Winter's Heart

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Winter's Heart Page 13

by Warneke, A. C.

  He huffed out an unexpected laugh, utterly captivated by the mad woman in his arms. “We should go before someone comes in here needing to use the bathroom.”

  “Or management comes in and kicks us out,” she added. Touching his fake hair, she twinkled up at him. “At least you’re wearing a disguise. If it gets out that I hang out in men’s bathrooms, I’ll never be able to show my face in public again.”

  Throwing his arm around her shoulders because he needed to hold her close, he swung the door open and swaggered out as if he had every right to be in there with a gorgeous girl on his arm. The one guy standing at the urinal jumped and tried to cover his junk but the man needn’t have bothered since Flynn never once tore her gaze away from his face. Her hand rested over his heart and in that moment he wished he had never gotten involved with Missy because he wanted to take Flynn out on a real date.

  Of course, if he hadn’t gotten involved with Missy, then he wouldn’t have a relationship with the coolest kid on the planet and… he wouldn’t have met Flynn. As they exited the bathroom, they were given a few odd looks but they brazened it out, strolling through the lobby as if they owned it. Flynn shook with silent laughter and her face was beet red and he wanted to proclaim to the world that she was his.


  But how in the world was he ever going to last three months before he took her to his bed? Well, as they had proven in the movie theater and the bathroom, there were other ways to achieve orgasm, just none that were quite as pleasurable as full on fucking. He was certain that they would come closer and closer to home base every time they got together until the inevitable happened and he buried himself in the depths of her tempting body.

  He couldn’t wait.

  Chapter 9

  Flynn was still flying high from her date with Winter nearly a week later as she drove to the chaos that was the airport to pick up her father and oldest brother. It had surprised her how much cum had shot out of Winter’s penis that day in the men’s room but then again they had spent two hours making out in the movie theater. When she had gotten home afterwards, she had taken off her clothes and gotten into the shower, though she hadn’t wanted to do either. She cleaned herself up, noticing that her breasts were still swollen and tender and they each sported several hickeys. Afterwards, she threw her clothes in the wash and ran a load and within too short of a time, she no longer smelled like sex and Winter.

  Though technically they didn’t go all the way and she was still a virgin, she knew her sister would sniff the truth out immediately if she had stayed in her soiled clothes. She wasn’t ready to discuss Winter with anyone, especially her sister and best friend. It was a dirty, little secret but it was her dirty, little secret and she planned on holding it close to her heart for as long as possible.

  It didn’t hurt that Fallon and Harry’s date went exceptionally well. At least, Flynn assumed it did since Fallon came stumbling in at nearly four in the morning and the next day she wore a loopy smile. She swore they didn’t do anything more than talk but Flynn noticed Fallon had a pretty impressive hickey on the side of her neck.

  Of course, the week had been long and drawn out because Winter had had to cancel their plans for the weekend. He had gotten a last minute call to re-film several parts of his latest movie because there was a problem with the tape or the director re-wrote a part or something. However, Winter was going to be returning that night and tomorrow she was going to be meeting him at his estate nearly four hours away. Her dad and brother were going to take the necessary measurements and discuss the pirate ship with Winter while her sister was going to tag along for moral support and to meet Winter. But mostly to meet Winter.

  When she pulled into the pick-up and drop off lane, she immediately spotted her dad and brother, who easily towered over nearly everyone else there since they were both close to six and a half feet tall. Unable to resist, she put the car into park and hopped out, giving her dad a monster hug, “Daddy! It’s so good to see you.”

  “You, too, Peanut,” he said gruffly, picking her up and squeezing the breath from her body.

  “Is there a hug for me?” Jeff boomed in his deep voice. With a grin, she threw herself into his arms next, hugging him close.

  “I’ve missed you and Pickles,” her dad said. “Where is Fallon anyway?”

  “She wanted to be here,” she said, looping her arm through his as they walked to the back of the car and popped open the trunk. As her dad and Jeff threw their bags in, she continued, “But they’re filming the commercial today.”

