Dark Days (The Childe Series, #2)

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Dark Days (The Childe Series, #2) Page 17

by Kunz, C. A.

“First, I want to know what you are. I thought you were a normie, but I was wrong.”

  “What are you talking about? Let go of me!” Cat hissed, and then finally ripped free one of her hands.

  He quickly grabbed it back, “Uh, uh, uh, you aren’t playing fair,” Isaac’s cold hand gripped tighter than before.

  “I’m warning you, Isaac! You’re gonna want to let me go,” Cat said, her anger increasing.

  “Or what? Come on Cat, let’s see that fire. Let’s see what you really are,” he replied, trying to bait her.

  You have to stay calm, Cat, don’t get angry! Your teeth, remember your teeth, she thought. Cat saw a hand reach out and grab Isaac’s shoulder.

  “Can’t you see I’m busy here?!” Isaac growled.

  “Let her go, Isaac!” The sound of his younger sister’s voice made him look over his shoulder.

  “Hannah, go away! Your turn will come next!” he replied shoving her back while still holding tightly onto Cat.

  “I know she’s your sister, Isaac, but I can’t just sit by and let you push her around!” Matt said fiercely, approaching him.

  “And what are you going to do about it?” Isaac scoffed, rolling his eyes at Matt.

  “I’ll show you what I’m gonna do!” Matt roared as he reeled back, readying to throw a punch. Isaac smirked and easily dodged Matt’s attack, pushing him to the ground. As Hannah went to Matt’s side, Ryan finally freed himself and rushed over to the commotion in the center of the dance floor.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing Isaac?” Ryan asked, looking him square in the eyes, his way blocked by the other Stone twin.

  “Stay out of this, Ryan! This doesn’t concern you!” Isaac snarled.

  “Well, you’re messing with my girlfriend and her friend, so I’d say it does concern me,” he fired back.

  “You know what? I’m sick and tired of you defending these people against your own!” Amelia yelled from behind Ryan.

  “Yeah, back off, Ryan, if you know what’s good for you!” The Stone twins said in unison. Cat stopped struggling and pulled Isaac close to her.

  “I’m not scared of you, Isaac! Let me go, now!” Cat demanded, noticing Miss Amaya shoving her way through the crowd toward them.

  “Why is it that this lot is always the center of attention at every school function?” Miss Amaya asked loudly. Everyone turned to look at her. “I don’t know what this is all about, but it ends now! If you can’t coexist and enjoy the rest of the dance, you need to leave. And from what I can see Mr. Bancroft, Ms. Colvin doesn’t want to dance with you.” Isaac immediately released his grip on Cat and slowly backed away, his group joining him.

  “Everything’s cool here,” Isaac stated calmly, but still obviously angry.

  “Yes, Miss Amaya, everything’s okay,” Cat said, returning Isaac’s glare.

  “Good, glad to hear it,” Miss Amaya gushed.

  The Damianic Bombshells took the stage again and began playing their next song as the gym erupted into cheers.

  “Thanks,” Cat said turning to Matt.

  “I did it for Hannah,” he replied coldly.

  “Oh, well thanks anyway.”

  Hannah squeezed Matt’s hand, not saying a word, flashing a worried look at Cat.

  “Whatever,” he replied, leading Hannah away from the dance floor.

  “I just can’t win,” Cat murmured to Ryan and Julie.

  “What was that all about, anyway?” Julie asked.

  “I don’t know, just Isaac being Isaac! I think I’ve had enough for tonight, let’s go home,” Cat said, sounding defeated.

  Isaac and his group watched as Hannah got into Matt’s car and drove away. “This isn’t over by a long shot. He’s going to pay for this. My sister will never be with a normie! Ever!” he growled furiously.

  “We’ll come up with another plan, babe, don’t worry,” Amelia said, turning toward the Stone twins.

  Pulling into the driveway at the Bancroft residence, Matt put his car in park and sighed.

  “I understand if you don’t want to be around me anymore,” Hannah said somberly.

  Matt turned to her and smiled. “Don’t be silly, I’m not going to let your brother stand in the way of this. I like you too much for that to happen,” he replied. Hannah leaned over, kissed him quickly on the lips, and then exited the car.

