Sing Me a Song

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Sing Me a Song Page 7

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Chapter 6

  “The Rusty Horn is badass! Holy shit, Syd, you better land yourself a spot on that stage. I think I’m in heaven,” Ella said as she walked with Sydney toward the bar, squeezing between one hot cowboy after the next.

  Sydney grabbed her arm as they approached the bar to order their first round of drinks. “I need to find the manager and let him know I’m here so I can get a time to go on stage.”

  “Sure thing. I’ll be right here,” Ella said as she stared at two cowboys by the bar and winked.

  She watched Sydney walk away and couldn’t help but see all the men watching her sister. Sydney looked gorgeous as usual. She had that mature, classy look to her and tonight she dressed sexy in hopes of knocking them out with her body and her voice. It only took the past several days to finally get Syd to let Ella pick something out for her to wear. Ella chuckled.

  This place was perfect. There were wall-to-wall people of all ages, twenty-one and over of course. She was thrilled to show her ID, although with Syd auditioning tonight, she had an in anyway. Ella took a sip of her cocktail, a fruity concoction on the two-for-one menu. Another hour left of that then the drinks were full price. She needed to land some cowboys who could flip the drink bill.

  “Good evening, beautiful. Please tell me tonight is my lucky night and that you are here alone.”

  She turned around toward the voice and caught sight of one delicious-looking man. He had a bit of gruff on his chin, was dressed in a designer shirt and dress pants, and looked well off.

  “I may or may not be.”

  He squeezed in next to her, pressing her closer to the bar nearly pinning her into the spot. He was a take control kind of man. She liked that, yet her gut clenched with a little intimidation.

  “I think you’re not alone anymore. Keep me company sweetheart. I don’t want to be lonely tonight,” he said in that deep, Texas accent that did a number to her thighs.

  “I wouldn’t want you to be lonely, cowboy. What’s your name?”

  “The name is Graham. And you are?”


  He took her hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed the top of her hand.

  “Well, Ella, it’s going to be a pleasure to get to know you better.” He eyed over her cleavage and then stared at her lips before he pulled out a hundred dollar bill, showing the bartender.

  “Jack Daniels straight up, and another drink for the lady.”

  They held one another’s gazes and Ella swallowed hard. This guy was good, but she was better. Perhaps she could find out who the dealers in the bar were and she could start planning her big sale of the drugs? Then she would be sitting pretty, have her hands clean of the illegal drugs, and be well off in no time.

  He got his drink and she got her other one. “To new beginnings,” he stated, and they clinked their glasses together.

  To hitting the jackpot.

  * * * *

  Sydney couldn’t worry about Ella right now. She had enough on her mind thinking about going up on that big stage in front of all these people. Holy crap, was it her, or was it getting more and more crowded as the evening went on?

  She was standing by the back wall waiting to head up on stage through the side door. The first two women who sang were pretty good, and locals. The crowd called them by name, but they didn’t really go crazy for them. Then she met Sissy. He was Rusty’s assistant and the one who organized the auditions between the band playing music.

  “Honey, you’ll be fine. If your singing is as hot as your body and your good looks, this crowd is going to go wild for you.”

  Before she could reply, the crowd was booing off one of the singers before her. The girl had chosen a slow country song. Something by Loretta Lynn. But it appeared this crowd wasn’t interested in hearing anything slow.

  Sydney panicked.

  “Wait, you said I had a choice of two songs, a slow one and a faster paced one. Can the band play “Good Girl” by Carrie Underwood?”

  Sissy raised one of her eyebrows up at her. “You’d better be able to sing as good as Underwood or they’ll boo you off, too. It’s going to take some seriously strong vocals to handle that song.”

  “It’s fine. I’ll do it. The crowd seems to dislike slow songs right now. It’s the better choice.”

