The Slaver Wars: First Strike (The Slaver Wars Book Four)

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The Slaver Wars: First Strike (The Slaver Wars Book Four) Page 24

by Weil, Raymond L.


  Admiral Streth watched the main viewscreen as the StarStrike and the rest of First Fleet made the transition from hyperspace and exited the spatial vortexes. First Fleet comprised seventy-one powerful warships.

  “Jump complete,” Captain Jarvis Reynolds reported from the ship’s main sensor console. Captain Reynolds was from Harmony in the Alpha Centauri star system

  “All ships moving into standard defensive formation,” Colonel Trist informed the admiral. He was standing at the main tactical holo display, watching intently as the ships moved into position. Trist had been third in command of the old StarStrike and had gone into cryosleep along with the admiral.

  Hedon nodded and switched his gaze to the tactical display as the ships moved into position.

  “No trace of enemy ships,” Clarissa added as she checked the ship’s powerful sensors.

  She was standing just behind the admiral, her deep blue eyes gazing with pleasure around the large Command Center. Since Katie had given her the ability to appear as a hologram, she very seldom missed an opportunity to do so. It had made her ability to communicate and interact with the crew far better than ever before.

  “The supply fleet?” Hedon asked as the main viewscreen switched to show one of the other ships in the fleet. It was the Conqueror class battle cruiser Matterhorn.

  “It will be arriving in five more minutes,” Clarissa reported in her contralto voice, which sounded like an attractive young woman. Clarissa was wearing her blonde hair cut short closer to Fleet regs, but it was still longer than most of the women on the ship. She liked her long hair and had decided to compromise and not cut it back completely.

  Admiral Streth leaned back in his command chair and gazed speculatively around the large Command Center. There were two tactical holo displays to his right and two more on his left, which allowed him to see and direct any battle or needed fleet deployment. Two fleet officers manned each one.

  In front of him, in a gentle arc, were the rest of the ship’s major control stations. Communications, Helm, Navigation, Sensors, Damage Control, Tactical, and Life Support. Tactical was the largest, with six officers sitting in front of the massive control console. Other stations and control consoles were set up against the walls with numerous controls and viewscreens. On the front wall of the StarStrike was a massive center viewscreen with secondary viewscreens on both sides of it.

  “Supply fleet emerging now,” Clarissa informed Hedon as the main viewscreen switched to show numerous blue-white vortexes forming a short but safe distance from First Fleet.

  Hedon watched as over the next two minutes. Another one hundred and fifty three ships blinked into existence as they exited the swirling spatial vortexes.

  “Rear Admiral Kimmel is reporting everything normal,” Colonel Trist said as he spoke to the admiral over his mini-com. “He is requesting that we stay in this system for an extra two hours as several of his supply ships are reporting a slight harmony discrepancy in their FTL drives.”

  Hedon nodded as this was not unexpected. “We can do that. We were going to stop in the next system to retune the FTL drives anyway. Captain Duncan, inform all fleet units that we will be staying in this system for eight hours.”

  There were six fleets taking part in Operation First Strike. They were currently traveling in three separate task groups so if the Hocklyns detected one group they wouldn’t realize the full extent of the forces coming toward them. All six fleets were scheduled to make rendezvous in a double star system a short distance away from Hocklyn space.

  “Four days and no sign of the Hocklyns,” Colonel Trist commented as he walked over to stand next to the command console. It was located on a slightly raised dais so the commanding officer could have a good overall view of the Command Center.

  “The risk of discovery will be higher as we near Hocklyn space,” Clarissa reminded him as she stepped over closer to the colonel. “The Hocklyns are bound to have a few escorts cruisers and armed scouts on patrol as we get nearer to their empire.”

  “That’s why we have the stealth scouts with us,” remarked Hedon, looking over at Clarissa and Colonel Trist. “They will continue to reconnoiter ahead of our line of advance and report if any Hocklyns are waiting for us.”

  “Commander Layton is launching the scouts now,” Captain Janice Duncan reported. She was from the planet Horizon in the Tau Ceti system.

