The Perfect Affair

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The Perfect Affair Page 16

by Lutishia Lovely

  “My thoughts exactly. I assured her that this was not the case.” Sherri shared the rest of their conversation. “Turns out that one of her friends at school is having to deal with her parents divorcing. It’s a contentious situation and the children are being dragged in, with both the mother and father seeking full custody.”

  Randall shook his head. “Not good.”

  “I guess the girl shared her sadness and frustration and got Al thinking.”

  “I don’t like that it upset our daughter, but unfortunately, divorce is a reality of life.”

  “That’s what I told her.”

  “Do you think I should talk to her?” Randall asked as he picked up his fork and speared a chunky piece of rib. “Reassure her that you and I will be together at the old folks’ home, side by side in rocking chairs, sneaking into each other’s rooms so we can get our groove on?”

  “You might end up in an old folks’ home. I am going to be independent and self-sufficient until the day I die.” They laughed. Sherri took a sip of tea. “I appreciate the offer, but maybe we should just keep what I’ve shared between us. She may have thought she was speaking to me in confidence, and I’d hate to break her trust. A little PDA and a lot of laughter between us and she’ll be okay.”

  “How’s Mom Elaine?”

  She told him about Ms. Riley’s upcoming trip and eventual move to St. Louis. “We’re working to find a qualified live-in assistant ASAP, one with whom Mom will feel comfortable, and get along.”

  “I wish your mom would move up here.”

  “You and me both; suggested that again just yesterday. She won’t budge. So Nathan and I are doing what we have to do, including making more trips to personally check on her welfare. He’s going there this weekend.”

  “That’s good.What about you?”

  “I’ll probably make the next trip when the kids get out of school.”

  When Blair returned home with the children, Sherri gave her the night off so that the family could enjoy some private Atwater time. They pulled out the old board games and before the night was over, the house was once again filled with laughter. Sherri and Albany whipped up a batch of cookies and Randall and Aaron surprised the girls by volunteering to join in the fun. After everyone retired for the night, Randall and Sherri went for round two, making love low and slow . . . just the way Randall liked it. They talked well into the night, happy that in all their years of marriage, no disagreement they’d had ever lasted too long.

  “Any conferences this week?”

  It was the following morning. Sherri and Randall were in the master suite, both getting ready to head out for the day.

  He tapped her on the butt as he came out of the shower. “Where are you headed?”

  “Down the street and over to the park. There’s a nice jogging trail there that Elle and I have been half running, half walking for the past few days.”

  “Are you losing weight?”

  “I may have lost a few pounds.”

  “I thought so. You were lighter last night when I smacked it, flipped it up, and rubbed it down.”

  Sherri turned and placed her arms around him. “That was so bad,” she said, giving his lips a quick peck. “But you did take care of business last night, so I can’t even complain.” She turned back to the vanity and reached for the toothpaste. “What about you? Out of town again?”

  “Not until next weekend, a conference in Vegas. Hey, maybe you should think about joining me there.”

  “Really? You’re going to have downtime?”

  “There’ll be some free time. This is a smaller conference, a meeting of the minds really, with a consortium of doctors, scientists, and researchers from across the globe. We’ll be watching presentations from a series of companies offering cutting-edge technology to help us do our job. I’ll be busy during the day but free most evenings. In the meantime, you can hang out with Renee, try your luck at a table or two.”

  “I could check Blair’s schedule and see if she’s free next weekend. Or better yet, I hear that Vegas is becoming more and more kid friendly. Maybe I’ll pull Albany and Aaron out of school and bring them along. Their grades have been stellar; they’ve earned a break.”

  “That sounds like a plan,” Randall said as he sidled up behind Sherri and wrapped his arms around her. “As long as it doesn’t interfere with any test-taking.And as long as you understand that we have a lot more personal business to handle. The kids will have to have a room of their own.”

