Hot For The Boss - Complete Edition

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Hot For The Boss - Complete Edition Page 8

by Ariadne Wayne

“All the people from the conference are here baby, letting off some steam after we sat and listened to a whole bunch of boring stuff. I am going to get some sleep; I suggest you do the same. Look after yourself and the baby. I love you Alisha.”

  “I love you too,” I said, “don’t let that skank too close.”

  He laughed. “Never.”

  As soon as I hung up the phone I burst into tears, stupid hormones. I think I cried for about an hour until I was so tired I couldn’t stop my eyes from closing. Scott loved me, I knew that but I didn’t trust her and he was so far away from me.

  I was just about asleep when my phone buzzed; it was a text from him.

  Anna told me she loved me, I told her to get fucked it read.

  Dropping the phone on the bed, I laughed so hard I nearly missed it. The baby kicked me and I put my hand to my stomach in case it happened again.

  My heart raced when she kicked again and I picked up the phone to send him a text.

  I’M PREGNANT it read.

  I know that baby. Go get some sleep came the reply.

  NO I’M REALLY PREGNANT I said again.

  You crazy bitch, I love you. GO TO SLEEP came the reply.

  I LOVE YOU TOO I said.

  The tears started again but because I was happy this time. Stupid hormones.

  Chapter 18

  The rest of my pregnancy was pretty uneventful. We found our dream house and moved before I got too big. I didn’t really do much of the packing or unpacking, Scott wouldn’t let me but I loved the house. It was ours.

  It had a fence, not a white picket one but it was close enough and a back yard we could put a swing and slide, maybe even add a swimming pool

  I had no more health worries though towards the end I started seeing stars so they decided it wouldn’t hurt the baby to arrive a little early.

  “Push,” said the doctor.

  “Fuck you,” I said, “I am.”

  Scott looked a little embarrassed and the doctor laughed. “It’s alright Mr Peters, I hear this sort of thing all the time. Let’s get this baby out and then we will all be much happier I think.”

  “Relax baby, it’ll all be over soon,” said Scott.

  “Fuck you asshole, it’s your fault I’m here,” I said.

  “If I remember correctly Alisha, you were partly responsible,” he said grinning at me.

  “I’m sorry, I just want the pain to stop,” I said.

  Soon it’s time to push again and finally she arrived. She was a beautiful dark haired girl who didn’t look too much like a monkey. She had her father’s blue eyes though I know sometimes they change colour but I really hoped they didn’t.

  Scott cut the cord and after they checked and weighed her she was put on my chest where I finally got to see my baby girl. I couldn’t help the tears that welled up and Scott kissed me. “I love you both so much,” he whispered.

  My baby was perfect, and I just lay and stroked her head and whispered to her that she was loved and I was so glad she’d arrived. “We’re a family now,” said Scott and I started to cry with happiness.

  After she was dressed I got to nurse her for the first time and I counted her little fingers and toes to make sure they were all there. Not that there was any doubt. I loved her little nose and the way she looked at me, trying to focus those little eyes on my face. I fell in love with her in an instant. We named her Lily.

  The weeks that followed were amazing, Scott took some time out to be with us though kept an eye on the company from afar. We were told that it was best to wait six weeks to have sex but I felt up to it earlier and we eased back into it.

  Scott was amazing; he took to fatherhood like a duck to water and gave me all the support I needed. I was eating like crazy again, breastfeeding make me eternally hungry but it had the added benefit of making me even more sensitive to Scott’s touch. I had some of the most amazing orgasms in the time after Lily’s birth.

  Chapter 19

  Lily was three months old when I finally agreed to an evening out of the house. I was too much of a home body these days and I knew it would be weird to be away from her. Mary offered her daughter to babysit, she had some experience and I knew I could trust her.

  Scott had bought me a new dress for the occasion and I was nervous about wearing it. Pregnancy had stretched my body and it would be a while before I got back to the shape I was before, if I ever did.

