The History of the Times

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The History of the Times Page 92

by Graham Stewart

  39. Chippindale and Horrie, Stick It Up Your Punter, p. 137.

  40. ‘For a Better Peace’, leading article, The Times, 5 May 1982.

  41. The Times, 5 May 1982.

  42. Ibid., 7 May 1982.

  43. Peter Kellner, New Statesman, 7 May 1982.

  44. Professor Bernard Crick, letters to the editor, The Times, 6 May 1982.

  45. ‘You Cannot Joke With War’, leading article, The Times, 12 May 1982.

  46. Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, pp. 216, 221; The Times, 5 May 1982.

  47. Nigel Lawson, The View From No. 11, pp. 126–7.

  48. Harris, Gotcha!, p. 111.

  49. John Witherow to the author, interview, 9 August 2002.

  50. Hudson and Stanier, War and the Media, p. 175.

  51. Fred Emery to Charles Douglas-Home, ref. A751/9256/9/2.

  52. Hudson and Stanier, War and the Media, p. 173.

  53. The Times, 11 June 1982.

  54. Ibid., 12 June 1982.

  55. Ibid., 10 June 1982.

  56. Hastings and Jenkins, The Battle for the Falklands, pp. 320–21.

  57. Quoted in Harris, Gotcha!, p. 118.

  58. Hastings and Jenkins, The Battle for the Falklands, p. 349.

  59. ‘The Truce’, leading article, The Times, 15 June 1982.

  60. John Witherow and Patrick Bishop, The Winter War, p. 17.

  61. Ibid., pp. 18, 26.

  62. Harris, Gotcha!, p. 56.

  63. Hudson and Stanier, War and the Media, p. 178.

  64. Robert Kee, letters to the editor, The Times, 14 May 1982.

  65. Taylor, Changing Faces, p. 237.

  66. Address by Edward Cazalet at Charles Douglas-Home’s Memorial Service, 25 November 1985.

  67. Jessica Douglas-Home, Once Upon Another Time, p. 11.

  68. The Times, 22 October 1982.

  69. Ibid., 19 September 1981.

  70. Ibid., 17 December 1981.

  71. ‘Can We Help Poland?’, leading article, The Times, 23 September 1981; ‘What the West Should Do’, leading article, The Times, 17 December 1981.

  72. Harold Evans to Rupert Murdoch, 17 January 1982, Evans Day File A759/ 9329.

  73. The Times, 13 August 1982.

  74. ‘Trade Across the Curtain’, leading article, The Times, 16 November 1982.

  75. Michael Binyon, quoted in TNL News, September 1982.

  76. The Times, 12 November 1982.

  77. ‘Enter Mr Andropov’, leading article, The Times, 13 November 1982.

  78. ‘The Morality of Deterrence’, leading article, The Times, 19 October 1982.

  79. Harold Evans to Owen Hickey, Richard Owen, Brian Horton, 5 November 1981, Evans Day File; Harold Evans, Good Times, Bad Times, p. 237.

  80. ‘Lebanon for the Lebanese’, leading article, The Times, 14 June 1982.

  81. ‘Israel’s Pre-Emptive Strike’, leading article, The Times, 9 June 1981.

  82. Robert Fisk to the author, interview, 21 September 2004.

  83. TNL News, March 1983.

  84. Robert Fisk to the author, interview, 21 September 2004; Robert Fisk, Pity the Nation, pp. 183–7.

  85. Telegram from Robert Fisk, 25 February 1982, HME 1/19.

  86. Brian Horton to Harold Evans, 5 March 1982, HME 1/19.

  87. Fisk, Pity the Nation, pp. 183–7.

  88. ‘The Best Assad We Have’, leading article, The Times, 15 February 1982.

  89. ‘Israel Erupts’, leading article, The Times, 8 June 1982; ‘An Unbalanced Policy’, leading article, The Times, 10 June 1982.

  90. ‘An Unbalanced Policy’, leading article, The Times, 10 June 1982.

