Out of Bounds: Love of Sports book 1

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Out of Bounds: Love of Sports book 1 Page 3

by T. A. Chase

“You ready for this, baby? Are you sure you want it?” Gram asked, positioning the head of his cock at Kasey’s opening.

  Kasey bit his lip and nodded. Hell yes, he wanted it. There was no better feeling in the world than getting fucked by a man who knew what he was doing. Gram wrapped his hands over Kasey’s hips, easing him back on Gram’s cock. A groan tore from Kasey’s throat as his body relaxed and took Gram in.

  So full, he thought when Gram was buried balls-deep in his ass. Gram held still for a moment, letting him adjust to the stretch and burn. He concentrated on breathing and soon his body rocked, encouraging Gram to start moving. The slow, gentle thrusts eased him, passion building again.

  “More. Harder.” He was already reduced to single words.

  “Whatever you want. Your hot ass fits my cock like a glove.” Gram growled as he pulled out and slammed back in.

  “Uh” was all Kasey got out before the head of Gram’s cock pegged his gland and his brain shut down.

  “Stroke your cock, baby. I want to feel you come,” Gram ordered.

  Kasey managed to get his hand around his cock and started pumping. He established a rhythm, matching Gram’s, sliding his flesh through his fingers. He gripped his slick shaft in a tight hold, the way he liked it. His legs went up over Gram’s broad shoulders and the man almost bent him in half as Gram leaned forward to brace his hands on the armrest to either side of Kasey’s head.

  The sound of flesh moving together filled the room, mixed with their harsh panting. Tingling settled at the base of Kasey’s spine and he knew it wouldn’t be long. Gram slid one hand under Kasey’s hips and tilted his ass, causing Gram’s thrusts to go deeper and nail Kasey’s gland with every stroke.

  His balls tightened. “Gonna,” he gasped, warning Gram.

  “Come on my cock. Show me how much you’re enjoying this.”

  Gram crushed their lips together on a hard thrust in and Kasey came, burst of lights sparking behind his closed eyelids. His inner muscles clamped down on Gram’s cock as Kasey’s come covered their stomachs and chests.

  He whimpered against Gram’s lips when two shallow strokes later, Gram came.

  “Fuck,” Gram groaned as his hips jerked and he filled the condom.

  Kasey didn’t have the energy to do anything except trail a finger over Gram’s chest, collecting some of the liquid there. He brought his finger to his mouth and sucked.

  “Shit, baby. Keep doing that and I’ll be hard again in no time.” Gram’s brown eyes stared with fierce intent at Kasey’s mouth.

  Kasey winked. “Would that be such a bad thing?”

  Gram shook his head. “No, but I don’t think you’re up to another round at the moment.”

  He wanted to protest, but his eyes kept drifting shut. Gram lowered his legs to the couch and slid out of him. Kasey grimaced at the sticky coating on his stomach. His body ached, but it was a pleasant sensation, not the bone-deep one Kasey usually felt after games. The bruise on his thigh caught his eye. A moment of panic hit him. Gram’s hold on his hips had been pretty strong. He hoped there weren’t any more bruises in places he’d have a hard time explaining.

  “Relax, Kasey. The only way anyone will know you had sex is if you tell them.” Gram smiled down at him, holding a washcloth.

  Kasey pushed the thought away. It was too late to worry about it now and he didn’t want to spend his life hiding from himself, even if he hid from the team. Gram cleaned the drying come off his stomach. Kasey cupped the back of Gram’s head, bringing their lips together in a soft kiss.

  “Thank you,” he whispered.

  Gram brushed a thumb over Kasey’s cheek. “You’re welcome. Why don’t you take a nap? No one will bother you in here.”

  A nap sounded good. He would love to cuddle with Gram, but maybe the man wasn’t into snuggling with his lover after sex. His uncertainty must have shown. Gram gave him a quick kiss.

  “I’d love to join you on the couch, but unfortunately I have a club to run. No rest for the wicked.” Gram strolled across the room, opening up one of the three doors.

  Kasey figured one of them led to the private bathroom where Gram had gotten the washcloth from. He rolled over on his side, curling up so his feet didn’t hang over the edge. Without Gram’s body heat, he started to get chilled.