  I felt self-conscious and the dress was quite tight but Scott loved seeing me in it and that was enough for me. Lily fed to sleep and I put her in her crib before we left, she’d started sleeping for 6-7 hours at a time which was apparently highly unusual but such a relief so I knew she’d be alright until I got home.

  The restaurant was lovely, it was near the river and we looked out over the water towards the bridge that joined the two sides of the city. We were escorted to our table and ordered drinks.

  “Why don’t you get under the table and blow me?” Scott said.

  “Are you insane? This is a high quality restaurant.”

  “Oh Alisha, where’s your sense of adventure?” he asked, a big grin on his face.

  “Damn you, don’t challenge me. You know I can’t resist,” I said.

  “That’s what I’m counting on.”

  I looked around to make sure no one was looking and ducked under the table. He was already unzipped and semi erect so I finished the job. Licking the tip of his cock the way he liked make him grip the table and I took him in my mouth and started pumping him, gently teasing his balls with my fingers.

  “Holy shit,” I heard him whisper, “this is so hot baby.”

  He tasted so good, I loved the taste and the smell of his skin and when he came I licked the tip again and gently sucked the end of his cock to make sure I’d got it all.

  “Are you wearing underwear?” he asked me when I sat back in my seat.

  “I am, why?”

  “Well I had hoped you hadn’t, I’m sure there’s a cleaners closet round here or something,” he said.

  I grinned. “Sorry baby I don’t know if I have the energy to do that kind of thing anymore.”

  “I love you Alisha,” he said.

  “Sure you do.”

  A crowd had gathered at the window and we watched as more people walked from the tables to the window to see what they were looking at.

  “Shall we?” he asked.

  “What is going on out here?” I asked.

  “Let’s go take a look.”

  When I got to the window I could see exactly what they were looking at. There was a sign strung up on the bridge, lit up so you could see it from halfway across town.

  It read



  I turned back to Scott and he’d dropped to one knee, a jewellery box in his hand and he opened it. I burst into tears as I saw the ring inside, it was beautiful.

  “Baby I love you so much and since we had Lily our life has been complete. There’s just one thing left for us to do. Will you marry me Alisha?”

  Every eye in the restaurant was now on us and somehow between the tears I managed to squeak. “Yes,” I said, “I will marry you Scott.”

  They all applauded and he got up and kissed me, placing the ring on my finger. Everything was perfect. When he hugged me, I whispered in his ear, “What the fuck have you got me into?”

  He laughed. “That’s my girl.”

  Scott tapped his foot while I paid the babysitter, I knew he was impatient to get me into bed and he pounced as soon as she left and closed the door.

  “On the couch,” he said.

  “Then I’ll have to clean it,” I said.

  “I’ll get a housekeeper, she can clean up after us,” he said.

  “Screw you, I don’t want another woman in my house.”

  He kissed me and I could feel his desire radiating through his body. Having a child together hadn’t dampened his ardour, not mine.

  “I’m still disappointed you had panties on
,” he said.

  “We can fix that,” I said, bending to pull them down. I threw them at his head.

  He laughed and pushed me onto the couch, I pulled up the expensive gown he had bought me so it wouldn’t be ruined though I had a feeling my attempts would ultimately be in vain.

  “My fiancée,” he said with a grin.

  “You know it baby,”

  He plunged his tongue into me, sucking at me hungrily as if he hadn’t been fed for weeks. “Scott,” I said.

  “Are you alright baby? We can slow down if you want, it’s really hot that you’re all mine and I just want to devour you.”

  “No that’s fine, I just wanted to say I love you and I can’t wait to marry you.”

  “I love you too,” he said and went back to attacking my pussy with wild abandon.

  Losing count of the number of times I came, I started to pull the dress up. I wanted to be naked in his arms and I swore when I heard the seam rip slightly.

  “Let me help you,” he said and pulled it the rest of the way, gently so as not to rip it again.

