The Slaver Wars: First Strike (The Slaver Wars Book Four)

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The Slaver Wars: First Strike (The Slaver Wars Book Four) Page 4

by Weil, Raymond L.

“A Vanquisher class battleship,” Admiral Tolsen spoke, his eyes widening at the thought.

  He could only imagine what it would be like to command a ship as powerful as this one was supposed to be. Some of the ship designers even claimed it could take on an AI ship and win. Tolsen wasn’t so sure about that. The ship had not even been tested in combat as of yet.

  “What name shall we give the new ship?” Freeman asked. It was only right that Admiral Streth be given the most powerful ship in the fleet as his flagship. If it wasn’t for the admiral, none of them would be here.

  Admiral Johnson smiled. She had already thought of the name. “We will name the ship after the most famous ship ever to serve in our fleet. The ship will be named the StarStrike!”


  Two days later, Admiral Johnson gazed at the multiple viewscreens on the front wall of her flagship the Conqueror class battle cruiser Victory. They were approaching Earth and her meeting with the Federation Council. The Sol System was the only other system with defenses that compared to New Tellus. Karla knew that a big reason for that was due to Ceres being there. Ceres was where the Federation survivors had settled after fleeing Earth and the Spanish Flu. Currently over two million Federation citizens lived in the large manmade habitats inside the massive asteroid.

  “We have Luna Control on communications,” Commander Breeman reported as the communications officer began speaking with her counterpart.

  On the main viewscreen, the view switched to show a small crater on the Moon’s surface. The crater floor was covered with buildings and a dome that allowed Earth normal atmosphere. On the edge of the crater, massive weapon emplacements were visible. This was the venerated Fleet Academy where all Federation officers were trained. It had a marvelous history and Admiral Johnson’s own remote relative, Greg Johnson, was a part of that.

  There were four shipyards on the sensor screen, three in orbit around Earth and another truly massive one above the Moon. This was the only shipyard in the Federation that came even close to being as large as the primary shipyard above New Tellus.

  Even as she watched the sensor screen, two Fleet destroyers made rendezvous with the Victory to serve as her escort to one of the shipyards above Earth. Any ship entering Earth orbit was escorted in. Johnson knew the same thing was done to any ship approaching Ceres. Security in the home system was taken extremely seriously.

  Looking over at the holographic imager above the plotting table, she gazed speculatively at the twelve large violet icons that were in orbit above the Earth. These were gigantic battle stations, nearly three thousand meters in diameter. Unlike the asteroid fortresses around New Tellus, these monstrosities were constructed of metal. Equipped with numerous power beams, lasers, and heavy missiles it was hoped that battle stations of this size would be able to stop an AI vessel. After all, Earth, with her six billion people, was the most heavily populated planet in the Federation.

  “The Federation President and council have been called into session and will be awaiting your appearance,” Commander Breeman reported as he listened to a message over his mini-com from the communications officer. “There is a lot of speculation going around on the news channels about what’s going on. Numerous rumors are being reported that Hocklyn vessels have been spotted in Federation space. Several news stations have already confirmed that two Hocklyn escort cruisers were destroyed above Caden’s World.”

  “Rumors will always circulate,” Admiral Johnson replied with a sigh as the Victory continued her approach to Earth. “It’s not surprising that the news has already gotten out. It will be up to the council and the president as to what the media stations are told about the actual battle.”

  Looking around the Command Center, Karla thought about her decision to activate the Ready Reserve Fleet and turn it over to Admiral Streth. She needed to buy some time to get the Federation ready for war. She hoped that Admiral Streth could buy her that time.


  A few hours later, Admiral Johnson entered the massive Human Federation of Worlds capitol building on Earth. An honor guard of twelve marines escorted her to the innermost sanctum where the president and the twenty-eight senators of the Federation Council were waiting. Entering the spacious conference room, Admiral Johnson noticed that all eyes instantly focused on her. The marine escort did not enter but returned to their previous duties.

