Sing Me a Song

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Sing Me a Song Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her sweetly. In a flash that kiss grew hot, wild, and filled with passion until she came to her senses and pulled back. They were both breathing heavily, and Orsin was cupping her cheek and chin holding her firmly in place.

  He stared at her lips then her eyes as he spoke to her.

  “Don’t walk away from this connection. Give it a fighting chance.”

  Before she could reply, he pulled her into a hug and held her there. The sounds of the gentle breeze ruffling the leaves on the trees, children laughing in the distance, and birds singing were crystal clear and vibrant, just like the desire burning within her core.

  But was she tempting the devil by accepting four men’s advances? Was she risking losing her opportunity to advance her singing career and make her dreams a reality? What would they say if they knew about the Rusty Horn? About her desire and dream to sing on stage and gain a name for herself? And if by chance she fell in love with them, something she never experienced before, would she have to give up her dreams and have regrets? Would she be forced to walk away from love like her father did, like Drake did, and pursue that one moment in time when her goal would be achieved , when nothing else mattered but that feeling of completion? Afterwards would be too late. The damage would be done and the chance to love with all her heart and soul could be lost forever. Life just didn’t seem fair at all.

  Orsin pulled back and smiled down at her. “So, tell me about New York. What do you miss about it, and what do you think you won’t miss at all?”

  She made a conscious decision to tread carefully here. She had no idea what would come between her and these men. She smiled softly.

  “I know I won’t miss the noisy traffic and the large amounts of garbage on the streets.”

  He smiled. “It can be pretty nasty in some areas. I’ve been to Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, I even got to see the Christmas tree lit up in Rockefeller Center in December.”

  “Really? I love going down there. My mom would bring Ella and me to go ice skating, too. I have a lot of fond memories of that.”

  “Your mom sounds like an amazing mother,” he told her, taking her hand as they started walking around the lake by way of the winding paths.

  “She is. She’s sacrificed so much over the years to make sure Ella and I were provided for. When she was diagnosed with breast cancer we were all so scared. She tried to act strong, but I knew she was weak from the radiation treatments and chemo. I just finished up my final business classes with the local university. I was working a job in the office during the day, and well, I took some jobs at a lounge and restaurant at night so we could pay the bills. In between, mostly at night when Mom couldn’t sleep, I took care of her. It was a rough time but we pulled through.”

  He squeezed her hand and pressed his shoulder against hers. It felt nice to have someone to talk to about that time. Orsin was right about what he said earlier, him finding it easy to talk to her. She found it easy to talk with him.

  “I bet she appreciated all your hard work and how much you did for her. What about Ella? Did she handle it all well?”

  Sydney released a long sigh.

  “Ella tends to live her life to a beat of a different drum. Mom says that’s how Drake was. I don’t really remember him well. I was little when he left. Ella bounced in and out of minor trouble. I’m hoping moving here will inspire her to grow up a bit and start setting a pathway to her own success. I’ll keep on her, though,” she said.

  He paused, and she stopped wondering what was wrong. He cupped her cheeks and held her gaze as he tilted her face up toward him.

  “I have a question. While taking care of your mom and your studies, working, and taking care of Ella, who takes care of you?”

  The tears immediately filled her eyes. She hadn’t expected him to be so in tune to her emotions and to ask her such a question.

  “I take care of me. Always have, and always will.”

  He shook his head, leaned forward, and kissed her gently on the lips. When he pulled back he held her gaze with a firm expression. “Perhaps you’ll let that guard down enough to let my brothers and I take care of you. A little,” he teased. Then he gave her lips a gentle kiss before he pulled back, took her hand again, and began walking.

  She spent the rest of the afternoon with Orsin, learning about him and his brothers, how their father left their mom and how she died from a heart attack, and how they didn’t speak with him but he lived nearby.

  When he sat upon the bench again and she stood between his legs, she asked Orsin about his time in the Corp, and how he got the scars by his eye.

  With every detail of the roadside bomb he and his team drove up on, she cringed just thinking of the pain and horror he must have felt. He explained about the fire in the vehicle and how he had scars and burn marks on his chest and shoulder. He seemed upset and uncomfortable telling her, and she found herself reaching out and stroking her thumb along his cheekbone and near the scars by his eyes. He turned his head and kissed her palm then hugged her to him, his face against her bosom. When he stroked the back of her thighs up and down over her jeans, she felt her pussy spasm and drip with cream. She cared for Orsin already. He knew what it was like to have scars emotionally, physically, lasting scars that directed future decisions in life. She stepped back, wanting to put that distance between them once again.

  “I need to get going. I have some things going on this week, and I want to check on Ella, help prepare dinner tonight, ya know all that fun stuff,” she said then ran her fingers along the collar of his shirt, then pressed the material flat.

  “Thanks for a lovely afternoon, Orsin. It’s nice to make new friends,” she whispered and stepped back.

  He stood up and pulled her closer. “Friends don’t have the type of feelings we have for one another. If this was just a friendship we were starting, I certainly wouldn’t be standing here wanting to explore every inch of your body with my tongue and lips. Nor would it be killing me to let you leave me right now when we’ve talked and shared so much bringing us closer. So please, don’t try minimizing what we shared today. Just sit on it and let it sink in. I’m not going anywhere, Sydney. You’ve peaked my interest even more.”

