Myths & Magic: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection

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Myths & Magic: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection Page 226

by Kerry Adrienne

I tracked down Fran. Apparently, she worked evenings at a flower shop. She stared daggers at me when I walked in.

  “Do you have a minute to talk?” I asked.

  She nodded and led me to the back of the shop where she worked on creating some very pretty bouquets.

  “I’m sorry to bother you here,” I said.

  “Are you?” she asked.

  “I just found out some information, and I wanted to ask you about it,” I said.

  “I didn’t do anything to Martha. I’m sure someone told you about the affair. It was years ago,” she replied.

  “Why didn’t you just tell me, then?” I asked.

  “It’s not your business. It’s history.”

  I suddenly wished I’d taken an allergy pill. My nose didn’t like one of the pollens back there.

  I sneezed.

  “Bless you. You didn’t seem like a flowers girl,” she said.

  “Thanks. Fresh flowers could trigger allergies for customers, so we don’t have them. I knew there was a reason.” I sniffed. “But, obviously, you know a side of the O’Conner family others don’t. You were involved with Mr. O’Conner. Are you still involved?” I asked.

  “No. Not for years. Marriage is a long and complicated business. Things aren’t always good. You’re too young to understand that. But it’s true. You can love someone, but all the spark and the passion are gone after kids and years of taking care of them. I ruined my marriage over feeling wanted. My ex had his wounded pride. Now, he’s in a home with dementia. That’s what he gets for that.” She stabbed a rose into a vase.

  That was cold, and she still took it very personally.

  “But Martha forgave her husband?” I asked.

  “She did. Sort of. She didn’t want the embarrassment of divorce. There was a time when people stayed together ‘til death. They only had one child and one grandchild. They didn’t want to stress out the family and cause pain. He felt very guilty and didn’t want to upset her health. I doubt he’d stray, again. But there are plenty of women interested. He’s a good-looking man for his age with a good pension.”

  “So, you don’t know anyone else he’s cheated with?” I asked.

  “No. And I didn’t hurt Martha. Maybe she goofed up her meds. She was always complaining about how the mail order place was changing what generics they sent her because their medical covered the cheapest stuff. And calling them only made her angrier. I think you’re looking for a smoking gun and maybe she just was getting confused. It happens.” She shrugged.

  “Right. Okay. Thanks for your time.” I rubbed my nose, trying not to sneeze again.

  “No man is worth killing over,” Fran said, half to me and half to herself.

  “I agree,” I muttered to myself.

  I left the flower shop and sneezed a few more times. My aunt was big into flowers, but clearly there was a flower out there that didn’t like me. Another dead end for the murder investigation. I needed some tea and a hot bath.

  Chapter 16

  I couldn’t refuse a family dinner request from my aunt. She did make the best pasta and garlic bread. Being back in the home I grew up in made me feel safe. My brain buzzed with suspects and what-ifs. The twins were helping their mom in the kitchen as I sipped tea and set the salad on the table.

  Uncle Vinny walked up as the girls brought out the pasta. We sat and began dishing out the food.

  “That hunter is a real handful in the basement. He’s all better. When is he leaving?” Violet asked.

  “I thought you guys liked that flirty pain in the neck,” I teased.

  Iris rolled her eyes. “He’s always asking us to get him things. Or help him leave. It’s weird. He’s hot, but something is off.”

  I shot my uncle a look.

  “It’s cabin fever. Hunters don’t like to be cooped up,” he replied.

  “Isn’t he safe here?” my aunt asked.

  My uncle sighed. “He is. He probably wants to get back to work. Check on some friends and family. That’s why it’s better to hold him longer. The police might be watching his friends and family. He can sit tight, for now.”

  “I’d still like more details on the case he was involved in,” I said.

  “We couldn’t find much,” Violet said.

  “What about Mrs. O’Conner’s case?” Iris asked.

  I sighed. “I’ve talked to almost everyone she met with that day. She was fine. She had some enemies, but I don’t see how they had opportunity. The tox screen found nothing. So, if it wasn’t a poison that struck her down later…maybe it was natural causes?”

