Dark Days (The Childe Series, #2)

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Dark Days (The Childe Series, #2) Page 5

by Kunz, C. A.

  Cat dialed Ryan’s number, and in frustration, threw the phone on her bed when she was immediately sent to voicemail. So this is what it feels like to be ignored, she thought. It had been days since the incident where Ryan revealed himself to be a vampire, and Cat had called so many times she lost count. All of her texts went through, but there were no replies. Maybe this is how my friends feel. I’ve totally shut them out of my life. I can’t keep this up, they don’t deserve this. So what if I’m adopted? They can handle that. The other thing maybe not so much, but I’ll just keep that to myself, she thought while picking up her phone to call Amanda. Cat wavered, putting the phone down, and groaned at her stubbornness. Wanting to ease her frustration, she decided to go for a drive. She headed downstairs and was stopped by her dad.

  “Where are you off to, young lady?”

  “Uh, I need to get out of the house, Dad. I think I’m coming down with a case of cabin fever. Just going for a quick drive.”

  “Oh, well aren’t you worried you’ll bump into your friends while you’re out? You know the ones you’ve been ignoring for the past couple of weeks?” he asked, frowning at her. Cat didn’t respond. “Honey, you’re going to have to talk to them eventually, you know that, right?”

  She looked down at the floor and then back to Sam, her eyes filled with guilt. “I know, Dad, I will,” she sighed. “But right now I need to drive. Is that okay with you?” Sam nodded with slight disappointment on his face, and then headed toward his study to read his daily paper.

  “Cat, please be careful,” he said over his shoulder.

  “Will do, Dad.”

  Cat took the long way to the beach. She needed to clear her head, and driving with the windows down and music blasting did just that. She tried not to think too much about her friends or Ryan and just focused on getting to the beach. When she arrived, it was empty. The sky was overcast and there was a light fog that covered the sand and forest ground. “Not really beach weather,” Cat said to herself as she scanned the lifeless area.

  She hurried to the barren clearing and sat on the concrete slab, trying to focus. Looking at the trees surrounding her, she began to wonder what vampire abilities she possessed. Spying a large tree to her right, Cat wondered if she would be able to scale it. If Bartholomew Drake can do it, I should be able to, right? She thought as she readied herself. “Alright Cat, you can do this,” she stated confidently, staring up at the huge obstacle.

  The thought of being a half-vampire was surreal and scary, but Cat was trying to embrace it. She needed to begin honing her skills to prepare for what Ròs told her was coming her way. As she stared intently at the tree, Cat tried to imagine herself ascending it effortlessly. This was her first attempt, and she was hoping for beginner’s luck.

  Bolting toward the tree, Cat leapt into the air, catching her footing on the trunk, and propelled herself upward. Digging her nails into the bark, she pulled herself along. She paused, realizing how high up she was and looked down at the ground. “Holy crap! I did not just do that!” Cat panicked as she started losing her grip and began to slip down the tree, her nails ripping along the trunk. She tried to stop herself, but instead lost her footing and fell to the ground, sending a large dust cloud swirling into the air. Dragging herself to her feet, she began to pick the twigs and leaves out of her hair and dusted off her shirt and jeans. “Okay, one more time!” she announced, determined to do it.

  An hour flew by, and after many “one more time” failed attempts, Cat found herself gazing out onto Oldes Bay from the highest branch of the tree. The wind blew through her thick fiery red hair as she sat there taking in the awe-inspiring scene before her. She wished she could share it with Ryan and her friends.

  Safely back on the ground, Cat gazed at the concrete foundation and thought back to the nightmare she had about a year ago. Hearing a rustling noise behind her, she quickly turned and collided with something, causing her to fall backward. Looking up, she saw it was Ryan.

  “Cat? What are you doing out here?” he asked, reaching down to help her up.

  “I could ask you the same thing,” she said, taking his hand as she stood with his assistance. “And why haven’t you returned any of my calls?”

  “I guess you know how it feels now, huh, Miss Colvin,” he replied dryly. “Besides, I didn’t know how to approach you after that night.”

