Hot For The Boss - Complete Edition

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Hot For The Boss - Complete Edition Page 13

by Ariadne Wayne

  ‘I'm sorry, maybe I am just being silly,’ I said, ‘stupid pregnant hormones.’

  He laughed. ‘You're not being silly, you are such a loving person Alisha. I don't think you even knew how much you were until Lily came along and we became a family.’

  ‘Shut up and fuck me,’ I said.

  ‘Not yet wife, be patient. Don't use sex to try to distract me.’

  ‘Why not? It usually works,’ I said.

  ‘Alisha you are an amazing woman and I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you. It's not often I get to tell you all this because I've usually got my face buried in your pussy.’

  I burst out laughing at that. ‘I love our relationship, especially the dirty talk,’ I said.

  He kissed me. ‘Then let's go and have that bath, we can do the dirty stuff and then get clean again.’

  Leading me by the hand he took me into the bathroom where he unwrapped the robe around me and kissed me before helping me into the large bathtub.

  I wolf whistled as he removed his clothes and climbed in beside me. He laughed and kissed me again, guiding my hand to his cock which twitched in response to my touch. I stroked his length while he continued to kiss me. His hand found its way to my pussy, and he spread my legs slightly so he could stroke my clit.

  He kissed the bruises on my face tenderly and I saw the look in his eyes as he studied the area closely. I could feel tears welling up at the emotion I saw in them, I was damaged and he couldn't fix it. The thought was tearing him apart inside. There were no words to say, his eyes told me everything I needed to know and I felt the bond between us more than ever as he just looked at me.

  ‘My baby,’ he murmured and his kisses moved down my face to my neck as his fingers grew more urgent. I held my body tight to his as he fingered me to orgasm and the kisses I was planting on his shoulder turned into gentle bites as I came, the water rippling as my body shuddered.

  I straddled his lap, facing him and pushing myself down on his cock, taking him inside me as I kissed his neck this time. As I rocked my hips he pulled me into him, never taking his eyes off my face. We had never felt so connected.

  ‘I love you,’ I whispered, ‘I love you so much Scott. You have given me everything I've ever needed, even things I didn't know I did. You and Lily are my life.’

  ‘As you are mine Alisha,’ he said, ‘my love, my wife.’

  When he came I felt his cock throb and I sat still gazing at him, not wanting to break that contact.

  He grinned. ‘You are something special Mrs Peters.’

  ‘And you are the best fuck I've ever had,’ I said.

  ‘Here I thought you were going to be all romantic,’ he said with a laugh.

  We soaked in the warm water; I was more tired than I would ever admit after everything that had happened. When he helped me out and we crawled into bed it was so soft and comfortable I could have easily fallen straight to sleep.

  Scott had no intention of letting that happen though I had a feeling he was just as tired. I lay with my back to him and he put his arm over me, touching my breasts before kissing my shoulder and stroking my clit again.

  ‘Thank you,’ I said.

  ‘What for?’ he asked.

  ‘For dealing with all my shit. For dealing with my mom's shit.’

  ‘She's family and I love you, it's no big deal.’

  I rolled onto my back and stroked his cheek with the palm of my hand. ‘It is a big deal, you saw something in me no one else did and you helped me become the person I am now which is a damn sight better person than when we met. You gave me Lily, and a home where I feel more loved than I have ever done. You make me feel safe.’

  ‘I would give you all of that and more Alisha if you let me. It was raw attraction at first but I have watched you bloom and that has been the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Today has been the best day of my life, I never thought I would find anyone as perfect for me as you.’

  Then he kissed me and my face ached but I did not care at all.

  Chapter 32

  My next concern was Dan's growing relationship with Brooke. They had been seeing each other since the wedding which had been a few weeks now and I was worried he would tell Brooke about my child's parentage.

  The last thing I wanted was for the office junior to find out that the boss's wife could be pregnant to a man other than her husband.

  Dan had also become a fixture around our house, Scott had found his male soulmate in the man who had possibly impregnated me partly because of their shared affection for me. It was odd at first as I struggled to get used to his presence but I appreciated Scott having a friend. We had become so addicted to each other we'd spent nearly every minute we could in each other's presence and while the urge to be together was still just as strong it did us good to recognise other relationships in our lives.

  I was spending more time with Kate as well; she was flourishing no longer being at the grocery store and she had learned so much. It was nice having a female friend again, one who understood the ups and downs of life.

  My libido was in overdrive and I was constantly interrupting Scott in the middle of the day for sex. He didn't complain though, if anything he loved what pregnancy did to my body. As our baby grew our love grew even more which I would never have thought was possible.

  So to avoid any issues I went to see Dan at work to have a chat, I thought it was best that I broach the subject of the impending birth and implications that it may have on his relationship with Brooke.

  Again his co-workers teased him when I arrived. ‘You guys either have shit memories or you have nothing better to do,’ I said this time.

  He took me into the cafeteria again and I sat while he ordered coffee.

  ‘Alisha?’ came an all too familiar voice.

  ‘Anna,’ I said, ‘what a surprise.’

