Break My Fall (Broken)

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Break My Fall (Broken) Page 3

by Chloe Walsh

  Louder shuffling from the doorway made me realise I had no luck. I kept my back to her and prepared my coffee. So she was waiting for me to bring it up, great. I took a deep breath and with my coffee cup in my hand, I turned to face her. My heart dropped when I realised it was not Cam who had walked into the kitchen. It was Kyle. He was leaning against the doorframe, his arms folded across his chest. He was frowning at me. I jumped and my cup slipped from my hand shattering against the kitchen tiles. “Jesus,” he muttered as he strode toward me. His hands slipped around my waist as he literally lifted me off the ground and moved me from the spill over to the table. His touch warmed me and I shuddered. He moved his hands away from me quickly. “You burned?” he asked as he stepped further back from me. I shook my head. He left out a breath, nodding.

  He moved across the kitchen and grabbed the sweeping brush and pan from beside the back door. He sure knew his way around our small kitchen, which was becoming even smaller with his presence and of course, the big fat elephant kiss in the room. “What are you doing here?” I managed to squeeze out. I watched him brush up the broken glass onto the pan. He was dressed much more casually tonight. His black t-shirt rode up his back while he bent. The small strip of tanned skin peeking out from his shirt made my face flame. He did dangerous things to a pair of jeans. I didn’t know if I was turned on or embarrassed. I guessed both. To be honest, he blew me away. He tossed the glass in the waste bin and stood the face me. “I live here,” he said simply. Of course, what an idiot I was. “Besides, I never miss Thursday night poker with Cam.” He smiled fondly when he said Cam’s name. They must be friends, close friends.

  Jealousy swirled inside. Had they done stuff together? Other than poker? Cam had a reputation and so did Kyle by the sounds of it, I frowned at the thought. Maybe he was more Derek’s friend. Cam had said he and Derek were best friends. I didn’t care. I shouldn’t care. Kyle smiled, leaning against the counter, the same counter as last night. “I was away for a few for a few days, didn’t know we had a new room-mate in. You know Cam well? I’m Kyle by the way.” His smile was friendly but his eyes were guarded. I wasn’t sure what to make of him. He was behaving as if he hadn’t kiss me last night…maybe he didn’t remember. He could have been drunk. I eyed him nervously. “Uh yeah, I just moved here from Louisiana. I’ve known Cam my whole life, she used to live next door to me. She moved away when I was twelve, but we kept in touch. I’m Lee.” I held out my hand but he made no move to shake it. Instead, he studied my outstretched hand, then burst out laughing. He was laughing at me and worse, his laugh was making me blush. My cheeks reddened with embarrassment. What was so funny? “It’s a little late for formalities princess, considering I was closely acquainted with your mouth last night” Princess? I gaped at him, what a jerk. “My name is Lee, I would appreciate it if you addressed me by my Christian name,” I said through gritted teeth. That only made him laugh harder, “Princess it is then.” Uh, another nickname, that was just lovely. What was it with the guys here? He ran his hand carelessly through his dark hair. It looked amazing, tousled in such a sexy way. Jesus what was happening to me, I was drooling over a man, who obviously seemed to enjoy tormenting me. “How well do you know Cam?” I snapped, partially because I wanted to change the subject, mostly because I was desperate to know if he had been one of Cam’s flings.His mood changed quickly, from mischievous to cold. “Careful princess, keep talking like that and I’m gonna think you’re jealous, and there’s nothing worse than a desperate chick.” I could think of things a lot worse, like my foot up his butt. “Desperate?” I practically shouted, appalled at his accusation, “You’re the one who kissed me last night, then took a completely different girl to bed with you.”

  He grinned widely, his dimple deepened. What a dog. His eyes twinkled as he prowled toward me. Standing in front of me, I felt tiny; he must be at least six foot two if not more. Next to my five foot three frame, I was a midget compared to him. “And you enjoyed every second of me kissing you, didn’t you princess. You upset I didn’t take you to bed?” his stroked the space between my breasts with his finger, “Because I can render that right now.” I gaped at him backing up closer to the table. “My God you are in love with yourself aren’t you?” I laughed darkly. “Believe me Kyle, not every girl in the world wants to fall into bed with you.”