  They all chuckled as Jeff squeezed into the backseat, her dad squeezed into the front seat and Flynn slid behind the wheel. “Seatbelts on and we’ll be on our way.”

  “Just drive carefully,” her dad ground out, his knuckles already white from holding on so tightly to the door handle. He hated being a passenger in a car but he especially hated being a passenger in his children’s cars. At least it was her driving and not Fallon otherwise he might have followed them home in a taxi.

  “I will,” she promised, merging into the outbound traffic.

  “I can’t believe you’ve met Melissa Irish,” Jeff said, leaning forward so he was sitting between the two front seats. “Is she as hot as she is in the movies?”

  “She’s beautiful,” Flynn confirmed with an easy smile, even though Jeff was taking up the entire rearview mirror. “But tiny. You could hold her in the palm of your hand and have space to spare.”

  “Grr,” he grinned. “I like tiny women.”

  “She’s way, way too tiny for you,” Flynn teased, though she was deadly serious. Her extra-large brother would crush the living daylights out of the petite Melissa. “Besides, you’re married.”

  “Oh, that’s right,” he said in mock disappointment even though Flynn knew he was madly in love with his wife of nearly twelve years. Leaning back in the seat, still taking up too much of the rearview mirror, he grinned, “Lizzie would castrate me if I looked at another woman.”

  “I don’t think she’d castrate you if you looked,” Flynn said, since Lizzie was the most easy-going woman in the world. “But I do think she’d castrate you if you touched, and with justified reason.”

  A shudder worked its way through his big body and he grimaced. “Luckily, I have no desire to touch.”

  “Good boy,” their dad grunted, the whites of his eyes showing as he watched the road in front of them, not so much as blinking.

  Flynn exchanged a knowing look with her brother in the mirror and they both grinned.

  “So, tonight Fallon and I are taking you out to dinner but we have to get home early because we have a drive ahead of us tomorrow,” Flynn explained, ignoring the pained groan coming from her father. “Winter’s estate is about three or four hours north of here and that’s where you'll be building the pirate ship.”

  “So when we fly back with the crew we should fly into a regional airport?” her dad asked.

  “Um.” She hadn’t even thought about it and realized she had a lot more work to do, and she already had a ton of stuff on her plate. “Yeah, I’ll discuss it with Winter to see if that will work best.”

  “Ooh, look at my baby sister,” Jeff taunted from the backseat. “On a first name basis with celebrities and whatnot. Next thing you know, you’ll be wanting to be an actress, too.”

  “Goodness gracious no,” she denied quickly, vehemently. She had no desire to put herself through that kind of agony. Dating an actor was hard enough, and they weren’t even dating.

  “Peanut, if you’re going to insist on talking, why don’t you pull over and let me drive,” her dad groaned from the passenger’s seat.

  “I’ll be quiet the rest of the way,” she said, glancing at him out of the corner of her eyes and seeing how pale he was. He really, really hated riding shotgun. “Promise.”


  Taking pity on their dad and brother, Flynn and Fallon let their dad drive and Jeff sit in the passenger’s seat. It worked out well because they h
ad climbed into the car at the crack ass of dawn and being in the back allowed the girls to sleep. It had only taken her dad an hour before he asked for the GPS service on Flynn’s tablet. Between road construction and traffic and getting lost once or twice, they made the three and a half hour trip in just under six hours.

  It gave her a little extra time to mentally prepare herself to face Winter after their hot-blooded non-date at the movie theater. She had to remind herself to rein in her smile when she saw him and to not be offended if he treated her as nothing more than a party planner. Because that was all she was supposed to be.

  “Why are you so nervous, Flynn?” her too-perceptive sister asked as they climbed out of the car.

  “I’m introducing my client to our father and brother,” she said wryly, arching an eyebrow and making Fallon laugh. “I’m afraid the two Rogers men are going to scare the living daylights out of poor Winter and he’ll balk on having them build the pirate ship and dad’s heart will be broken.”

