The Slaver Wars: First Strike (The Slaver Wars Book Four)

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The Slaver Wars: First Strike (The Slaver Wars Book Four) Page 32

by Weil, Raymond L.

  “AIs are opening up some type of defensive fire,” Tactical reported.

  Hedon watched in horror one of the large tactical displays showing the bombers. In multitudes, they were being wiped out.

  “Bombers launching their missiles,” Colonel Trist reported, his throat suddenly feeling very dry. “They are attempting to withdraw.”

  In seconds, more nuclear explosions covered the powerful energy screens of the two AI ships. The screens were glowing a steady white from all the energy that was being released. Another AI energy beam leaped out and the strike cruiser Hunter vanished from the screen as her weakened shields were penetrated and her hull exposed. The energy beam shot completely through the ship, cutting her into.

  The StarStrike suddenly shuddered violently, and the lights in the Command Center appreciably dimmed.

  “We got hit by an energy beam,” reported Clarissa, nervously. “Shields are holding at eighty percent.”

  Hedon nodded and took a deep breath. “Continue to close,” he ordered unwaveringly He would ram one of the AI ships if he had to. His eyes focused intently on the main viewscreen, which now showed the two AIs. He was determined that these two AI ships would not be leaving this system, no matter what the cost.


  Fleet Commodore Resmunt allowed himself to smile, knowing that victory was once more within easy reach. The remaining ships in his fleet were nearly within engagement range of the humans. He had sixty-three warships still under his command, including twenty-three capital ships. It was time to make the humans pay for what they had done to his shipyard and fleet a few days earlier.

  “Honor is before us,” he spoke as he prepared to give the word to fire on the two human fleets before him.

  “Honor is before us,” First Leader Ganth agreed. Ganth was feeing jubilant. He reached down and ran his right hand over the jeweled hilt of his knife. With the AIs here, victory was assured. Much honor would soon be coming their way.


  Admiral Stillson had jumped his fleet into the outer periphery of the system. Long-range scans already showed Admiral Streth was already heavily engaged with the two AIs ships.

  “Status of First Fleet!” he demanded as he gave the order for the navigation officer to plot a jump as close to Admiral Streth’s position as possible.

  “First Fleet has already lost three battle cruisers and one strike cruiser, other ships are damaged, and the StarStrike is under heavy attack,” Colonel Jarvington replied in a stunned voice as he studied the scans that were coming in. “I think Admiral Streth intends to ram one of the AI ships!”

  “Prepare to jump,” ordered Stillson, worriedly. He couldn’t let Admiral Streth sacrifice himself. The drive core could still handle a short micro-jump, and he intended to jump directly into the fire. “All weapons to target the AI ships as soon as systems come online. Use of Devastator and Devastator Three missiles is authorized.”

  “Jump plotted,” the navigation officer reported.

  “Jump!” Stillson ordered. He had to save Admiral Streth! The Federation couldn’t afford to lose its greatest hero.


  Hedon felt the StarStrike take another heavy blow. Smoke was drifting across the Command Center as the ship’s systems were pushed to their limits.

  “Shields are at forty percent,” reported Clarissa, worriedly. She was hurriedly shifting power feeds and cutting out what she considered non-essential systems all in an attempt to strengthen the weakening energy shield.

  “Battle cruiser Matterhorn is reporting heavy damage, their shields are down,” Colonel Trist spoke, his face drained of color

  “New contacts!” yelled Captain Reynolds. “Its Admiral Stillson from New Tellus, he’s brought eight battle cruisers, four strike cruisers, and one carrier!”

  “He’s turning to engage the AIs,” Trist reported as he gazed with relief at one of the tactical screens. It should take some of the pressure off the StarStrike, at least enough to allow them to recharge the ship’s shields.

  Clarissa felt the attack ease. With the advent of the new ships, the AIs were shifting their fire. She could sense the energy screen on the StarStrike quickly strengthening. She would live a little bit longer.

  Trist looked over at Admiral Streth. “Where the hell did Admiral Stillson come from?”

