The History of the Times

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The History of the Times Page 100

by Graham Stewart

  Kurds 387, 397

  Islamic fundamentalism 597

  Israel 149, 150–154, 334, 337, 561

  Kuwait 386–389

  Lebanon 149, 150–155, 334–337

  Mirsky and Freedom Forum controversy 531–534

  Palestine 149, 153, 335, 561, 562

  Poland (Solidarity) 145

  Prisoners of Conscience 144

  Romania 353–355

  Rwanda 581–584

  Sierra Leone 583

  Somalia 580

  South Africa 159

  Soviet Union 147, 159, 347–348

  Tiananmen Square 348–349

  Versace’s murder 466

  Vincennes incident 337

  Home news

  BBC 186, 535, 540, 609

  Brixton riots 72–75

  Calcutt enquiry 513–514

  Charles Stewart Parnell forgery 167–168

  Cries Unheard, Mary Bell serialization 515–516

  devolution 499–500, 553

  Princess Diana’s death 504–507

  environment 468

  global warming 469

  labour disputes, militant trade unions 75, 186–187

  Loutchansky v Times Newspapers 517–521

  National Lottery 446–447

  Northern Ireland 70–72, 150, 336, 338, 339, 564–567

  nuclear weapons 148

  pop culture 455–457

  Press Complaints Commission 513–514, 516

  racism 74

  radioactive waste 308

  reality TV 460

  Thatcher, Denis, planning application 113


  Conservative Party

  Archer, Lord (Jeffrey) and London mayoral election 540

  economic policy 320–322

  Hague, William, and modernisation 550–1

  Heseltine, Michael, resignation 310

  donations, the Ashcroft affair 536–545, 609

  Howe, Geoffrey

  Budget Day 108

  resignation 382

  leadership challenges 382–384, 483–4, 494–495

  Major, John, 476–477, 481–482, 489–490

  Parkinson, Cecil, and Keays, Sarah 165–166

  Poll Tax 375, 376–382

  Portillo, Michael, 551

  privatization 162

  public spending cuts 120–121

  Thatcherism 158, 162, 344

  trade union reform 114, 157

  unemployment 161

  general elections

  (1979) 14

  (1983) 162–165

  (1987) 313–316

  (1992) 406–408,

  (1997) 489–493

  (2001) 555–557

  Labour Party

  Blair, Tony, 483

  Brown, Gordon 497

  devolution 499–500, 553

  Government leaks 552–553

  tax plans 405

  ‘Third Way, or Reich’ 553

  House of Commons, Parliamentary Privileges 309

  Referendum Party 488–489


  Andrew Motion, Poet Laureate 552

  Ulster framework 564–565


  Increased coverage 625

  Glen Hoddle interview 520–521

  Football and economic renaissance 327, 442–444, 646


  Fukuyama theory 356–357

  War on terror 601–602

  World Trade Center bombing 599–601, 642, 643

  Editors (in order of appointment) see Evans, Harold; Douglas-Home, Charles; Wilson, Charles; Jenkins, Simon; Stothard, Peter; Thompson, Robert

  Gray’s Inn Road

  closure threat 35

  demarcation rules 89, 294–295

  Murdoch offers freehold to print unions 276–278, 281–282

  new site talks 5, 223

  poor morale 85, 102

  print capacity 249

  property assets 25

  sold to ITN 297

  TNL papers 19, 33, 52


  computer technology 258, 294–296, 435

  defections/departures 54–57, 91–92, 94–95, 333, 343, 360, 485

  ‘dumbing down’ 38, 40–42, 189–91, 208, 531, 613–625

  editorial structure 401, 645–646

  Evans’s departure 110

  ‘feminization’ 623–624

  good journalistic practices 520–521

  information technology 640–643

  library 285

  life-style articles 622–623

  move to Wapping 249, 253–256, 257–265

  Murdoch’s editorial influence 21, 26, 38–39, 41–44, 59, 83, 85, 96, 114–116, 186–187, 189, 198, 337, 531–532, 534, 613–625, 644