  “You’re so full of shit,” Fallon guffawed.

  Flynn looped her arm through Fallon’s and they walked up the beautifully landscaped yard to the front door. Despite being monstrously huge, the house looked warm and inviting, with earthy tones and lots of windows. It was almost the complete opposite of the house in Beverly Hills, where everything was white and pristine and too perfectly in place. Flynn found that this house was a much better match for Winter and she was looking forward to seeing the rest of the estate.

  When they knocked, the door was opened by a distinguished looking man dressed in a sharp suit. “Greetings,” the man said in a warm tenor. “You must be the Rogers. I’m Stills, the butler here, and Mr. Mitchell has asked me to get you settled. This way.”

  Fallon and Flynn exchanged a look and had to bite back their matching smiles as they followed the butler into the beautiful house. The entry was as impressive as the exterior and very open, allowing guests to see into the large sun room, the elegant dining room and the gorgeous living room through soaring archways. A grand staircase led to the second floor, where Flynn assumed the bedrooms were located.

  “Mr. Mitchell had some business to take care of but he will be here shortly,” the man continued, leading them into a comfortable den area that had an incredible view of the magnificent yard. There was a large open area where the ship could be built, a beautiful pool that looked as if it could have sprung up naturally with a waterfall and everything, as well as a large grove of trees. Further back, barely visible from where she sat, was a small stream that could possibly lead to a small lake.

  Flynn could imagine setting up a tent on the side of the house so the entire party would be able to walk back together to see the pirate ship for the first time. There would be staff on duty to keep an eye on the tots as the adults mingled and it was going to be an amazing event. She saw that her dad was also salivating with all sorts of possibilities. Even Jeff looked impressed.

  “Is there anything I can get you or do you wish to get started?” Stills asked unobtrusively.

  “Well, there’s no time like the present,” her dad said, never taking his eyes off the backyard. Digging out a few of his tools as Jeff brought out his sketchpad and some pencils, he smiled, “Lead the way.”

  “Very good, sir,” the butler said with a slight smile.

  “Wait,” Fallon called out. When the trio paused, she rushed forward and handed Stills the cooler she had brought with. “Can you make sure this gets into the fridge?”

  “No problem,” he assured her, taking the bag and leading the men out.

  Flynn and Fallon plopped down onto the nearest couch, giggling together at the fact that they were sitting in Winter Mitchell’s home. Flinging her arms back, Fallon laughed, “Things are finally looking up for us, Flynnie, and it’s all thanks to you.”

  “I think you mean it’s all thanks to Diane,” Flynn corrected, leaning back in the comfortable seat and staring up at the ceiling that soared over her head. “If she hadn’t been desperate, we wouldn’t be here now.”

  “Then thank God for desperation,” Fallon laughed.

  “What’s this about desperation?” Winter’s voice preceded him into the room, giving Flynn a chance to compose herself so she wouldn’t give their secret away. He walked in with a large grin on his face, looking handsomer than any man had a right to look, but he froze in the archway as he looked from Flynn to Fallon and back. Blinking his eyes, he shook his head before swallowing several times.

  “Oh my God!” Flynn cried out, breaking the spell he was under. When he stared at her with a blank expression, she stood up and walked over to him, any hope of keeping a serene expression gone in a flash as amusement burbled within her. “You went there! You totally went there!”

  “I didn’t,” he protested weakly.

  “You so did,” she snorted, unnaturally happy to be back in his presence. She hadn’t realized how much she had missed seeing him and she sucked in a quick breath to keep from throwing herself at him.

  A dull flush crept up his cheeks as he offered a sheepish smile and took her hands in his. Sensation shot up her arms but she didn’t pull away as he admitted, “Of course I went there but only for a moment, I swear. I mean, look at the two of you. What red-blooded male wouldn’t go there?”

  Flynn was aware of Fallon staring at the two of them, watching the exchange with interest but Flynn didn’t care. Her lips curved into a wicked smile as she squeezed his hands since she couldn’t say what she wanted to say and she definitely couldn’t do what she wanted to do. Shaking her head, she sighed melodramatically, “And here I had such high hopes for you.”

