Hot For The Boss - Complete Edition

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Hot For The Boss - Complete Edition Page 1

by Ariadne Wayne

  Hot For The Boss

  Complete Edition

  By Ariadne Wayne

  Copyright © 2013 Ariadne Wayne

  Kindle Edition

  Published by Northnet Limited


  ISBN 978-0-473-24288-6

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be produced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews. If this book is found on a torrent site then please respect the author and buy if you enjoy.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 1

  ‘Take off your clothes,’ he said in a tone that was unmistakable. He was horny as hell, just as I was but I hesitated as it’s not usually a good idea to do this kind of thing with the boss.

  I’d been working for the company for a few weeks, applying for the admin job for a small importing company on a whim. In a million years I never thought I’d land it, my style was distinct and I wasn’t about to change it for anyone.

  The only thing I did any differently was to brush down my usually spiked, short dark hair. Looking in the mirror I realised I looked like my mother and pulled a face.

  Off I went for the job interview, my nose and tongue piercing intact. If they had an issue with the way I looked, well fuck them, my boss at the grocery store was sweet all I did was give him the occasional blowjob and he handled any complaints about my attitude.

  I’d studied secretarial work and accounting at school, well studied is maybe the wrong term having failed but I made my CV look good and it was a junior role so they could take a chance on me, who knew?

  The receptionist looked at me twice even though I had brushed my hair nicely and wasn’t wearing too short a skirt and then they led me through to the room where the interview was to be. I could see the admin manager Mary taken aback even by the small things she could see on the outside.

  For some reason my nerves were driving me crazy and I didn’t know why. If I didn’t get it I’d just go back to work, apologise for not turning up as I had been supposed to and suck Craig off in the back room. No problem.

  Mary and I had a little chat and I could see she was reluctant to hire me. I had been polite; she just took a dislike to me from the vibe I was getting.

  She was just about to tell me she didn’t think I was suitable when he walked in. I could feel my mouth drop open at the sight of him. The boss in this place was a veritable sex god.

  Mr Sex God sat down and asked to see my CV. By this time I’m fidgeting and trying to find a place to hide my hands which end up on my lap, achingly close to my cunt which is throbbing at the sight of the hottest guy I think I have ever seen.

  Looking at me briefly he went back to the CV before smiling. ‘I think she’s more than suitable,’ he said before holding out a hand across the table for me to shake. ‘Scott Peters,’ he said introducing himself.

  ‘Alisha Jackson,’ I reply and go bright red remembering it’s in big letters at the top of my CV.

  If he noticed my embarrassment it went unsaid and Mary bristled at his words. ‘I think we should discuss and get back to the candidate,’ she said, barely looking at me now and focusing completely on him.

  He never took his eyes off me, the piercing blue eyes that nail me to the seat and make my pussy so wet I’m scared if I stand up I’ll make a puddle on the floor.

  ‘There’s no need to discuss. Alisha has a clean CV, good work experience,’ he said, smiling at me again, ‘I think we can safely say we’ve found our girl. It is a junior role Mary and I’m sure she’ll learn fast enough.’ She looked at him as if he had two heads.

  He got up and left the room, no words of goodbye and I felt like I could finally exhale. Mary glared at me. ‘What Mr Peters wants, Mr Peters gets. It looks like he’s made the decision over me. You start tomorrow morning 8am sharp.’

  ‘Thank you,’ I manage to stammer and make sure I wipe my hands on my skirt before shaking her hand. I’m sweating like you wouldn’t believe from the pressure of a few minutes with that man.

  At home I’m still in shock I got the job. I wasn’t going to apply for it but my friend Kate offered to be a reference and she said she’d heard it was a good company to work for.

  I didn’t know how working with Mr Sex God will go. He was so insanely good looking I knew it would be hard to concentrate with him around. He was really tall, with dark hair and those eyes that bore through you as if he had x-ray vision. He looked fit too, as in he clearly worked out and looked like a professional athlete. In the brief time he looked at me I felt every nerve in my body tingling and the first thing I had to do when I got home was jump on the couch and masturbate.

  Boys are generally no good at that stuff, I struggle to find a man who can find my clit let alone make me cum but when I do it, I know exactly the right spot. Maybe one day I’ll find what I’m looking for.

  For today though I reached into my panties until I found what I was looking for and began to rub. I could have retrieved some battery powered help from the next room but my need was urgent and I needed to feel flesh on flesh.

  It was those eyes, the ones that went through me. That was all I saw as I rubbed faster and felt my juices flow. I imagined him kissing me, touching me, and when I got to the part where he sucked on my clit I came hard. My stomach muscles clenched and wave after wave hit me causing me to moan so loud I’m sure my neighbour could hear me.