  I burst into tears. “Fuck it, I didn’t want to damage it and now it’s ruined.”

  “Oh baby, it’s not ruined and you don’t need to be upset. There are a million more dresses out there and only one you, as long as you’re ok.”

  Clearly I was still on this hormonal rollercoaster and his words set me off again.

  To distract me he started slowly unbuttoning his shirt, pretending to strip and I laughed. Soon he was naked and standing beside the couch just out of my reach.

  I pouted and he moved towards me, until I could just touch his cock with my hand.

  “Is this what you want baby?” he asked.

  “You know it is,” I said. This was driving me crazy, what I wanted more than anything was him inside me and here he was so close and teasing me.

  “Maybe we should go to the bedroom,” he said with a twinkle in his eye, “I’ve got an idea.”

  I raised an eyebrow at him. “What sort of idea?”

  “One you’ll love,” he said.

  He held out his hand and helped me from the couch, leading me to the bedroom where he took a tie out of the drawer. “Will you do what I tell you to?” he asked.

  “Right now I’d do anything for you to fuck me,” I said.

  He grinned and told me to hold my hands out, and when I did he tied them together. “Good going boy scout,” I said, “now what?”

  Leading me to the bed he got me to put my hands above my head, tying the other end of the tie to the headboard.

  “Now I’ve got you where I want you Alisha, you’re all mine now,” he said.

  Holy fuck this was hot as he started from the top of my body and kissed his way down all the way to my ankles.

  He spread my legs and moved between them, taking my breasts in his hands. “I know I have to share these now but tonight they’re mine,” he said with a grin.

  “Always baby,” I said.

  As he licked and sucked at my nipples, my pussy twitched like crazy and I arched my back as I came, pushing myself against his body.

  “Oh Alisha,” he said breathlessly, trailing kisses down my stomach.

  “I have stretchmarks,” I said, “stupid stretchmarks.”

  “They’re beautiful Alisha, like you,”

  As if to prove a point he stroked my stomach with his hands and emotion welled in me. “This is where our child grew Alisha, of course it’s beautiful.”

  His tongue hit my pussy again and I strained against the tie as my body rocked against it. Finally he pushed his cock into me, pulling my legs straight up so he could get in as deep as he could.

  I struggled to get free, I wanted to touch him so badly but the knots wouldn’t loosen. He grinned and thrust harder. “Holy fuck,” I said.

  “I’ll untie you when I’m ready,” he said. I knew if I asked him he would but I wanted to play too so I kept pulling at them. He let go of my legs so I wrapped them around him, pulling him closer to me and he kissed my breasts, gently sucking on the nipples.

  Seriously, I swear that time, cumming with him inside me, I saw stars.

  “I’m cumming baby,” he said and I felt his cock spasm inside me, my pussy clenched around him.

  When he untied me he kissed my wrist as if he was apologising for what he’d done.

  “That was amazing,” I said, “you are amazing.”

  He kissed me and we pulled the blankets up to get some sleep. Lily would be awake in two or three hours to feed and I needed the rest.

  Scott pulled me into his arms and I nuzzled his chest. “I’ve been thinking about tying you up since I met you,” he said.

  “Oh really?”

  “It’s just one of the fantasies I have had featuring you,” he said.

  “Tell me more Mr Peters,” I said.

  “Well I have always thought it would be pretty hot watching you get fucked by another guy.”

  “What the fuck Scott, we’re on the verge of settling down, getting married and you’re happy if I fucked around?”

  “Not fucked around, controlled situation. We find a guy, he fucks you while I watch, we never see him again. Simple.”

  Nothing is ever that simple.

  Chapter 20

  The mothers were over the moon about our engagement and wanted to start planning the wedding straight away. Scott stood firm. “This is Alisha’s day, she’ll set the pace and we’re not in any huge hurry.”

  I smiled at him and he moved beside me so we could show an united front.

  Kathy sighed. “Fine, you two just let us know where and when and we’ll be there.”