  “Here you go.”

  A soft blanket was laid over him. He laughed when Gram tucked him in. “Don’t let me sleep too long. Garrett will worry.”

  “I’ll let him know where you are.” Gram handed him a pillow as well. “I’ll be back in a few. Have to make the rounds.”

  Kasey fell asleep before Gram was out of the room.

  Gram sent one more glance over his shoulder at Kasey and shut the door, locking it. No one usually entered his office without his permission or his presence, but he wasn’t taking a chance. Not with one of the most popular pro basketball players sleeping naked on his couch. Anyone looking at Kasey would know he’d been thoroughly fucked.

  He wanted to see more of Kasey, not only for the great sex. He liked him. Their relationship had the potential to become something serious. It would be hard because Kasey had very little time to date or do much of anything until after the season ended.

  Good thing basketball season was half-way over. They could take their time getting to know each other on a deeper scale and during the summer, they’d see what would happen. Gram didn’t want to make plans, but he couldn’t help thinking Kasey was a keeper.

  “Hey boss, where’ve you been?” Bo approached him.

  The annoyance in Bo’s voice made Gram stop and quirk an eyebrow at his manager. It wasn’t often his friend took that tone with him. “I had paperwork to take care of in my office. Why? Is there trouble?”

  Bo gestured back toward Gram’s office. “We should talk privately.”

  “We’ll use the security office. It’s closer.” Gram moved around Bo and headed down the hall.

  “What kind of paperwork were you doing?” Bo leaned in close and sniffed.

  Gram tried not to tense up.

  Bo stepped back. “You smell like sex.”

  “Maybe I was jerking off.” Gram bit his tongue. Great, egg the fucker on. Idiot.

  “I don’t think so. I also caught a whiff of cologne that isn’t yours.” Bo stopped, his mouth dropping open. “You fucked him.”

  One of the club’s waiters walked by and shot them a quick look. Shit. He didn’t want to have this discussion out in the open.

  “Shut your fucking mouth until we get to security. I’m not doing this here.”

  Gram stalked to the security office, unlocked the door and slammed it open. No one was there. Usually Yale, his head of security, sat in the office, monitoring the different cameras. Gram flung himself into a chair and spun around to face his oldest friend.

  “Shut the damn door.” Gram waited until Bo stepped in and shut the door behind him. “We aren’t going to discuss who I might have been with, okay?”

  Bo looked at him and slowly nodded. “We won’t talk about it here, but we will be talking about it.”

  “Why? What difference does it make who I fuck?” Frowning, Gram ran his hand through his hair.

  “If you’re using Johnson, then you better go in, apologize to him and never touch him again.” Bo stood in front of Gram, leaning on the console and crossing his arms.

  “Who the fuck made you my parent?” He held up his hand to stop Bo’s next comment. “I’m not a selfish bastard. I didn’t plan on having sex with him tonight, but I’m not going to drop his ass now that I’ve had it.”

  He sighed and swiveled the chair around to face the screen for the camera feed from the V.I.P. lounge. Garrett danced, surrounded by people, yet the strangest feeling of isolation flowed from Kasey’s brother. Gram wondered where Rich was. The couple had been together for six years before Garrett made it onto the big screen. Now, though, their relationship was falling apart. Gram didn’t have any advice to give the actor. He’d never managed to stay in a relat
ionship longer than a month before the other guy found someone else.

  “I like Kasey, Bo. He’s more than a great ass and a pretty face. I’ve wanted him since I first met him, but when I didn’t know he was gay, I accepted being his friend.” Gram shrugged. “Now there’s the possibility of more and I’m not going to do anything to ruin it.”

  “He’s not out publicly and you don’t hide well,” Bo pointed out. “Do you think he’s ready to have a boyfriend? I mean, look at what all the scrutiny has done to his brother.”

  Gram nodded. “I might be out, but I know how to be discreet. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt him.”

  “Good intentions paved the road to hell, Gram. Remember that.” Bo squeezed Gram’s shoulder.

  “I know. Hell, maybe Kasey did think this was a one night stand. Maybe he won’t want to see me after this.” Gram shook off the sharp disappointment in his heart. God, he hoped that wasn’t the case. He changed the subject. “What did you need to see me about?”