  I had to go to the bathroom to wipe myself off, the skirt I wore for my interview a mess now and I wondered how I was ever going to work in the same building as that man.

  The money was good though, well better than I had been earning so I looked forward to being able to upgrade my lifestyle. Maybe I could even get a smartphone or a computer and have the internet at home. Quite often I think I am the only Generation Y to not have anything like that but no money and I don’t do the whole finance thing. Possibly the only sensible thing I ever do.

  All night I tossed and turned; a bundle of nerves. I still hadn’t called Craig to let him know I quit yet. I should probably get around to doing that soon.

  Dressing in the morning I hoped I looked OK. I didn’t really have the wardrobe for an office job but with a bit of mixing things up I thought I was respectable enough. Impressing myself I even managed to get to the office in time.

  Chapter 2
  My heart sank when I walked in, there were a few others in the office and Mary had obviously gotten to them before I got there as they all stared daggers at me. This was going to be fun. At least I hadn’t called Craig still though; this might take more than a blowjob to get out of.

  The morning passed quickly enough though the others were reluctant to help me in any way. It was OK though as the job wasn’t the most difficult I’d ever done and a million times better than dealing with cranky grannies at the grocery store. I could see what he meant about it being a junior role.

  I had packed my lunch in the morning. It was nothing exciting as I had barely any money until payday but apparently that wasn’t an issue. After opening my lunch box, and taking out the sandwich I’d thrown together I realised someone was standing over my desk. The other women were all in the lunch room eating so it was quiet and yet I hadn’t heard a sound until I sensed the presence of someone else there.

  Looking up I saw those piercing blue eyes looking back at me. I was sure my throat constricted and when he smiled, I felt my pussy clench. Never in my life had I wanted to touch myself so badly but it would have been an easy way to get fired so I held my hands together instead.

  ‘Alisha. Would you do the honour of joining me for lunch? I just had an appointment cancellation and it would be a shame to let the restaurant reservation go to waste.’

  My mouth went dry, was Mr Sex God asking me out?

  ‘I did think to invite the rest of the team but they all seem to have gone for lunch already.’

  I breathed out, it wasn’t about me.

  ‘They are in the lunch room if you would like to ask them too,’ I said, trying not to trip over my tongue.

  Those perfect white teeth smiled again. ‘I wouldn’t worry, and it’s their loss. We’ll be out and back again before they even notice.’

  I didn’t believe that for a second. Old Mary would be down on me like a ton of bricks when she found out. I realised that I didn’t really care that much, it wasn’t likely I’d be fired going out to lunch with the owner of the company and who cared about what the old bat thought.

  So I agreed, and put my pathetic looking sandwich back, grabbing my purse before heading out.

  Scott Peters turned out to be the perfect gentleman which I was not accustomed to. He held the door open as we left and opened the car door for me, repeating at the end of the short drive and ushering me into the restaurant.

  I had done my best to dress for work that morning but in this place I might as well have been naked. It was definitely the most expensive place I had ever been including places I worked.

  Nevertheless we were shown to our table and Scott ordered drinks, non-alcoholic unfortunately for us and we were left with the lunch menu. I nearly died when I saw the price of everything but Scott told me to order whatever I wanted.

  I ordered the only thing I recognised which was a chicken dish and he smiled at me, probably realising this was not the sort of place I usually ate lunch.

  ‘Tell me about you Alisha,’ he said, leaning back in his chair. I felt again like I was being x-rayed again the way he looked at me with that penetrating gaze of his but I took a deep breath and somehow managed to start talking.

  ‘There’s not much to tell, I’ve been working at the grocery store the last couple of years, before that takeaway joints. I’ve never worked anywhere as nice as your office.’

  He smiled. ‘No plans for college?’

  ‘No money for college, and not really very academic,’ I said, almost immediately regretting saying that. I didn’t mean it to sound bitter as I wasn’t. My mom hadn’t been proud of my failure, I had been too busy drinking and doing guys and my dad had died when I was little so she was all I had. We barely talked because there was there was a lot of stuff but I wasn’t about to tell him that.

  ‘Yet you’re clearly not stupid,’ he said, taking a sip of his drink. I wished he’d been taking a sip of me.

  ‘Thanks for the compliment,’ I said.

  He laughed. ‘I think I am going to enjoy working with you Alisha.’

  When we arrived back at the office he held the door open for me and I smiled as I walked through. Mary and the others all looked up at me and I knew I would suffer for what I’d done.

  ‘There you are,’ said Mary, ‘I was beginning to think you’d walked out on us on your first day.’

  Her words were full of meaning; she’d hoped I’d gone. No such luck.

  ‘I had my lunch meeting cancel on me,’ explained Mr Sex God, ‘the rest of you were already lunching so I asked Alisha to accompany me rather than waste the booking.’