  He cupped her chin and cheek, held her gaze a moment, and then kissed her until they could hardly breathe and until she started thinking about exploring his body, too.

  Chapter 8

  “Where is my fucking shit, Ella!” Bruno yelled into the cell phone.

  “I didn’t realize what it was. I packed it with my stuff when I moved. It’s with me.”

  “Well that’s just fucking great. I want it. You’re going to have to get it back here. I’ve got Lenny on my ass and dealers waiting on this load.”

  “Come on, Bruno, you know I can’t do that. How the hell am I going to explain to my mother and sister that I need to drive the only car we have back to New York so I can give you your shit?” she stated with clenched teeth.

  “You better fucking figure something out. If I have to come out there myself, you’re done.”

  Ella started to panic. Her sister was going to kill her. Hell, Bruno was going to kill her if he came to Texas. What the hell was I thinking taking the bag? Think Ella, think.

  Her damn head was still pounding over the hangover. She heard her cell go off with another message. How many fucking guys had she given her number to last night? Geesh.

  She looked at it as Bruno carried on about the drugs and getting it to New York.

  The text message was from Graham. Sexy, older, wealthy Graham who got awfully protective over her last night when the other cowboys started giving her birthday kisses and hugs.

  She read his text. May be interested in the shit from New York you told me about last night. Can we meet? May have a buyer already if it’s good. Need a sample.

  “Are you fucking listening to me, Ella?”

  “Yes. Um, does it matter if Lenny gets the merchandise or the dough from selling it?�

  “Selling it? What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “I think I have a buyer here. Needs a small sample. I could solve all this shit and then send the money to you any way you want it. Then you don’t have to come to Texas and I don’t have to come to New York.”

  “You’re fucking nuts. You don’t know what you’re doing. That’s about thirty grand in that bag. It’s good shit. Top of the line.”

  “If I can get a little more will that make up for my stupidity?” she asked then held her breath and waited for the death sentence.

  Bruno chuckled.

  “You have twenty-four hours.”

  The phone clicked off and Ella fell back onto the bed and held her head. She wanted to cry, to vomit, to run away and hide, but she couldn’t. She got herself into this mess and now she needed to get herself out of it. She had to take care of this alone. Syd couldn’t find out about any of this.

  She picked up the cell and texted Graham. Tonight, eight o’clock. You name the place. Sample will be there, too.

  He texted back pretty quickly, and she erased the text messages just as someone knocked on her bedroom door.

  “Ella, you up yet?”

  “Of course. Come in, Syd.”

  She saw her sister’s face, a special glow, a happiness in her which made Ella feel more like shit. Syd was always there to watch over her and save her from getting into trouble or even sleeping with Lenny or Bruno.

  “What’s that smile about?”

  “What smile?” Syd asked then looked into Ella’s mirror by the dresser. She turned around and leaned against the dresser.

  “I have a situation. I need your advice,” Syd said.

  Ella pointed to her own chest. “Me?”

  “Yes you. It involves men.”

  “Oh my, you met some guys interested in a ménage last night, too?” she teased.

  Sydney gasped and then walked over to the bed and plopped down onto it.

  “I was in town doing some shopping for next weekend for stage clothes, when I came outside a certain deputy was there to greet me.”

  “Oh my, those brothers are sure keeping tabs on you. What happened? Did you do him against the back of the deputy car?”

  “Ella!” Ella giggled. “Just kidding, go on and tell me everything.”

  Sydney talked nonstop, explaining just about every detail of her afternoon with Atlas and then Orsin. She really was concerned about a lot of things and Ella felt badly. She definitely couldn’t rain on her happiness and let her know she had to sell drugs for Bruno to make up for stealing Bruno’s drugs to begin with then send the cash to Bruno without getting busted by police. I’m screwed.

  “So two men kissed you within minutes of each other? How the hell did that feel?”

  “I liked it, obviously. But there’s so much to be concerned over. It sounded like Orsin and his brothers were in a relationship like this before and it didn’t work. I just get that feeling because he said this time around he felt differently. They’re also pretty demanding in their tones. I think they expect order and discipline.”

  “Someone is going to get regular ass spankings. Love it, go on. What other juicy, kinky things are they interested in?”

  “Ella, oh god you think they’ll want to spank me?”

  “I think so, and you’ll like it. You’re a submissive and will probably like giving complete power of your body over to four big-ass, muscular, hot men like the four of them. Holy crap, four lovers. The virgin is going to get de-virginized Texas style.”

  Sydney fell backward on the bed and covered her face. Then she got serious and Ella did, too.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m scared of making a mistake. I shouldn’t be thinking about considering a relationship like this right now when this opportunity with Rusty just opened up. It’s a lot of pressure to secure a big crowd and start a demand for my performances. I have to practice, I have to work with the band, and I don’t want Atlas or his brothers knowing about any of this. It’s too intimate and personal.”