  Hedon glanced at the tactical display nearest him where the battle carrier Columbia was located. It depicted half a dozen green icons leaving the carrier, but Hedon knew the small scout ships were nearly undetectable. A few moments later, the large viewscreen showed six blue-white spatial vortexes form as the scouts made their jumps to check on the nearer star systems and then on to the Fleet’s next planned destination.

  “Carrier Challenger is launching a full CAP,” Captain Reynolds added as twenty Talon fighters launched from her flight bay. Due to the size of the two fleets, a full squadron of fighters was being used for patrol.

  “Final scans of the system are in,” Clarissa reported as her eyes seemed to focus on a faraway point. “System is clear of any artificial emissions.”

  Hedon breathed a relaxed sigh of relief. There was always the chance they could stumble across a Hocklyn escort cruiser that the stealth scouts had missed, but so far their luck was holding. Turning back to the main viewscreen, which was now focused on one of the battle carriers, Hedon thought about what this mission meant. To him, it was the first step to someday returning home. He knew the odds were against him, but he fully intended to return to Maken someday. To rebuild that cabin by the lake was a burning desire if not for him, for the memory of his brother and his brother’s wife Lendle. The cabin had become a symbol to him of what it would mean to defeat the Hocklyns.


  Jeremy breathed a heavy sigh of relief as the Avenger re-entered normal space. Every day they came nearer to Hocklyn occupied territory. Prior to each emergence from hyperspace, he could feel the nervous expectation in the command crew. Each exit out of a spatial vortex could find a Hocklyn escort cruiser or even a fleet waiting for them.

  “All ships reporting successful jumps,” Kevin spoke from his sensor console as he watched the twenty-eight green icons on his sensor screen. “Fifth Fleet should be appearing shortly.” Looking at the screen, he noted that even with Ariel’s help the average ship was still separated by a minimum of ten kilometers.

  “Four more days until we arrive at the rendezvous,” Ariel commented from where she was standing next to Jeremy.

  She looked over and smiled at the young admiral, knowing his father would be extremely proud of his son. Ariel’s eyes glazed over in remembrance; she had lost so many friends over the years. The entire crew of the first Avenger, Katie and Jeremy’s parents, and there were others. She also knew that if not for Katie, she wouldn’t be here either.

  “Fifth Fleet emerging,” Colonel Malen reported as more friendly green icons began appearing on her tactical display above the plotting table. After a few minutes, sixty-two more Federation ships were in the system.

  “We’re getting closer,” Angela spoke to Kelsey over her mini-com as she looked up at the main viewscreen, which at the moment was focused on a sea of unwinking stars. The star patterns were not familiar as they had moved far away from Federation space.

  “I know,” Kelsey replied as she entered hyperspace equations into her computer; she was already plotting the next jump. “I talked to Ariel last night, and she has all the confidence in the world in Jeremy. She won’t admit it, but I think Ariel is anxious to attack the AIs.”

  “They destroyed my home worlds,” Ariel spoke over the girl’s mini-com. “The first crew of the Avenger died without getting a chance for revenge for the destruction and death the Hocklyns brought upon us.”

  Kelsey sighed; sometimes she forgot that Ariel could hear everything they said. They had all agreed before the start of the mission that Ariel would be allowed to listen to everything they said
over the mini-coms. The only place they had complete privacy were their quarters and then only if they asked for it.

  “Revenge is not a good reason to go into battle,” Katie suddenly spoke. “We are fighting to preserve the new Human Federation of Worlds, and perhaps someday we can even retake the old Federation planets.”

  Ariel was silent for a moment. While she did have and understood human emotions, they were still very difficult for her to handle at times. “You’re right, Katie,” she replied. “I just hope to see that day come. Clarissa and I both would like to return home someday. I think all of the Federation survivors want that.”