  91. The Times, 8 June 1982.

  92. Ibid., 15 June 1982.

  93. Edward Mortimer, ‘Why the West should fear the shame of the Arabs’, The Times, 8 June 1982.

  94. The Times, 20 September 1982.

  95. ‘After the Massacre’, leading article, The Times, 20 September 1982.

  96. Ibid.

  97. Brenda Dean to all Fathers of chapel working under NPA Agreement, 25 June 1982, 6985/21.

  98. ‘An Unlawful Interruption’, leading article, The Times, 12 August 1982.

  99. ‘All Our Tomorrows’, leading article, The Times, 3 January 1983.

  100. Hugo Young to Douglas-Home, 16 February 1985, Douglas-Home Papers.

  101. Douglas-Home/Clare Short correspondence, 26 March and 2 April 1985, Douglas-Home Papers.

  102. Peter Stothard to Douglas-Home, 13 April 1983, Douglas-Home Papers.

  103. Seth Lipsky, ‘Welcome Back Thunderer’, Wall Street Journal, 14 November 1985.

  104. Leading article, Spectator, 2 November 1985.

  105. The Times, 4 March 1993.

  106. Richard Davy to the author, 2 January 2005.

  107. ‘Not the Age of The Times’, New Statesman, 11 January 1985.

  108. Rupert Murdoch to the author, interview, August 2003. Other accounts render the expletive variously.

  109. ‘The International Framework’, leading article, The Times, 11 February 1983.

  110. ‘Beyond the Budget’, leading article, The Times, 8 February 1983.

  111. Graham Searjeant to the author, interview, 11 January 2005.

  112. Lawson, The View From No. 11, p. 208.

  113. ‘The Pains of Privatisation’, leading article, The Times, 22 November 1982.

  114. ‘Selling at a Discount’, leading article, The Times, 28 October 1982.

  115. ‘The Love that Labour Lost’, leading article, The Times, 6 June 1983.

  116. The New Hope for Britain, Labour Party 1983 general election manifesto.

  117. The Times, 1 December 1982.

  118. ‘All Their Tomorrows’, leading article, The Times, 8 June 1983.

  119. Ivor Crewe and Anthony King, SDP: The Birth, Life and Death of the Social Democratic Party, p. 498.

  120. Giles, Sundry Times, p. 230.

  121. The Times, 3 October 1983.

  122. Michael Foot to Douglas-Home, 15 September 1983, Douglas-Home Papers.

  123. Leading article, The Times, 7 October 1983.

  124. Graham Paterson to the author, interview, 18 September 2002.

  125. Enid M. Macbeth to the Douglas-Home, 15 October 1983, ref. 3627/2/12. Mrs Macbeth was, however, won over by Douglas-Home’s reply and wrote to tell him she would be continuing with the newspaper-reading habit of her lifetime after all (letter, 25 October 1983).

  126. Douglas-Home to Alastair Hetherington, undated, Douglas-Home Papers.

  127. The Times, letters to the editor, 15 October 1983; W. F. Deedes, Dear Bill, p. 283.


  1. Sunday Times, 1 May 1983; Robert Harris, Selling Hitler, pp. 234–6.

  2. Colin Webb to the author, interview, 20 February 2003.

  3. Lord Dacre to Graham Turner, interview, Daily Telegraph, 28 January 2003. He made similar claims to Frank Giles: Frank Giles, Sundry Times, pp. 245–6.

  4. These were the exact words Douglas-Home told Webb that Dacre had used when Webb – away on holiday – spoke to the editor by telephone the following day. Colin Webb to the author, interview, 20 February 2003.