  “I don’t know,” Hedon replied confused by the appearance of the new ships. “But we need to press the attack. This might be our only chance to destroy these two AI ships.” Hedon quickly contacted Admiral Stillson, directing him to focus all of his firepower on just one of the AI ships.


  Amanda felt the WarStorm shudder again as a Hocklyn missile managed to penetrate the energy screen and detonate against the hull. Space between her fleet and the Hocklyns was full of exploding ordnance and missile trails.

  Both sides were losing ships, but Second and Third Fleet had nearly a two to one advantage in ships and were rapidly wearing the Hocklyn fleet down. If the AIs didn’t intervene, this battle would be over in another few minutes. She tapped her mini-com, putting her in contact with Admiral Adler. “Jacob, launch your bomber strike, its time we finished this.”

  “On their way, Amanda,” Admiral Adler replied.

  As Amanda watched, the bombers launched. Turning her attention back to one of the sensor screens, she saw that more Federation ships had arrived to help First Fleet. She also noticed that nearly half the First Fleet icons were missing. Forcing herself to focus, she turned back to the battle at hand. She needed to deal with the Hocklyns first and then worry about the AIs. She also didn’t have the time to figure out where the additional Federation ships had come from.


  Resmunt snarled in anger as another of his war cruisers vanished from his sensors as its self-destructs went off. The battle was not going well. He had hoped the human fleets would be distracted by the arrival of the AIs. He now realized he should have waited longer to launch his attack. The AIs were still engaged with the human fleets outside of the planet’s gravity well. He had thought by now it would have been over and they would have jumped in to engage the human fleets he was attacking.

  “Move us in closer to the human fleet,” he ordered, wanting his weapons to be more effective. “If honor is to come our way today, we will meet it with the deaths of these humans.”

  “As you order,” First Leader Ganth responded as he moved to comply. Even as ordered the fleet to move closer, he saw another human destroyer vanish from the sensor screens as the Liberator’s energy beams annihilated it. With each destroyed human ship, more honor came to the crew of the flagship.


  Amanda winced as the destroyer Albright disappeared in a blaze of light on the main viewscreen. Too many of her ships were dying. Looking over at the damage control console, she saw a number of red lights burning steadily. The WarStorm was still taking damage.

  “Shifting fire to Hocklyn war cruiser,” Lieutenant Mason at tactical reported.

  From the WarStorm, its twin power beams leaped out, striking the war cruiser’s energy screen. The screen wavered, and then it was struck by a combination of Klave high explosive missiles and four ten-kiloton Devastators. The shield collapsed in several areas and railgun rounds as well as missiles struck the armored hull. Massive gashes were torn in the hull and explosive decompression ran through the outer edges of the Hocklyn ship. Then a Devastator missile penetrated and blasted the Hocklyn war cruiser into burning wreckage. Seconds later, its self-destructs went off and the ship was gone.

  “War cruiser is down,” Lieutenant Stalls reported in a satisfied voice.

  “Bomber strike is going in now,” Commander Evans informed Admiral Sheen as the Anlon bombers swept past the WarStorm in their squadron formations.

  Amanda nodded. The bomber strike would deeply hurt the Hocklyns and then her warships could move in and finish them off. This part of the battle was almost over, but the battle against the two AI ships might just be beginning. Her eyes shifted over to one
of the sensor screens, and with relief she saw that the StarStrike was still fighting.


  The Avenger and Nemesis exited two blue-white spatial vortexes just 20 million kilometers from the AI ships.

  “Status,” barked Jeremy as the systems quickly came back online and the main tactical display lit up.

  “Both AI ships are still intact,” reported Ariel, uneasily. “First Fleet has lost nearly seventy percent of their heavy units. There is also a Ceres Fleet under command of Admiral Stillson in the system attempting to take on the AIs. According to Clarissa, Admiral Stillson has lost thirty percent of his relief fleet in the last four minutes. She also reports that their weapons, including the Devastator Threes, have been ineffective in knocking down the AI’s energy shields.”

  “Suggestions?” Jeremy asked, his face showing deep lines of worry. He knew if they could not destroy these two AI ships then Operation First Strike would be a failure and the AIs would turn immediately and attack the Federation. There had to be a solution!