  “Admiral Johnson,” President Kincaid spoke with a warm and friendly smile as he stood up. “I hope your trip from New Tellus was uneventful.”

  “It was, Sir,” replied Karla, respectfully. She had known Alvin Kincaid back when he was a senator from Mars. He was a very astute politician and extremely popular with the people of the Federation.

  “Have a seat, Admiral,” President Kincaid said, indicating a chair next to him. “We have a lot to discuss today.”

  For the next hour, Karla answered questions about the StarSearch’s engagement with the Hocklyns. Some of the questions were very pointed, asking for additional details and explanations. It became obvious that many of the senators were frightened as they realized that the war they had been preparing for all these years might have finally arrived.

  “One thing that bothers me is that we attacked first!” Senator Fulbright from the Federation world of Serenity in the Epsilon Eridani system spoke with narrowed eyes. “Why did we not try to establish communications with the Hocklyns first? It has been nearly four hundred years since they destroyed the original Human Federation of Worlds; they could have changed since then. Unprovoked attacks like these will not help us to establish peaceful relations with their empire in the future.”

  “An empire of slaves,” Admiral Johnson reminded him in a cold voice, her eyes turning toward the senator. “Slaves that routinely die in their service to the Hocklyn Slave Empire. Is that what you want for us, Senator?”

  “Of course not,” Senator Fulbright stammered, sounding flustered. “I just meant that if the Hocklyns knew they were up against a powerful military force they might chose the path of peace instead of war.”

  “I know you mean well, Marcus,” interrupted President Kincaid, keeping his voice calm. “We have discussed this many times before. From everything we know, the Hocklyns have never allowed a planet to live outside of their rule. If the Hocklyns find themselves up against a technologically advanced planet that they cannot handle, the AIs are called in. The AI ships wiped out the original Human Federation of Worlds without losing a single ship. Do you want to see AI ships above Serenity?”

  “No, of course not,” Senator Fulbright replied, his eyes looking down.

  He knew he had overstepped himself. He just didn’t want to see his planet destroyed in a war they might not be able to win. He felt that every effort possible should be made to negotiate with the Hocklyns. “I just wish there were some way we could avoid this war.”

  “So do I, Marcus,” President Kincaid replied in a softer voice. “War is a horrible thing. We all would like to avoid it if possible.”

  “Do you believe war is inevitable, Admiral?” Senator Malle of Mars asked. “Is it coming soon?”

  The room became very quiet. A chair squeaked as one of the senators leaned forward to hear Admiral Johnson’s response.

  “War is coming,” she uttered as her eyes swept over the Federation senators. “We can’t avoid it; all we can do is be prepared. Our best experts predict full scale war with the Hocklyns within eighteen months.”

  “Eighteen months!” Senator Fulbright moaned in shock. “We’re all going to die!”

  “Control yourself, Senator,” admonished President Kincaid, his eyes focusing on the senator from Serenity. “We’re not all going to die. The Fleet will protect us.”

  “Admiral, what are your plans to protect us from the Hocklyns?” asked Senator Anderson of Earth, shaking his head in disgust at Senator Fulbright’s outburst. “Surely the Hocklyns will come searching for their missing ships, and when they do they will find the Federation.”

  “We believe that they w
ill come,” confirmed Karla, mentally preparing to try to sell her idea of activating the Ready Reserve Fleet to the council. “I have a plan that may give us some additional time. It’s risky, but I believe it holds a great chance for success.”

  For the next two hours, she described in detail what she wanted to do and a general timeline. Many of the senators asked questions and requested additional information. Some of the information had to be sent for, but at the end of the meeting everyone seemed satisfied.

  “It’s a daring plan you have come up with,” President Kincaid said at last as he took in a deep, steadying breath. “If we don’t do as you suggest how soon before we see major engagements with the Hocklyn fleet in our own space?”

  Federation space was considered to be all the space within thirty light years of Earth. Inside of that space were ten inhabited solar systems and over thirty additional systems with mining operations.