  5. Harris, Selling Hitler, pp. 261–5.

  6. Michael Binyon to the author, interview, 25 November 2002.

  7. Harris, Selling Hitler, pp. 284–7.

  8. Rupert Murdoch to the author, interview, 5 August 2003.

  9. Harris, Selling Hitler, pp. 288–91, 302–3.

  10. Michael Binyon to the author, interview, 25 November 2002.

  11. The Times, 23 April 1983.

  12. Harris, Selling Hitler, pp. 306–7.

  13. Michael Binyon to the author, interview, 25 November 2002.

  14. Colin Webb to the author, interview, 20 February 2003.

  15. Harris, Selling Hitler, p. 314.

  16. Sunday Times, 24 April 1983.

  17. Frank Giles, Sundry Times, pp. 243–4.

  18. Robert Fisk to the author,
interview, 21 September 2004.

  19. Sunday Times, 1 May 1983; Harris, Selling Hitler, pp. 316–18.

  20. Michael Binyon to the author, interview, 23 April 2004.

  21. Lord Dacre to Charles Douglas-Home, 22 August 1984, Douglas-Home Papers.

  22. Harris, Selling Hitler, pp. 321–3; The Times, 26 April 1983.

  23. Letters to the editor, The Times, 26–28 April 1983.

  24. Charles Wilson to the author, interview, 19 February 2004; Robert Fisk, also in the room at the time, recalled Murdoch saying ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’. Robert Fisk to the author, interview, 21 September 2004; Webb found Murdoch equally relaxed at this time: Colin Webb to the author, interview, 20 February 2004.

  25. Lord Dacre to Graham Turner, interview, Daily Telegraph, 28 January 2003.

  26. The Times, 27 January 2003.

  27. Tim Austin to the author, interview, 4 March 2003.

  28. Rupert Murdoch to the author, interview, 5 August 2003.

  29. The Times, 29 November 1984.

  30. Irving Wardle to the author, 10 June 2004.

  31. The Times, 3 May 1985.

  32. Ibid., 12 May 1981.

  33. Independent on Sunday, 12 May 2002.

  34. The Times, 3 January 1985.

  35. Ibid., 11 April 1986.

  36. Ibid., 1 and 3 November 1982.

  37. Douglas-Home to Lord Dacre, 25 April 1985, Douglas-Home Papers.

  38. The Times, 19 June 1985.

  39. Guardian, 13 September 1985.

  40. Charles Douglas-Home to Paul Routledge, 26 October 1984, Routledge Papers; Paul Routledge to the author, interview, 22 June 2004.

  41. Daily Express, 3 April 1984; Alastair Brett (Times Senior Legal Assistant) to Sir Larry Lamb, 3 April 1984, Routledge Papers.

  42. For example, Paul Johnson and (the far from pro-Murdoch) Charles Moore in Spectator, 5 and 12 November 1983.

  43. The Times, 3 November 1983.

  44. Harold Evans to Rupert Murdoch, 29 July 1981, Evans Day File A327/ 3625.

  45. TNL News, July 1984.

  46. The Times, 26 June 1984.

  47. Geoffrey Taylor, Changing Faces: History of The Guardian, 1956–1988, p. 312.

  48. TNL News, December 1984.

  49. Ibid., April and June 1982; Observer, 13 July 1986.

  50. Minutes of Times Editorial Management Meeting, 2 June 1982, ref. 3629/3/4.

  51. Charles Douglas-Home to Murray Hedgcock, 14 September 1982; Minutes of Times Editorial Management Meeting, 29 June 1982, ref. 3629/3/4.

