Seven Sinful Secrets

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Seven Sinful Secrets Page 5

by 7 Author Anthology

  "Tell me about your secret, slave," she whispered.

  He couldn't think straight. It was as if his brain couldn't hold a single thought in his head.

  "Speak!" she said in a firm voice.

  "I have always wanted to submit to you." Finally, the words came out.

  "Tell me what you want me to do. Speak the words you wrote," she said, stroking his cock with the black leather spanker.

  "I want to serve you, be yours to do with as you wish, Mistress." Nicholas hung his head, not wishing to look into his wife's eyes.

  "Well done, my slave. This will be an enjoyable experience for me. However, for you it may not be." A smile played on her lips. "Now take your clothes off, and lie on the bed face down."

  Nicholas could not believe what he was hearing. Not only did she look the part, but she was acting the part, too. He quickly stripped bare and lay on the bed as she commanded.

  "Good, now close your legs and arms above your head," she whispered in his ear.

  Nicholas obeyed straight away. Then he heard shuffling and turned his head to see what was happening. A sharp slap to his outer thigh was his unspoken warning. Nicholas buried his head in the pillows instead and let his heart thunder in his chest. He felt Marissa tug at his wrists, but he dared not move his head to see. His wrists were handcuffed together, and he sighed, enjoying the feeling of control being taken away from him slowly.

  Next, his ankles were cuffed together, too. His brain let go of his surroundings, and he lay there enjoying being told what to do.

  "Now take your punishment for keeping your desire secret from me," she said.

  A sharp slap on his ass caused him to cry out. It was quickly followed a series of stinging slaps. He forgot about the pain and enjoyed the heat after each slap. He groaned into the pillow and ground his hard cock into the mattress, looking for release.

  "No, you don't," said his wife. "Turn over."

  Nicholas wriggled onto his knees, then turned over and lay flat on his back with his arms above his head.

  "Hmmm, hard, are we?" she asked.

  "Yes, Mistress," he said, licking his lips in anticipation of her next move.

  "Want to come?" she asked.

  "Yes, Mistress," he said.

  "You will come when I tell you to and not before." Marissa moved to the box on the chest of drawers. His mind raced to recall what had been included in the beginner's kit that he had ordered. She pulled out a feather tickler and walked towards him. Standing at the side of the bed, she began to stroke his cock. The soft, silky feel of the feathers teased his skin, and his brain fizzed in delight of this slow torture. Lying on the bed, he felt free at last to relax and let Marissa take control of him. His balls tightened, and he moaned as his body readied itself to come.

  "Mistress, I cannot help it. Please, may I come," he asked, gritting his teeth to keep a tight control on his desperate need to explode.

  Marissa flicked the feather tickler over his cock some more, causing him to grit his teeth.

  "Yes, you may," his wife said.

  Her satin-gloved hand replaced the feathers, and she grabbed his cock and massaged. It was all he needed. His balls tightened, and his stomach muscles clenched as his body found the release it so needed.

  Nicholas lay back drowsy and content. The bed dipped a little, and he felt Marissa lie next to him.

  Nicholas opened his eyes slowly and saw a pair of round breasts next to him. Something hard was pressed against his stomach. Looking down he saw a bright red latex cock and gulped. Where the hell does she intend on putting that?

  "I think I am going to enjoy exploring your secret, darling," she said.

  The End

  Other Books by Michaela Rhua:

  Anniversary Gift

  Copyright © 2013

  Cherie Nicholls

  If nothing else Cleo knew that when she got to that hotel room, her life wouldn’t be the same.

  For weeks she’d been suspicious. There wasn’t anything concrete, but there was something that just made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up on end.

  After all, when you’d been married as long as she’d been, you knew your partner better than most. Better than anyone in the world. So when that partner stops asking for something as simple as blueberries on their pancakes, your senses kick in to high gear. The warning bells go off.

  Cleo walked into the hotel and over to the reception desk.

  The call she’d gotten earlier in the day had been the final straw.