  “Your decision, honey. Good luck. I’ll let the band know the change.” Sissy walked away and Sydney rubbed her hands together. She walked toward the door that led to the stage, but not before glancing through the crowd. Ella was by the bar still talking to some older guy. Her sister wasn’t even paying attention to her. That was so Ella. She was self-absorbed and didn’t ever worry about anyone but herself. This was Sydney’s dream to perform on stage. It was time to make this happen. She had sacrificed plenty for her family. Now she was doing something for her.

  Just as the lights went down low and the band began to introduce Sydney to the crowd, she spotted Rusty taking a front seat at the bar. He hadn’t appeared for any of the other singers. She instantly thought of Gabby. Perhaps the lady at the temp office did know him well and pushed for him to give her a chance. She needed to impress him.

  Mic in hand, adjusted to her height, she waited for the band to get ready as the crowd gave a general cheer and some clapping. As the lights came up shining upon her, the whistles started along with hoots and some hackling about her body. The beat to the music started and from her first note she sang, she didn’t care about anything but getting caught in the words of the song and its meaning. Midway, the crowd began clapping and cheering and she did her sexy dance as she sung her heart out all the way through to the last note. The crowd erupted in cheers and excitement as she thanked them and started heading off the stage.

  Then she heard the leader of the band call out her name and ask the crowd if they wanted to hear her sing another song. The crowd roared and screamed for her to sing again and she was shocked. She looked at Sissy, who had her clipboard in hand and her finger against the earpiece in her ear. She pulled Sydney closer. “Rusty said for you to sing another. To sing a few more songs and then he’ll meet with you to talk.”

  “Really? Is this normal protocol?” Syd asked.

  “Honey, this has never happened before. You’re going to be famous around here. Now get on up there and give the band a list of three more songs you know you can sing. Then I’ll bring you to Rusty. Oh, and welcome to the Rusty Horn, sweetheart.”

  The leader of the band called Sydney’s name and waved for her to come on up. She felt numb with excitement and shock at it all as she gave him the names of three other songs before she took back the mic, stood in front of the crowd, and bowed to them, letting them know she appreciated their encouragement and love of her voice. Then she sang her heart out for three more songs and knew that her life was never going to be the same again. She found her calling, her present and her future on stage, singing country music and feeling on top of the world.

  * * * *

  Rusty couldn’t help but give the young woman a hug the moment she finally made her way through the crowd of patrons and to his private table. “You have a voice like an angel, so powerful, it gave me the goose bumps. How long have you been singing, doll?” he asked.

  “The last several years I’ve worked in some lounges in New York.”

  “New York? You telling me you’re not even from the South?” he asked, and she looked a bit scared like he would not consider giving her the job and she quickly countered. “My biological father is from around here. As a matter of fact, I recently moved out here to get to know him.”

  “Sounds like you’ve been through some stuff, darling. That makes for raw emotion and downright good soul-touching country music. Damn, I’ve never seen this place erupt like when you’re on stage. How the hell did I get so lucky?”

  She smiled. “You can thank Gabby. I went into her office to get a job they were holding for me, but somehow it got screwed up and the job was given to someone else. Gabby felt badly for me but saw on my re
sume that I sing.”

  “Well hot damn, I’m going to buy her a drink. She should be around here somewhere.” He looked for her an excitement like never before erupted inside of him.

  The drinks came to the table and he toasted her as Sissy joined them.

  “To your future here at the Rusty Horn and elsewhere.”

  They clicked glasses and she took a sip of the whiskey and he downed it.

  “You’re going to be famous. I just hope you remember me when you’re big time.”

  “I’m just looking for steady work right now and to explore this dream of mine to perform like that on stage.”

  “How often did you sing at the lounge in New York?”

  “Twice a week. I had a second job at an office. My mom had been diagnosed with cancer and we struggled the last year in a half with bills, her medical care, and the income. It’s also why we moved out here. I was hoping this was my new start.”

  “Well, doll, I can say with a hundred percent certainty this will be your new start. I’d like to offer you a steady position, a really good salary, and a lot of benefits for working for me. How soon are you available to start practicing with the band?”

  “Does what I just did count as practice?” she asked and he chuckled.