  ‘I see,’ said Mary, ‘if it happens again would you please let me know, Alisha is contracted to work specific hours and if she is going to breach that, then I need to be aware of it.’

  At her words Scott raised an eyebrow. ‘Of course Mary,’ he said, ‘I’ll make sure you’re aware of any time I take Alisha out of the office with me.’

  I snickered to myself at the implication that it would happen again but quickly shut up when I realised Mary was looking at me.

  ‘Thank you for lunch,’ I said. I’m pretty sure I was grinning from ear to ear..

  ‘You’re very welcome,’ he replied and winked at me.

  I could feel the other women in the office staring at me, their eyes burning through the back of my head. What was it with these people?

  I sat down and continued with my work. It was close to the end of the day when Mary came over.

  ‘Just to be clear I didn’t want to employ you, you have next to no experience and you don’t really dress appropriately for the office environment. If you think sleeping with the boss is going to get you anywhere it isn’t.’

  I looked at her. ‘Not that it’s any of your business but I don’t intend to sleep with the boss. It’s not my fault you all rushed off as soon as it went twelve and missed out on going out.’

  ‘That attitude of yours will not get your far around here,’ she said and walked away.

  Sighing I turned my computer off and grabbed my bag, heading out the door and to the bus stop. Halfway down the street I heard my name being called and turned around, cruising at the side of the road was Scott.

  ‘Can I give you a ride?’ he asked.

  I shook my head. ‘I’ll be fine, the bus stop is just at the corner.’

  ‘Are you alright Alisha?’

  I stopped. ‘Why do you ask?’

  ‘I didn’t hear what was said but I know you exchanged words with Mary, I just wanted to make sure you were OK.’

  ‘I’m fine. She’s a real bitch you know.’

  He laughed. ‘I know she is but she runs a tight ship in that office. I depend on her as my father did.’

  ‘Did she sleep with him to keep her job?’ I asked. The words had slipped out before I even thought about them but all he did was laugh again.

  ‘I doubt it; she’s always seemed older than she is. I don’t think she was his type.’

  ‘I don’t think she’s anyone’s type.’ Again. I did it again.

  ‘Well if you don’t want a ride home I will see you in the morning bright and early young lady.’

  ‘Yes Sir,’ I said with a laugh.

  ‘Careful. I like it when you call me that,’ he said and with that he drove off, leaving me standing at the side of the road wondering if he had been flirting with me. Now I would have to run to the bus stop to get home as soon as possible. My vibrator was at home waiting for me.

  Chapter 3

  The next day was so very boring. Mary found me the worst job in the office, entering data from the old system into the new. It was so old it all had to be entered manually from the paperwork and there were boxes piled high of it.

  Just to make my life even more fun I had a deadline of the end of the week which was next to impossible but she would use it as ammunition against me.

  Then, to round it all off it began to rain outside. Not just little drops either, big heavy drops
and soon the gutters were overflowing. I grimaced at the thought of walking even to the bus stop in that and at the other end of my journey I had to walk a couple more blocks to get home.

  Working through my lunch break I reached the end of the day and felt like I’d barely gotten started. It was just after lunch when Scott called me into the office. Confused, Mary went with me.

  ‘I’d like to dictate a letter. If you could allow Alisha to do it that would be great,’ he said.

  ‘I’ve always taken dictation in this office, besides how do you know she can do it anyway?’

  ‘It was in her CV Mary, part of the secretarial training she did in school.’

  Mary blushed. The bitch hadn’t even read my CV.

  ‘Mr Peters I’m sorry but this is my job,’ she said. There was no way she was giving in on this without a fight.

  ‘And a very valued job it is,’ he replied, ‘But if you need to take time off or heaven forbid get hit by a bus tomorrow, then I need to know someone can step in.’

  ‘Perhaps one of the more experienced girls,’ she said.

  ‘I know what they are capable of, what I’m interested in is how well our newbie does.’

  Mary knew she’d lost and she retrieved a pad and pen for me. Stalking out of his office she let her hand slip in the door, slamming it.

  ‘She’s not happy but I want to know what you’re made of,’ he said, ‘take a seat.’

  So I sat and he dictated his correspondence. After a while he got up and walked around the office, sometimes standing behind me. Having him so close made my skin crawl but in a good way.

  Partway through I got distracted imagining him pulling my panties down and spanking me and soon I realised the words he was saying were complete nonsense.

  ‘Excuse me?’ I said.

  ‘I think I lost you about three paragraphs ago, I was just trying to see if you were awake,’ he said.

  ‘I’m sorry. My mind was wandering. Can we please redo that bit?’

  He grinned. ‘Perhaps we should take a break and you can type out what you’ve already got.’

  I nodded and got back to my desk as fast as I could. Hanging around in his office could get me into even more trouble.


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