Demon Gates (Helena Hawthorn Series Book 2)

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Demon Gates (Helena Hawthorn Series Book 2) Page 37

by May Freighter

  Lucious opened his mouth to respond when Ben burst out of the tunnel. His eyes scanned the wall and the other ashen faces in the room.

  “Where is she?” the hunter demanded.

  Helena’s form wilted in Lucious’ arms. He felt her inner turmoil as if it was his and said, “She won’t be coming back.”

  The hunter ground his teeth. He raised his weapon, pointing it at Lucious’ head. “I guess I no longer have to feel guilty for trading in your lives.”

  Lucious prepared to push her away, but something rolled in between the hunter’s feet. Smoke streamed from the can that stopped in the centre of the room. Reaver and the saint coughed and scrambled past the hunter. A tap on Lucious’ shoulder drew his attention.

  To his right, Alexander said, “The distraction won’t last. I will take your childe. Grab the human and let us get out of here.”

  Lucious followed his instructions, and they both fleeted through the tunnel. Before they could get to the exit, they were met with a group of hunters who held UV lamps and pointed their weapons at them.

  Alexander cursed, and Lucious barked, “Go!”

  Without another word, Alexander grasped Helena, too, and rushed through the opened metal gate that led upstairs. To distract the enemy, Lucious ran towards the hunters. Pain exploded in his side, left thigh, and shoulder as he toppled them over like dominos.

  How long Helena stared at the white wall in Alexander’s warehouse, she didn’t know. Her mind was a complete blank. People’s voices were nothing more than buzzing of flies while her brain tried to assemble the events of that night.

  Maya was dead. Lazarus was dead. Madeline was dead. Nadine and Reaver were missing. Lucious was nowhere to be found. She killed her grandmother, and her entire life was a lie. Although her head was hurting as if someone was taking a hammer to it, she could only blink and stare. There were no more tears she could shed. Her tear ducts had dried up since she was pushed into this seat by Alexander.

  “What do you mean you cannot find him?” Alexander shouted into the phone as he strode into the room. “And what about my place, could you salvage anything from the fire?” He let out a loud groan and ran his fingers through his tousled hair. “Were any of the staff harmed? Good… No, I will contact you later.”

  He leant against the wall in front of her and crossed his arms. “Are you not going to say anything? It’s been two days, and your hunter friend chose to burn down my home. There is a witch hunt on the vampires in the city. The hunter numbers are growing to strengthen their chances of success. Your family—”

  Helena’s eyes narrowed at the mention of ‘family’. She didn’t want to hear anything about those who had kept her in the dark.

  “You may not care right this instant, but I could not locate them. Both, your mother and step-father have gone missing,” Alexander finished, and she erupted from her seat.

  “What did you say?” she asked in a hoarse voice which she hadn’t used in days.

  Alexander sighed and looked her right in the eye. “I have sent my men to check on them, and they were already gone. I could not trace their location. The hunters may—”

  “Did Ben take my parents from me?” The haze around her mind cleared and her legs gave way. I can’t lose any more people in my life.

  Suddenly, she was suffocating. There was not enough air in the room. She clasped her hand over her throat and gasped for air.

  “It’s not confirmed. They may have gone on a holiday somewhere since their house is in pristine condition. No sign of forced entry. Nothing,” he added in a soothing tone, squatting in front of her. He patted her shoulder. “I’ll find them, Helena. Breathe. Try to concentrate on that.”

  She bobbed her head while trying to make sense of his words that bounced around her head like pinballs. Doing as she was told, she concentrated on taking in a deep breath and releasing it slowly. It helped keep the panic at bay, but it didn’t take away the cold that made the fine hairs on her arms stand.

  Alexander helped her back into the seat. “I do hope Lucious returns soon. I am worried about him…”

  Helena scanned his concerned face and whispered, “How is Andrew?”

  “The wounds made by a demon heal slower than those made by silver. He’s in a lot of pain right now which is why he is bedridden. I cannot feed him too much blood either because of the threat of descent.”