  “One of the customers is hassling Jess.” Bo scowled.

  Gram tensed. He hated when someone overstepped their bounds. It was a nightclub, not a sex club. His waiters weren’t there to be groped or fondled. “Hassling in what way? Is he touching or talking to him?”

  “Lee said it’s just been talking so far. He’s trying to get Jess to agree to meet him after work. Lee’s had run-ins with this guy before and he said it’ll escalate if we don’t do something about it.” Bo moved back as Gram shot to his feet.

  “Switch Jess and Tim. None of Garrett’s friends will hassle him and Tim can take care of himself. If things get worse, toss the man out. I won’t have my employees treated like whores.”

  “Will do, boss.” Bo walked out in front of him.

  Gram shut and locked the security door. He stood in the hallway. Most of his body and mind were telling him to go back to his office. He could see Kasey curled on the couch. He wanted to wrap his arms around that athletic body and breathe in his scent.

  The practical side of his mind told him he had to go out and make the rounds. He needed to shake hands and schmooze the customers. He should check and make sure Garrett had everything he needed. Sighing, he headed to the dance floor. Kasey would be sleeping for a while. There was time to do his job.

  Garrett caught up with him as he hit the lower level dance floor. Gram found himself staring up into a pair of grass green eyes. He was reminded how much the Johnson men looked alike. The tiniest differences helped Gram distinguish between them. One was the color of their eyes.

  Kasey still held onto his air of innocence, for all that he lived and thrived in the cut-throat business of pro basketball. Garrett had seen everything and done everyone. There was always a look of cynicism gracing the actor’s face.

  “Where’s Kasey?” Garrett asked.

  Gram tugged Garrett over into a corner. “He’s sleeping in my office.”

  “He’s all right?” A serious Garrett was a rather unnerving thing to deal with.

  “Yes, he’s exhausted. I locked the door and no one will get in without my permission.”

  From the intense stare from Garrett, Gram felt like he should be swearing on a stack of bibles.

  “Did you fuck him?”

  He might have been startled by Garrett’s direct question, but he wasn’t going to answer the man. “I don’t think it’s any of your business.”

  Garrett gave Gram his most superior sneer. “When it comes to Kasey, everything is my business.”

  “Not this.” Gram pushed past Garrett. “You’ll have to talk to Kasey if you want to know anything.”

  Gram smirked when the muttered curse found his ear. He knew Garrett was curious about Kasey and him, but until Gram talked to Kasey, he wasn’t saying a word to anyone.

  He caught sight of Bo gesturing to him from the edge of the dance floor on the other side of the club. Shaking his head, he strolled toward his friend. It was going to be one of those nights. Gram didn’t feel the normal flare of irritation he got when his club didn’t run smoothly. He knew it had something to do with Kasey sleeping on his couch.

  “We’ve got a problem,” Bo told him as he approached.

  “Tell me,” Gram ordered, pushing Kasey to the back of his mind.

  Chapter Four

  Kasey whimpered. He hadn’t had a dream like this in a long time. His cock was surrounded by moist heat and the most arousing suction was being applied. He moaned, slowly thrusting into his dream lover’s mouth.

  “Feels good,” he whispered, not wanting it to stop.

  The tip of a finger slid in past the first ring of muscles in his ass and then eased out.

  “No. More,” he begged.

  The finger came back, pushing further in. In seconds, Kasey became caught up in the rhythm of fucking his lover’s mouth and impaling his ass on thick fingers.

  “Gonna,” he warned.

  His climax unleashed an explosion of come flooding the condom he wore. His inner muscles clamped down on the three fingers nudging his gland. The fingers pulled out when he finished coming.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, baby. Now I want to fuck that ass of yours.”

  Kasey’s eyes shot open at the sound of the accented voice. Gram stood beside the couch. Kasey watched Gram remove the condom from Kasey’s cock, tie it off and toss it into the wastebasket.

  “Not a dream.” His mind wasn’t functioning at the moment.

  “There’s no need to dream when you can have the real thing.” Gram stroked his own hard cock.

  Kasey licked his lips, wanting to taste Gram. Sitting up, he reached for his lover.

  “No. You can do that some other time. I want to fuck you again.” Gram shook his head.