  “Hey, you can’t just show your fangs to a girl and then expect her to not freak a little. Plus, you ran off without saying a word.”

  “It was either that, or deal with your mother, no offense,” he replied with a grin. Ryan noticed Cat’s gaze return to the concrete foundation in the middle of the clearing. “So, back to my original question, what exactly are you doing here?”

  “I just came here to think,” she answered distractedly, looking at the foundation.

  “Well, I can think of a lot nicer places you can do that instead of this run down bare patch of land, with a shoddy piece of concrete at the center of it.”

  “It’s more than that to me, Ryan,” Cat replied, looking at him.

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “This was the last place I was with my mother. My birth mother I mean,” she answered quietly.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “Last year, I had this dream…well, really a nightmare. I saw a weathered cabin in this clearing. Inside was a woman frantically shoving clothes into a bag. She was afraid. I could feel how scared she was. At the same time, I could feel her courage. She was protecting something…and that something was me. There were men outside, taunting her. They set fire to the building and watched it burn to the ground. That evil laughter…I don’t think I’ll ever forget that. It’s weird how I’m able to remember something so vivid even though I was only a baby at the time. She escaped through that trap door, there in the foundation,” Cat said pointing to it. “I’ve tried opening it, but it won’t budge. The fire probably sealed it or something.” Cat paused and Ryan placed his hand on her shoulder. Looking into his baby blues and then back to the foundation, she said, “She was so beautiful, Ryan. Truly beautiful.”

  “So what happened after that?”

  “I guess she took me to my Uncle Michael’s, and was never heard from again. He received word that she had died, but no one knows how. It’s really sad when you think about it.” Tears began to well up in Cat’s eyes and she quickly brushed them away.

  “I’m so sorry, Cat.”

  “Okay, I answered your question, now answer mine. So, what are you doing here?”

  “Alright, I’ll tell you, but you have to close your eyes,” he replied.

  “Do I really have to close my eyes?”

  “Just humor me. You’ll love it, I promise,” he said, extending his hand out to her. Cat’s eyes narrowed as she glared at him. Groaning, she closed her eyes and took hold of his hand.

  “Where are you taking me, Mr. Beckford? And how many girls have fallen for this trick?” Cat asked, allowing herself to be led by him.

  “You’re the one and only. And it’s a secret. Don’t worry, I’ll tell you when you can open them.”

  “The one and only? So I’m that special, huh?”

  “Yeah, I like to think so.”

  Cat felt the ground under her feet go from dirt, to sand, to rock. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was loud in her ears. They stopped and Ryan squeezed her hand. “Okay, open your eyes.” Cat was amazed at the sight before her. They were inside of a large cave. Scanning the area, she saw that it looked lived in. Training and exercise equipment was strewn about, and several pieces of patio furniture sat off to the side of a large, black, tumbling mat in the far corner of the space.

  “Ryan, what is this place?” she asked, looking around.

  “This is my little hideaway. It’s where I come to relax. I also train here.”

  “Train? For what?”

  “Well, you know, I have my skills as a-”

  “Vampire?” Cat finish
ed his sentence.

  “Yeah, vampire. I train for control. Being a vampire around humans can be challenging. You’ve got to learn to blend in. Training allows me to rein in my primal urges and be able to hide and control my abilities,” he explained as he placed his hand on Cat’s shoulder. “I know finding out you’re half vampire was a little overwhelming, but-”

  “Wait, how do you know that?”

  “Well, I always kind of knew you were special, but I just recently found out what you are. Please don’t be mad at me, I know I should’ve told you earlier, but it wasn’t my place,” Ryan explained. “I really wanted to talk to you-”

  “Could you train me? Teach me how to control…whatever it is I can do?” she asked, interrupting him.

  “Uh, well-”

  “You’re the only one I can talk to openly about this. You were a great tutor, I’m sure you’ll be a great trainer. I trust you,” Cat said, gazing deeply into his eyes. “Besides you kind of owe me for keeping this secret from me.”