  This was just what I needed, running into my husband's ex-fiancée while at coffee with my one time lover who might be the father of my unborn child. Work that one out.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ she asked.

  ‘Visiting a friend,’ I replied, ‘you?’

  ‘The same.’

  ‘Hey I ordered you a cupcake, you got to keep those energy levels up pregnant lady,’ said Dan before noticing there was someone standing beside the table.

  ‘Dan, this is Anna. She used to be engaged to my husband,’ I said.

  ‘I heard you were married, didn't know you were pregnant,’ she said.

  ‘We are expecting our second child,’ I said.

  ‘Congratulations,’ she said, looking at Dan.

  ‘I'm a friend of Scott and Alisha,’ he said.

  She nodded. ‘I see, well it was nice seeing you Alisha, hope things go well with the baby.’

  When she was out of earshot Dan leaned across the table. ‘Well that wasn't at all awkward.’

  ‘She screwed around on Scott with his best friend and then tried to jump into my place when we broke up temporarily.’

  ‘Oh, Scott mentioned that but I didn't know her name. So that is her. I think he has made the right decision by far being with you.’

  I grinned. ‘I think he would be better off with a trained monkey than her.’

  The food and coffee arrived and I ate under Dan's watchful eye. ‘You don't have to fuss, I already have one man for that.’

  ‘I'm allowed to, after everything Alisha I am really glad we are friends.’

  ‘So am I,’ I said smiling at him.

  There was nothing now, we'd had our moment together but my heart belonged to Scott as it really always had. My body on the other hand had gone for a little wander that night but never would again.

  ‘I don't really know how to say this,’ I said.

  ‘That's not like you,’ he said with a laugh.

  ‘I was just worried about you getting so close to Brooke, there are certain things I really do not want her to know.

  ‘If you are worried that I'll tell her about the baby you have not
hing to worry about. There is next to no chance that it's my baby anyway and even if it was, well we would cross that bridge when we came to it. I have no interest in interfering with your family Alisha. Even if biologically I turned out to be the father you know Scott will always be the child's true father.’

  ‘I'm sorry, I didn't meant to insinuate you were talking about personal stuff with her but I just wanted to make sure. It would not be good for the office junior to get that kind of information about her employers.’

  ‘I agree and Scott's friendship means a lot to me as does yours. I am not going to screw that up.’

  He reached across the table with a napkin, wiping the side of my mouth with it. ‘Can't have you walking around looking like half your food is on your face.’

  I laughed. ‘Thanks Mom.’

  ‘As long as I am in your life I will always going to look out for you Alisha. No matter what happens,’ he said.

  ‘It's much appreciated, I am glad you've become such good friends with Scott.’

  We finished our coffee and I hugged him goodbye. I took Lily shopping for some new clothes before going home.

  Chapter 33

  After dinner I tucked Lily into bed and went back to clean up the dinner dishes. Scott was already at the dishwasher loading them up.

  I moved behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, breathing in the smell of him. ‘What are you doing Alisha?’ he asked.

  ‘Just being close to you makes me happy,’ I said.

  ‘Were you going to tell me about seeing Dan today?’ he said.

  I pulled away and moved to his side. ‘I wasn't not telling you about it, I just didn't think it was important. Besides, how do you know about it?’

  ‘Anna came to see me,’ he said.

  ‘What the fuck, what has it got to do with her?’

  ‘She was concerned that my wife was out with another man, publicly showing affection,’ he said, ‘is there something you need to tell me Alisha?’

  ‘First of all I have no idea what the public show of affection was, we sat and had coffee and something to eat and second it's none of her damn business.’

  ‘She says he touched you intimately.’

  ‘Oh and she's telling the truth and I'm not?’ I was really angry now, not only had she gone straight to Scott and made out my visit to the hospital to be something that it wasn't but he had believed her.

  ‘I don't know Alisha, are you? This whole thing about him possibly being the father of your child, how am I to know you haven't been sneaking around behind my back with him?’

  There was no way to stop the tears from falling down my face now. ‘Because you love me and you should know I love you more than anything. So much for trust.’

  I stormed off to the bedroom and slammed the door, pulling his pillow to me and wrapping my arms around it. The smell of him overwhelmed me and I started to sob. How could he be so stupid?

  His arm pulled me close as he lay behind me on the bed and when I turned to him he wiped my tears away with his hand and kissed me.

  ‘I'm sorry baby, she set me on edge. Tell me what happened.’

  It took a moment for me to compose myself as he stroked my face and kissed my hand.

  ‘I went to see Dan because I was concerned about his relationship with Brooke. I wanted to make sure he wasn't going to tell her about our situation. The closest he came to touching me was wiping food from my face that I missed with a napkin, it wasn't anything romantic.’

  He nodded. ‘I can understand that. Alisha I'm sorry, and I do trust you. Anna must have come straight from there and it's been bugging me all day. Then you didn't say anything when I got home so I thought the worst. I should know by now shouldn't I?’

  ‘Yes you should,’ I said, ‘I fucking love you Scott Peters, that's why I married you.’

  I felt the bed shake as he laughed. ‘I know and I love you too Alisha Peters. You do drive me crazy though.’