  The following week, the Atwaters descended on Sin City. They booked two suites at Aria Las Vegas—one for Randall and Sherri, and one for Blair and the kids. The meeting began on Monday, so Sherri decided that she and the kids would join him the weekend before so that they could enjoy time together as a family. It was agreed that Blair would fly back with the kids on Monday so they’d only miss one day of school. Sherri would stay and enjoy her days in Vegas with Renee, and her nights with her man.


  Jacqueline waved her hand at the handsome man across the lobby, quickening her strides to close the distance between them. She threw her arms around him. “The days couldn’t go by fast enough,” she whispered. “I’m so happy to see you again!”

  “Jacqueline!” An obviously uncomfortable Randall reached up and disengaged Jacqueline’s arms from around his neck, looking around as he did so. “What are you doing?”

  “Sorry,” she responded, seeming genuinely contrite, even as her eyes sparkled. “I just saw you and got so excited. You made me forget that we’re in a public place.”

  “Dr. Atwater,” the front desk employee called out, holding a small envelope. “Here are the new keys to your suite. So sorry that the first ones didn’t work and for any inconvenience this may have caused.”

  “Uh, no, it wasn’t any trouble. No worries at all.” He turned back to Jacqueline. “I assume you’re here to report on the latest technology.”

  Jacqueline’s smile turned sultry. “Among other things.” She watched as he continued to look around, and then at his watch. “Are you expecting someone?”

  “It’s good to see you. But I have to go. I have some business to take care of back in my suite.”

  Randall turned and left Jacqueline where she stood, without looking back.

  Jacqueline stood calmly as she watched Randall cross the lobby to where the elevators were located. What in the world is wrong with him? He’s acting like a scared rabbit. She turned to the front desk, saw a preppy-looking young man standing at the end of it, and walked over.

  “Hello, handsome,” she said, leaning on the counter so that the cleavage she was boasting, thanks to her tight knit shirt, was front and center.

  “Good evening, ma’am,” the young man stuttered, wondering why his comment had caused the patron to frown. “Welcome to Aria. Are you checking in tonight?”

  “No, I’m here for a job application.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, let me, um . . .”

  “I’m just kidding, darling.” Jacqueline reached into her oversized bag and pulled out her wallet. “I’m here to check in. Jacqueline Tate.” She handed over her driver’s license and a credit card.

  The worker visibly relaxed as he took her cards and began a task that he’d handled literally hundreds of times, making small talk as he located her reservation and began entering additional information. “Is your visit business or pleasure?”

  “A little of both,” she purred.

  “This is a city that can handle both, that’s for sure.”

  “Indeed,” she continued, leaning closer to the worker and lowering her voice, “especially when the pleasure is a clandestine affair involving a colleague. One that we have to keep very hush-hush.”

  “Oh.” The worker swallowed, and a telltale shade of crimson began creeping slowly from his neck to his chin. “Well, you know what they say. What happens in Vegas—”

  “Stays in Vegas,” Jacqueline said, laughing as she finished the sentence. “Listen, I’m wonde
ring if he’s here yet. Can you please let me know if Randall Atwater has checked in?”

  “Sure, I can do that.” The young man clicked a couple keys, and then nodded. “Yes, he’s checked in.”

  “Alone, correct?”

  “Uh, sorry, ma’am. But we can’t provide any details on our guests.”

  “I know it’s against protocol. But you could save us and possibly your employer and this hotel huge embarrassment if you tell me. I’m not asking for specifics, you understand, no names or anything of that nature. I just want to make sure that he checked in alone.”

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Tate, but I simply can’t provide that information. If you’d like, we have courtesy phones and you can call his room.”

  “Did I ask you about courtesy phones?” Jacqueline snapped. “Don’t you think I’ve stayed in enough hotels that I know how to use a phone if I need one?”

  “I’m sorry—”

  “You sure are. Now shut up and get me checked in before I really lose my temper and report you to management for being incompetent.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “And stop calling me ma’am!”

  “Yes, ma—uh, yes, Ms. Tate.”

