The Times, 14 May 1981.

  65. Letter to the editor, The Times, 30 May 1981.

  66. Christopher Thomas, The Times, 11 April 1981.

  67. Leading article, The Times, 11 April 1981.

  68. Ibid., 5 May 1981.

  69. ‘If Ireland Is To Be United’, leading article, The Times, 2 July 1981.

  70. ‘Fermanagh Does It Again’, leading article, The Times, 22 August 1981.

  71. Martin Huckerby, The Times, 13 April 1981.

  72. The Times, 13 April 1981; Sasthi Brata, The Times, 15 April 1981.

  73. Leading articles, The Times, 14 April, 7 July and 13 July 1981.

  74. ‘The Soiled Coin’, leading article, The Times, 10 July 1981.

  75. ‘The Scarman Report’, leading article, The Times, 26 November 1981.

  76. Darcus Howe, The Times, 26 November 1981.

  77. ‘Moonshine and Money’ and ‘A Hard Winter’, leading articles, The Times, 17 September and 20 October 1981.

  78. Diana Geddes, The Times, 30 March 1981.

  79. ‘Universities Under the Knife’ and ‘The Cost of University Cuts’, leading articles, The Times, 3 July and 10 October 1981.

  80. Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, pp. 218–19.

  81. Ivor Crewe and Anthony King, SDP: The Birth, Life and Death of the Social Democratic Party, p. 261.

  82. The Times, 27 March 1981.

  83. ‘The Gang Becomes a Party’, leading article, The Times, 27 March 1981.

  84. Crewe and King, SDP, p. 257.

  85. Ibid., p. 254.

  86. Geoffrey Taylor, Changing Faces: History of The Guardian, 1956–1988, p. 213.

  87. The Times, 23 October 1981; Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, p. 289.

  88. Frank Johnson, ‘A Happy Party, Fit for all Factions’, The Times, 16 September 1986.

  89. Frank Johnson, The Times, 15 September 1982.

  90. Nicholas Wapshott’s interview with Ken Livingstone, The Times, 14 May 1981.

  91. Evans to Lord George Brown, 2 July 1981, Evans Day File.

  92. The Times, 23 and 23 September 1981.

  93. Bernard Donoughue, 10 September 1981, Evans Day File 1/17.

  94. The Times, 25 September 1981.

  95. Tony Benn, letter to the editor, The Times, 26 September 1981.

  96. Evans to features, home and business editors, 29 October 1981, Evans Day File 1/17.

  97. Evans Day File, A327/3626.

  98. Tony Benn, quoted in the Daily Telegraph, 28 September 1981.

  99. ‘Unfinished Business’, leading article, The Times, 1 October 1981.

  100. Tony Benn, quoted in The Times, 13 March 1982.

  101. Ibid., 27 January 1982.

  102. Hamilton, Editor-in-Chief, p. 182.

  103. Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, p. 324.

  104. Michael Ruda, interview, ‘The Greatest Paper in the World’, Thames Television, broadcast 2 January 1985.

  105. Evans to Murdoch, 3 December 1981, Evans Day File.

  106. Rupert Murdoch to the author, interview, 4 August 2003.

  107. TNL News, April 1981; Murdoch’s report to the TNL board, 9 June 1981.

  108. TNL News, April 1981.

  109. Ibid., July 1981.

  110. Marmaduke Hussey, memorandum, 9 December 1974, Grigg Papers.

  111. TNL News, September 1984.

  112. Evans to Bill O’Neill, 20 October 1981, Evans Day File.

  113. Evans to Gerald Long, cc. Bill Gillespie, John Collier, 29 January 1982, Evans Day File.

  114. Hamilton, Editor-in-Chief, pp. 171–2.

  115. Liz Seeber to the author, interview, 18 July 2002.

  116. Bill Bryson, Notes from a Small Island, pp. 47–8.

  117. Murdoch, quoted in the Financial Times, 30 September, and the Daily Telegraph, 29 September 1981.

  118. Murdoch, quoted in The Times, 2 October 1981; TNL News, October 1981.

  119. Australian Financial Review, reproduced in TNL News, November 1981.

  120. Evans to Ken Beattie (TNL commercial director), 4 November 1981, Evans Day File A327/3

  121. Evans to Ken Beattie, 21 October and 29 October 1981, Evans Day File.

  122. Evans to John Higgins, 17 November 1981, Evans Day File A327/3626.

  123. Alan Watkins, Spectator, 23 July 1983.

  124. Evans to Bernard Levin, 2 September 1981, Evans Day File.

  125. Ibid., 6 August 1981, Evans Day File.

  126. Ibid., 12 November 1981, Evans Day File.

  127. Evans to Michael Leapman, 11 June 1981, telex 125912.

  128. Philip Howard to the author, interview, 5 December 2002.

  129. Evans to Michael Leapman, 29 June 1981, Evans Day File.

  130. Anthony Holden to the author, interview, 9 April 2003.

  131. Patrick Marnham, Spectator, 20 February 1982.

  132. Evans to Peter Hennessy, 10 January 1092, Evans Day File A759/9329.

  133. Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, p. 293.