  He stepped further into my personal space. His hand snuck out and brushed a piece of my hair back from face. I wobbled, and leaned back against the table for support. His fingers trailed from my temple to my chin. I shivered. He tipped my chin up toward him. His blue eyes pierced through me and my eyes fluttered closed, my lips parted. I felt his lips touch against mine ever so gently, but he wasn’t kissing me, he was challenging me…My heart rate spiked and my breath quickened. He ran his tongue across my lower lip and I caved. I pressed my lips hard against his, wanting him to feel as disturbed by me as I was by him. His tongue slipped into my mouth and I groaned in unfamiliar pleasure. My hands snaked around his neck as he hoisted me onto the table. Spreading my legs, he grabbed my hips and pulled me roughly against him. His lips moved to my neck and I was lost in the moment, pressed against his hard chest of muscle.

  The sound of him chuckling brought me down to earth with a crash. I gasped, and pushed him away from me, disgusted with myself for my weakness. What was wrong with me? He rubbed his lower lip with his thumb and smirked. “You keep telling yourself you don’t want me princess, see how long that lasts.” He moved to the door and I felt like throwing something. “I wouldn’t sleep with you if you… if you… I just wouldn’t okay,” I shouted but that made him laugh louder as he sauntered out.


  Christ she was a little curvy ball of temptation. I nearly dropped my load when I saw her barefoot in my kitchen; her peachy ass looked damn tempting in those pyjama shorts. I couldn’t wait for her to give in. I knew there was only time in it. I could feel she wanted me when I had my tongue down her throat. Her hard nipples pressing against me, her wanton moaning and groaning, I had to have her.

  “Dude, you want me to deal you in?” Derek asked as soon as I walked into the living room. Derek, Cam, Mo and Dixon sat in a circle around our coffee table playing poker. I usually played too, but tonight I couldn’t focus, and a man needed to be on form when playing with Cam, that little shark could fleece the best of them. I plopped down on the couch and began flicking through the channels, but my head wasn’t in it. It was upstairs in Lee’s room imagining her undressing…Fuck. I was getting hard thinking about her again. I shifted, arranging myself against my jeans. Jesus she was going to be bad for my health. “Well well well, aren’t you grinning like the cat that got the cream?” Cam looked up from her hand, and eyed me suspiciously. I hadn’t realised I was grinning. I shrugged uncomfortably. I was pleased with myself. I had felt guilty over the way I had treated her last night, and strangely off kilter, but after her little princess tantrum in the kitchen I was more amused than anything. The nickname was staying. “One guess who put that stupid grin on his face, Lee.” Derek joked as he tossed a card down on the table. “Oh man, is that you’re new roommate’s name?” Mo asked, “Because hot damn she’s fine.” Cam’s eyes tightened and she glared over at me.

  “Cat that got the cream” Dixon scoffed, “More like the cream got the pussy.” The guys cracked up laughing. I was on my feet and had the bastard by the throat, “Watch your fucking mouth.” Cam stood, her eyes narrowed towards me as she nodded towards the hallway. She stalked out and I dropped my hand, “Keep your perverted thoughts to yourself”.

  I followed Cam out into the hall. That creep made my skin crawl, Mo was all right, but Dixon was just another example of Cam’s poor choice of friends. Speaking of Cam, she was now glaring at me like I stole her last condom. What in the hell? “Stay away from her Kyle,” Cam paused for a second, “She’s vulnerable.” I studied Cam for a minute, shit she looked serious. “Cam, you’re looking at me like the spawn of Austin Powers, Christ I’m not a serial womaniser.”
She smirked “Aren’t you?” I grimaced, okay fair point, my past was pretty coloured. But then so was Cam’s. Sighing, she looked at me dead straight in the eyes, “Look Kyle all I’m saying is Lee is sheltered and new to the city, she’s not used to our lifestyle, and doesn’t need the drama that comes from being with you okay?” Well that was a warning if there ever was one. No girl deserved the drama that came from being with me. “Lee’s a good girl and she has had a really shitty life. I don’t know why she chose to come to me, but I’m glad she has. She needs my help Kyle and I don’t want her running again.” Okay point taken. I had never heard Cam talk so passionately about anyone, not even Derek. Lee was important to her, and she was running from something. What was she running from?