  “Mrs. Danster, I just wanted to confirm that your room has everything you asked for. I hope you and your husband enjoy your stay, and let me be the first to say Happy Anniversary.”

  “Thank you.”

  Cleo had hung up. She'd picked up the cordless handset, and she’d thrown it clean across the room.

  She’d made no room booking.

  Now here she was smiling at the desk clerk.

  “Hi, I’m Mrs. Danster. I understand my husband has booked us a room for the night.”

  “Ah, yes, Mrs. Danster. I was told to expect you. Here you go. You’re in 1504.”

  Cleo nodded her thanks and headed up the elevator. How she’d managed to keep it together for the ride here she had no idea.

  She shouldn’t have been surprised that their lives together would end like this. Cleo wasn’t made for keeping. There were other women out there more suited to a life of “togetherness”.

  That wasn’t Cleo. As much as she loved being in a relationship, she was always waiting for it to end, not because that’s what she wanted but because she didn’t think she was worth their love. She’d stopped dating completely, but she’d been persuaded to give it a shot. Now that was going to end with the heartbreak she was promised would never happen again.

  The laugh she gave as she stepped off on the fifteenth floor would have sent cold shivers down the spin of anyone who’d heard it.

  It took her a second to find the room.

  Cleo took a deep breath. Behind this door was the end of her world. She wanted nothing more than to turn and run, hide, pretend none of this had happened. But she couldn’t. She’d seen others do that, and it had nearly killed them.

  One last deep breath, and then she knocked.

  It took a lifetime for the door to be answered. When it finally was pulled open, her stomach sank. He stood there looking like a dark angel. Thick black shoulder length hair framed stunning blue eyes. The fact he wore only trousers and no shirt was more telling. Not a simple business meeting then.

  “I’m here for my wife,” Cleo said with clear aggression. The slow smile that spread across his face did nothing to calm her raging temper.

  “What’s so amusing?”

  “She said you’d come.”

  “Did she? Well you can let her know I’m here.”

  “Come on in.”

  Cleo stepped in to the room. He didn’t leave her much room, and forced her to brush against his body.

  “Who was at the door, Mitch?” Marie asked walking out of the bedroom in nothing but black lingerie. The very same set Cleo had bought for her birthday.

  “Your woman has arrived.”

  Cleo expected shock, perhaps guilt. She saw none of that in Marie. A smile spread across Marie’s face. Cleo’s temper started to rise. Marie wasn’t even sorry that she’d been caught.

  “Mitch, as in Mitchell, your new PA? Little cliché don’t you think, Marie?”

  “Perhaps, but it works for me. He works for me, too, in more ways than one.”

  “I don’t need to hear about your exploits, thank you.”

  “No? But I thought you liked when I talked dirty, baby?”

  Cleo’s cheeks burned. How dare she? How dare Marie try flirting with her when she’d been caught cheating?

  “Yeah, well that was before you decided I wasn’t enough to keep you entertained.”

s that right?” Marie sat on an overstuffed chair, a hand casually stroking the swell of her breast.

  Damn her, as angry and hurt as Cleo was, she still wanted Marie.

  “Yes,” Cleo said.

  “Mitch, get the door,” Marie said.

  She was going to have Cleo thrown out? Fine. If that’s the way this was going to end, then fine. She’d walk out with her head held high even if her heart was in shatters.

  The sound of the lock snapping into place drew Cleo’s attention.

  “Good boy,” Marie said with such praise for the man Cleo wanted to head-butt him.

  Mitch locked the door.

  What the hell?

  Cleo watched him cautiously as Mitch walked around in front of her.

  “Now, Mitch, show my woman why you’re here with me.”

  Mitch stopped by the end of the large king size bed and grinned at Cleo. She wanted nothing more than to smash him in his woman-stealing mouth.

  A quick flick of his wrist and shimmy of his hips, and his trousers were undone and slipping down his legs to pool at his feet.

  “Like what you see?”

  His deep baritone voice vibrated through Cleo, settling low in her stomach.

  She racked his body with her gaze. He had muscles that some weightlifters would be jealous of. His six-pack called to her, begging to be touched. Cleo curled her hands into fists to prevent herself from doing just that.