  134. Tim Austin to the author, interview, 4 March 2003.

  135. Fred Emery to the author, interview, 24 January 2005.

  136. Made famous by Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter, quoted in Toby Young, How to Lose Friends and Alienate People, p. 143n.

  137. Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, pp. 329–31.

  138. Gerald Long to department heads, 19 June 1981 (reissued 5 January 1982), ref. A751/9253/42.

  139. Evans to Murdoch, 16 September 1981, Evans Day File, A327/3626.

  140. Minutes, editorial management meeting, 4 May 1982, ref. 3629/3/4.

  141. Evans to Murdoch, undated draft, January 1982, Evans Day File.

  142. Ibid., 11 January 1982, Evans Day File.

  143. Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, pp. 319–23.

  144. Evans to Charles Douglas-Home, no date, February 1982, Evans Day File.

  145. Frank Giles, Sundry Times, p. 221.

  146. Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, p. 172.

  147. Anthony Holden to the author, interview, 9 April 2003.

  148. Evans to Anthony Holden, 23 November 1981, Evans Day File A327/ 3626.

  149. Leapman, Barefaced Cheek, p. 228.

  150. Murdoch, personal message to all The Times and Sunday Times staff, 8 February 1982.

  151. TNL News, March 1982; Evans to Gerald Long, 18 February 1982, Evans Day File.

  152. Minutes of TNL directors’ meeting, 16 December 1981, ref. 6968/1; Evans to Long, 16 February 1982, Evans Day File.

  153. Minutes of TNL directors’ meeting, 23 December 1981, ref. 6968/1.

  154. Evans to Long, Frank Giles to Long, 16 February 1982, ref. 6968/1.

  155. Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, p. 359.

  156. Peter Wilby (Father of the Sunday Times NUJ chapel) to Sir Edward Pickering, 20 February 1982.

  157. Denis Hamilton, Editor-in-Chief, p. 183.

  158. Richard Searby to Sir Edward Pickering, 17 February 1982.

  159. TNL News, March 1982.

  160. The Times, 15 February 1982.

  161. Ibid., February 1982.

  162. Richard Searby to Sir Edward Pickering, 19 February 1982; Minutes of TNHL board meeting, 22 February 1982.

  163. Spectator, 27 February 1982.

  164. Evans to Murdoch, 21 and 23 February 1982. Evans Day File.

  165. Evans to Willie Landels, 24 September 1981, Evans Day File A327/3626.

  166. Evans to Elwyn Parry Jones (producer, Panorama), 2 March 1982, Evans Day File A759/9329.

  167. Evans to Tony Richmond-Watson, 26 February 1982, Evans Day File 1759/9329; also Evans to Long, 9 March 1981, and Evans to Murdoch, draft memo, undated [February] 1982.

  168. Richard Ingrams, Spectator, 5 November 1983.

  169. Rupert Murdoch to the author, interview, 4 August 2003.

  170. Quoted in Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, p. 222.

  171. Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, p. 228.

  172. Ibid., p. 229.

  173. Bernard Donoughue, The Heat of the Kitchen, p. 286.

  174. Obituary of Owen Hickey, The Times, 5 December 2000. In the spirit of his anonymous work, Hickey had requested not to be given an obituary. The request was ignored.

  175. Owen Hickey to Rees-Mogg, 13 November and 23 December 1980.

  176. Peter Stothard to the author, interview, 8 November 2004; Anthony Holden to the author, interview, 9 April 2003.

  177. Donoughue, The Heat of the Kitchen, pp. 288–9.

  178. Spectator, 5 November 1983.

  179. Frank Johnson to the author, interview, 15 January 2003.

  180. Liz Seeber to the author, interview, 18 July 2003.

  181. Philip Howard to the author, interview, 5 December 2002.

  182. Hussey, Chance Governs All, p. 179.

  183. Evans to Murdoch, 21 February 1982, Evans Day File.

  184. Ibid., 23 February 1982, Evans Day File.

  185. Ibid., 11 March 1982, Evans Day File.

  186. Enoch Powell, The Times, 10 March 1982.

  187. Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, p. 369.

  188. Ibid., p. 377.

  189. The Times, 12 March 1982.

  190. ‘The Deeper Issues’, leading article, The Times, 12 March 1982.

  191. The Times, 13 March 1982.

  192. Leapman, Barefaced Cheek, p. 235; Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, pp. 393–4.

  193. Tim Austin to the author, interview, 4 March 2003; Fred Emery to the author, interview, 24 January 2005.

  194. ‘The Greatest Paper in the World’, Thames Television, broadcast 2 January 1985.

  195. Anthony Holden to the author, interview, 9 April 2003.

  196. Private Eye, 26 March 1982.

  197. Douglas-Home to Michael Leapman, 11 November 1983, Douglas-Home Papers.

  198. Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, pp. 177–8.