  “Thanks for tonight, I really enjoyed it,” Hannah said with a shy smile.

  “I had fun too,” he replied, grinning foolishly, still reeling from the kiss.

  “See you Monday,” she said.

  “Yeah, see you Monday,” he said and then pulled out of the driveway with a huge grin still on his face. Wow, my first kiss! He thought. Turning on the radio full blast, he rolled down the window, not caring that it was eleven thirty at night, or that it was lightly snowing. Dogs began barking and neighbors could be seen coming out of their houses to see what all the noise was about.

  Driving up the icy, winding, narrow road, Matt rolled up his windows as the cold wind began to bother him. He smiled as he grabbed the phone from his pocket and began texting a message to Hannah. A deer darted out in front of him and he swerved, dropping his phone. “Crap! Damn animals!” he groaned, feeling around the floor for his cell while trying to keep his eyes on the road. Hearing a light tapping on his driver’s side window, Matt sat up startled, but saw nothing there.

  “What the hell was that?” he asked out loud, clutching the steering wheel, and checking all the windows. “Great, now I’m hearing things,” he said, resuming the search for his cell. A louder knock caused him to sit up quickly. His eyes grew wide with shock as he saw a girl flying next to his car, holding on to the mirror. Matt instantly recognized her as Becca, one of the missing girls. He couldn’t mistake those golden locks of hair that were plastered on missing flyers everywhere. He yelled as she bared her fangs and hissed violently. Swerving the car left and right, Matt tried to shake her off.

  Becca raised her finger to her lips making a shushing sound. She grinned wickedly and then slowly pointed to the road ahead. Following her finger’s direction, Matt was startled to see Linda standing in the road in front of him. He stepped hard on the brakes causing the car to slide on the treacherous ice. Trying to regain control of the car, Matt watched on in horror as he barreled into a tree.

  Groggy, Matt lifted his face off the steering wheel as blood ran down his forehead and onto his cheek. His first thought was, great the air bags didn’t deploy. His head ached and his chest felt heavy from the pressure of hitting the bottom of the steering wheel. What the hell just happened? He thought as he wiped the blood from his cheek and felt the knot that was developing on his temple. Matt’s eyes flew open as the realization of what just happened hit him. He quickly pressed the button for the automatic locks on his car door and was relieved to hear the locking sound. He frantically looked around for the girls but couldn’t see them.

  Matt realized his foot was still on the accelerator after hearing the sound of the tires spinning in the snow. He applied the brakes, and then threw the car in reverse, only to find out it wouldn’t budge. After several attempts, he hit the steering wheel in frustration and turned the car off. He noticed the glow of his phone’s screen out the corner of his eye and saw that it was on the floor in front of the passenger seat. Relieved, he grabbed for it and then felt his whole car shake as if something had crashed onto the roof. Hearing light scratching followed by giggling had Matt quickly dialing 911. “Dammit! No signal!” he said, and then slammed the phone down. CLICK…Matt stared with wide eyes at the locks as he realized they had disengaged. He hit the automatic switch again, trembling as another evil giggle came from above. He gasped as the locks all disengaged once more. After locking the doors again, Matt reached around into the backseat and grabbed the hammer on the floor that his dad had told him to leave in the car. “Thank you, dad,” he whispered, pulling it close to him, preparing to swing at anything that came near.

  Slowly his left backseat w
indow began to roll down. He rolled it back up and then hit the window lock button. Slouching back into his seat, Matt gripped the hammer even tighter with fear in his eyes. Everything went silent. Looking around frantically, Matt searched his surroundings for any sign of the girls. Suddenly his car door was viciously ripped from it hinges and tossed aside as Amy grabbed Matt and pulled him from the car.

  “You made this entirely too easy,” Amy said evilly. She yanked him up by his neck and dangled him above the ground. “Why doesn’t Matt want to come out and play with us girls? Huh?” she asked, looking back at Linda and Becca.

  “What do you want from me?” Matt choked out.

  Amy laughed. “Do you hear that girls, he wants to know what we want from him.” Becca covered her mouth as she giggled. Linda stood by, avoiding Matt’s stare in her direction.

  “Linda, why are you doing this?” Matt asked hoarsely.