  She stood on her shaky legs. They felt as if someone had taken out her bones and replaced them with cotton candy.

  When she swayed, Alexander caught her by the arms. “Do you want to see him?”

  With the energy gone from her, she barely managed a nod.

  Alexander awkwardly wrapped his arm around her and led her out of the room, through the makeshift living room, and over to a set of metal stairs that reminded her of the apartment she used to live in. The world was so peaceful in the past. Her friends were by her side. No demons were after her. Her guardian angel wasn’t a liar, and her family was intact. How much more of her life did she need to sacrifice to the supernatural?

  They arrived on the first floor, and Alexander guided her to the third room on the left. He opened the door for her.

  On top of a double bed lay Andrew with a single linen sheet draped across his hips. He turned his head and gave Helena a grand smile.

  “I was deliberating when Alexander will let visitors come here. I have to admit, I expected you sooner,” he teased.

  Her eyes roamed his tortured body. Large chunks of skin were missing on his thighs as if someone decided to shred them with a cheese grater. His arms had deep lacerations, and the skin seemed swollen around them. His abdomen was as badly cut up as his legs. The sight of raw muscle made her empty stomach churn.

  Andrew gave her a sheepish smile. “Sorry. I am a bit underdressed.”

  Helena covered her mouth with her hand, restraining a sob. She desperately wanted to keep her emotions in check, but when it came to Andrew, she couldn’t. She stumbled to the unfolded chair beside his bed. She fell into it and gingerly took his hand.

  “Thorn, don’t make that face. You’ll scare off potential dates…”

  Her lips twitched upwards, but the smile vanished as fast as it came when guilt consumed her. “Does it hurt?”

  “I have to get some work done. Call me if you need me,” Alexander said and left the room.

  Once the door closed with a soft click, Andrew squeezed her hand. “If I was human, I’d be dead. The fact that I’m able to make micro movements is a miracle in itself. Helena, stop blaming yourself for this. You saved me…twice.”

  The words seemed alien to her when so many people had died because of the choices she made. Helena withdrew her hand.

  Wincing, he lifted his arm and flicked her on the forehead. “What did I tell you about looking sullen in front of me?” He dropped his trembling arm and added, “Whatever happens, as a friend, I will always be there for you. And, if you find yourself lonely at night, I can always keep you company.”

  Helena swatted his shoulder, and he burst into a fit of laughter mixed with stifled groans.

  “You’re killing me, Thorn… I take it back…”

  With her decision made, she said, “I’m going to stay by your side until you get better.”

  “You don’t—”

  “Please let me do this.”

  Andrew searched her face with his forest-green eyes. “Alright, you can stick around. Remember, I expect a full nurse outfit.”

  Helena rolled her eyes. “I’m going to get a massive syringe, too, because I know how much you love injections.”

  Fear flickered behind his eyes. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “It’s a must with the nurse role, wouldn’t you agree?”

  Once she left Andrew’s room, she retraced her steps to the bedroom and lay on the bed. Staring at the white ceiling, she couldn’t help trying to recall how often the rooms she spent her nights in changed, how many places she had been to, and how many nightmares she had faced.
  The world remained a dark place where no one was safe. With her whole heart, she wished for those around her to be protected. Alexander’s words rang in the back of her head. She was too naive. Trusting the hunters may have been a mistake, but the pain on Ben’s face when he didn’t find Maya with them was what was etched in her memory. She didn’t get to pass on Maya’s final words either.

  She rolled onto her side and ran her palm over the black linen sheets that reminded her of Lucious. Why hadn’t he come to see her afterwards?

  Did the hunters capture him as well? Closing her eyes, she focused on the link between them. When she sent him a message, no response came. His shields were shut with such firmness, she couldn’t feel a single shred of emotion coming from his end.