  199. Evans to the author, interview, 25 June 2003.

  200. Ibid.; Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, pp. 1–2.

  201. The Times, 17 and 18 September 1981.

  202. Harold Evans to the author, interview, 25 June 2003.

  203. Lord Parkinson to the author, 2 July 2004.

  204. Rupert Murdoch to the author, interview, 5 August 2003.

  205. Donoughue, The Heat of the Kitchen, p. 288.

  206. Evans to the author, interview, 25 June 2003.

  207. Notes of discussion between Alastair Hetherington and Douglas-Home, 31 October 1983, Douglas-Home Papers.

  208. Richard Searby to the author, interview, 11 June 2002; similarly rendered in Rupert Murdoch’s interview with the author, 4 August 2003.

  209. Bill O’Neill, Copy Out manuscript.

  210. Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, p. 312.

  211. Evans to the author, interview, 25 June 2003.

  212. Rupert Murdoch to the author, interview, 4 August 2003.

  213. Anthony Holden to the author, interview, 9 April 2003.

  214. Rees-Mogg, ‘The Greatest Paper in the World’, Thames Television, broadcast 2 January 1985.

  215. Anthony Holden to the author, interview, 9 April 2003.

  216. Sunday Times, 14 March 1982.

  217. Tony Norbury to the author, interview, 27 April 2004.

  218. Quoted in Donoughue, The Heat of the Kitchen, p. 287.

  219. Patrick Marnham, Spectator, 20 February, 1982.

  220. Paul Johnson, Spectator, 20 March 1982.

  221. Philip Howard, ‘The Greatest Paper in the World’, Thames Television, broadcast 2 January 1985.

  222. Evans to Frank Johnson, 12 March 1982, Evans Day File.

  223. Frank Johnson to the author, interview, 15 January 2003.


  1. John Grigg, The History of The Times, vol. VI: The Thomson Years, p. 549.

  2. From Lord Shackleton and others, letters to the editor, The Times, 4 February 1982.

  3. The Times, 23 March 1982.

  4. Peter Hennessy, The Prime Minister, p. 413.

  5. ‘Gunboat or Burglar Alarm?’, leading article, The Times, 29 March 1982.

  6. Peter Chippindale and Chris Horrie, Stick
It Up Your Punter, pp. 128–31.

  7. Bernard Ingham, Kill The Messenger, p. 285.

  8. Charles Douglas-Home, evidence to the House of Commons Defence Select Committee, 18 July 1982; Geoffrey Taylor, Changing Faces: History of the Guardian, 1956–1988, p. 225.

  9. Guardian, 11 July 1988; Miles Hudson and John Stanier, War and the Media: A Random Searchlight, p. 169.

  10. Hudson and Stanier, War and the Media, p. 170.

  11. ‘Naked Aggression’, leading article, The Times, 3 April 1982.

  12. ‘We Are All Falklanders Now’, leading article, The Times, 5 April 1982.

  13. Margaret Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 186.

  14. The Times, 14 April 1982.

  15. Ibid., 20 May 1982.

  16. Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 181.

  17. Max Hastings and Simon Jenkins, The Battle for the Falklands, p. 161.

  18. Fred Emery to Charles Douglas-Home, 29 April 1982, ref. A751/9256/9/2.

  19. The advertisement was sponsored by a group describing themselves as Argentine citizens residing in New York State, The Times, 24 April 1982.

  20. E. P Thompson, ‘Why Neither Side Is Worth Backing’, The Times, 29 April 1982.

  21. Lord Wigg, letters to the editor, The Times, 6 April 1982.

  22. Leon Pilpel in TNL News, May 1982.

  23. Frank Giles, Sundry Times, p. 224.

  24. David Kynaston, The Financial Times: A Centenary History, pp. 463–6.

  25. Taylor, Changing Faces, pp. 228–33, 234–5.

  26. New Statesman, ‘Mad Margaret and the Voyage of Dishonour’, 9 April 1982; New Statesman, 30 April 1982.

  27. Chippindale and Horrie, Stick It Up Your Punter, p. 136.

  28. Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, pp. 205–8, 211.

  29. Liz Seeber to the author, interview, 18 July 2002.

  30. The Economist, 22 May 1982.

  31. John Witherow to the author, interview, 9 August 2002.

  32. Quoted in David E. Morrison and Howard Tumber, Journalists at War: The Dynamics of News Reporting During the Falklands Conflict, p. 144; Hudson and Stanier, War and the Media, p. 170.

  33. John Witherow to the author, interview, 9 August 2002; The Economist, 22 May 1982; Charles Douglas-Home, evidence to the House of Commons Defence Select Committee, 18 July 1982.

  34. Robert Harris, Gotcha! The Media, The Government and the Falklands Crisis, pp. 35–6.

  35. Emery to Douglas-Home, 18 May 1982, ref. A751/9256/9/2.

  36. John Witherow to the author, interview, 9 August 2002.

  37. Ibid.

  38. The Times, 4 May 1982.


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