  ‘In what way,’ I asked, fluttering my eyelashes.

  ‘All the good ways,’ he said.

  He kissed me while he stroked my back with his hand. ‘I know that Dan teases you and we all consented to the night we spent together and I am fine with that as it's all in front of me. The thought of anything going on behind my back was what made me upset.’

  ‘If you want to know the absolute truth Scott, I don't even think of Dan in that way anymore. Sure I thought he was hot when we first met and I was happy to bring him home that night but he's just a friend now to you and to me. What I would like to know is why you are listening to Anna.’

  A blush crept across his face, I don't think I'd ever seen him really embarrassed before, it was actually kind of hot.

  He shrugged. ‘She came in, seemed to genuinely want to just catch up so I let my guard down and then she slipped it into the conversation. I should have known she was just trying to make trouble.’

  ‘I'm just disappointed that you didn't just ask me about it instead of spinning out. I really did not think it was that big a deal, the only reason I spoke to him was to protect us.’

  Scott kissed me on the nose. ‘I know and I love you for it. Sorry for over reacting.’

  ‘I suppose I could forgive you.’

  ‘Is there anything I can do to sweeten the deal?’ he asked.

  ‘I'm sure there are a few things I can think of,’ I said with a grin.

  ‘There was something else,’ he said, ‘another reason for Anna to visit me.’

  I could feel one eyebrow rise at that. ‘There was something she said she wanted back but I think the whole thing was an exercise in stirring things up between us,’ he said.

  ‘What could she possibly want? You've not been with her for a long time now, what on earth do you have that she would want?’

  ‘Well technically it's hers.’

  He disappeared into the hallway and I heard him going up to the attic, a short time later he emerged in the doorway carrying a box.

  ‘This is what she was after, don't freak out. I should have thrown it out but originally I planned to share with you and well,’ there was that blush again, ‘the sex was so spontaneous and amazing I never really got around it it.’

  Now I was really intrigued and sat up as he placed the box on the bed. Tearing at the tape he opened it and I couldn't believe what was in there. Pulling out a pair of handcuffs I looked at him. ‘What the hell is all this?’ I asked

  ‘We didn't use a lot of it, she wanted to explore our kinky side but around the same time she was fucking Jack and shortly afterwards we broke up.’

  I sat stunned as I lifted the items out of the box. There was an assortment of sex toys , some even still in their wrappers. Handcuffs, vibrators, ball gags and nipple clamps. That last one made me feel sick to my stomach.

  ‘You've used these on me, please don't tell me they belonged to her.’

  ‘No!’ he exclaimed, ‘I have those ones in the bedside drawer, they were new. I would never have used anything of hers on you.’

  ‘Thank fuck for that,’ I said, ‘she can have everything back but on my terms.’

  ‘What terms do you suggest?’ he asked.

  ‘I want to make the delivery.’

  Chapter 34

  Scott had given in to my demand to give Anna her things back though I have to admit from the items still in their packaging I took a selection for myself. He was reluctant to give me the name of the company she worked for but when I reminded him of the trouble she had caused between us he seemed to be happier about what I was doing. That and the reward I gave him for working through our argument. He still loved having his cock sucked while I had my tongue stud in.

  I loved this man. If anyone thought they could come between us they were sorely mistaken and I intended to make Anna pay for her stirring.

  As I pulled into the carpark I saw her enter the building. She hadn't seen me though which was good, I suspected she would not be too happy when she did but I wanted it to be public.

ily was at home with Scott, he felt bad about the day before and had stayed home with us for the day. He had a home office setup so he could still work and I had promised not to be too long so he could work and not get distracted by her.

  I took the box from the back seat and walked to the door, opening it and finding myself in the reception area. The receptionist smiled at me and I realised I probably just looked like a client. ‘Anna Clark please,’ I said.

  It was an open plan office and I sat down by the door while I waited for Anna, noticing a couple of the workers looking at me. I'd made an effort so at least I didn't look like I'd just hauled myself out of bed which I had done.

  It seemed like a busy office, people were chatting and laughing, the company seemed like a fun place to work.

  Anna came out through a door and did a double take as she saw me. ‘Alisha, what are you doing here? I hope everything is well with Scott and that child of yours.’

  ‘We are fine Anna, in fact better than fine. I came because I have a gift for you?’

  She fluttered her eyelashes more for the people watching than me. ‘What would that be?’

  ‘I understand you wanted something back,’ I said.

  The look on her face I would have willingly paid money for, she knew exactly what was coming but wasn't sure how I was going to deliver it.

  ‘Well I have it here for you. Please understand that this means you stay away from my husband and my family. Neither of us have any wish to deal with you again.’

  ‘You don't speak for Scott,’ she said with a hiss.

  ‘He and I might as well be the same person as far as you are concerned. Don't come near us ever again, we are together in that.’

  ‘You are nobody,’ she said, ‘a little office slut who got pregnant. Don't think he will stay with you.’

  I grinned. ‘I am so much more than that, I am his wife and I own a third of his company now and I am not going anywhere. If you think you can stir trouble between us you are a bigger fool than I thought.’


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