Myths & Magic: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection

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Myths & Magic: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection Page 177

by Kerry Adrienne

  “What? I didn’t do that?” My mind shot back to that day. The man in the park had cupped his hand over my mouth so hard I thought I was going to die. Then they gagged me and wrapped tape across my mouth. I’d lost control of my telekinesis and thought I’d caused their car to veer off the road to slam into a tree. I’d walked away without a scratch while they hunched over in the front seats conked out.

  “That’s why your mother moved you to the Bay Area. Riley had located you in Vegas. The couple worked for him. Even back then, he was looking for anyone with magic. He didn’t know who you were, though. He was just hunting anyone with extreme ESP, hoping they were one of the Forbidden Thirteen.”

  I remembered the incident that triggered our move vividly. I was at the mall for my friend Laura’s birthday party. Some boys were taunting us. They started harassing Laura, calling her fat names, making rude oinking sounds. I shut three of them up with simultaneous threads of telekinesis to their brains.

  Growing warm under my father’s scrutiny, I swallowed hard and waved my hand at him to continue.

  “A few years ago, Melisande Aguirre infiltrated my team and stole the half of the Illuminaria we’d managed to piece together, which we kept in a separate location. She handed it over to Riley for a king’s ransom and her loyalty.” He held up his hand to forestall our shocked responses. “The entire Illuminaria belonged to your mother. It was supposed to remain in the possession of the thirteenth. That was your mother.” He paused for elaboration. “Now it’s you.”

  I rocked forward, my face in my hands. “Screw me now,” I whispered. “Mom was trying to fly under the radar by shunning anything to do with the paranormal. She feared the laws and so much more. After what’d happened to the couple in the park, I feared them too.” I feared me.

  “I played cat and mouse with Riley for years to keep him off you and your mother’s trail. I drew his people all over the world with false leads, never able to lay my eyes on him as he remained underground. I formed a team to protect you and the others. The team has been in place since the Rift first shifted the year of your births. Once Riley got his hands on the book, everything spiraled out of control. I found out he had your mother’s blood on ice, taken during our college days in Ireland. He used it with Ronan’s magic to screw up the Rift. I set up the deal where he supposedly paid me off, to get access to his compound. He killed one of my best men, who sacrificed himself for the task by taking my place in a ruse to get inside the compound. He’s the father of Matt Barlow, one of the Thirteen. Matt’s safely living in our new secure compound in the Santa Cruz Mountains, not far from Adam’s house.” Adam and I traded shocked stares. “His father knew what was at stake for all the kids if Riley got even one of them under his control outside of Ronan. Especially you. You have the potential to call them all to you. We had to stop him at all costs.” He scrubbed his face. “Unfortunately, Ronan’s mother was collateral damage.”

  “What about my mother?” My voice sounded small and squeaky. “Granny Elle?”

  “Accidents as far as we know, honey.” His face blanched, and his voice grew croaky. “I’m so sorry. Your mother’s accident happened before Riley discovered you were in the Bay Area, before we beefed up our security.”

  “But your man Barlow gave up Aria’s identity and whereabouts.” Adam shoved his long, thick golden hair over his shoulder as if it bothered him.

  “He must have broken under Riley’s torture. We’ll never know. He was a good man who went to any length to save his son…and Aria.” His voice softened. “We gave Riley false leads. It was just a matter of time he’d find Aria through her magic. It’s too strong to hide under his detectors. He had his people and electronic detectors stationed around the world. All Aria had to do was walk down a street near a detector and bam. We’re still learning the full extent of his reach.”

  My stomach gurgled, and I sucked in a few deep breaths to still the blooming ache. “Why didn’t you just come forward once Riley sicced his dogs on me?” I demanded, having a hard time feeling out his motives.

  My so-called father rose and began pacing the room. He toed aside pieces of the broken genie bottle that’d exploded during my earlier escape. “Riley had you tailed, bugged, you name it. If he even suspected I was alive, it would have blown my cover. I couldn’t protect you or the others if that occurred. Your security has been my number one goal since before you were born. I refuse to jeopardize that.”

  Confusion reigned supreme inside me. I rubbed my temples until a knock on the door served up a side order of reality.

  An unfamiliar man entered, carrying a silk-wrapped package the size of a large book. “We got it out of the safe without incident.” Alexander accepted the package and dismissed the man.