  salaries 15–16, 94, 220, 285–286

  self-censorship 129–130, 530

  trainee scheme 340–341, 417, 579

  ‘The Thunderer’ 103


  changes 58–63, 92–93, 113, 117, 372

  and the Falklands War 140

  first colour page 61–63

  headlines 338, 370, 372, 420, 613

  masthead 63, 119, 420, 613–614

  nude advertisement 42

  visual appearance 613–14

  Legal actions

  Routledge and the miners’ strike 188

  Loutchansky case 517–521

  Longley case 419

  Press awards

  Lord Derby Racing Journalist of the Year 203

  What the Papers Say 105, 582, 594


  Atex computers 231, 233–234, 236, 247, 258

  cold composition 86–87, 92, 110

  colour 409, 420, 613, 622

  computer-setting 193–194, 294–296

  corrections and misprints 284–285

  electronic page make-up 410

  in linotype 10–13, 86–87, 220

  production problems 193–195, 219–220

  steam press 230

  typeface change 410

  Profitability 84–85, 95, 98–99, 116, 191, 422, 437

  cover price 272, 411, 422–435, 437

  Sections & editions

  Archaeology 637

  Architecture 373, 638

  Arts 91, 198, 423, 446–452, 458–462

  Astronomy 637

  Book reviews 180–183, 189, 419, 462

  Bridge 638–639

  Business pages 161–162, 214, 323–325, 423, 620–622

  Cartoons 56, 59, 97, 199–200

  Chess 421, 638

  Cinema 184–185, 464

  Columnists 438

  Cookery 201, 359

  Court & Social 56, 637–639

  Crossword 59, 639

  Diary column 198–200, 512

  Education 75–76, 263–264, 263, 318–319, 479–80

  Europe edition 14

  Family money 322

  Fashion 201, 303, 361, 466–468

  Features 55, 201, 373, 438, 548, 607

  Female interest 201, 623–624

  Foreign editions 410

  Gardening 207–208, 359

  Health 467–468

  Information Service 59

  Innovation Special 248

  Interface 469

  Jenkins’s changes 373–374

  Law 373, 637

  Letters 626–630

  Life and Times 374

  Lives Remembered 607

  Magazine 438, 623

  Millennium edition 546

  Modern manners 438–439

  Moreover 56

  Music 447–457

  Nature notes 638

  Obituaries 315, 339, 606–607, 630–636

  Parliamentary proceedings 308–312, 402

  Play 622

  Preview 60, 90–91

  Property 320–321, 359, 481

  Royal reporting 61–63, 112, 142, 209–210, 504, 513, 627, 634

  The Register 607, 626, 636–638

  Religious affairs 258, 285, 375, 41–419
  Restaurants 359–360

  Rock music 453–457

  on Saturday 359

  Saturday Review 91, 373–374

  School league tables 479

  Science 468–469

  Scottish edition 500–503

  Special Reports 61

  Sports coverage 201–206, 325–331, 359, 423, 433, 439–445, 607, 625

  T2 tabloid 467, 548–549, 606, 623

  Television 185–186

  Theatre 183–184, 462–464

  ‘The Way We Live Now’ 144

  Times Online 470–471, 624, 642

  Travel 321, 359

  Two and four section paper 297, 322–323, 359, 420, 606

  Universities 34, 75–76, 93, 319, 479–480, 637

  Weekend Review 623

  Weekend Times 374, 438, 622

  Wine 359


  Artangel 461

  Mysteries of China exhibition 526–527

  World Chess Championship 421


  boycott campaign against The Times 262–264

  as catalyst for change 238–241

  conspirators 231–238, 246–248

  eleven-acre site 222–230

  first edition 256–257

  ‘Fortress Wapping’ 195, 219–252

  increase in profitability 95, 297–298, 400

  ‘Innovation Special’ 248

  move rejected by Murdoch 85

  moving day 250–252

  praise for Murdoch 259–260, 273

  price of victory 292–299

  public opinion 270–276

  road distribution 233, 244, 250, 265–266, 278

  siege/pickets/intimidation 255, 256–260, 267–270, 274, 278–280, 282–287, 289–292, 301–302

  union negotiations 231–238, 242–246, 248–256, 276–288

  Times Educational Supplement, sale of 2, 34, 263

  The Times Good Universities Guide 319, 479–480

  Times Higher Education Supplement 34

  Times House of Commons 315

  Times Literary Supplement 2, 34, 178, 180, 608

  Times New Roman 60

  Times Newspapers Limited (TNL) 19–24

  and the BBC 186

  computerization 13

  finances 84–85, 95, 98–99, 116, 191, 422, 437

  Hitler Diaries 169–170

  House of Commons, TNL Sale, 26, 29–31, 188, 308–309

  Holdings board 32, 49–50, 247

  independent directors 31

  industrial relations 5, 10–14, 15–16, 86, 90, 157, 221 see also print unions; Wapping