  52. The Times, 27 January 1982, 19 January 1983; see also Hugo Young, Listener, 3 January 1985.

  53. Charles Douglas-Home to Sir Edward Pickering, 3 March 1983, ref. A751/9256/13.

  54. Minutes of Times Editorial Management meeting, 29 June 1982, ref. 3629/3/4.

  55. For example, Emery to Douglas-Home, 6 April and 24 May 1982, and undated memoranda, ref. A751/9256/9/2.

  56. Colin Webb to the author, interview, 20 February 2003.

  57. Charles Wilson to the author, interview, 19 February 2004.

  58. Minutes of Times Editorial Management meeting, 2 June 1982, ref. 3629/ 3/4.

  59. The Times, 4 June 1982; memo, ref. 3629/3/18.

  60. Douglas-Home to Fred Emery, 21 June 1982, ref. A751/9256.

  61. Hugh Trevor-Roper (Lord Dacre) to Douglas-Home, 9 August 1985.

  62. Ranan Lurie to Douglas-Home, 17 April 1982, ref. 3629/3/10.

  63. The Times, 12 February 1994.

  64. Liz Seeber to the author, interview, 18 July 2002.

  65. Simon Barnes to the author, interview, 25 January 2005.

  66. The Times, 3 and 18 August 1981.

  67. Ibid., 23 June 1981; see Richard Evans, John McEnroe: Taming the Talent.

  68. Ibid., 17 June 1982.

  69. Ibid., 6 and 12 July 1982.

  70. The Greatest Paper in the World!, Thames Television, broadcast 2 January 1985.

  71. TNL News, March 1985.

  72. Douglas-Home to various correspondents, March 1985, ref. 1749/9248/2; Paul Routledge to the author, interview, 22 June 2004.

  73. Sir Edward Pickering to the author, interview, 15 January 2002.

  74. Jessica Douglas-Home, No End of a Lesson, p. 13.

  75. ‘The Nativity’, leading article (by Douglas-Home), The Times, 24 December 1984.

  76. The correspondence, consulted for this volume, is in the care of Jessica Douglas-Home.

  77. Charles Wilson to the author, interview, 19 February 2004.

  78. TNL News, November 1985; letters in the possession of Jessica Douglas-Home.

  79. Spectator, 2 November 1985.

  80. TNL News, December 1985.

  81. Rupert Murdoch to the author, interview, 5 August 2003.

  82. TNL News, November 1985.

  83. ‘The Way the Wind Blow’, leading article, New Statesman, 19 March 1982.

  84. See Iverach McDonald, The History of The Times, vol. V: Struggles in War and Peace, 1939–1966, pp. 104–8, 133–41.

  85. ‘Far from their Flock’, leading article (by Douglas-Home), The Times, 27 March 1985.

  86. Independent, 9 March 1998.

  87. Charles Wilson to the author, interview, 19 February 2004.

  88. Quoted in William Shawcross, Murdoch, pp. 214–15.

  89. Liz Seeber to the author, interview, 18 July 2002.


  1. News International statistics, presented by Michael Burton QC in the High Court, 10 February 1986.

  2. Duff Hart-Davis, The House the Berrys Built: Inside the Telegraph, 1928–1986, p. 278.

  3. David Kynaston, The Financial Times: A Centenary History, pp. 475–81.

  4. Suellen Littleton, The Wapping Dispute: An Examination of the Conflict and its Impact on the National Newspaper Industry, p. 18.

  5. Littleton, The Wapping Dispute, pp. 13–14, 17.

  6. Peter Stothard, The Times, 26 January 1996.

  7. Kynaston, The Financial Time, p. 481.

  8. Bill O’Neill, Copy Out manuscript.

  9. Ref. 10030/1.

  10. Ibid.

  11. Tony Isaacs (Imperial Father, News of the World machine chapel) to Bill O’Neill, June 1983, quoted in Sarah Benton and Mark Hollingsworth, ‘A Plot Conceived and Planned Six Years Ago’, New Statesman, 6 February 1986.

  12. Bill O’Neill to N. F. Robbins (deputy secretary, NGA London region), 28 November 1983; N. F. Robbins to Bruce Matthews, 9 November 1983, ref. 10030/1.