  “Let’s talk numbers. The band gets paid a separate fee for performing. I’ve always been fair, based salary off of how much the crowd likes the performer. I’ll start you next Friday and Saturday night, and you’ll sing three songs each night. If the crowd goes crazy, the buzz starts about you and more people show up just to hear you sing, which I’m sure they will, then your salary doubles as well as the number of songs. How about five hundred dollars?”

  “For both nights?” she asked, sounding shocked.

  “No, for each night so a total of a thousand dollars.”

  “You’ll pay no matter what? I mean even if the crowd doesn’t react as well as tonight’s crowd?”

  She was so sweet, and he instantly liked her. He smiled. “Honey, they are going to love you. That salary will double if not triple in no time at all. I want you to know that I’m being more than fair with my numbers, so ask around town about what other performers get paid for singing or playing a night and by the hour. You’ll see it’s fair.”

  She reached over and shook his hand.

  “Mr. Rusty, I appreciate this opportunity. I know you’re being more than fair. It’s perfect and I’ll come through for you, sir.”

  He chuckled.

  “It’s just Rusty. No need for formalities, Sydney, and welcome.”

  Sissy smiled wide, and then they heard the cheering and people singing “Happy Birthday.”

  “Looks like someone is celebrating tonight,” Rusty said, and Sydney saw her sister smiling wide and laughing as a group of people sung to her.

  “That’s my sister. She turned twenty-one today.”

  “Well, both of you have a drink on me. I’ll see you here in the club on Monday morning around ten to practice.”

  “He won’t be here but I will. Congratulations, Sydney,” Sissy said then shook her hand.

  “Thank you again.”

  Rusty watched her make her way toward her sister. People were congratulating her and giving her compliments, and the men were eating her up with their eyes. “What do you think?”

  “She’s one in a million. Find Gabby, I need to really thank her for hooking us up with Sydney. What a talented young woman.”

  “What a gold mine,” Sissy said and Rusty chuckled.

  He wasn’t so obsessed with making money and hitting it big anymore. He pretty much had everything he ever desired and wanted except for one thing. That would take a miracle to win back a relationship with his family. A miracle.

  Chapter 7

  Ella rolled over keeping her head under the pillow. She didn’t even remember everything that happened last night, just that she had a great time, and she got numerous numbers from different guys wanting to welcome her into town. She smiled as she thought about Graham. He was the connection she needed. She knew that the moment he offered her some drugs to help her celebrate.

  She never did any drugs, but she did know their street value. They got talking and she pretty much knew she could hook him up and make the sale of the drugs. She was pissed that her gut was clenching last night, and even now she had second thoughts. It was a crime for her to be carrying the drugs with her and across state lines. She could get arrested and put in jail for a long time if she were busted. She felt guilty for having the bag of drugs in Matt’s house. Her mom would hate her. Hell, Sydney who finally made her dream come true last night would be destroyed if she knew.

  Sydney had sung so beautifully last night and she was very happy. She’d even enjoyed a few drinks, but of course switched to water a good five hours before they finally left the Rusty Horn.

  Her phone buzzed and she vaguely remembered hearing it during the night last night. Had she glanced down and thought she read Bruno’s name on the ID?

  She pulled it out from under the covers and looked at the front. Suddenly not so dead asleep, she saw the name and the cell number. It was Bruno. He said they needed to talk. Crap!

  Well she had things to do, a shower to take and coffee to consume, and then she had to catch a ride into Fisher with Sydney so she could meet up with Graham. That man was fine, and if she didn’t have Syd to watch over her, Ella would have wound up in bed with the man she didn’t know but planned on getting to know.

  She smiled and then pushed herself up and got out of bed. She sat there a moment as the room slowly spun and her head pounded.

  “Hangover. Great.”

  She got back under the covers and rested, trying to get her head to stop spinning. Coffee and food and shower can wait. I’m not going anywhere.