  “Wherever you are, Lucious, please be okay…”


  Two weeks went by without a word from her parents or Lucious. The only good news she had received were that Nora and Nadine managed to get away. And even that didn’t bring her much joy. Not after Nadine and Horus forced Madeline through the gate. Those events haunted Helena every night as did the memories she had forgotten—no—memories locked away by Michael.

  She entered Alexander’s office on the second floor. Buried in paperwork, he stretched in his office chair and sighed. “I called you here because I have found your parents. Your step-father and his wife were in New York at a conference, apparently. They will be collected from the airport. I asked Tanya to bring them to a hotel where we will meet with them shortly.” He rubbed his tired eyes and riffled through a pile of papers to his left. His hand emerged with a small white envelope he placed atop the stack. “And this came from Vincent today.”

  Helena picked up the sealed envelope. Her name was beautifully written in calligraphy on the front and dread built inside of her. What does Vincent want from me?

  “Did you read this?” Helena asked.

  Alexander raised a brow. “Do I look like someone who has nothing better to do?” After a minute, he snorted and shook his head. “You have such a low opinion of me… No, I did not take a peek. Tempted though I was, I am waiting for you to tell me what it is Vincent wants from you.”

  That was more than she was going to get out of him, so she tore open the side of the envelope and took out a letter written in the same gorgeous handwriting that read:

  Dear Helena,

  It is with much grief I received the news about Madeline’s departure from this realm. She was a woman who made me smile, and I wished she would remain with us longer to bring more light into this world. It was her choice to help you with your problem. Therefore, I blame no one.

  Madeline has a six-year-old daughter. Her name is Cullodena. I did not expect it, but Madeline’s Circle has invited you to come to her funeral service to say a few words about her last moments. You may decline this invitation if you want. My wish is that you would attend the service as a courtesy to her daughter and her family.

  If you are willing to come, the service will take place on the July 5 in Aberdeen. Contact me to confirm the location.

  My regards,


  “By the look on your face, I can tell it is not a letter of execution,” Alexander said.

  Helena blinked away the tears. Madeline was such a caring woman. Taking her from her daughter made the witch’s death rest heavier on Helena’s heart. She folded the letter and tucked it into her jeans’ pocket. If going to the service would bring closure to some, she would do so. This way, she would be able to tell her final goodbye to Madeline and apologise.

  Alexander’s phone buzzed on the table, and he answered. “Yes, Tanya? Already there? Good. I’ll see you in twenty minutes… Yes, keep them busy.” He waved a hand to get her attention. “Your parents have arrived. Are you certain you want to do this?”


  Alexander stood and motioned towards the door. “Then, ladies first.”

  They arrived at the luxurious hotel in the heart of the city. Helena ignored the crystal chandeliers that hung above their heads, the marble flooring, and the occasional soft red carpet beneath her feet. Her mind was focused on one thing and one thing only. It was to keep her family safe. And, if it meant she had to separate from them, she would do so. She did not want to repeat Maya’s history and return to a home full of dead bodies.

  Alexander announced his presence to the preppy brunette at the hotel’s reception, and she beamed at him. She grabbed something from under the desk, and her hips did their own thing as she bounced ahead of them.

  Helena spared Alexander a glance. What surprised her was the fact that he wasn’t checking her out. He seemed more interested in the artwork lining the walls.

  The woman guided them to a lift where she pressed the button for the top floor. In the mirrored walls of the metal trap, Helena noticed the woman stealing glanced at Alexander. If only she knew what he was… Yet, that titbit did not deter any of his previous conquests.

  They finally arrived in front of a white door with curving golden letters spelling out ‘Royal Suite’.

  The woman handed him a key card. “The other guests are already inside.”

  Alexander shot her his business smile. “Thank you, beautiful.” He moved past her and swiped the card through the mechanism. The door clicked open.

  Helena shook her head as she passed the woman who was fanning herself. Any moment now and this girl would need an ambulance. Whatever women saw in him, she could never figure it out. Alexander had athletic built, naturally platinum hair, or, at least, she had never seen it change colour. Was it the suits? The confidence he carried himself with everywhere he went? Helena pushed her assessment to the back of her mind and trailed behind him into the suite.