  13. Littleton, The Wapping Dispute, p. 59.

  14. Ibid.

  15. Bill O’ Neill, memorandum, 13 February 1984, ref. 10030/1.

  16. Quoted in O’Neill, Copy Out.

  17. Sunday Times, 6 April 1986. See O’Neill, Copy Out.

  18. G. H. Willoughby (SOGAT London Central branch secretary), 14 June 1982, 6984/21.

  19. E. R. Chard (SOGAT London Central branch secretary) to Bill Gillespie, September 1984, ref. 6985/21.

  20. Andrew Neil, Full Disclosure, pp. 76–8.

  21. Littleton, The Wapping Dispute, pp. 33–4.

  22. Charles Wilson to the author, interview, 19 February 2004.

  23. Bill O’Neill to the author, 1 October 2002.

  24. Baroness Dean to the author, interview, 1 April 2003.

  25. Quoted in Charles Wintour, The Rise and Fall of Fleet Street, p. 219.

  26. Quoted by Charles Wilson, speech to the Guild of Newspaper Editors, 8 May 1987.

  27. Neil, Full Disclosure, p. 102.

  28. Richard Searby to the author, conversation, 11 June 2002; Jenkins, Market for Glory: Fleet Street Ownership in the Twentieth Century, p. 194; Neil, Full Disclosure, pp. 97–8, 101.

  29. Tim Austin to the author, interview, 4 March 2003.

  30. Linda Melvern, The End of the Street, pp. 221–32; Littleton, The Wapping Dispute p. 66.

  31. Brenda Dean, statement, 30 August 1985.

  32. Charles Wilson to the author, interview, 19 Fe
bruary 2004.

  33. Baroness Dean to the author, interview, 1 April 2003.

  34. Donald Reed, The Power of News: The History of Reuters, pp. 412–14, 427, 432–5; John Lawrenson and Lionel Barber, The Price of Truth, p. 27; Denis Hamilton, Editor-in-Chief, pp. 185, 187; David Kynaston, The Financial Times, p. 500; Rupert Murdoch to the author, interview, 4 August 2003; Geoffrey Taylor, Changing Faces: A History of the Guardian, 1956–1988, p. 298; S. J. Taylor, An Unlikely Hero, p. 209–10.

  35. Roy Greenslade, Press Gang, pp. 401–2; Jenkins, Market for Glory, pp. 176–7.

  36. Eric Hammond, Maverick, p. 77; Jenkins, Market for Glory, pp. 187–90; Littleton, The Wapping Dispute, pp 35–6.

  37. Hart-Davis, The House the Berrys Built, pp. 292–327; Greenslade, Press Gang, pp. 409–14.

  38. Baroness Dean to the author, interview, 1 April 2003.

  39. Brenda Dean, quoted in Melvern, The End of the Street, p. 176.

  40. The Times, 1 October 1985.

  41. Rupert Murdoch, statement, The Times, 1 October 1985.

  42. O’Neill, Copy Out.

  43. Bill O’Neill to the author, 1 October 2002.

  44. Hammond, Maverick, pp. 84–5; The Times, 11 December 1985.

  45. Minutes of the TUC Printing Industries Committee, 9 December 1985.

  46. H. W. Miles to Bruce Matthews, 23 December 1985, file 6985/21.

  47. Baroness Dean to the author, interview, 1 April 2003.

  48. Tim Austin to the author, interview, 4 March 2003.

  49. Colin Webb to the author, interview, 20 February 2002.

  50. Minutes of the TNHL board, 10 December 1985, ref. A909/11192/2. The minutes make just one Delphic reference that ‘the Chairman referred briefly to proposed greenfield operations at the new printing plant of News International plc at Wapping’.

  51. Sadly, Matthews took his reasoning to the grave; Andrew Knight to the author, interview, 2 December 2004.

  52. Wyatt diary; Geoffrey Richards to Bill Gillespie, 13 January 1986, ref. 10030/2; London Sogat Post, February 1986; The Times, 13 January 1986; Sunday Times 19 January 1986; Neil, Full Disclosure, p. 109.

  53. The Times, 11, 15 and 16 January 1986; Littleton, The Wapping Dispute, p. 80.

  54. Bill O’Neill to the author, 1 October 2002.

  55. The Times, 22 January 1986.

  56. Ibid., 22 January 1986.

  57. Ibid., 24 January 1986.

  58. London Sogat Post, February 1986.

  59. Colin Webb to the author, interview, 20 February 2003.


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