  “You think your spell was wrong?” my aunt asked.

  “I chose my words carefully, but maybe I missed something. Some other option. Or maybe it was a combination of things? If her health was really bad, then one thing could trip it, and her heart gave out. We’re waiting on the autopsy, but I feel like I’m missing something.” I took a bite of garlic bread and chewed it while looking for that missing piece in the case.

  “I agree with Esmeralda. It’s not your job. If you keep meddling in police work, you’ll only get more attention,” Uncle Vinny said.

  I stabbed my pasta with my fork and twirled. “She was threatened for threatening the witches. Maybe that’s the lead I need to follow. Who made those threats?”

  “Someone calling and threatening isn’t likely a murderer. It’s like on Snapchat. People are so cruel to each other, but most people wouldn’t actually do any of the things they threaten,” Violet said.

  “Threaten. Who’s threatened you?” I asked.

  Uncle Vinny sat up straighter, as well.

  “No, nothing specific,” Vi backtracked.

  “Don’t lie to me,” my aunt shot at her daughter.

  “I’m in a few pagan groups, and one girl mocks those of us without powers. We’re just pretend witches. I blocked her.” Violet shrugged it off.

  “So, no one you know personally? No one from school or the coven?” I asked.

  Iris and Violet exchanged a look.

  “Spill it,” Uncle Vinny said.

  “We sort of kept in touch with Katrina and Lily. They left their freshman year of high school when we were sophomores, but we stayed friends on social media,” Iris admitted.

  “They’re your cousins. That’s not bad.” My aunt nodded.

  “Well, now, they’re sixteen, and both are getting married. Married. They’re bragging about their rings and dresses. At first, it was bridezilla stuff but normal. Then, they started making fun of us for going to college. We’re alone and going to school while they’ll be married with their own homes and everything.” Violet shoved a forkful of salad in her mouth and chewed with a vengeance.

  “That’s crazy. You’re not gypsies. Don’t compare your lifestyle to theirs,” I said.

  “Exactly, you’re not getting married until you’re done with college. I have nothing against homemakers or stay-at-home moms, but men don’t always stick around, and you need to be able to take care of yourself,” my aunt said.

  “Gypsy men stick around. But that’s not the life I want for you. Block those girls,” Vinny ordered.

  “But they’re our cousins. Your nieces,” Iris said.

  “We sort of grew up with them,” Vi agreed.

  “You don’t need them if they aren’t respecting your life choices. You haven’t attacked theirs,” my aunt insisted.

  “I get it,” I said softly.

  “You do?” Vinny asked.

  I nodded. “I don’t have siblings. I couldn’t cut you guys off if you went full-on gypsy. I’d miss you guys. Family is important. The less you have, the more you see it. Just ignore their attitude and be happy they’re happy. You define happy differently. When your weddings come along, you’ll be the star of the show, and nothing will be more important. You won’t rub it in anyone else’s faces, but your single friends still might feel a little jealous. Just think long term. The wedding is one day. Then, they’re wives. They’ll have a bunch of kids and be tied down to
cooking and cleaning for the next twenty years.”

  The twins smiled.

  “They’ll have stretch marks before they’re twenty,” Iris said.

  “Kindness,” my aunt said.

  “So, are we invited to the wedding?” I asked.

  Vinny shrugged. “They are my nieces. Yes. But we don’t have to go.”

  They gypsies hadn’t really accepted my aunt or the twins because they didn’t adopt the gypsy lifestyle. We’d been to a few weddings and parties for gypsy relations, depending on how close Uncle Vin was with them. I couldn’t believe he’d snub his own nieces.

  “I don’t have to go. I know I don’t really belong, but you guys should go,” I said.

  “I could always have to work,” my aunt offered.

  “No, we all should go. Claudia, bring a date. It’ll make them crazy,” Violet said with a grin.

  “You bring a date,” I said.