  “In a moment,” Ariel responded as she studied the data coming in from the sensors.

  She began running numerous attack simulations on the ship’s main computer. She was also deeply worried about the StarStrike. Clarissa had just informed her that the ship was suffering heavy damage and that she was afraid Admiral Streth was going to attempt to ram one of the two AI ships. Ariel had never heard fear in Clarissa’s voice until now.

  “Quickly, Ariel,” urged Jeremy, seeing another battle cruiser vanish from the tactical display. “We’re losing a lot of ships!”

  Angela and Kelsey looked fearfully at the main viewscreen, which Ariel had focused on one of the two AI ships.

  “They’re destroying First Fleet,” Angela cried in anguish, looking over at Kelsey. “What are we going to do?”

  “I don’t know,” Kelsey replied her heart beating rapidly. “We have to find a way to defeat them.”

  “Give Aerial and Jeremy a chance,” Kevin spoke hesitantly over their mini-com. They will come up with something.”

  Suddenly Ariel froze, and then ran the data one more time in a simulation.

  “I have it,” she spoke triumphantly a satisfied smile crossing her face. “Give me complete control of the Avenger and the Nemesis and I can destroy the AI ships.”

  “Are you certain?” Jeremy demanded, his eyes widening. “How?”

  “First Fleet and the Ceres Fleet are still using Devastator Threes, and I am detecting a slight weakening of the shield whenever one hits. I intend to place four Devastator Three missiles within twenty meters of each other and detonate them simultaneously. It should knock a brief small hole in the shield where another Devastator can be fired through. My simulations show a ninety percent probability of success.”

  “What timeline do the missiles have to be detonated in?” asked Jeremy, listening intently to Ariel.

  “Within microseconds,” Ariel admitted. “That’s why either Clarissa or I will have to handle it.”

  “Do it,” Jeremy ordered grim faced as another Ceres strike cruiser vanished from the tactical screen. “Let’s go destroy some AIs!”


  “Admiral, the Avenger and Nemesis just jumped into the system,” Colonel Trist reported, his eyes growing even more worried as additional red lights flared up on the damage control console. The StarStrike was starting to take damage again. Already, numerous departments had been ripped open to the deadly vacuum of space. There were also several uncontrolled fires burning further within the ship’s hull where AI energy beams had penetrated.

  “What!” Admiral Streth roared with deep concern in his eyes. Admiral Strong was essential in the negotiations with the bears. He couldn’t be risked in this battle. “Order him to jump out immediately!”

  “Hold,” Clarissa suddenly spoke her holographic image appearing next to the admiral. “Ariel has figured out a way to destroy the AI ships, Admiral. She has transmitted the information to me. I need full control of the StarStrike and all of her weapons systems. This is something that only Ariel or I can do.”

  Hedon looked critically over at the AI. He knew he had no other choice. They were losing the battle. “Very well, Clarissa, the ship is yours. If this fails, then I intend to use the StarStrike to ram one of the two AI ships.”

  Clarissa nodded her understanding, but she had no intention of failing.


  The Avenger and Nemesis suddenly exited two blue-white spatial vortexes less than ten thousand kilometers away from the two AI ships.

  “Target lock on sphere one,” Ariel reported as she turned both ships toward the two AIs. “Firing Devastator Threes.”

  On the outer hulls of the Avenger and Nemesis, four hatches opened on each ship and, after a brief flicker of movement and a slight flash, were still.

  “Impact on target one,” Ariel reported, her sensors reaching out and tracking the sublight missiles and their twenty-megaton warheads. “Detonation.”

  Four massive nuclear explosions roared against the energy shield of the designated AI ship, creating a hole less than ten meters across. But that was all Ariel needed. Two of the remaining four Devastator Three missiles impacted on the side of the shield, but the other two flashed through and two twenty-megaton warheads struck the armored hull of the AI ship. The AI ship was thrown to one side as its armor was ravaged and peeled away by the powerful blasts. The energy shield wavered and then failed completely.

  “All weapons, fire!” Jeremy ordered as Ariel drove the two strike cruisers toward their target. More missiles left the launching tubes, both Devastator and Devastator Threes. Underneath their withering fire, the AI ship burned.