  “Matt, just be quiet, this will all be over soon…please,” Linda pleaded with him as she fought back tears and tried to keep a stoic face. Matt gripped the hammer tighter and mustered enough strength to take a swing at Amy. She moved her head out of the way and swatted the hammer from his hand.

  “Now that’s not very nice. Didn’t your mom teach you not to hit girls?” Amy asked. She tightened her grip on Matt and threw him forcefully through the air.

  He hit the ground with a sickening thud and skidded to the other side of the road into a ditch. He lay there still, the pain coursing through his body. He tried to move his left arm, but couldn’t, it was broken. Linda started toward him, but was yanked back by Amy.

  “You want to join your little friend, then keep going. If not, stay back!” Amy growled. Linda stood still, watching helplessly as Matt tried to move.

  “Amy, I think he’s scared enough. I think he’s got the message,” Becca said, seeing the crazed look in Amy’s eyes.

  “Who gave you permission to think?” Amy growled, causing Becca to back up. Turning her attention back to Matt, “Now, where was I? Oh yeah, we want to send a big message to your little friend Cat. Not verbally of course. It’s more like a visual one,” Amy stated arrogantly, walking over to Matt as he struggled to prop himself up against a tree with his uninjured arm. Every part of his body felt like it was on fire. He watched as Amy moved closer to him and crouched down. “So how many tears do you think Catherine will shed over her little friend’s demise?” she whispered menacingly. Matt shuddered as she giggled. Through his blurry vision he watched Amy rear back with her fangs bared. He resigned himself, waiting for her attack, and then to his amazement she abruptly flew out of view. He heard sounds of a struggle close by, but his vision was worsening and he couldn’t make out what was happening. Then there was silence.

  He heard a soothing but muffled whisper, “It’s okay Matt, you’re safe now.” Matt mustered a relieved smile, and then felt someone scoop him up, gently cradling him close in a fireman’s carry.


  Blood Thinner Than Water

  Hannah stuck to the shadows, moving quietly, relieved that the grounds of the hospital were silent. It was after visiting hours and as she spied the window she needed, Hannah ascended the building. Landing on the window’s ledge, she peered into Matt’s room. She gasped, seeing him lying there in the bed, pale against the bright white sheets. His arm was raised in a sling and several bandages were wrapped around his forehead. She could hear the numerous machines he was hooked up to beeping periodically.

  A nurse walked into the room and fiddled with one of the machines, oblivious to the fact she was being watched. Hannah focused her eyes, concentrating on the nurse. As if in a trance, the nurse turned around, made her way to the window, and opened it. The nurse then retraced her steps and left the room, closing the door behind her. Hannah climbed in and moved quickly to Matt’s side. Taking his hand, she shivered at his lack of warmth. She thought back to the end of their night together.

  How happy Hannah was when Matt had dropped her off at home. Even Isaac’s cold expression as she walked into the house hadn’t fazed her. As she reached her room, Hannah took out her cell and dialed Matt’s number, disappointed when she was sent straight to voicemail. She laid on her bed, counting down the minutes, realizing he probably had his phone off because he was driving. A slow hour had gone by before she tried to call again. A strange voice answered, “Hello, may I ask who is calling?”

  “May I speak to Matt, please?”

  “I’m sorry, but he can’t come to the phone right now. This is Deputy Kim Burkins of the Astoria Sheriff’s Department. There’s been an accident. He’s been admitted to Astoria General.”

  “What? Is he okay?”

  “May I ask who I’m speaking to?”

  “This is Hannah Bancroft. Is Matt okay?”

  “Oh Hannah, he’s doing fine from what I understand. He was a little banged up, but…hold on, let me find out what room he’s in so you can go visit him tomorrow,” Deputy Burkins said. Hannah shook as she waited in anticipation for more details. “So, he’s in room 221.”

  “Thanks,” Hannah said quickly and hung up the phone.

  Now by Matt’s side, tears stung Hannah’s eyes as she scanned his body. When she looked up, she was startled as Matt’s cloudy gaze met hers.

  “Matt?” she blurted out, her throat restricted with emotion.

  “Hannah,” Matt murmured, smiling crookedly.

  “Oh Matt, how are you feeling? I was so worried about you!” her words rushed out.