  “As I mentioned earlier, our Intelligence analysts estimate we will see major engagement with Hocklyn forces within eighteen months if we wait and do nothing. If we do as I suggest we may be able to delay this for several years. That will give us the time we need to finish our war preparations.”

  This statement brought a look of worry, and even fear, to the faces of a number of the senators. Several took to talking to each other in subdued voices.

  “Then we have no choice,” commented President Kincaid, standing up and looking grimly around at the gathered senators. “I propose that we approve the activation of the Ready Reserve Fleet and turn it over to Admiral Streth. I propose we also place the Federation on a war footing in preparation for war with the Hocklyn Slave Empire.”

  Senator Anderson of Earth stood and was recognized by the president.

  “Four hundred years ago the Federation warship Avenger crashed upon the moon of Earth and the Federation survivors settled inside Ceres. We have known for nearly two hundred and fifty years that this was in our future.”

  “The Hocklyns will show no mercy,” Senator Barnes from Ceres reminded everyone. He looked slowly around the room. “We either fight or we die.”

  “Well spoken,” Senator Anderson said, nodding at the senator. “The survivors from the original Federation of Worlds know full well what the danger is. I ask that we approve by acclamation the two motions put forth by Admiral Johnson and the president. This war has finally come to our doorstep, and we cannot avoid it. Let us take the appropriate actions to protect the new Federation and its citizens.”

  The vote was held and easily passed. Out of the twenty-eight senators, only two voted against it, both from Serenity.

  President Kincaid nodded as the paperwork was prepared. The two resolutions would be signed by all the approving senators as well as by him.

  Turning to Admiral Johnson, President Kincaid spoke. “Go to Ceres and awaken Admiral Streth and his people. You have the support of the Federation Council and myself to initiate a First Strike against the Hocklyn Slave Empire.

  Chapter Three

  In Hocklyn space, Fleet Commodore Resmunt gazed at the detailed map of the galaxy hanging on his office wall. Four colors dominated the map, each one representing one of the four races that controlled their particular section of the galaxy. In the center was an area nearly ten thousand light years across with no color that was controlled by the AIs. Commodore Resmunt did not let his thoughts dwell on the masters.

  In recent years, the color representing the Hocklyn Slave Empire had slowed down its rapid expansion in this sector of space. Exploration escort cruisers had been vanishing in unusual numbers. A few times the destroyed remnants of the ships had been found, but nothing else. Several Hocklyn scientists had suggested defective self-destructs might be to blame, but an exhaustive inspection of countless Hocklyn ships had not indicated any type of problem with the nuclear charges.

  Countless star systems had reported ghost sensor readings on their long-range sensors. Ships had been sent to investigate, but nothing had ever been found. Normally this would be discounted as mechanical errors, but the excessive number worried the Hocklyn High Council. Hence, Fleet Commodore Resmunt had been sent to the front of this sector where the mysterious sensor readings were the highest. He was known for being cautious as well as being one of the best, if not the best, Fleet Commodore the Hocklyns had. He had also ordered the construction of six new fleet bases to give him a powerful fleet asset to further explore this troublesome area.

  Resmunt turned around and gazed coldly at the four War Leaders that were standing in the center of the room, waiting for his orders. “Progress in this sector has almost stopped,” he grated out in a rasping voice, his large eyes narrowing dangerously. “Under my orders our exploration escort cruisers are now working in groups of two when they jump into unexplored systems. There are currently twenty groups out exploring the edge of this quadrant, which we believe may be near a large high tech civilization that has been destroying our escort cruisers for years.”

  “If it is a high tech civilization, then much honor could await us in combat,” War Leader Bisth spoke in a hard voice. “We have had few opportunities for honor in recent years!”

  “We have found many new civilizations, but all have been primitive or agricultural; only a few have advanced enough to fly to the stars. Those few were weak and easily conquered,” War Leader Sangeth added. He craved for combat against an enemy that would allow him to increase his family’s wealth and honor. He folded his powerful arms across the light armor that he wore.