  Ryan pulled her close, kissed her soundly on the lips, and then whispered “okay” into her ear. “So what would you like to learn first?”

  “Uh, how do you control your teeth? Sometimes mine won’t retract, and it’s a real pain. I had a recent scare with those babies, and with school starting soon it won’t be as easy to hide them. I’d hate to think what might happen,” Cat said, feeling her mouth.

  “It takes a little practice and a lot of thought. Of course sometimes it’s nearly impossible to stop them. Like if you get too angry or too scared. It’s like a reflex. Watch.” His teeth began to lower and then slid into place. Ryan then closed his eyes, and Cat watched as they slowly retracted as if it took no effort at all. “Now, Cat, I want you to think about your teeth. In your mind I want you to see them sliding down. Try it.” Ryan watched as she closed her eyes and saw frown lines marring her forehead as she concentrated. He grinned as two white pointed canines descended and touched her bottom lip.

  “Wow, that was easy,” she said, her teeth slightly getting in the way of her tongue.

  “Don’t worry, with time you’ll lose the lisp. Now close your eyes again and see your teeth sliding back inside your gums. Go ahead, try it.” He watched as she clenched her hands, tensing her body. “No, you’re trying too hard,” he said, and then Cat gave a sigh of frustration. “Relax, just let it happen.” He grinned as her teeth slowly withdrew. “There, see that wasn’t so hard was it?’

  “I can’t believe I did it. Thanks, Ryan, I only hope it works that easy when I really need it to,” Cat exclaimed.

  Ryan laughed. “So, what else would you like to learn?”

  “Actually, I have a quick question before we continue,” Cat said, studying Ryan’s facial features.

  “Okay, shoot,” he replied, a little perplexed by the look she was giving him.

  “How old are you…really?”

  “I’m seventeen, why?”

  “I thought vampires were old…like, really old,” Cat stated confused.

  “Well, most are, but our coven is kind of different.”

  “Different how?”

  “It’s a long story, Cat, and I don’t want to bore you with the details,” Ryan answered, dodging her stare.

  “I’ve got time, it’s not like either one of us is immortal or anything,” she said sarcastically.

  “Later,” he snapped, making her shy back with surprise.

  “Okay…touchy subject…got it,” she said.

  “Sorry, I just don’t feel like talking about it right now.”

  “So, could you at least tell me how many vampires there are in Astoria?” she asked hesitantly.

  “Well, there are my parents…and a few others.” He stopped and looked at Cat.

  “What? Don’t you trust me?” Cat cocked her head to one side, a smile now missing from her face.

  “Of course I do. I’m just not sure if it’s my place to tell you about the others,” Ryan answered, his eyes not meeting hers.

  “Okay, but I think I can guess. Let me see there’s Amelia, the Stone twins definitely, and of course, Isaac. But if he is, then that means Hannah is, too,” she said, the crease in her forehead deepening. “But Hannah’s so sweet. She can’t possibly be a full-blooded vampire.” Ryan laughed and pulled her closer. “What’s so funny?” she asked, playfully pushing him back and keeping him away at arm’s length.

  “You. Aren’t you sweet? And aren’t you a vampire?”

  “Well, yeah, I guess so,” Cat replied.

  “Then why are you so shocked about Hannah?” he asked, swatting her hands down and capturing her in a bear hug.

  “I guess it’s just weird. I mean, there are books and movies where vampires are good, but Hannah? You’ve got to admit it’s a stretch.” Cat smiled, returning the grin on his handsome face.

  “What about me?” he asked, resting his forehead on hers.

  “I don’t know. You do look a little evil!” Cat giggled as Ryan pulled back, looking at her as if offended, and then silenced her with a kiss.

  As the sun began to set, the pair exited the cave. Ryan took Cat’s hand and spun her around to face him. “You might want to hold on tight,” he said with a mischievous grin as he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close. I can’t believe I’m about to do this. I hate heights. Imagine that, a vampire who hates heights, Ryan thought. Before Cat could get in a word, they slowly began to rise into the air. She lunged forward and squealed, grabbing his shoulders tightly. As they rose higher, the low lying sun cast their long silhouettes on the beach. Cat dug her face into Ryan’s chest, too scared to let go. “Cat, open your eyes,” he whispered softly into her ear. She slowly opened them and lifted her head.