  Loutchansky v TNL 518–521

  Monopolies Commission 27–32

  redundancies 98, 116

  sale 1–7, 17–23, 25, 28–32

  tax losses 2

  transfer of titles 98–99

  Titanic (dir. James Cameron) 464

  TNT 233, 244, 250, 265, 278, 284, 287, 289, 293

  Tobin, James 69

  Today 238, 240, 273, 298, 301, 307, 381, 428

  Todd, Ron 250, 267

  Tokes, Laszlo 354

  Tom and Viv (Michael Hastings) 183

  Topolski, Daniel 328

  Townsend, Edward 616

  Toynbee, Polly 78

  Trade Union Act (1984) 227, 239, 248, 287

  Trafalgar House 40

  Trainspotting (dir. Danny Boyle) 465

  Trelford, Donald 163, 274

  Trevisan, Dessa 145, 353

  Trevor-Roper, Hugh see Lord Dacre

  Trievnor, Peter 62

  Trilogy of the Dragon (Robert Le Page) 183

  Trimble, David 565–566

  Truss, Lynne 444

  TUC (Trades Union Congress) 90, 156, 158, 227–228, 231, 244, 261–262, 278, 287, 293, 380

  Tudjman, Franjo 568, 578

  Turner, Graham 179

  Turnill, Oscar 60

  Twentieth Century Fox 401


  UK Press Gazette 214, 259, 302

  Ukraine 567

  United Nations 387, 389, 396, 397, 486

  failure of mission 575–576

  international jurisprudence 595

  Protection Force (UNPROFOR) 570, 572

  resolutions 597

  Security Council 560

  Somalia 580

  Unemployment 404, 472–473, 554

  United Newspapers 5, 272

  University Grants Committee 75

  Upton, Judy 463

  Urquhart, Cath 624

  United States

  aid to Israel 152

  and al-Qaeda 602

  and Baltic States 570

  and Bosnian war 574, 579

  Drug Enforcement Agency 538, 542

  and Gulf War 388, 389, 392, 396, 560

  intervention in Grenada 159

  and Middle East 152–153, 561

  and Somalia 579–581

  and Taleban 602–605 see also Bush, George; Bush, George W.; Clinton, Bill; Reagan, Ronald

  USA Today 232, 240

  Utley, T.E. (Peter) 315, 339


  Van Den Belt, Annelies 470

  van der Vat, Dan 44

  Versace, Gianni 466

  Vickers, Hugo 633

  Vincent, Professor John 274


  Wade, Joe 2–3, 33

  Wagner, Erica 462, 534, 624

  Waite, Terry 335

  Wakeham, Lord (John) 516

  Walden, Brian 342

  Walesa, Lech 145–146, 357

  Walker, Christopher 152, 154, 314, 347, 390–391, 395

  Walker, David 357, 374

  Walker, Tom 588, 590

  Wall Street Journal 158, 410

  Walter family (Times owners) 4

  Walter, John 23, 63, 207, 210

  Walter, John II 230

  Walters, Sir Alan 344–345, 379


  Archive and Record Centre 510

  Atex computers 231, 233–234, 236, 247, 258

  boycott campaign 262–264

  as catalyst for change 238–241

  colour presses 400

  conspirators 231–238, 246–248

  eleven-acre site 222–230

  first edition 256–257

  Goss press machines 259

  increase in profitability 95, 297–298

  move rejected by Murdoch 85

  moving day 250–252

  praise for Murdoch 259–260, 273

  price of victory 292–299

  production runs 253–255, 259–260, 271–272, 296–297

  public opinion 270–276

  re-equipping 400

  road distribution 233, 244, 250, 265–266, 278

  siege/pickets/intimidation 255, 256–260, 267–270, 274, 278–280, 282–287, 289–292, 301–302

