Blue Moon

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Blue Moon Page 17

by Angela Colsin

  Casually, as if she hadn't planned for it to be a gift, she said, “I got some things to make a chocolate strawberry cheesecake, my grandmother's recipe.”

  Cade's expression turned from curiosity to one of longing, and Ashley laughed. “I'll just go get that started.”

  Grabbing the bags, she headed out of the study and toward the kitchen where she tugged out the cooking supplies. But before she started working on it, she made a pit stop in the bathroom with a new pair of earrings that she wanted to try on.

  Ashley wanted to rebuild her lost belongings whenever she could, so when she found the items on sale at Runway, she snagged them. They were dangling silver drops that were casually elegant, and Ashley admired them in her ears for a moment before heading back to the kitchen.

  She grinned when she saw Cade waiting at the counter as if all too interested in the cooking activity about to commence. It was a good time to make the cake as well, being before work when it could chill in the fridge until they got back home.

  Then again, did Cade work tonight? She decided to ask.

  “Not on Thursdays, but I need to go up there and see someone. Why, did you wanna work?”

  “I wouldn't mind honestly.”

  Cade nodded. “Sara might need you, Thursdays can be iffy with business.”

  “Do you usually open?” Ashley inquired.

  “Yeah, I only close on Wednesdays for inventory, sometimes Sundays. But on the weekend, I work evenings to watch the place in case it gets rowdy.”

  Ashley couldn't help a smirk, and when Cade saw it, he asked, “What?”

  “Nothing,” she shrugged. “I was just thinking you'd make a good bouncer. I wouldn't mess with you anyway, drunk or sober.”

  “You’d be surprised,” he mentioned. “I’ve thrown out good friends before.”

  His smirk was amused as Ashley suggested, “I guess the drink doesn’t leave much room for logical reasoning.”

  “Half the wolves don’t have logical reasoning when they’re sober,” Cade countered. “They just like a good fight, trash talking, that kind of shit.”

  She grinned, opening some of the packages while giving Cade little tasks to perform, such as grabbing eggs from the fridge.

  When he brought them over, he mentioned, “Sometimes it makes me worry about you.”

  “What does?”

  “The wolves that go to Blue Moon,” he explained. “They're not known for being subtle around cute, feisty women.”

  Ashley grumbled, not only over the insinuation, but also how he'd called her cute. Can't make up my mind if that's good or bad.

  “What's wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she muttered, “just not sure how comfortable I am with the idea of a bunch of drunk lupines hitting on me.”

  She noticed Cade eyeing her quietly before commenting, “You seem a little shy anyway. Why's that?”

  Ashley wasn't too sure how to answer, settling on the words, “I don't know. I'm just not good with . . . men.”

  Following the response, she asked him to grab a large bowl when she noticed a peculiar look on his face, saying he hadn't expected her statement. “What?”

  “Not good with men?” he inquired.

  Grumbling, she clarified, “My dad treated dating like a sin, so I figured it was better to just not date and avoid drama with him. But the more guys I blew off at school, the weirder my reputation got, and the more uncomfortable I was with the topic. So I just never tried.”

  “Wait,” he started, stepping next to the counter where he set the bowl down. “Are you saying you've never had a boyfriend?”

  “Yeah,” she muttered, “That's what I'm saying.”

  Cade looked stunned, and she pursed her lips. Tugging out the cream cheese, she was just about to ask if he thought she was strange because of it, when dizziness suddenly overwhelmed her.

  Dropping the spoon she held, Ashley groaned, “I don't feel so good, Cade.”

  He was already pulling her in to hold steady as he lifted her hair behind her ear, drawing in a breath through his nose.

  “Your earrings are silver, sweety, I can smell it.”

  “Is that bad?” she asked, tensing when he pulled one out.

  Ashley hadn't realized that her ears had grown tender while Cade gently worked both of the hooks out, setting the jewelry on the counter, explaining, “Prolonged contact with it makes us weak.”