  Her parents sat on one of the plush velvet sofas, and Tanya had the most bored look on her face as she studied her manicure by the pale green wall.

  “At last, you showed up, Alexander. I thought these two would bore me to death with their questions,” Tanya said.

  “Helena, what is the meaning of this?” her mother asked, turning in her seat. “She told us you were sick and that we had to come here to see you.”

  Helena nibbled on her lower lip and forced her limbs to move. With a few quick steps, she sat on the sofa opposite her parents and waited for Alexander to accompany her.

  “Please tell me this man didn’t get you pregnant!” Sasha said, covering her mouth.

  Alexander’s chuckle turned into a cough, and Helena gaped at her mother.

  “There is nothing to fear when it comes to my sire,” Tanya replied. “He takes good care of his women.” Helena shot Tanya a glare, but the vampire ignored her by adding, “Too bad she’s not Alexander’s type.”

  “If you’re not pregnant, why were we dragged here from the airport? And why are we in a hotel and not discussing these things at home?” Sasha asked, her voice rising.

  Richard took his wife’s hand and massaged her knuckles with his thumb. “Let her talk, Sasha.”

  Her mother pressed her lips together and indicated for Helena to talk with her free hand.

  “You can’t return home, Mum. There are certain…people after me and they might be after you, too.”

  Sasha’s eyes were as wide as saucers. “Did you get into drugs? Is that why we can’t go to the police with this matter?”

  “No, I—”

  “I knew something was off when you came home with that strange neon-head!” Sasha interrupted her. “Helena, how could you do it? Did this man make you? If he did, I will claw his eyes out!”

  Richard draped his arm around Sasha’s shoulders. “Helena, tell us why we can’t go home. Who are these people?”

  Helena licked her lips as Alexander planted his elbows on his knees. He clasped his hands together, saying, “We are not a drug cartel. We are the ones protecting your daughter, so I would appreciate less verbal abuse, madam.”

  Sasha was about to say something, but Richard beat her to it. “My question remains. Who are

  “They’re vampires, Richard,” Helena said, defeated.

  Both of her parents stared at her for a long moment. Sasha cleared her throat and burst out laughing. “Is this your idea of a joke? You have managed to scare the pregnant lady, well done, Helena. Now, let’s go home.”

  Helena’s exhaustion showed on her face. Her shoulders dropped. “It’s not a joke, Mum. You won’t believe me even if I try to explain everything in detail. This is why I want you and Richard to move away from here. Go to America and start a new life there.”

  Alexander resumed where she left off. “I have already purchased a nice property in the sunny Florida for you and your husband. There is nothing you will need to worry about. The local university is also keen to work with you, sir.”

  Sasha interrupted Alexander with a death glare. “I am not moving to Florida or anywhere else for that matter until I know everything that’s happening with my daughter.”

  “I see you get your emotional outbursts from your mother,” Alexander said.

  Helena’s expression turned serious. “Mum, you’re going to stress yourself out. Think of the baby.”

  Richard snaked his arm around his wife’s shoulders. “I must agree with your mother, Helena. We cannot simply leave for God-knows-where without a proper explanation.”

  Helena’s heart skipped nervously in her chest. “I got my memories back of the fire. How? I was hunted by a demon that grandmother tried to protect us from. Dad is dead, too. He failed in trying to kill the demon. Unlike what you’ve told me, he didn’t run out on us without a reason.” She tucked her shaking hands under her thighs. “I am also bound to a vampire.” She pointed to Alexander. “Not this vampire. Another. You’ve met Lucious during my birthday dinner. Andrew is currently a vampire, too. He is healing after our trip to the Demon Realm for which we needed help from a siren, a saint, and a witch. Not all of us made it back and, right now, I want you to know that I love you. So, please listen and go to America.”


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