  I couldn’t help but grin. “I don’t want anything too fussy, it’ll be small and intimate,” I said, “a minimum of fuss.”

  We’d taken Lily down to see her grandmothers and they’d spent the entire weekend clucking over her. She was such a happy smiley baby and loved the attention. I got more rest that weekend than the last three months.

  It had been a week since out night out at the restaurant and Scott’s suggestion that it would turn him on to watch me be fucked by another guy. He’d not brought it up again and I didn’t care enough to either.

  We were in bed that night when he mentioned it again. “I thought you would have something more to say about it,” he said.

  I shrugged. “I guess I’m not really interested enough to bring it up again. I only want you.”

  He smiled and kissed me. “It’s alright baby, I only want you too. It’s not a big deal.”

  I thought briefly of the only time I’d noticed anyone else but him since we’d met, the day I’d bumped my head and met the paramedic.

  “What was that?” he asked.

  “What was what?”

  “That look on your face Alisha, are you alright?”

  I sighed. “Something just popped into my head from when we were apart, nothing that you need to worry about.”

  “Tell me, I told you what my fantasy was.”

  “When I fell off the ladder and the ambulance arrived the paramedic was hot. I asked him if he was sure he didn’t need to give me mouth to mouth,” I said quietly.

  He roared with laughter. “Baby we were apart because I was being an impatient idiot. I can’t blame you for finding someone else attractive.”

  “Well you were hanging out with skanky Anna then too.”

  He nodded. “I was really unfair to you back then Alisha. Now I want us to be completely open with each other and not hide anything. That’s the quickest way for us to fail.”

  “You’re right. There’s not been anyone else I have even had a flicker of interest for though. You’re the one who has my heart Scott,” I said. “Besides, what is it about me being fucked by some other guy that makes you horny?”

  “I just think you are so incredibly beautiful, you have no idea Alisha. The thought of other guys finding you attractive pisses me off but it also turns me on. If I think of you on your knees having your pussy poun
ded while sucking my cock, it makes me hard. If I think of fucking you while you’re sucking cock it makes me hard.”

  My hand found his erect cock and stroked it. “I would have real issues if any other woman went near your cock,” I said.

  “I know and I love you for it. There’s not been anyone else for me Alisha, not since I met you and I don’t even notice other women but if you wanted me to fuck someone to fulfil one of your fantasies I would because it would make you happy.”

  He kissed me again, his tongue finding mine which always turned me on and I sighed as his hand found my clit. “Even if you say no Alisha, just imagine me watching another guy doing this,” he said, “I’m so horny I need to fuck your mouth so badly and soon you have a cock in your mouth and one in your cunt.

  I came all over his fingers and he put them to his mouth. “I love the taste of you Alisha,” he said and moved over me.

  Slowly he slid his cock into me and slowly started to thrust. “You drive me crazy baby, I could never get enough of you,” he said.

  “Nor I you,” I said and stroked his chest. From the first time we’d fucked I’d loved his muscles, they were the first thing I noticed when I couldn’t see his face, masked as we were.

  My touch made him groan and he came, kissing me and telling me he loved me.

  “The thought of that does make me a little hot,” I said, admitting that I had previously thought about the whole thing briefly but I had thought it was a result of my head injury.

  Scott grinned. “Well this is entirely up to you. I’m not going to push it or say anything more. I don’t want you to feel pressured.”

  “How would we even find someone?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know, go out to a club, see who you like and if there’s no one have some fun ourselves and then go home?”

  “Let’s do it,” I said.

  “Are you kidding me?” he asked, “you would really do that for me?”

  “I’d do anything for you baby,” I said.

  Chapter 21

  “What on earth am I going to wear?” I asked him as I was getting ready to go out.

  “Something short and hot, show off that amazing cleavage of yours,” he said, “Even if this doesn’t work out I want to show everyone that the hottest woman on the planet is mine.”


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