  She frowned, still feeling out of it even though the silver was gone. Cade continued holding her as if he thought she might fall over.

  “You'll be all right in a minute,” he mentioned. “Didn't Sara say something?”

  “No, she wasn't there. I grabbed them while she was talking to another girl working.”

  “Well, no more silver,” Cade started, “and stay the hell away from wolf's bane. It's extremely lethal to us.”

  “Okay,” Ashley replied, and finally cracked her eyes open.

  She was already starting to feel better, but didn't want him to let go, too comfortable locked in his arms. His scent surrounded her, making her forget reality.

  Ashley had to force herself to say, “I think I'm fine now, actually.”

  “Your ears aren't red anymore,” he pointed out, but still didn't let go.

  She guessed he wasn't convinced, and began to pull away slowly. Somehow, he almost seemed reluctant to release her—or was that merely wishful thinking?

  But she didn't want to attempt looking at him to figure it out, not with the way she was feeling at that moment. So she grabbed a bag of chocolate chips and handed them over.

  “Care to dump these in a pan to melt?”

  Cade smiled, taking the bag while asking, “How'd you know I like strawberries and cheesecake, anyway?”

  Shit, he's onto me. Innocently, she suggested, “Doesn't everyone?”

  Cade continued eyeing her suspiciously. It took everything Ashley had not to grin rather than looking mildly curious before she shrugged and hid her expression by getting back to work on the cake.

  But she was really going to have to find a place of her own. Apparently, staying with Cade just wouldn't be good for trying to control herself. Something with him was drawing her in completely, and it was annoying when all she wanted to do was focus on getting herself together.

  Cade was going to drive her crazy, and the worst part was that he didn't even realize it.

  Chapter 20

  Ashley was going to drive Cade crazy, and the worst part was that she didn't even know it.

  She was getting ready for work while he was waiting in his truck and had the thought. Conner was absolutely right about his instincts not letting go. After his reactions to Ashley while discussing his father, Cade knew that bonding had definitely started.

  He didn't feel the need to turn her away until he could get his emotions under control, and if she were anyone else, he would have. Instead, he'd turned to her, held her close and took in her warmth, her scent, enjoying the feel of her hands rubbing over his back, calming him.

  He also hadn't realized just how soothing her company would be when his emotions were running so high. She's like an addiction I needed a fix of.

  But now, it wasn't merely the situation in the way. Ashley was so shy that Cade figured he'd scare her off with his normal advances. When he learned that she'd never had a boyfriend—though it made sense considering her timidity—he was legitimately surprised.

  She was a beautiful woman, and curiously, Cade wondered if she'd ever even had sex. If not, he thought it was a damned shame she hadn’t been made to scream in pleasure at least once in her life, and wanted to be the first—and only—one to make her.

  She was so small and curvy. He wondered how well her breasts might fit in his palms, wondered how she would feel restlessly shifting beneath him, how good her scent would be when she was completely aroused.

  She’d probably claw her small fingers at his back, shyly hide her face against his chest, and scream for him while he pushed her over the edge—and he'
d make sure to push her over it hard.

  As soon as he had the thought, he could feel lust shooting through his veins, making him uncomfortably stiff in his jeans. Yep, bonding is definitely in full swing.

  Cade's mood became sour with the thought. Just how long would he have before the growing urge to strengthen their connection started making him irrational and temperamental? I can't put my instincts on hold for much longer.

  On the way to Blue Moon, he focused on what he had to do instead of Ashley to try to keep himself in check. While she went to clock in, Cade asked about Aislinn, and Martin told him she was in the office.

  He found the witch standing at the cabinet, rummaging through her purse. Ashley was just stepping out from clocking in when he arrived, and Cade moved from her path to let her leave—followed by watching her ass the whole way down the hall.

  When she disappeared around the corner, he looked back at Aislinn, who'd noticed him staring at his newest waitress.

  “What?” he asked, shutting the door.

  The redhead shrugged. “Just wondering if you stare at everyone's ass that way.”