  Jacqueline reached her suite, so glad that she’d invited Kris to tag along on this trip. Relaying what had just happened in the lobby made her angry all over again.

  “Calm down, Jack, you’re overthinking.”

  Jacqueline turned away from her view of the Strip. “You might be right. But what if I’m not? He acted so weird when I approached him; jumpy, nervous even.”

  “He’s a married man who you hugged in the lobby! How did you expect him to act?”

  “Like a man who’s been screwing me seven ways from Sunday, that’s how. Like I’m the woman he wants to spend his life with, the woman of his dreams! He’s a genius, but at the end of the day, Randall is also a nerd, a scientific geek. I’m a geek, too, but I’m also his fantasy. I’m the girl in school he wanted but could never have.”

  “He has you now.”

  “Go ahead, chick. Be sarcastic. Because you’re right. He has me. I have him. And I’ll do anything to keep him. He does not want to find out how far I’ll go.” Jacqueline whirled away from the window and joined Kris on the bed. “She has to be here. It’s the only thing that makes sense. But you know what? I don’t care. In fact, maybe it’s time to take things to a whole other level.” She jumped off the bed and headed for the closet. “It’s time for me and Randall to have an honest conversation. After that, I’m sure he’ll do the right thing.”

  “What’s the right thing?” Kris asked.

  Jacqueline turned, eyes blazing. “Leave his wife. Be with me. Simple as that.”

  Sherri put on her sunglasses as she stepped from the elevator into the hotel lobby. She looked around, opening her purse and reaching for her cell phone as she did. She stopped just shy of the revolving doors and scrolled her contacts for Renee’s number. “Hey, girl. Where are you?”

  “Parking the car. Where are you?”

  “In the lobby.”

  “I’ll be there in a sec.”

  Within minutes, the two best friends were strolling Aria’s exclusive shopping area, oohing and aahing about overpriced items that neither needed. But that didn’t matter; shopping was simply the backdrop to their being able to spend quality time together and catch up on each other’s lives.

  “Let’s go in here,” Renee said over her shoulder as she walked into a shop. “Look at these shoes!” Sherri followed her into a boutique called Terrenes, skeptically eyeing the five-inch high heel Renee held aloft. “Aren’t these fantastic?”

  “Yes,” Sherri replied sarcastically. “For a photo shoot.”

  “Most definitely.” Whether or not Renee caught Sherri’s sarcasm was anyone’s guess. “These would go perfectly with the dress I bought at Ross last week.”

  “Ha! Girl, you’re a mess.”


  “How much are those shoes?”

  “Six hundred,” Renee said after glancing at the tag.

  “And how much was your dress?”

  Renee’s smile showed her pride. “Got it on clearance for $19.99.”

  “You don’t see the humor?”

  “I don’t see your point. I’m not one to worry about labels, honey. As long as it looks good on me, I’m fine.” She gave a talk-to-the-hand motion to Sherri as she turned to the sales clerk. “Do you have these in a size eight?”

  The women continued shopping for another hour before deciding to grab a bite to eat. “There’re a couple restaurants in the hotel,” Sherri suggested.

  “No, girl. We’re going to get you off the strip. Show you how the locals do it.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “Do you want to take your shopping bags to your room?”

  “Sure.” Sherri started toward the hotel entrance before reconsidering. “On second thought, I’m hungry. I’ll just put them in your trunk so we can keep it moving.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Jacqueline stepped into a skintight white mini, eyeing herself critically as she looked in the mirror and zipped it up on the side.

  “What do you think?”

  She watched as Kris tapped a finger against pursed lips. “Very hot, Jackie.”

  Jacqueline exhaled. “I hoped you’d think so.” She turned to check out her firm derrière, which was on full display in the tight-fitting dress. “You don’t think it’s too . . . trashy?”

  “Perhaps, but in the classiest sort of way.” Jacqueline laughed. “I think it’s a great choice,” Kris continued. “After seeing you in this, Randall won’t think twice about divorcing his wife.”