  “I feel better…was in a lot of pain before…but now I feel like…I’m just floating on a cloud.”

  “How would you know what that feels like?” Hannah giggled slightly, squeezing his hand a little tighter.

  “I just do…what are you doing here? Did you come with someone?” he asked.

  “No, I came alone. Matt what happened?”

  “You shouldn’t…have come alone.”

  “Why not?” Hannah felt a sense of dread, not really wanting to hear his answer.

  Matt gripped her hand tightly, “There are monsters…vampire-looking people out there. You should be safe at home. I saw them, Hannah…vampires!” He shivered, reliving the attack.

  “Matt, are you sure?”

  “Hannah, you need to go home…I’m getting sleepy…Hannah, I want you safe…worried.” Hannah’s eyes turned jet black as she stared intently into Matt’s.

  “Matt, you need your rest. You’ll remember nothing from the accident. It’ll all be a blur to you,” she said, and then her eyes returned to their natural light blue. “I’m so sorry. I can’t believe they did this to you!” Matt slowly closed his eyes as Hannah gently laid his hand down and bent over, softly kissing him on the cheek. “I’ll be back later, I promise, but I must go now,” she murmured, turning one last time to look at him before slipping out the window.

  Reaching her car, Hannah opened the door and sat heavily in the driver’s seat. She knew she had broken a sacred rule. It was forbidden for her to erase a human’s memory, but she didn’t want Matt to remember his attackers. She would confront Isaac and his group. This has gone far enough! Being mean is one thing, but causing harm is quite another! Hannah thought, as she pounded on the steering wheel.

  “Now, I know it’s past visiting hours, but I feel your friend needs you right now. He’s in a private room so there should be no problem with you spending the night,” Dr. Bane explained as he led Cat and her friends into Matt’s room. “No loud talking. And I don’t know how comfortable you’ll be in these chairs, but you’ll have to make do. Alright, goodnight ladies,” Dr. Bane grinned, closing the door on the four people standing in the room. Amanda and Elle’s tear-streaked faces and Julie’s melancholy expression tore at Cat’s heart. Moving forward she grabbed them all in a hug. Immediately, arms came around her, hugging her back.

  “Oh Cat, Julie, we’ve missed you so much,” Elle sobbed.

  “Yeah…me…too,” Amanda sniffled, squeezing harder.

  “We’ve all been dumb. It
’s terrible that something like this has to happen for us to realize how stupid we’ve been,” Julie whispered quietly.

  “I’m so sorry guys. Maybe if we hadn’t fought, Matt wouldn’t be here,” Cat replied, looking pensively at the pale figure lying in the bed.

  “We can’t blame ourselves. We just have to be here for him now and make a pact that we will never ever let this happen again. Whatever happens from now on we’ll stand together, okay? I can’t go through this again. These last few weeks have been just awful, right, Amanda?” Elle looked at Amanda who nodded, too overcome with emotion to comment.

  The four friends moved to stand around Matt’s bed. The monitors beeping and tubes protruding from his body made the group speechless as they held hands, each sending non-verbal encouragement to him.

  “Isaac? Isaac where the hell are you?!” Hannah’s angry voice echoed through the empty foyer. “We need to talk, now!”

  “What are you blabbering on about? Still mad at us for earlier?” Isaac smirked at the angered look on her face as he exited from the living room. Amelia and the Stone twins stood behind him grinning like fools. Hannah clenched her fists, desperately wanting to knock the grins from their faces.

  “How could you do this to him? What has he ever done to you all to deserve this? You could’ve killed him. All because I asked him to a stupid dance! I asked him, he didn’t ask me. If you needed to take your anger out on someone, it should’ve been me,” Hannah shouted, poking her finger into Isaac’s chest, while brushing away the angry tears with her other hand.

  “What are you talking about? And quit poking me! Have you gone crazy? Who’s hurt?” Isaac asked, confused at his sister’s current emotional state.

  “Don’t try to look innocent. I know you caused his accident. He’s lying in the hospital, tubes hanging out everywhere, in pain, because of you being a complete and utter ass!” she poked even harder, as she enunciated every word.

  “Hey, stop that! We haven’t hurt anyone. Now calm down, who’s in the hospital?”


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