  “Ah, you wound me,” he grinned, his eyes hot as he looked at her, as he drank in the sight of her. Before she could appreciate the heat of his body, the scent of his skin, he brought her hand up to his lips and kissed her fingers and melted her brain. “Let me make it up to you. Give me a quest to undertake and I will do it, just so I can return to your good graces.”

  Her breath caught in her throat at his teasing flirtation and for a moment she was at a loss for words, wondering what would happen if she grabbed the lapel of his shirt and pulled him down for a kiss. Shaking the crazy thought from her head, she heaved an exaggerated sigh and crinkled her nose at him, “I can’t think of a thing you could do to make it up to me since there are no dragons to slay and no golden fleeces to recover so you’ll have to remain in purgatory.”

  He bent his head in disgrace but she could still see his smile and she waited with too eager anticipation for his response. It wasn’t meant to be as Fallon cleared her throat and Flynn jumped away from Winter, another cursed blush stealing into her face. Without thinking, she explained, “He imagined what it would be like to have sex with both of us at the same time but that’s not going to happen.”

  Fallon snorted, “That’s for damn sure. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Winter Mitchell.”

  Her sister pushed herself to her feet and sashayed across the room with a becoming smile on her face, her green eyes sparkling, and her hand held out for Winter to take. After only a moment’s hesitation, Winter released Flynn’s hand and took Fallon’s hand. Bringing it up to his lips, kissing the air above her flesh, and giving Fallon his panty-melting grin, Winter said, “The pleasure is all mine.”

  Fallon fanned herself with her hand and sighed meltingly, “You do know how to make a girl feel welcomed. You have a lovely home, by the way.”

  “Thank you.” He nodded his head in acknowledgment of her compliment but when his eyes darted to Flynn’s, she saw a hint of panic in the blue depths. Or at least, she thought she did. But it could have been wishful thinking because when Fallon put on the charm, she could wrap any guy around her dainty finger.

  Fallon could flirt with anything and everything that was male and it was perfectly harmless and never meant much. So why did Flynn feel green with envy? And was it her imagination or was Fallon laying it on awfully thick? Oozing charm like a seductress intent on landing the sexiest
man in the world….

  That’s when Fallon looked directly at her and Flynn realized her sister was purposefully tweaking her pride, though she wasn’t sure why unless Fallon knew something. But how much could Fallon possibly know? Doing a quick check of her actions over the past week, she could think of nothing that could have given her away. The only time she had talked with Winter was late at night while Fallon was sleeping or during the evening when her sister was out with Harry. And once when she was at work, but they spent a few minutes discussing decorations for the party so it counted as business.

  She didn’t think she was acting any differently than normal, not like Fallon who was floating around the apartment with a perpetual smile on her face, though that could have been giddiness at getting the commercial, not just a blossoming romance with Harry. Laughter invaded her thoughts, bringing her back to the present and when she blinked, she saw that both Fallon and Winter were laughing at her.

  “Where did you go just now?” Winter asked with a quizzical smile on his lips.

  “I just spaced out,” she mumbled, glancing at Fallon and seeing the unmistakable look of intrigue on her sister’s pretty face. As hard as she tried, she couldn’t keep her gaze from returning to Winter and within moments, she was losing herself in his eyes. Shaking her head out of her trance, she pasted on a smile and asked, “Shall we go see what my dad and brother are up to?”

  “It sounds like a good idea,” he said, still confused by her behavior, not that she blamed him. Holding out his arms for them, he crooned, “Ladies.”

  With surprising speed, Fallon wrapped her arms around his arm and plastered her body against his side, but she was grinning at Flynn the entire time. Trying to keep her fluttering pulse under control, Flynn took a breath before she looped a single arm through his other arm, keeping enough space between them to park a bus. But he wasn’t having any of that as he tugged her until she was plastered against his side as well.


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