  “Honey, four men want to get real personal with you. More personal than your love of singing and becoming famous. Why can’t you have it all? You deserve happiness and success in a singing career.”

  “I don’t think it’s going to work that way. They’re Marines, soldiers, and they demand respect and control. Do you really think they’ll support me flaunting my assets in a private high-profile bar like the Rusty Horn? We don’t even know much about the place except that we got in even before we told them the password.”

  “That’s because you’re drop dead gorgeous. I think you’re overthinking this. I think you’re afraid of being vulnerable like Mom was with Matt and even with Drake. She gave all her love to Matt and when she got pregnant with you, he chose the Corps instead of you and Mom. Same thing happened with Drake, except he chose adventure and an adrenaline rush that got him killed. If you think about it, any men we’ve known or have come across basically look out for themselves and ultimately choose what they need, want, or desire before love or their woman. I can see your concern, but maybe they’ll be different. Maybe the Aubrey men would put you first always and support you and love you.”

  “Or maybe they’re just not capable of it at all.” She lay back and placed her arm over her eyes.

  “Hey, who said you need to fall in love, and that dating them, sleeping with them, and enjoying a good time with them has to be more of a permanent commitment?”

  “I do, Ella. I’m the virgin, and I know myself. I know why I didn’t sleep with London. I didn’t love him. I can’t give of my body like that to just a guy or guys I like. I can’t.”

  Elle lay down beside her and drew her sister close for a hug. She needed that hug as well, for it seemed they both had some scary times ahead of them and some decisions to make. Hopefully Sydney didn’t get her heart broken and maybe Ella wouldn’t get herself killed. Welcome to their new lives in Texas.

  * * * *

  Sydney noticed that the ranch hands left for the day and no one else was around the stables. Her first two days of practicing with the band this week went really well. They were an exceptional group of musicians and they loved her voice and her style. Plus, Sissy had a lot of great pointers for her, considering this was Syd’s first real professional debut and performance on stage. She couldn’t believe how intense the practices were or how excited and nervous she felt.

  She sat down on the large block of hay and pulled out her notes and the harmonica. She inhaled the scent of the barn and its odd bad and good smells combined. She didn’t mind it one bit at all.

  She blew into the harmonica, enjoying the sound and the familiar feel of metal against her lips. Then she began to sing a Rascal Flatts song, “My Wish.”

  It wasn’t until about halfway through the song that she heard the guitar playing in the background. She stopped singing, turned around, and found Hart standing there with his guitar in his hands and strumming along.

  “Keep going,” he told her. But she didn’t. She lowered her eyes and he walked closer.

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt you. I was just warming up a bit. Matt has some of the guys hanging out with your mom and Ella. They’re starting to play some music. It’s something we all do sometimes on a warm summer night.”

  She didn’t say a word as he walked closer. He touched the Harmonica. “You play that, too?”

  “I didn’t know anyone was in here. I was just trying to practice a little.”


  “Mess around, you know. Not a big deal.”

  She slid down off the bale of hay, and Hart stopped her from walking away. “Come play with us.” She shook her head.

  “That’s okay. I’ll come listen though,” she said and then gathered her things. God, he smelled so good and looked even more dark, mysterious, and intimidating in the low light in the barn. What the hell was she thinking?

  “Where have you’ve been running off to in the morning?” he
asked as she walked with him toward the barn door.

  “Nowhere special. Just looking for work.”

  “My brothers and I know a lot of people. We can ask around. What are you looking to do?”

  “No thank you. I’ll be fine. I think I found something for now.”

  “What would that be?” he asked as they got closer to the back porch where they could hear the men playing their instruments and singing a slow song.

  “I’d rather not say for now. In case it doesn’t work out. So if you don’t mind.”

  He looked at her strangely, and she hoped he didn’t push for more answers. If everything went well this weekend, then she would tell her mom.

  “There you are. Oh, you brought out your harmonica. This should be fun,” Stella said as Syd sat down near Ella to the side of where the men were playing.

  “Join in if you want. There’s always room for more instruments and voices, too,” Jimmy told her and then winked. Syd smiled and then noticed Juno walk onto the porch, too. He walked around the side and took a seat right next to her and after Hart.

  Her sister kept nudging her arm, wanting her to join in the music playing. One of their friends, Johnny O, encouraged her to play and then Ella started clapping to the song. Syd lightened up and began to play the harmonica. When the song ended they were all cheering and enjoying the fun.

  “Can you pick up on any tune with that thing, girl?” Johnny O asked.

  “Pretty much. What do you have in mind?” she asked him.

  He started playing on the banjo, and then Matt and Hart joined in next. She knew the song right away, an old country song with a lot of fancy harmonica notes to follow. It seemed these men were testing her talents. So she gave them a little show, forgetting about everything but playing music and having some fun. Their laughter and excitement was contagious and soon they were all singing songs and enjoying the night away in the most natural and fun way she could ever recall having.

  It was easy. Just living life, enjoying company of friends, well not hers but Matt’s. She and her mom and Ella had never done anything so simple before. Sydney knew nothing but working hard, struggling to make ends meet, and holding onto a dream just to make it through another month, another week, another day.


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