  “Do you think he’s big enough, girl?”

  Cleo looked over to her wife. She was having a hard time keeping up here. One minute she was angry, and the next she was heartbroken. Right now she was turned on, yet completely confused. The heartbreak was still there, under the surface.

  “Marie? What’s going on?”

  “Has it been so long you don’t know an erect cock when you see one, girl?” There is it was again, girl, the term Marie used when they played.

  “I know what that is.” Cleo spoke through gritted teeth. “I mean this.” She waved her hand at the room.

  Marie came out of her chair. With measured steps she stopped next to Mitch.

  “Do you know what he said to me about a month ago?”

  Cleo shook her head.

  “He came to my office and saw your picture on my desk. It seemed he liked what he saw. Tell her what you said, boy.”

  “I said I’d do anything to be able to eat your pussy.”

  Cleo’s heart stopped for a second before taking off at a racing pace.

  “I wasn’t happy. I told him if he even looked at my woman I’d have his ass. Do you know what he said? Tell her what you said, Mitch.”

  “I said my ass was hers for the taking.”

  Marie reached out and stroked a hand along the length of his engorged erection.

  “So I said to myself, what would I do with his ass? I had to think. It’s been a while since I let a cock near me. So I made him strip, there and then in the office. He didn’t blink, did exactly what I said. Like a good boy.”

  Cleo swallowed hard. Her breath came in pants now. She couldn’t take her eyes off of Marie’s hand as it stroked him.

  “I teased him for hours. He was such a good boy. When I sent him home without a single orgasm, he didn’t complain. The next day when I came into work I found him kneeling by my desk waiting for me.”

  Marie reached out and took hold of Cleo’s hand. She guided it to his cock. Marie wrapped Cleo’s hand around the hard flesh.

  “I have to confess that made me wet.” As she spoke she reached for Cleo’s shirt, unbuttoning as she spoke. Cleo knew she should stop her, but her words were like a drug. She couldn’t get enough. “Tell her what I told you, boy.”

  “She told me to beg.”

  Marie walked behind her and slipped the shirt from her shoulders. Mitch stepped back and allowed her hand to drop away. Her shirt fell from her arms to pool at her feet. Cleo felt the snap of her bra come loose, and then that, too, joined her shirt.

  Marie’s soft hands came up to cup Cleo breasts.

  “Didn’t I tell you my girl had the best tits, boy?”

  “You did.”

  “You want to taste?” Marie asked. Cleo thrust her chest out in offering. God, what was she doing? This was wrong, but with Marie pressed close behind her, it felt deliciously wrong, like chocolate cake when you’re dieting.

  “Hell yes.” Mitch almost growled.

  “Ask me nicely,” Marie said.

  “Please, Mistress, may I suck on your woman’s succulent breasts?”

  “Hmm, that was pretty,” Marie said. “What do you think, girl? Shall I let him have a taste of my property?” Cleo looked into Mitch’s eyes. Lust hung heavy there. He licked his lips and gave her a half smile. A smile she returned.

  “My breasts belong to you, Mistress. If you see fit to allow the boy to taste then he can taste,” she said.

  Marie squeezed and kneaded her soft globes roughly, just the way Cleo liked it.

  “Good answer, girl. For that I shall reward you. Boy, suck,” Marie said as she offered him one of Cleo’s breasts. Mitch didn’t wait to be told again. Leaning down he latched on to the mound. He took the nipple into his mouth and rolled it against the roof of his mouth.

  Cleo’s head fell back against Marie's shoulder as he lavished attention on first one breast, then the other when instructed.

  “He’s good, isn’t he, girl?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Are you enjoying his talented mouth?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Hmm, I’m not so sure. I think I should make sure.” Marie slipped her hand down into the waistband of Cleo’s trousers and straight into her panties. Cleo groaned loudly when Marie slipped two fingers into her wet pussy. “Oh look at that. You are enjoying it.”

  The joint stimulus of Mitch’s mouth and Marie’s fingers pushed Cleo closer and closer to the edge.