  Looking around, “We must be at least fifteen feet up,” she said in awe. The ocean breeze gently caressed her face and she smiled. “Ryan, this is amazing!” Cat felt free, almost as if she was floating by herself and Ryan wasn’t holding her anymore.

  “All you needed was a little push, Cat. Look, you’re doing it on your own.” Cat glanced down at the beach and then back at Ryan. Her smile turned into a look of horror, realizing that she was indeed on her own. She screamed as she began to tumble toward the sand. Ryan plunged down after her. He extended his arm and caught her by the belt just before she hit the ground. Cat was breathing heavily, her face inches from the sand.

  “Well, I guess that ends lesson two,” Ryan joked as he lifted her into his arms and slowly touched down on the beach. “Are you alright?” he asked while looking at her shocked face. Regaining her composure, Cat scowled as if mad at him and then burst into giggles.

  “That…was…awesome!” she exclaimed. Ryan laughed and then put his arm around her shoulders.

  As the pair made their way toward their cars, Cat’s cell phone beeped. Looking at her phone, “Crap, my mother has called me like a thousand times. She’s going to kill me!” Ryan gave Cat a worried look as she pressed speed dial to call home. “Hey Mom, sorry I missed your calls. There was no signal here at the beach. I know, I know, I’m on my way home. I know, curfew. Be there in a little bit. Love you too, Mom,” Cat said and then hung up the phone.

  “She didn’t seem that upset, I guess,” Ryan commented.

  “Oddly, no. Just my average worried mother,” she joked, smiling at him. “Thanks for this, I really needed it. And sorry for being super flaky recently, but can you really blame me?”

  Ryan placed his hand to Cat’s chin, gently turning her face to his, “Just don’t make a habit of it Red Hot, okay?” Cat smiled, and Ryan smiled back.

  On the drive home, Cat was in deep contemplation over what Ryan had said earlier. I wonder what makes them all so different from other vampires. And why did Ryan snap at me when I asked? And they all eat food too, which is odd because I thought vampires only drank blood. Damn all these secrets! And damn Hollywood for lying to me! Robert Craven, you sure do have it all wrong.


  Coming Clean

up her cell, Cat dialed Julie’s number.

  “Hey Cat, what’s up?” Julie answered.

  “Um, I need you to do me a favor.”

  “Of course, name it.”

  After several minutes of conversation Cat ended the call, and then rushed to the shower to get ready. As she ran down the stairs, her wet hair flew behind her. Rachel exited the kitchen and watched as Cat made for the front door. “Bye Mom. Going to Julie’s. Wish me luck, love you,” Cat called out, as she quickly opened the door and shut it before Rachel could respond.

  As Cat pushed open the back door to Julie’s house, she noticed the kitchen was empty. She quietly made her way through the house to the French doors leading to the family room. Julie had left the doors open slightly, allowing Cat to hear to the conversation within.

  “I emailed her this morning, but it was returned. Her inbox was at its max. Then I tried her cell, and it went straight to voicemail again. I know her mom says she’s okay and just to be patient, but frankly I’m a little pissed! We’re her best friends, and it’s not right she’s treating us this way!” Amanda’s angry voice came through the opening.

  “Maybe it’s my fault. I must have done something wrong,” Elle’s tearful voice came next.

  “I think one of us needs to just go over there and, I don’t know. But do something,” Matt interjected.

  “Guys, calm down, it’s no one’s fault.” Julie stopped as she saw the door open and Cat walk in. Three pairs of eyes looked at her in shock. Julie smiled. Elle was first to move, running up to Cat and flinging her arms around her so tightly that she could hardly breathe. Amanda crossed her arms and put on her “I’m angry at you” look, and Matt just stared as if he saw a ghost.


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