  A weird possessive feeling came over me, thinking that someone had caused little Lee to hide. Awh shit… “In other words, don’t touch her?” I muttered, stomping down the disappointment. Cam smiled sweetly, “Exactly. Well, you can be friends with her, but be a doll and try to keep it in your pants. That girl is nothing like us,” Cam patted my shoulder, “She needs this place right now, more than you know. So just, be gentle with her.” Be her friend. Keep it my pants. “I can do that,” I promised, and I hoped I could.


  I touched my hands to my mouth, and my face flamed when I thought of Kyle kissing me. Never in my life had I been kissed like that. I heard footsteps approach, and grabbed my bowl and spoon from the table and moved to the sink to clean up. I felt guilty enough having barged in on my roommates without eating their food as well. I didn’t usually eat at the house, my meals were free at work. But I was starving when I woke up this morning. I had some change in tips and decided I would go grocery shopping after work this evening. I dried my bowl and turned to put it the press, freezing on the spot when I took in Kyle’s half-naked body. Kyle stood in the doorway of the kitchen, dressed only in black trousers. He was waving a white shirt in front of him. I hadn’t seen him three days and I was drooling. My breath hitched, as my gaze took in his chest, those pecs, those abs, that dusting of hair from his bellybutton trailing under his pants…

  “I think we may have gotten off to a bad start,” he said, grinning sheepishly. “So how about a truce?” I couldn’t stop the nervous giggle that escaped my mouth. I wanted to stay angry with him but he was making that close to impossible, standing there waving his ‘peace flag’. I forced my eyes away from his ribbed stomach and pulled my nightdress down, suddenly feeling very naked. Even though I was covered to the knee, it wasn’t enough around this man. “A truce?” I asked, trying to sound nonchalant and not to let the nervousness I was feeling in his presence, slip into my voice. “I didn’t realise we had waged a war?” He grinned even broader, his dimple deepened. Oh god…

  He pulled away from the doorframe and strolled over to me. “Well, maybe not full on war, but we definitely had a little wrangling going on,” he chuckled, “So let’s call it a truce for any foreseen battles that may develop into full scaled war.” What? He took the bowl I was holding, went and poured some cereals into it. “You’re weird,” I said. He laughed harder. The gentleness of his smile made the sharp angles of his handsome face soften. My stomach clenched. He poured some milk in the bowl, and grabbed a spoon. Leaning against the counter, he scooped some up in his spoon. “You’re honesty wounds me princess,” he said before shovelling a spoon of cereal into his mouth. “I’m sorry,” I apologised. God he was trying to be nice, and I insulted him. My heart rate spiked when he called me that. “Don’t be,” he said in between bites, “You were being honest.” He shifted off the counter, tossing his bowl in the sink after a few spoons and walked across the room. What a waste of good food. “I was being weird,” he said, opening the refrigerator door, “And I was an asshole to you last night.” Huh. I wasn’t sure what to say to that. He had been an asshole, and it had taken him three days but admitting it so honestly threw me. I didn’t know what to make of him. I stared at Kyle’s backside as his bent down, rummaging inside the fridge. Oh boy could he fill those jeans, his butt. Wow.