  “They got it!” Colonel Trist yelled excitedly at the top of his voice as the AI ship writhed on the main viewscreen. “The Avenger and Nemesis have done it!

  “Take us in, Clarissa,” ordered Admiral Streth, knowing now they had a real chance. “Now it’s our turn.”

  Clarissa quickly took over all of the ship’s key systems and made ready to fire their last nine Devastator Three missiles. She had additional data from scanning Ariel’s attack. Ariel was also speaking to her, offering suggestions.

  The hatches slid open, and the missiles launched. She used six missiles to blow a larger hole in the AI’s shield, allowing the other three missiles to flash through the twenty-meter wide opening. All three detonated against the hull of the AI warship, causing massive damage, and then secondary explosions began going off, hurling entire sections of the AI ship into space. The shield failed and the remaining First Fleet and Ceres Fleet ships began pouring heavy weapons fire upon the AI. In just a short few moments, it was over, and both AI ships were nothing more than burning husks.

  “We got them,” Colonel Trist spoke with a big, satisfied smile breaking out on his face. “We just destroyed two AI ships!”

  “Thanks to Admiral Strong and Ariel,” responded Hedon, forcing his breathing to slow back down. He stood up and walked over to where Colonel Trist was standing next to one of the tactical displays. He then became aware of a strange sound. The entire command crew was standing up, clapping their hands, and slapping each other on the back. He could hear cheering and loud screams of joy over his mini-com. Hedon allowed himself to smile. A lot of good people had just died, but they now knew how to destroy the AIs.


  Fleet Commodore Resmunt looked on in shock as the humans destroyed the two AI ships with their powerful missiles.

  “That’s impossible!” First Leader Ganth uttered in a stunned voice as the two AI ships succumbed to the human attack. “The AIs can’t be destroyed!”

  “Until now,” Resmunt replied in a low voice, his large eyes growing wide at what he was seeing. Never in all the history of the empire had an AI ship even been damaged in battle. And now, here, in front of his very eyes, two had just been destroyed!

  The enemy’s bomber attack was in the process of withdrawing after letting loose numerous nuclear tipped mi
ssiles against his fleet. Resmunt had fired a good twenty percent of his available nukes, detonating them in and around the small enemy bombers and destroying many of the missiles as well as hundreds of the small ships. Even so, the attack had been devastating against his remaining ships.

  “What do we have left?” he demanded, turning toward First Leader Ganth.

  “Four dreadnoughts, including the Liberator and eight war cruisers. All of the escort cruisers are either too damaged to continue or have been destroyed.”

  “Have all our remaining ships form up on the Liberator and set a course of 776 by 212 axis 31,” he ordered.

  “That’s away from the battle!” protested Ganth. “We can’t withdraw, honor is at stake.”

  “You don’t understand,” hissed Resmunt, motioning toward a viewscreen that showed one of the now smoldering AI ships. “We must get word back to the empire that the humans know how to destroy an AI ship. That report alone will bring honor to us for revealing this threat to the AIs.”

  Ganth hesitated and then passed on the order. He knew Fleet Commodore Resmunt was right. The word must be spread that the humans could defeat an AI ship; that information would shake the empire.


  Amanda watched in frustration as the remaining Hocklyn ships turned and fled from her fleet. “Can we catch them?” she demanded, looking over at Commander Evans.

  “No, Admiral,” answered Evans, shaking her head. “They are already accelerating and will be at full sublight shortly. We can’t get back into effective weapons range soon enough.”

  Amanda leaned back in her command chair and let out a long breath of disappointment. She then gazed back at the main viewscreen, which showed one of the destroyed AIs ships. She didn’t know how, but someway Admiral Streth had managed to figure out a way to destroy the AIs. It was a partial victory at least. She knew now with confidence that Operation First Strike would continue.


  Fleet Commodore Resmunt had his remaining fleet jump immediately after they cleared the planet’s gravity well. The rest of the human ships were too disorganized and damaged by their battle with the two AI ships to prevent him from escaping with the news of what they had done.


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