  My father stepped toward me. Adam tensed and I patted his knee. He’d remained silent for the newest tale to join the fairytale tome, and I appreciated his protectiveness.

  “This belongs to you.” My father set the package on the coffee table. “It’s the original Illuminaria with the English translation.”

  Wide-eyed, I ogled the wrapped book. “Except for the missing pages.”

  “Except for the pages your mother kept separated. We knew the Rift had fractured and either she or you would need them to control it one day.”

  “How did you get it out of Riley’s safe?” Adam touched his fingertips to the cloth. “He said he had a self-destruct device on it if anyone but him tried to open it.”

  “Only if his fingerprints weren’t used to open the safe.” Alexander’s implication sent a cold crawl of detached body parts up my spine.

  Reverently, I peeled back a corner of the smooth cloth and unearthed the illuminated manuscript cover. It was as old as Earth, the edges slightly worn, oils fading the colors of the cover and dirtying edges of the pages. It was beautiful and full of life. I rewrapped the silk around it again and hugging it to my chest, I rose off the couch.

  More of the upside down world insanity sank into my bones and I shuddered. Zoe stood and took Adam’s hand. They waited, staring at me as I fixated on the multifaceted amethyst, sapphire, and emerald genie bottle pieces twinkling beneath the overhead lights.

  Finally, I leveraged my tired and sore butt forward. I picked up a piece of the rainbow glass the color of Ronan’s eyes. Thankfully, no one said a word. I was hardly able to explain the unearthly attraction to the genie bottle myself, so why spend my last brain cells to decode it for them. I clasped Adam’s comforting hand.

  In the corridor, the tug on my aura fought the huge part of my heart that belonged with Ronan. The other part of my heart let Adam lead me away. I think Adam’s doppelgänger bond to Ronan would always be a part of me. I’d eventually learn to deal with it. At that moment, all my thoughts centered on Ronan, and his magic dominated our triad.

  Silent, my father trailed us out of the building, his guards in tow. I was grateful for the chance to dwell on all I had learned that night without him pressuring me for something I couldn’t give yet. In time, I think I’ll rekindle my love for him.

  The king-sized hotel bed was as close to heaven as I’d seen in days. After a quick bath, I donned one of Ronan’s extra-large T-shirts and spritzed on his cologne, taking a deep breath of him. I cranked up the heat and snuggled into the sumptuous pillowtop mattress. Zoe began squawking a song in the shower. I stuffed a plump pillow over my head and groaned. Add to shopping list: duct tape.

  The door swished open, Fin dashed into the room, leapt onto the bed, plastering her furry body against my side.

  Adam followed the pooch’s path to my heaven. He’d showered and donned a pair of sweatpants and a white T-shirt, smelling fresh and crisp of soap and shampoo, which enhanced his various underlying scents of the fresh outdoors. He perched on the edge of the bed, resting his hand on my leg.

  “I missed you, Finny.” I scratched the preening pup’s head.

  Adam patted Fin’s haunches. “Maybe someday we’ll find out her story.”

  “Maybe now s
he’ll start growing.” I tweaked the pup’s ear, wallowing in her happiness.

  The shower door opened and Zoe’s rendition of new alternative rock thankfully trickled down the drain. Birds were safe again from the off-key screeching.

  Adam leaned forward, his face close to mine. “Sleep tight.” He gave me a chaste kiss on the forehead. “See you in the morning.”

  Yawning, I slipped beneath the covers again. “More like evening.” I grabbed his wrist before he moved away. “You’re okay now?”

  “Would you let me sleep with you if I told you I hurt like hell?” He grinned.

  I squeezed his hand and let go. “You couldn’t handle the two of us.” His laughter followed him into the lonely depths of the other bedroom.

  Zoe swept out of the bathroom in a cloud of steam and jasmine. “Can I stick my jewelry in your safe?” she asked much too loudly. “Oops, sorry. You asleep?”

  Exit sandman. “Not now.”

  “How can you sleep with that delicious fairy next door?”

  “Watch me.” I shoved the pillow over my face.

  “You’re no fun.” She fake-pouted. “What’s the combo?”

