rainbow parties, 62
Ralph magazine, 5
rap culture, 123
anal, 64
gang-rape, 121
oral, 11, 24, 55
Rat, 153
‘raunch culture,’ 69, 80, 82, 90
‘Regulating youth access to pornography’ (Flood & Hamilton), 21
Reid Boyd, Elizabeth, 144
Reist, Melinda Tankard, 137, 155
relationships, 160
representations of women and girls
‘frisky, seductive or mysteriously alluring,’ 11
size zero body, 174
skinnier, prettier, sexier, 174
slim and sexy, 160
stick insect, 106
thin, beautiful and sexy, 100
thin, hot, sexy and ‘bad,’ 8
thin, shy, fragile, 112
thin and sexy, 131
thin and weightless, 141
thinner ideal body, 44
thinness, 171
young, thin, white and idle, 67–69
young looking, 187
Respectful Relationships programs, 143
responses to critics, 50–52
Rolling Stone, 12
romance, 22, 25
Rosewarne, Lauren, 30, 67
Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, 110
RU486, 133, 138
Rudd, Kevin, 110
Rush, Emma, 11, 29
Rush, Florence, 114
Saatchi & Saatchi, 184
Salzhauer, Michael, 16
Sandilands, Kyle, 14
Sarah-Katherine (porn actress), 156
Sauers, Joan, 21, 134
Segelov, Colin, 181
self esteem, 45, 57–58, 76, 81–82, 104–105, 160
self-harm, 58–59, 164
self-objectification, 43, 45–46, 61, 102–103
Senate Inquiry into the Sexualisation of Children, 182–183, 186
Sensuous Child (Hal Wells), 114
Sensuous Woman, The (Joan Garrity), 114
7-Eleven, 188
sex-based stunts in public, 13–14
Sex Diaries, The (Arndt), 151
sex education
omission of relationships, 125
from pornography, 21, 24, 123, 125
‘Sex Education Show v Pornography, The’ (UK Channel 4), 15–16
Sex in Public (Rosewarne), 72
Sex in Public: Women, Outdoor Advertising and Public Policy (Rosewarne), 30, 67
sex industry
career counselling, 125
children exploited by, 18–20, 155
EROS, 189
‘normalisation,’ 26
see also prostitution
Sex Lives of Australian Teenagers (Sauers), 21, 26
sex offenders, 48–49, 63–64, 83
‘sex-positivism,’ 93–95
sex tourists, 20
sexism, 115
community silence, 73
Left politics, 153–154
media’s role, 69–71, 73
music, 122
‘sexting,’ 13
sexual abuse after effects, 164
sexual assault
filming for distribution, 24–25, 64
girls’ experiences, 26
against Indigenous girls, 25
objectification by offenders, 63–64
at primary school, 55
statistics, 25
victims, 62–3
young men’s attitudes, 26
sexual freedom, 84–96
sexual gratification, 6, 76, 79, 86, 88
sexual harassment, 26
role of advertising, 67, 72–73
sexual health, 132–144
sexual imagery, 8, 13, 23, 56, 76, 78, 80, 181
sexual revolution (1960s), 85, 94–95, 150–153, 156
individual rights, 91
sexual self-restraint, 89–90, 93
child abuse, 47–49
of children, 41–52, 116
evidence of harm, 42–49
of girls, passim
harm caused, 157–158
industry, 6
premature, 41–43, 50–52, 77, 94, 101
psychological effects, 47, 75–84
sexualised culture, 28, 30, 52, 161, 179
sexualised images, 48–49, 61–62, 73, 76, 79–81, 87, 156, 158–159, 179–181
sexualised society, 85, 93, 159
anal sex, 21, 63, 123
casual sex, 86–89, 123
children’s ignorance, 60
consent, 87–88
faux lesbianism, 63
lack of pleasure, 21–23
masturbation, 13–14, 19
‘new abstinence,’ 62
non-relational, 123
not wanting sex, 104
oral sex, 22–24, 62–23, 119–120, 132
orgasm, 22
performance model, 11, 62–63, 165
public, seen as maturity, 6
sex as metaphysical union, 86, 88, 95
threesomes, 63
child models posing as, 184
clothes for children, 80
image saturation, 100
pressure to be, 8–9, 12, 27–28, 58, 61, 102, 106, 115, 124, 131, 159–160
role models for prepubertal girls, 81
slogans on children’s wear, 11
Shalit, Wendy, 22–23
Shell-Coles Express, 184, 188
‘sickness industry,’ 134
sizeism, media’s role, 69
Skinner, Rachel, 134
Skins She sportswear, 28
Slave Girls of India (Ling), 20
slavery, child, 19–20
Smiggle, 184
Smith, Linnea, 122, 126
Snoop Dogg, 61
social death, 9
social script, 131
Spears, Britney, 177
spiritual death, 164
spray tan, 10
SSRI (selective seratonin reuptake inhibitor), 133, 139–140
State of the World’s Children - 2006 (UNICEF), 19
Stickam, 122
Stoppard, Janet, 140
stripping, 125
subjectification, 156
after breast implants, 59
after sexual abuse, 164
antidepressants, 140
Summer Heights High, 93
Sun (UK), 10
Sunday Age, The, 180
Sunday Mail, 14
surrogacy, 136
Swan, The, 59
Sydney Morning Herald, 27, 111
Target, 182
Taylor, Kate, 12–13
teachers as positive influences, 52
technologies, new see Internet;
Teen Form, 61
market, 55
products marketed to young girls, 42
effects on development, 168
make-over shows, 9–10
Ten Years Younger in Ten Days, 9–10
TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration), 135, 182
The Pill. Are You Sure It’s for You? (Bennett & Pope), 138
Timberlake, Justin, 13
‘Tit-F*cking Session,’ 186
Today Tonight, 180
torture, 18
Total Girl, 44
trafficking, 48, 79
‘Triple X Vouchers,’ 186
Tucci, Joe, 60
market, 55, 75
on the prowl, 11
Twenge, Jean, 90
Twilight (Meyer), 10
underwear, sexualised for girls, 11–12, 42–43, 182
Unilever, 185
United Petroleum, 188
values for girls, 33–34, 81
Vargaw, Alberto, 69
Vassarette underwear brand, 11–12
> videos
music clips, 13
see also games (videogames)
by boys, 23, 26
by men, 26
in pornography, 20, 27
in sex industry, 19
see also rape;
sexual assault
Virginia Slims, 91
Voodoo Doll pencil case, 184
Walsh, Jennifer, 47
War Against Women, The (French), 149
Washington Post, 11
Watt, David, 189
Westwood, Mathew, 110
‘What’s New’ chain, 184, 186
White Ribbon Foundation, 25
Whole Woman, The (Greer), 22
Wiggles, 5, 184, 186
Wilber, Ken, 91
Williamson, Sonny Boy, 113
empowerment, 23, 65, 91, 104, 138, 152, 156, 158
expectations, 1–2
infantilised in pornography, 32
negative images, 3
newly defined by feminism, 2
as nonentities, 69
objectification, 3, 23, 33, 68
smoking, 91
‘unattractive,’ 115
Women’s Forum Australia, 27, 99, 104
women’s health, 136–137
women’s liberation, 91
Women’s Liberation Movement, 144
women’s magazines, 99–106
Wong, Tobias, 92
World Health Organization, 79
Yahoo!, 120, 122
Young Media Australia, 169, 180
young men’s attitudes to sexual assault, 25–26
Britain’s Got Talent, 6
filming of sexual assaults, 24
My Kind of People, 7
Zoloft, 139
Getting Real Page 22