  Cade rolled his eyes, hating how hard it could be to slip one past the witch. “Oh yeah, Martin's is a particular favorite,” he joked.

  Aislinn laughed, replying, “I'm gonna tell him you said that. But I'm taking it something's up since you shut the door.”

  “Yeah, I need to ask you for another paid favor.”

  Snickering, she pointed out, “It sounds so wrong when you put it like that, Cade.”

  He grinned. “True, but I need you to haze for something.”

  Hazing was an ability many witches had that used magic and psychic talents to locate a missing object or place. Because Aislinn was both a witch and a psychic, she could perform the task with relative ease without the aid of a coven.

  “Oh?” Aislinn asked with interest, putting her pocketbook back down once she'd tugged out a stick of gum. Tossing the wrapper away, she began chewing it before warning Cade, “It better be something important, and not another one of those 'my brother's out of town, help me find his stash' gigs.”

  “Who the hell asked for,” Cade stopped himself before muttering, “Joe.”

  “Yep,” Aislinn chuckled.

  Shaking his head, Cade replied, “Yes, this is a lot more important. What I need to find is a red cabin.” He went on to mention everything Ashley told him the night before about the blue pickup truck, as well as the church sign.

  “Okay, that's specifically non-specific enough for a hazing,” Aislinn replied. “Is this about Ashley? She's the newborn stray, right?”

  Aislinn knew all about the supernatural world as most genuine psychics and witches tended to. Human witches in specific got along extremely well with lupines, and several packs had human witch covens living on their doorsteps.

  Because they were mortal, they were easy for stronger creatures to pick off if they happened to butt heads with one. But lupines could offer them protection, so setting up camp where a pack lived formed a symbiotic relationship, and Aislinn provided magical services whenever possible in return for the security.

  “Yeah,” Cade confirmed. “How did you know about her?”

  “Sara came by Strange Brew earlier, told me all about it,” she explained, referring to a new age shop she owned in the city, then got back on topic. “So, you need to find a red cabin that might be a church? What is it?”

  “It's probably where the pack that turned her kept her locked up, and could be where they're holding other newborns captive to use in their bullshit fights.”

  Aislinn drew her lips back in a cringe, knowing what happened with Brady and how those things made Cade feel.

  “I see. Well, you know I'd be more than happy to help out,” she started, “but unless you've got something personal of someone who knows where it is, I can't.”

  “Damn it,” Cade muttered, getting the feeling she'd say that. So he asked, “What about Ashley? She was there for over a week.”

  Aislinn shook her head. “No, something of hers wouldn't work. She can't remember where the place is, so I'd draw just as much of a blank as she does now.”

  “Well, you're psychic right? Can't you get anything from her subconscious memories, or maybe hypnotize her for it?”

  “Oh, yeah sure, if I were something like a fae, or a lupine myself, easy as pie,” she retorted. “Sadly, a human doesn't have a lot of sway over the mind of a supernatural, so hypnotizing won't work. Not by me anyway.”

  Cade grumbled over the answer, trying to think of anything else he might be able to do. When no ideas came to mind, he asked, “Then what do you suggest? You're the mystic.”

  Chuckling, Aislinn folded her arms together and began rubbing her chin thoughtfully. She then mused aloud as if talking to herself rather than suggesting anything in specific.

  “I heard about a fae witch who's supposed to be really old and talented passing through here recently. She could hypnotize Ashley, but she'd probably charge a fortune. Not to mention it's unprofessional of me to suggest anyone else to you, so I think your best bet finding this place would be hazing.”

  Cade smirked. “Right. Besides, I don't trust just anyone with magic.”

  “As well you shouldn't,” Aislinn pointed out as if he were smart to say that. “So just find something I can use and you'll have your answers. Until then, I actually have something to give Ashley, compliments of your sister.”

  “What's that?”

  Aislinn produced a vial from her pocket, saying, “A tonic that'll make her bruises fade away by tomorrow.”