  The question gave me pause to think, so hard it hurt. Ronan had broken into the safe, not that my choice of combination was much of a secret to someone who knew me the way he did. Had it been an act on Ronan’s part? Or had he seriously tried to bargain for his freedom at my expense? Or was it his father’s drugs? My baffled mind refused to ignite and I pushed out a weary breath. Reality would return with the sun…er…clouds tomorrow. “If it’s not already open, it’s thirteen, thirty-one.”

  “Well, that’s sure original.”

  “You’d never have thought of it yesterday.”

  Zoe proceeded to keep the dead awake as she rustled in the closet. The lock clicked open. Fin growled, and I absently pet her.

  “You know you have things in here,” Zoe’s oh-so-intruding voice called. “Hmm, now this is interesting.” Curiosity never killed Zoe. Papers crinkled.

  “What the—” I thrust the covers off, buried Fin beneath the heavy jacquard, and jumped out of bed. Zoe rushed toward me with a large padded envelope dangling from her hands. We butted heads.

  “Oww.” We groused in unison, rubbing our heads, giggling.

  My pulse revved up. I snatched the envelope out of her hands, stared at the pages inside. Holding them to my chest, I sprinted toward the familiar envelope I’d taken from Riley’s office and tossed on the desk after we’d arrived in the suite. I peeked inside to find it stuffed with photocopies of Riley’s Illuminaria pages copied from Melisande’s tablet. Ronan had faked out his father with his own book. “Oh. My. God.”

  All my doubts fled. My decision became even more final. Would Ronan feel the same after all that had happened?

  Chapter 29

  Magic, murder, and mayhem were hell on the body. I believe I’d connected all the dots of my bruises possible to connect. Twelve hours after we’d arrived at the hotel, I left the bed better than I’d felt in forever. Zoe and Adam were talking and laughing up a riot in the living room. I wasn’t jealous. Well, maybe a tiny part of me wanted to bitch slap her to San Jose. I think they were totally into each other, and if I couldn’t have Adam, then I wanted Zoe to have him.

  Honestly, I was glad Adam was taking everything so well. What long-term bond and head-trips would the doppelgänger hunks suffer? At some point, I too would have to deal with my own familial issues. Adam told me my father planned to remain incognito until I was ready to deal with him on my terms. More of my animosity toward him slipped away.

  I strolled into the bathroom, stripped off Ronan’s T-shirt, and gazed at my luminous skin. The bruises, scrapes, and cuts that had colored me like a rainbow were a distant nightmare. Fae magic had healed me faster than a snake shedding its skin. Had I also gained fae immortality? Were the fae really immortal? The nagging thoughts drifted away. I twisted my torso, scrutinized the vine growing up my back. One ebony thorn sprouted out of the bottom right of the vine above my butt crack. A reddish purple flower bloomed on a stem shooting toward my kidney. It had thirteen petals. “Weird, I tell you, weird.”

  An hour later, I joined Zoe and Adam eating ice cream in the living room.

  They clapped.

  “Ha ha.”

  “Ice cream?” Adam held out his freshly scooped bowl.

  I pursed my mouth at the pink, brown, and white glob. “No, thanks. I don’t eat ice cream.”

  “Who doesn’t like ice cream?” He shoved the bowl closer.

  I hadn’t eaten ice cream since my father promised me a hot fudge sundae. “Who said I didn’t like it?” Nudging him aside, I veered to the left toward the closet. I plucked out my jacket and wound my purple ombre scarf around my neck.

  “Where are you going?” Adam approached, his eyes going all alpha male dark on me. I swear they mirrored a black hole.

  I rose on my toes and kissed his cheek. “Running an errand. Is Jon or Jax up for a spin?”

  Wariness radiated off Adam in waves of exotic spice cologne and slightly singed roses. “I’ll take you. Where?”

  “No. Just me and Fin.”

  His aura prickled around mine, his displeasure an odd sensation I’d have to learn to live with among all his other emotions. Along with Ronan’s, I supposed. Allow me to introduce my selves.

  I stroked his sun-kissed cheek, loving the feel of stubbly life grazing my fingers. “Trust me.” He was like the sun, a force that had awakened me. Magic shimmered between us, sprinkled me in happy fairy dust.

  He growled low in his throat, borrowing a cue from his darker doppelgänger. “Okay. Just tell me where.”