  “All right.” Kasey wouldn’t argue. “How do you want me?”

  Gram moved a few steps away. “Kneel on the couch, babe, and brace yourself on the back. I want to see what your pretty ass looks like when I take it.”

  Kasey shuddered. Gram’s words turned him on as much as the thought of his ass being filled again. He got into place, tilting his hips and offering his body to Gram.

  “Oh, you’re gorgeous, Kasey.” Awe and reverence held sway in Gram’s voice.

  Goose bumps of pleasure rose on Kasey’s skin as Gram’s hands caressed his back and butt. Gram squeezed both cheeks. Kasey’s head dropped to rest on his arms and his back arched.

  The rattle of foil teased the edge of his hearing, but he was far more focused on the teasing touch of Gram’s finger running from the top of Kasey’s crease to his balls.


  Kasey glanced over his shoulder. Gram stood, cock in hand, poised to slide into Kasey’s ass. He nodded.

  Gram’s flared head breeched Kasey and buried deep inside him. He groaned, letting his head fall back.

  “Tight. Like a fucking glove.” Gram’s voice was strained, but his hands were gentle where they gripped Kasey’s hips.

  “Now, Gram. Please.” Kasey’s body demanded movement. He needed to be taken.

  Gram pulled out, leaving an inch of cock in his ass, slamming back in after a second. Kasey cried out.


  He didn’t care if he sounded like a slut. He loved getting fucked hard and fast. Kasey started pushing back, meeting every thrust with his own, driving Gram deeper and pegging his gland with each stroke.

  His own erection hit the back cushion on the couch. Soon the leather was coated with precum.

  Gram leaned over and bit his shoulder. The sudden flash of pain sent Kasey flying.

  “Gram,” he groaned as white strings of come sprayed the furniture in front of him.

  Two hard quick strokes inside Kasey’s ass and Gram shouted, filling the condom. Kasey milked Gram’s twitching cock, encouraging every drop of pleasure from the man.

  “Damn.” Gram collapsed, covering Kasey’s back with his body. “Sorry, babe.”

  Kasey smiled as a soft kiss brushed over the red mark on h
is shoulder. He’d have to wear a T-shirt until it went away.

  “It’s okay.” He sighed.

  “Are you done in there?” Garrett’s pounding on the door broke up the quiet moment.

  “I’m waking him up. Give us a fucking moment,” Gram yelled back.

  Both groaned as Gram pulled out. Kasey climbed to his feet, grimacing at his aching knees and muscles.

  “He’s awake. I heard him shouting your name.”

  The smug tone in Garrett’s voice made Kasey want to hit him.

  “Keep it up, Garrett. You don’t want me marking up your pretty face, do you?” Kasey threatened.

  “I’ll be good. I’m on location starting tomorrow. Can’t arrive looking like a reject from a bar fight.” Garrett’s words held a smile. “Hey, can I come in? It’s not like I’ve never seen you naked before.”

  Kasey turned to see Gram tucking his silk shirt into faded jeans. Kasey wandered over to where his clothes were folded neatly.

  “Open the door, guys. It’s lonely out here.”

  His brother was pouting. Gram quirked an eyebrow at him.

  “Unlock the door. Where’s the bathroom?”

  Gram pointed to a slightly opened door. Kasey grabbed his clothes and headed to it. He didn’t bother closing the door. He cleaned up, tossing the washcloth he used in the sink. Pulling on his pants, he listened to the conversation in the other room.

  “Guess I don’t need to ask Kasey what happened between you two tonight.” Garrett sounded amused.

  Gram grunted. Kasey heard the small refrigerator in the office open.

  “You want some water, Kasey?” Gram asked.


  “Was it good? He likes to catch, but I bet he’s a pushy bottom. Hey, aren’t you going to offer me anything?” Garrett was indignant.

  “No. You’ve been drinking my top shelf liquor all night. You shouldn’t be thirsty.” Gram stood in the doorway, holding a bottle out to Kasey.

  He took a hold of it and the hand wrapped around it, tugging Gram to him. He dropped a kiss on Gram’s thin lips.

  “Thank you.”

  Gram nodded and Kasey knew Gram understood he wasn’t thanking him only for the water, but for the sex and the privacy as well.


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