  subsequent fallout 301–304, 307

  The Times’s new residence 509–510

  union negotiations 231–238, 242–246, 248–256, 276–288

  Wapping Post 271

  Wapshott, Nicholas 55, 80, 599, 622

  Wardle, Irvine 183–184, 462

  Warman, Christopher 261, 321, 324

  Warner, Deborah 451

  Washington Post 5–6, 230, 232

  Watkins, Alan 91

  Watkins, Lord Justice 264

  Watson, Arthur 52

  Watson, Colin 64, 198

  Watson, Peter 94

  Watson, Roland 599

  Watt, David 55

  Watts, David 127, 370, 522–523, 618, 619

  Waugh, Auberon 53–54, 260

  We Thundered Out (Philip Howard) 207

  Webb, Colin 169, 171, 174–175, 195–196, 198, 212–214, 217, 250, 304, 418

  Webster, Philip 311, 315, 345, 404, 419, 552, 601

  Weekly Times Group 36

  Wei Jingsheng 528, 532

  Weidenfeld, Lord (George) 431

  Weinstock, Lord (Arnold) 4

  Weir, Judith 450

  Welch, Colin 106, 108

, Colin 184

  Weller, Paul 453

  Welsh, Irvine 465

  Die Welt 61, 357

  Westlake, Melvyn 69

  Westland Helicopters 310

  What the Papers Say 106

  Wheatcroft, Patience 608, 620, 624

  White Swan letter 105

  Whitehead, Phillip 26

  Whitelaw, Lord (William) 73, 74, 125

  Whiteread, Rachel 459, 461

  Whittam Smith, Andreas 240, 300–301, 411, 415, 428, 430

  Whittell, Giles 600

  Whitty, Larry 262

  Whitworth, Damian 537

  Widdecombe, Ann 495, 551

  Wiener, Martin 49

  Wigg, Lord (George) 127

  Wilby, Peter 98

  Williams, Delwyn 30

  Williams, Hywell 489

  Williams, Marcus 203, 439–440

  Williams, Richard 60, 90, 201, 235, 246, 325, 360, 363, 365, 447, 452, 457, 625

  Williams, Shirley 76, 79, 164, 315, 317

  Willis, Bob 204, 207

  Willis, Norman 248, 278, 281, 290

  Willson, Richard 345, 490

  Wilson, Charles

  acting editor of the Independent 365

  background 196–198

  deputy editor 212–14

  Hitler Diaries 169, 173, 178

  East European emissary 364–365

  and Thatcher 310, 318

  personality 332–334, 337–338, 361–363, 414

  Seeley’s retirement party 203

  Sun-Times editor 217–218

  as Times editor

  assessment of editorship 365–6

  appointed editor 218

  ‘Big Bang’ 324–5

  ‘dumbing down’ 208

  expanding the paper’s size 322–323, 358

  increase in sales 263

  journalists’ pay offer 286

  Independent launch 300–303, 608

  and ‘nemesis’ (Andrew Knight) 362–363, 365

  new offices 257–265

  promoting Sky TV 361–362

  skilful editor 365–366

  and Thatcher 318

  Wapping 229–230, 231, 234–235, 238, 242, 246–247, 250–251, 256, 272, 292

  Wilson, Des 105

  Wilson, Harold 27

  Wilson, Roy ‘Ginger’ 248

  Wilson, Tony 454

  Winchester, Simon 122–123

  Winter, Bishop Colin 124

  The Winter War (John Witherow and Patrick Bishop) 138

  Wintour, Patrick 263

  Witherow, John 72, 123–124, 129–132, 134–138, 140

  Wober, J.W. 629–630

  Wood, Alan 164

  Wood, Nicholas 344, 346, 418

  Wood, Ronnie 453

  Woodcock, John 203–204, 440

  Woodhead, Chris 478–479

  Woodward, Admiral Sandy 131

  Worcester, Bob 316

  World Trade Center bombing 599, 642, 643

  World Trade Organization 594–595

  Worsthorne, Sir Peregrine 272, 313, 618–619

  Wright, Jonathan 335

  Wyatt, Woodrow 28–29, 182, 232, 315, 350, 476, 492, 513


  yBas (young British artists) 458–461

  Years of Upheaval 1973–77 (Henry Kissinger) 64


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