  Jacqueline bent over, ran her hand through the long locks that today were worn in their naturally curly state, and then straightened and flipped the hair back from her face. The result was a wild mane full of body, which added to a look that screamed femme fatale.

  “You look fabulous, Jack. But are you sure about doing this right now?”

  “Kris! Why are you asking me that? I’ve made up my mind!”

  “Not whether you should do it at all, but whether you think the timing is right—now, unannounced, in the middle of the afternoon? Or would it be better to make an appointment, or catch him publicly? If his wife is with him, Jack, there’ll be a scene.”

  “I overheard him say that he was headed for his suite and a conference call. I also heard talk about the men perhaps meeting for dinner tonight, and one of the doctors said that the bulk of the presentations will happen tomorrow and many attendees are leaving tomorrow night instead of Wednesday. If Sherri’s there, I’ll deal with it. But one way or another, Randall is going to know the truth of how I feel about him . . . about us.”

  “Good luck,” Kris said, giving Jacqueline a thumbs-up. “You deserve to be happy. I mean it.”


  “Is that it, guys?” Randall sat back against the plush brown sofa and placed his feet on the matching ottoman. Two researchers from his company asked a few more clarifying questions to ensure their directions were clear. He answered them. “All right then, team. I guess that’s it. Thanks again for all your hard work. Dan, keep me posted on our request for special clearance. I want you to call me as soon as that comes in.”

  “Will do, boss.”

  Randall’s head turned toward the knock on his door. He stood. “Thanks. Listen, I think my wife may have forgotten her key card. I’ll see you guys soon.” He disconnected the call and reached the door just as the person knocked again. “Did you forget your k—” When he saw who stood in the doorway, Randall’s tone and demeanor completely changed. “Jacqueline ? What the heck are you doing here?”

  Jacqueline pushed by him. “That’s the second time in as many days that you’ve asked that question,” she said lightly, though there was no smile in her voice. She turned and crossed her arms. “I’m beginning to get annoyed.”

  “Make that two of us,” Randall said, onc
e the shock of her brazen entry had worn off enough for him to react. “First you grope me down in the lobby and now you show up in my room? Your actions are highly inappropriate, Ms. Tate. I’d like you to leave.”

  “Ah. Ms. Tate, is it?” Jacqueline slinked over to where he stood and ran a fingernail down the side of his face.

  Randall recoiled.

  “I think we’re way past formalities, don’t you?”

  “All right, Jacqueline, if you insist. I’ll ask just once more before calling security. What are you doing here? Specifically, why have you come to my room? Wait a minute. How did you even know my floor?”

  Instead of answering, Jacqueline walked over to the bar area, opened a Fuji water and poured a glass. “I don’t know what has you acting so . . . weird. Normally you’re laid-back and ready for fun. What’s going on?”

  “Laid-back? Ready for fun?” Randall looked behind him to see who she was talking to, convinced it wasn’t him. Then he headed for the door. “Look, I don’t know what game you’re playing, but it’s about to be over. You need to leave.” He opened the door. “Now.”

  In answer, Jacqueline headed for the bedroom. Randall was right behind her.

  “This is an amazing view,” she said, taking in the nearly all-glass walls that offered a 180-degree view of Vegas. She crawled on the bed, unzipped her dress, and exposed her newly-waxed wonder. “But I think this view is better.”

  He quickly turned his head away from the sight of her labia. “Have you lost your mind? Zip up your dress! And get the hell out of here! I’m not going to ask again.”

  Jacqueline laughed, got up from the bed and did as asked. “Okay, I get it. It’s the middle of the day and you still have meetings. It’s just that we haven’t talked since yesterday in the lobby. I haven’t had the chance to feel those magical lips on mine.”

  This statement was met with a blank stare. But his complacency didn’t last long. “That’s it. You’re leaving.” He walked toward the hotel phone.

  “Randall, no!” Jacqueline rushed over to keep him from punching the front desk button. “Please. I know Sherri’s here. Which makes what I have to say, and what you need to hear, even more important.”


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