  * * * *

  Sydney was looking through the racks one more time at the boutique. She met the owner Melissa, who helped her find some nice outfits to wear. She didn’t want to reveal that she would be singing on stage at the Rusty Horn, but she told Melissa she needed something sexy but not too revealing and that she would be in front of a lot of people and wanted to look good and classy. Melissa seemed to understand her need for discretion and also asked about Ella and how her birthday celebrating went.

  Sydney looked at her watch. “Well, I can tell you that she is still in bed and it’s lunchtime.” Melissa chuckled.

  “God, I remember my twenty-first birthday. Oh what a night.”

  “What night was that?” someone asked and Sydney turned around to see a pretty, young woman with long brown hair and green eyes.

  “Talking about turning twenty-one,” Melissa stated.

  “Oh yes, the significant birthday. Who is turning twenty-one?” the woman asked and looked at Sydney, smiling.

  “Not me. I’m twenty-three.”

  “This is Sage, she works over at the Main Street Inn and also with one of her men doing computer investigating.” Melissa introduced Sage and Sydney shook her hand hello.

  “Nice to meet you. That sounds like fun, the investigating part.”

  “Oh it is. I love it. Except for how busy Internet crimes seem to be lately. Other than that it’s cool stuff. Did you just move here?” Sage asked.

  Sydney explained about her mother and her father.

  “Oh God, I love Matt and Jimmy. They are so nice. Matt knows my Matt and Quaid, as well as Dale and Virgo. They’re all retired military. It’s a camaraderie that runs deep,” Sage said.

  “I’ve noticed that there are a lot of military men around here,” Sydney said to them.

  “They’re sure are. Makes for a safe community. In fact, deputy Aubrey has been sitting outside for a little while. His brothers Juno and Hart know Matt well. They must have asked him to watch over you, huh?” Sage said, and Sydney was shocked that Atlas was outside. But then she processed Sage’s words. “Wait, Atlas, Juno and Hart are brothers?”

  Melissa chuckled.

  “Orsin, too,” Sage added.
  “I had no idea. I mean, I’ve met them all once.”

  “Maybe they’ve taken a liking to you. Now that would be something else. Hart and Juno are so intense,” Melissa stated.

  “Orsin is pretty quiet and keeps to himself. Atlas is probably the friendliest, despite his tough guy attitude he has. He takes being a deputy pretty damn seriously. But then again, he was a Marine. Once a Marine always a Marine, right?” Sage said.

  “You’re not kidding,” Mellissa added. But Sydney felt a bit concerned and also interested. She found all four brothers to be very attractive and different. But then there was the whole ménage thing and sharing, as well as the guardianship idea Matt had explained to her and Ella over dinner the other night. Crazy.

  “I think I’m all set,” Sydney told Melissa, and as she rung her items up, Sydney checked her phone and noticed the messages from her mom. She was going out to lunch and for a ride with Jimmy and Matt. It made Sydney wonder if Jimmy and Matt both wanted to be with her mom. Their mom was only in her early forties. Still young. Good for her.

  A funny feeling filled Sydney’s belly as she paid the bill for the clothes and told Melissa she would be back next week when the new items arrived from New York. She also mentioned maybe special ordering something. But Sydney didn’t want to jump the gun. She needed to succeed in drawing in a crowd to the Rusty Horn first. Then ordering special clothing to wear on stage would come to be a reality instead of a fantasy.

  She smiled, waved goodbye, and then headed out the door. She wasn’t surprised to see Atlas standing by the bench outside of the boutique, but she was surprised to see two young women talking to him smiling and looking like they were flirting. Her gut clenched, shocking herself that she felt jealous.

  Before she could turn and head in the direction her car was parked, he spotted her and she turned the complete opposite way and headed down the sidewalk. She figured she would cross up the street a ways and go into the Sweets shop before heading down the opposite side of the street and to her car. Kind of silly to do to avoid him, but she didn’t know why she felt jealous seeing him talking to other young women. He wasn’t her boyfriend. As she thought that, she felt another strange sensation that followed with thoughts of Orsin, Hart, and Juno, too.


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