  Sangeth had been involved in conquering one of those space faring civilizations. It had only taken a few ships to conquer their foe, and the civilization’s ships had been weak and easily destroyed in combat. Honor had been achieved in bringing new worlds to the Hocklyn Empire, but little personal honor had been found in battle.

  Fleet Commodore Resmunt walked over to the window and gazed out at the massive spaceport below him. His office was in a high tower that looked out over the extensive works of concrete and steel. Thousands of slaves toiled upon the spaceport, expanding it and preparing it for what Resmunt thought was potentially in their future.

  He had chosen a hospitable world to build his fleet base upon. Too often Hocklyn leaders chose hazardous worlds to build upon to help control their slaves. Resmunt had gone against that, it was troublesome to have to continuously replace dead or useless slaves because they couldn’t survive the harsh conditions prevalent on some worlds.

  This world was pleasant and reminded Resmunt of what the home worlds must once have been like. It was ninety percent water, and his fleet base was being built upon the largest land mass. The small continent was only six hundred kilometers across, but it would do for the base.

  Up in orbit a shipyard was being prepared which would be capable of repairing any seriously damaged ships. The Hocklyn High Council had questioned this decision, but Resmunt had reminded them that if they did indeed face a serious threat he must be able to repair his warships. The High Council had reluctantly agreed.

  “The exploration cruisers I have sent out will scout twenty systems each and then return,” Resmunt informed the War Leaders as he gazed out at the base. “If any of the twenty groups fails to return, two of your fleets will be sent to investigate. The two fleets will stay separated by one jump in case the first falls into a trap. While achieving honor is important, getting word back as to what is out there is even more so. The High Council agrees, and no honor will be lost if a fleet returns in order to bring back information as to the enemy we are facing.”

  The four War Leaders looked uneasily at each other. None were pleased with this news. Achieving honor was the goal of every Hocklyn warrior.

  “I have chosen you four War Leaders for a reason,” Resmunt continued as he watched a shuttle come in for a landing at the spaceport. “You are known for your tactical abilities as well as for following orders. If we are indeed facing a dangerous enemy, I have no intention of losing ships needlessly.”

  “Then we are to retre
at in the face of the enemy if they are more powerful,” Bisth spoke as he thought this surprising concept over.

  “I don’t believe there is an enemy out there with ships more powerful than ours,” War Leader Sangeth voiced in his rasping tone, his eyes holding back rage at the thought of retreating in the face of an inferior enemy. In normal times, this would result in a massive loss of honor.

  Resmunt turned and gazed coldly at the four War Leaders, then spoke, “If anyone fails to do as I have just ordered, then you will indeed lose honor. The Hocklyn High Council feels there is a high tech civilization out there that may be a direct threat to us. Once it’s detected, we will launch a full scale attack to bring it under our control.” He paused and gazed back at one of the walls. On it was a horrendous and frightening ship. It was a sphere fifteen hundred meters in diameter with constructions all over its surface. It was an AI ship.

  “If we fail to bring this civilization into the empire, then the AIs will destroy it, and there will be no honor for any of us. I will not have any of your throw your ships away pointlessly. The High Council has given me complete control over this sector of space. There will be no loss of honor unless I say so!”

  “Then we will do as you order,” Bisth replied in a neutral voice. He would decide on his own when the time came whether he should retreat in the face of the enemy. “There will be honor for all of us when we meet this new alien race in actual combat.”

  “Honor shall be ours,” repeated the other three War Leaders.

  Resmunt dismissed the four and then returned to stand in front of the map of the galaxy. Under his orders, five additional fleet bases were being built. While not as large as this one, they would allow him to launch a large and coordinated attack against any opponent. Each would have a full battle fleet assigned to it. He was confident he would be able to subdue this mysterious race that had been troubling them for so many years. His victory would bring much honor to him and limitless wealth to his family.


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