  “Don’t you dare come, do you hear me?” Marie whispered the instruction into her ear.

  “Please.” Cleo fought her own body’s reaction. No matter how much she wanted to come she couldn’t, not until she’d been given permission.

  “No.” Marie refused. She pushed Cleo’s hair out of her face and captured her mouth. The kiss wasn’t gentle. It was a branding. Cleo’s heart soared, and the kiss healed a lot of the cracks in it. Marie pulled away to look into Cleo eyes. “Mine.”

  Cleo nodded, not trusting her voice.

  “I want her naked, boy.” Marie stepped away from both. Mitch didn’t miss a beat and caught hold of Cleo’s hips. She saw his muscles bunch a second before her trousers tore into pieces.


  “Shush,” Marie said. “You know my rules. I want you naked at all times when in our bedroom.”

  “This isn’t our bedroom,” Cleo said, knowing she sounded like a petulant brat.

  “Oh, I know. If it was, I’d already have you tied down,” Marie said with a warning tone.

  Seconds later Cleo’s panties joined her trousers in tattered pieces.

  She glared up at Mitch, who grinned back. “Just following orders,” he said giving her a wink.

  Cleo poked her tongue out at him.

  “Behave.” A swift tap on her butt brought Cleo’s attention back to Marie. Marie walked over and sat back on the overstuffed chair. She raised a finger in the air, twirling it. Cleo understood the signal and turned on the spot. She heard Marie suck air in through her teeth “Damn, girl, just the sight of you makes me soaked.” Cleo glowed at the praise. “Come here,” she said when Cleo once again faced her.

  Cleo walked over to stand in front of her mistress.

  “Sit.” Cleo turned and slipped on Marie’s lap. “Spread.” She pulled Cleo’s legs apart. “Doesn’t she have a pretty pussy, boy?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “I own this pussy. It belongs to me. Tell boy who owns this pussy, girl.”

  “My Mistress owns my pussy.”

  Marie stroked her hand along the length of Cl
eo’s body, cupping her breasts, before dipping low to tease her wet core.

  “That’s right, I own it. This pussy doesn’t get to orgasm until I say, does it, girl?”

  Cleo shook her head. Marie teased her body, playing it like an instrument.

  “Please.” Cleo’s breath caught on the plea.

  “Hmm, again.”

  “Please, Mistress.” Cleo ground her hips against the hand bringing her so much pleasure.

  “Boy, do you want to eat?”

  Mitch nodded. Cleo could see he couldn’t take his eyes off of Marie’s hand and what it was doing. The thought sent burning lava through her veins, making her wetter than she had been before.

  “On your knees.”

  Mitch dropped to his knees in front of them. Cleo nearly came at the sight alone.

  Marie pressed her lips close to Cleo’s ear. “He looks hot like that, doesn’t he, baby? I know how wet you are. My hand is soaked. I can’t wait to see his face buried between your legs, mmm, watching him eat you out. God, the thought makes so horny.”

  She wasn’t the only one. The sensations assaulting Cleo’s body were sending her closer to the edge, no matter how hard she fought it.

  “Boy, show her how good you are with that mouth.”

  Mitch dove forward, spearing his tongue into her. Cleo gasped and gripped the arms of the chair, pushing back the orgasm that threatened to overwhelm her.

  “Don’t you come,” Marie said to her, but in her next breath. “Boy, if you don’t make my woman come, that hard-on you’ve been sporting for the last week isn’t going to get any attention.” Cleo felt Mitch freeze, as she did for a second. Then they both moved, Mitch doubling his efforts, Cleo trying her best to get away.

  His mouth was like pure sin. She knew he’d make her come, hard, but she couldn’t. She wasn’t allowed.

  “Make her come, boy,” Marie said. Cleo could hear the glee in her voice. She held Cleo tight, giving Mitch perfect access to her.

  Mitch followed instructions well. He sucked her clit into his mouth before letting it go, and with a long lick he speared into her pussy again. The man was a genius. At any other time she would have basked in the glory of his skills but not now.


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