  Aislinn sold a number of tonics and other types of goods that most humans didn't know the true value of at her shop, many of which were only available to supernatural customers. One had to have an understanding of the supernatural world before they were privy to that particular menu of supplies, which Cade's pack took advantage of from time to time.

  “Good thinking,” Cade replied. “How much did you charge Sara for that?”

  “This is a freebie!” Aislinn shot out as if playfully offended that he would think she'd charge for everything. “I'm not a heartless businesswoman, Cade!”

  “In other words, you wanna get Ashley hooked so she'll become a Strange Brew regular.”

  “Right!” she grinned, and without missing a beat, gave him a scrutinizing look. “But tell me something. You seem smitten.”

  Cade groaned, “Don't start guessing at my love life again, Aislinn.”

  “Come on, Cade, I can't read auras as easily with lupines as I can with humans. I'm getting the sense that you're bonding though.”

  Cade rolled his eyes and stepped to the side, opening the door. “You need to get to work.”

  Aislinn pursed her lips, then pocketed the vial and headed to the door, saying on the way out, “I'll just take that as a yes and do a reading for you anyway.”

  Few things got Aislinn to do a reading faster than trying to predict someone's love life.

  Cade grumbled because he'd seen Tarot Cards and Runecasting work before, and actually found himself curious to know what Aislinn might find. But he was trying to quell his interests long enough to let Ashley settle in, not prick them by learning potential outcomes of the future.

  After leaving the office, he decided to sit at the bar for a while and watch a little of the game playing because he wasn't completely keen on the idea of going back to an empty house—cheesecake in the fridge or not.

  During that time, Ashley stopped once and asked him if he was all right, making Cade realize he was wearing his irritation on his face. So he replied that the game was bothering him, which usually convinced people well enough.

  But he watched her walking on, and realized that Joe was sitting at one of her booths with some friends. Ashley ducked away from him however, probably for being so forward.

  Even though that was relieving, Cade became extremely irritated with Joe and himself as time went on.

  He was watching Ashley like a
lovesick pup.

  When the thought crossed him, he figured it was time to go. Standing and walking toward the doors, Cade also thought that whether he made a move soon or not, he should set up a boundary with Joe.

  Sadly, he couldn't do that without letting Joe in on his current secret, and while Joe didn't have a big mouth, sometimes he opened it without thinking.

  One of these days, the pup was going to go through something very similar, and that's when Cade would get his turn to laugh.

  He almost couldn't wait.


  Ashley couldn't figure out what was bothering Cade so much, but it was easy to see that something was on his mind. Still, all he wanted to do was give her some generic response about the game bothering him when she'd asked.

  Nicole made a very similar statement to what Ashley was thinking about it when they were at the drink station.

  “Who pissed in his beer?”

  “Apparently the game is bothering him,” Ashley explained knowingly, “but his team isn't even playing.”

  Nicole grinned. “How do you know his team?”

  “I saw them watching an interview last night at the bar,” she explained. “It’s not hard to figure out from the way they were talking. So I have no clue what's actually wrong.”

  “Maybe it's you.”

  The sudden suggestion got Ashley's brows drawing together in confusion. “Me?”

  “Oh, I mean,” Nicole started, realizing her line hadn't come out right, “he was casting some looks your way, staring like he was zoned. Honestly, it was cute.”

  Nicole took her tray when she finished, winking at Ashley, who smiled back, but only halfheartedly. She wanted to tell Nicole not to put ideas in her head, but it was too late as the waitress made quick time back to her tables, leaving Ashley with her suggestion in mind.

  Nicole was right though. Ashley caught Cade staring at her once or twice before he left too. But when Nicole mentioned how cute it was, Ashley started questioning why he'd been doing it.

  She tried to focus on work instead of worrying, but it popped back into her head anyway. Was he interested? Cade had seemed indifferent to their kiss, and if he'd liked it, wouldn't he have made a move to get another one by now? Or said something at least?


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