  “That would look bad. Disrespectful,” Vinny said.

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Vi and Iris are my daughters. If I let them run wild, I’m a bad father. You’re my niece and a Gorger. You have no gypsy blood, at all. You can bring a date,” Vin replied.

  “What’s with the dating push? Esme is nagging. Now, you guys?” I asked.

  “You are obsessing about Mrs. O’Conner. And your life is all about the coffee shop. You need a life,” Violet said.

  “I have a life. The coven and the coffee shop are all that matter. I have a hunter in the basement. I have a dead customer. That’s a lot.” I pushed pasta around my plate.

  My aunt refilled our glasses of iced tea. “You need a love life. Esme said there is a nice and very strong wizard in that Killean family.”

  “They’re recluses. I heard they’re all ugly,” Iris said.

  “That’s not true. Crazy old rumors,” I replied.

  My aunt and the twins shared a smile. I’d walked into that one.

  “You’ve met him?” Vin asked.

  “He came into the coffee shop. Apparently, he keeps vampire hours. He was nice but a bit full of himself. What does Esme know about him, anyway?” I asked.

  “She’s been doing some private classes for some new or young witches. The coven classes are for everyone, powerful or not. She has some other clients,” my aunt said.

  “Why didn’t she tell me that?” I asked.

  “You have enough on your plate. You don’t need to do private tutoring. Your skills are still developing.” My aunt began clearing plates.

  I helped her and felt better alone in the kitchen.

  “Am I ignoring something?” I asked her.

  “You’ve always had your own path and gifts. I never would’ve imagined you’d use the money your mother left you to open a coffee shop. If you want to follow this death case, there is a reason. You don’t want to neglect your personal happiness either.” She dished out a hot pan of brownies. “I know you’re afraid.”

  I grabbed the vanilla bean ice cream from the freezer, then the scoop from the drawer. “Afraid?”

  “You lost your parents young. You were loved, but you’re afraid of letting more people in because they could hurt you. As long as you have those walls up, your power can’t expand, and you won’t really be happy. The twins can’t understand, but I do. I lost my sister.” She pinched my cheek.

  “I can’t rush into a relationship because you and Esme like some guy’s powers,” I said.

  She nodded. “I’m not pushing you toward anyone. But he would understand your life more than a human man. You wouldn’t like a hunter either. Certainly not a gypsy.”

  “You’re right.” I followed her out into the dining room, and we served dessert.

  * * *

  As I entered the coffee shop, I was still thinking about how well my aunt knew me. A man without powers or gifts would bore me. A gypsy would make me want to argue gender roles. A hunter would make me question every kill he made. My dating pool of interesting men was extremely small.

  Was I really that narrow-minded? A human might be interesting enough. I liked humans. There were plenty in my coven without powers.

  Esme was coming up from the basement as I was passing through the main area.

  “How was dinner?” she asked.

  “Fine. You should’ve come,” I said. Aunt Mandy always invited Esme and tried to make her feel like family. She was distantly a cousin of my mother and aunt.

  “No, I’m a loner by nature. I did have a word with that hunter. He keeps trying to use the phones and get out. I’ve put a magical perimeter up for the night,” she said.

  “Thanks. So, are you giving private lessons to a Killean? Is that why you want me to go out with Bran?” I asked.

  She smiled. “Bran?”

  “I’ve met him. My aunt mentioned your private lessons. Does Bran have a sister?” I asked.

  “No, he has a younger brother, but he doesn’t need my help. They have a cousin staying with them, now. Her parents are traveling in Europe, and she wanted to try the college thing. She’s nineteen but a freshman. She took a year off. Her magic needs work. She has powers, but her parents thought everything she did was perfect and didn’t really push her.”

  “The way you pushed me?” I teased her.

  “Exactly. She needs work, but her ego is so fragile.” Esme sighed.

  “That’s a shame. There’s always more to learn and always someone stronger, so ego is a bad thing to get wrapped up in.” I was taught young that hard work and intention mattered. If I let my powers go to my head, a stronger witch would put me in my place. There was a pecking order and rules to the witching world.