  Kelsey nodded her head in understanding. Her parents were over two hundred years in the past, and there were days she truly missed them. Not hearing her father’s strict voice as he instructed her how to fly a shuttle, her mother reminding her that Admiral Anlon only had his daughter’s best interests at heart. She was glad that she had her friends with her or this would be almost unbearable.

  Katie was busy at her computer system’s control console. She became aware of a presence behind her and turning saw Ariel standing there. She had come over from where she had been standing by the admiral.

  “Emotions are very difficult to handle,” Ariel confessed with her hands on her shapely hips. “Even more so since I can now use this hologram to project my feelings.”

  “You are becoming more human every day,” Katie responded with a friendly smile. “You’re my best friend, Ariel.”

  “And you are mine,” Ariel replied with a pleased glint in her eyes. “I have never regretted the day I first made my presence known to you.”

  “Not even after I used our friendship to sneak aboard the New Horizon?” Katie reminded her. After the New Horizon incident, Ariel had given Katie a very strict lecture about friendship.

  “Not even then,” Ariel admitted. “All friendships have their bad moments.”

  Katie nodded, even now she could sense the care and concern in Ariel’s computer generated voice.


  Rear Admiral Sheen was studying the tactical display and all the green icons floating there. Second and Third fleet had jumped into the next system on their way to the rendezvous with Fleet Admiral Streth.

  “All ships reporting normal status,” Colonel David Bryson the ship’s executive officer reported. On the tactical display, one hundred and twenty Federation warships were shown.

  “Two more days,” Commander Samantha Evans commented as she stepped over closer to the admiral. “Still no sign of the Hocklyns.”

  “The odds of us encountering a Hocklyn ship or even one of their scouts increases as we near their space,” Amanda reminded the ship’s commander.

  “Sensors report no threats in our immediate area,” Lieutenant Stalls informed them.

  “Still no Hocklyns,” Lieutenant Trask commented over her mini-com to Benjamin. “I get more nervous every day.”

  “We will find them soon enough,” Stalls replied. This wasn’t like the old days aboard the old StarStrike. They were actually going on the offensive to take the fight to the Hocklyns.

  “I just worry about what we will find,” Lieutenant Ashton added, her voice sounding concerned. The young blonde navigation officer had already finished plotting the next jump. “Remember what happened when we went into Hocklyn space and then returned? I don’t want that to happen again.”

  “It won’t,” Angela Trask promised. “We are laying communication buoys between us and the Federation. If anything were to happen we would know about it and return.”

  “I think it’s the Hocklyns that should be worried,” Benjamin said in firm voice. “The new Human Federation of Worlds has had over two hundred years to prepare for this. The Hocklyns are in for a rude awakening, and for once it will be them losing worlds, not us.”


  Amanda sat back in her command chair and looked around the bustling Command Center. She felt some comfort at seeing Lieutenant’s Trask, Stalls, and Ashton at their consoles. They had been with her from the very beginning, and she had all the confidence in the world in them. She just hoped they all lived to see the end of this. She closed her eyes briefly and thought about Richard and his concerns about this mission. He understood its importance and her role, but it was always difficult for a husband and wife to be separated in these circumstances. Amanda understood there was a chance she wouldn’t make it back. If that occurred, she had left a message for Richard with Fleet Admiral Johnson. She hoped that Admiral Johnson would never have to deliver it.


  It was rendezvous day, and Fleet Admiral Streth watched as his various commands put in an appearance. In the past six hours, all of the separate task groups had dropped out of hyperspace and reported in. Four hundred and thirty-two friendly green icons were represented on one of the large tactical holo displays. This included the supply ships and other non-combat vessels, but it was still a massive amount of firepower the Hocklyns were about to be hit with. Far greater than anything the old Federation had possessed.

  “When we hit their bases, they will know they are up against a large and advanced civilization,” Clarissa commented as she checked on the status of all the ships in the various fleets.

  She was also speaking to Ariel over on the Avenger. The two liked to keep each other updated on what they were learning, especially with their new hologram images.