  Pulling out a bottle of water, he turned and caught me staring. Busted. He smirked and every ounce of blood in my body rushed to my cheeks. He flipped the lid and swallowed deeply, his eyes remaining locked on mine. He tilted his head to side, and frowned. Oh wow, he looked so cute when he did that. “You look young. How old are you?” Why did he ask that? “What does my age matter?” I was instantly wary. Kyle groaned loudly, “Because I don’t particularly want to get arrested for harbouring a miner in my house is why it matters.” His house? I gaped at him. Kyle owned the house? I thought he was just renting like the rest of us. “Im eighteen, which means I’m legally an adult.” He exhaled and the look of relief as clear as day on his face. He nodded and turned to leave. “Wait?” I shouted, my feet moved towards him, my hand snagged on his arm. “You said this was your house?” He turned and nodded. “Yeah, why?” Now he was the one to look wary. His eyes rested on my hand on his arm. I stepped away quickly, removing my hand. “You don’t mind?” I stuttered, “I mean are you okay with me being here? I got a job, so it won’t be for too long I promise.” I prayed to god he didn’t mind. Please don’t let him mind. He scrunched his brow. “You got a job? Doing what?” He sounded surprised. “Cleaning. So I can pay you as soon as my pay check comes through.” His had a contemplative look on his face for a moment, before turning serious. “I’m cool with you staying here, but keep your money.” What was he saying? “Kyle I can’t stay here rent free. Why would you even say that?” He had thrown me. “You’re just a kid, and it sounds like you need a break,” he shrugged, pulling away the counter he was leaning against, and moving closer to me. “Well I’m giving you one.” I looked up at his face. His steel eyes were so penetrating I felt like he was seeing inside my head.

  My body moved closer to him, an action I wasn’t entirely in control of. He seemed to draw me to him. “I’m eighteen Kyle, I’m not a child. You make it sound like you’re so much older than me.” I said trying to lighten the mood, which was now tense. Kyle stroked his thumb against my chin, then jerked away from me and ran a hand through his hair, “No Lee you’re definitely not a child,” he muttered. What did that mean? I was totally dumbfounded. “I’m paying you, I can’t stay here otherwise.” He shrugged with indifference, and walked to the door. “Fine, twenty bucks a week, take it or leave it,” he said, and then left the kitchen.

  I picked up some food in the grocery store after my shift. The conversation I had with Kyle earlier was still running through my mind. I was disturbed at why he would offer to let me stay, rent-free just like that. I could not fathom him. I said as much to Cam as soon as I home.

  “Wait, Kyle said you can stay here for free. No conditions?” I nodded. “I don’t understand that dude,” Cam sighed. Well neither did I. “You must have made quite the impression on him,” she mused. “I obviously said no Cam,” I said quickly, “I told him I couldn’t stay here if he didn’t accept my money. He told me he charges twenty dollars per week, is that that what you pay?” Cam’s eyes widened and she practically choked on the cookie she was nibbling. I flushed, clicking; Kyle felt sorry for me. His pity was worse than Cam’s. She patted my arm, “Look Lee, the guy is obviously trying to make up for being such a douche. I say let him. It’s not as if you can afford much more right now. And trust me, Kyle can.” Whether that was true or not, I didn’t want them thinking of me as a charity case. “You should have warned me he owned this place Cam,” I said. “Kyle’s private about things. He doesn’t like people knowing how much he has.” I sighed deeply, “You still should have told me.”


  This was going to be harder than I thought. I avoided coming home for three days after Cam warned me off. I thought three days would be more than enough time to forget about her. It never took me longer than a couple of hours to forget about girls, usually less. I had a business trip in Kansas, but by ten thirty last night I could not lay in my hotel room another damn minute. I was
not a coward. I didn’t run from anything, and one pintsized girl wasn’t going to make me start. No woman, no matter sexy she was, or how good she tasted, was going to chase me out of my own house. I caught the next flight and jumped in a cold shower as soon as I got home. I needed to call a truce and put a stop to this intense thing we had going on. I heard her moving around when I was getting dressed so I’d given it a few minutes before I followed her downstairs.

  Holy hell the look of her barefoot in my kitchen, had made my chest ache. I don’t even remember half the bullshit that had come out of my mouth. My focus had been on Lee in that nightie. I was actually proud of my self-control for not bending her over the table and taking her there and then. The look in her eyes assured me she would let me. But damn she looked so young. She said she was eighteen; I had four years on her. Too old, I was too goddam old to contemplate it. I was going to have to make sure she stayed away from me. She was a fucking temptation, and the girl made me weak. I didn’t do weakness.


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