  “How’s your human death case, Nancy Drew?” Esme asked.

  I laughed. “I always liked a good mystery. But I’m stuck. No one with motive had access. They weren’t in her home that night. There was nothing found on the tox, so it had to be done fairly quickly to her. Maybe my spell was wrong?”

  Esme frowned. “I don’t think so. The light left the room. Someone out there has some culpability but it might not be in the way you think. It may be beyond someone actually murdering her. She could’ve been driven to it. Something could’ve been planted or messed with in her home. I still wish I knew who threatened Mrs. O’Conner. We need to keep order or things will get worse.”

  “Worse?” I asked.

  “At times, humans think they must root us out. Protest and convert us. They fear us. Then, there are times when the witches feel they are stronger and they should teach humans a lesson about history and crossing people with more powers. Right now, it feels like both sides are posturing for a fight. Conservatives taking over the country. But supernatural forces are aligning. Our powers are stronger. You are vulnerable and incredibly important.”

  “That’s why you want me married to a powerful wizard? Backup?” I asked.

  “I’m not pushing you to do anything as serious as marriage. But networking with the powerful wouldn’t hurt you. You look too sympathetic to humans. People understand because of your parents and who ended up raising you. But they want you to understand who you are. Who your mother was. What your true potential is. Spending time with the Killean brothers would help. The younger one is currently studying vampires in Romania, but he’ll be back in a month or so. You might like him better. He’s the same age as you and more adventurous. Bran can be a real homebody.” Esme shrugged.

  “How do I socialize with them? I mean, I have a coven,” I said.

  “Old witch and wizard families don’t join covens. They don’t need to. They throw parties, meet at certain clubs, and network among their own kind. I’ll bring you along next time. You’re ready. I didn’t want to upset you before,” she replied.

  “Upset me? Sounds like these people are more like me.” I smiled.

  “Yes and no. They were raised with magic to an extreme. They wouldn’t marry a human or do things the human way. You probably washed the dishes at your aunt’s house by hand,” she said.

  I shook my
head. “It was the twins’ turn. I see what you mean, though. I’ll feel like I’m behind. I already do. I should’ve been able to use those spells and find the killer.”

  “Human and paranormal worlds converging makes things much trickier. We’ll open an inquiry into the threats to Mrs. O’Conner. That might help rule out witches or wizards. But it might be a human customer or Wiccan coven member who did it. Threats are easy. That would be a very human thing to do,” she said.

  “You’re right. But if we can find out who did that, I’ll feel a little better. Some answers. I still need to talk to the grandson.” I was dreading it. The kid’s online presence was smug and rotten.

  “You think a kid killed his grandmother? That’s a long shot. Even with a human. But stranger things have happened, I suppose.”

  I picked out a tea bag. I needed something to warm me up. “Even if he noticed anything about her feeling ill at dinner. I could try talking to Mr. O’Conner, but he’s our resident protester. He probably won’t say a word.”

  She poured us two cups of hot water, and we dunked our tea bags. “Can’t hurt to talk to anyone, but minors are tricky. That can you get you into trouble. Now, let’s talk about how to figure out who threatened Mrs. O’Conner…”

  Chapter 17

  I staked out the library and hoped Harry Stevens would follow his routine. With his grandmother’s death, anything was possible. Esme was right. Bothering minors was probably a bad idea. The kid had, no doubt, been instructed not to talk to anyone, like the rest of his family. But his social media proved he was easily baited. He complained about his interfering family and being diabetic. I mentioned to the librarian that I was looking for him, so hopefully she’d help me out.

  I browsed the sections on witch history, which was bigger than most since the history was local and true.

  “You’re that coffee lady,” a young guy behind me said.

  I turned and saw the kid I was after. “True. You’ve been in my shop.” He had been in with a bunch of his friends. Kids always wanted to act older. I hit him with a curiosity spell, so he’d keep talking.


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