  I glided my hand down his chest. Electricity popped warm pleasure in my veins, and I drew away before the allure sucked me in. “To the Rift.”

  His expression clouded. “It’s not safe.”

  “I’ll shield myself.”

  “Why on earth would you want to go there?” Zoe piped up, clanging her bowl on the coffee table.

  “Chill, you guys.”

  Fin ran circles around me, tail whipping up a whirlwind. I zipped around Adam, grabbed my purse, and called out to the brothers. Knuckles rapped on the door, and Jon didn’t bother waiting for an invite.

  “Come on, Finny.” I blew Adam and Zoe a kiss, grabbed Jon’s arm and wheeled him around to the door. “See you later. Have fun,” I threw over my shoulder. “Don’t do anything you’d feel guilty about later. Love you both.” I rushed Jon out and hooked Fin’s leash on her collar.

  “Two hours, Aria.” I turned to see Adam give Jon a knowing look. “If you’re not back, I’m coming for you.”

  Jon fidgeted in his boxers. “Um…she’s not gonna knock me out and steal my car, is she?”

  I slapped his arm. “Don’t be a wuss. Let’s go.”

  I had dreamed during my long sleep and awakened with visions of fairies fluttering in my head. Some had wings in all colors of the spectrum, with or without pointy ears, long hair, or short hair. They had glowing eyes and normal eyes. Short, tiny, tall, human size, bug size. Beautiful, mystical, magical. I was their goddess, little humdrum Aria Elle Walker. Forbidden sorcerer extraordinaire. The big, bad thirteenth.

  Jon rolled up the privacy window. Funny guy. He could blast me with his wicked gun, yet he was leery of me. Fin hopped from seat-to-seat as if fleas had landed for a party.

  Jamming my fists into my coat pockets, my right hand butted against something small wrapped in a velvet pouch. I plucked out the pouch and a chain fell out. Unwinding it, I discovered a gold, floral-engraved heart locket on a heavy chain, along with my lucky charm focusizer. The note read: I hope you like. Love, Adam. Adam had stuck in a tiny picture of Ronan. My heart melted as my eyes teared up. He’d known all along, probably before I even figured it out.

  I strung the sparkly box chain around my neck. The gold hung warm against my skin, and I loved the tinkling jingle my pendant made against the locket.

  Twenty minu
tes later, we reached the park. Jon parked behind the familiar copse of ghost trees. Brushstrokes of purple and indigo painted the twilight sky. Rain was a recent memory. I grabbed the flashlight and stuck my phone in my pocket.

  The door opened and Fin dashed away. “Fin. Wait!” I scrambled out of the car, grabbing hold of Jon’s hand. “Hang tight, please. It might take a while.”

  “No way.” He dug in his heels. “I can’t let you go off alone.”

  I tugged my hand away. “I’ll zip it if you do.” I tried to sneak past his hulking body, but he pressed me against the limo door. “Please. I’ll owe you one,” I cajoled. “I swear I won’t do anything to get you in trouble. You know I can handle myself.”

  His expression shifted faster than a professional liar on the witness stand. Scowling, he stepped back and flicked his hand. “Go.”

  I thumbed on the flashlight and ran toward the Rift. Currently closed 24/7, a few guards made regular rounds. I invoked the wicked cool cloaking spell, just in case. Who knew sorcerers and fairies had such fun magic? No wonder it was illegal.

  A moist wind blew through my jacket and my teeth rattled. I reached the stone circle without planting my face into a tuft of grass or a crusty pine.

  “Fin, where are you?” I swished the flashlight beam at the ground. A snuffle and snort resonated in the center of the stones. Rift energy wavered at my proximity, and the magically charged air swept my chills away. I slid between the two smallest jagged stone pillars and stood in the center.

  Fin jumped against my knees, jiggling on her hind legs.

  I laughed. “Give me a minute.” I killed the beam and stuck the flashlight in my pocket. “Stand in the center with me, Miss Infinity.”

  Her small body vibrated against me. I closed my eyes and focused on the energy of the stones, calling on the magic that seemed to belong only to me. The ancient magic hummed in my veins. It filled me with ecstasy, encircled me in glittery sparkles. Arms held upward as if reaching for the stars, I danced and lost myself for minutes, days it seemed.


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