  “From what we know of Hocklyn history, they have very seldom had to fight against a well organized opponent,” responded Hedon, recalling what they had learned on First Fleet’s clandestine mission into Hocklyn controlled space so long ago.

  “The only problem is whenever they have, they call in the AIs,” Colonel Trist commented with narrow eyes. “We can only hope that there are no AI ships close by when we launch our attack.”

  “From what we know of the AIs, they only put in an appearance after the Hocklyns report that they have run into an advanced civilization,” added Clarissa, folding her arms across her ample chest.

  One of the things she had done was increase her breast size for the hologram. She felt it made her more attractive and drew more attention. She wasn’t quite sure why, but the males of the crew seemed much more attentive. Katie though had given her a lecture about not going to the extreme and had limited what she could change.

  “I guess the big question is how soon after our attack will the Hocklyns scream for help and when will the AIs show up?” asked Colonel Trist, looking over at Clarissa and wondering if she had any insight into this.

  “Unknown,” responded Clarissa, shaking her head. “We don’t know the capability of the AI’s jump drive other than it is very advanced. We should have a few months at the minimum before they can respond.”

  “They will come with a Hocklyn war fleet,” added Hedon, recalling how they had attacked the original Human Federation of Worlds. The AIs had wiped out the Federation fleets and then left the Hocklyns to do the dirty work of eliminating the civilian population. “It will take them a while to gather a sufficient fleet to drive us out of their territory.”

  “Then what?” Trist asked.

  “We fall back to New Tellus and lure them into that system’s defenses. If we can annihilate the first attack by the AIs and the Hocklyns, we can buy the Federation some much needed time.”

  All three became quiet as they mulled this over. This was going to be a long war, but this time the Federation had some allies. The Hocklyns and their masters the AIs would find this new Human Federation of Worlds to be no pushover.

  Finally, Admiral Streth turned to the other two. “All fleets have sixteen hours to make ready for battle. We will split the fleets in the morning and set off for our individual target systems. Our attacks will be coordinated, and we will launch our initial assault in seventy-two hours.”


  On Earth, President Kincaid was meeting once more with Fleet Admiral Johnson.

  “Karla, how much longer before Admiral Streth launches his attack?”

  “Another forty-eight to seventy-two hours,” she replied. She looked down at a computer pad she was holding in her right hand. “Admiral Streth and his fleets should have reached the outskirts of Hocklyn controlled space by now. Our latest message from the admiral indicated he would take a short time to retune all the drives of his fleet before moving off to their pre-attack coordinates.”

  “So this is it,” spoke Kincaid, standing up and striding over to the large wall map, which displayed the Federation. “We are about to be officially at war with the Hocklyn Slave Empire.”

  “We have been at war for centuries,” the Fleet Admiral reminded him. “The Hocklyns just didn’t know it.”

  Kincaid ran his fingers over the map. Tau Ceti, Alpha Centauri, Epsilon Eridani, 61 Cygni, Epsilon Indi, Goombridge 1618, Procyon A, New Tellus, and Sol contained all the heavily populated worlds of the Federation. He would be going on the air tomorrow to announce that the Federation was now in a state of war, his words would be broadcast to every civilized world and mining colony in the Federation. He had a meeting later in the day with their three alien allies. They too would be making the same announcement.

  He turned back and looked at Fleet Admiral Johnson who was standing there watching him. “So now it begins,” he stated in a level voice, feeling the sudden weight of war upon his shoulders.

  “Now it begins after nearly four hundred years, the Great War is finally upon us,” replied Karla, calmly.

  They both turned to look at the wall map of the Federation. The Federation was humanity’s last hope for survival. They would do everything in their power to make sure it continued to exist.

  Chapter Fourteen

  High Leader Ankler gazed out the viewport of his council shuttle as it neared Mirrin, a ten-kilometer long artificial space habitat that belonged to his family. Ankler wondered with growing concern if this would be the last time he returned to his home as High Leader. In three more days, another vote would be held about the humans and notifying the AIs. From his latest words with Nartel earlier in the day, he knew he would lose the vote.


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