Bella: The Ending: A Sagatori Family Saga

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Bella: The Ending: A Sagatori Family Saga Page 11

by Kimberly Soto

  “What happened to the boy?” I asked, my voice shaky. “Where are they?”

  Ivan shifted on his heels, lifting his brows before looking back at his drink. “The boy… he didn’t make it. The girl, Nadia. Well, she sits before me now. After all this time, she’s right here.” He paused once more before continuing, “And your mother… You’ll meet her when I feel it’s time and not a moment before.”

  I blinked rapidly, searching for how this couldn’t be the truth. He had the wrong girl. He had to have had the wrong girl. “I—”

  “Ah, I know this is a lot to take in. Would you like a drink?”

  I shook my head. “No. I’m pregnant.” I gestured to my belly.

  “Yes, of course. Your mother was always having to remind me of that as well. An old man never learns.” He laughed into his glass.

  “Why was your baby girl taken?”

  The darkness I saw in his stare was terrifying right then was terrifying and void of all emotion. His shoulders drew back, and I knew why. “To hurt me, make me pay for my sins.”

  I nodded. I knew that atonement was needed for sins in this life. “And the baby boy, why would they hurt him?”

  “Your mother insisted on naming him after me.” An empty chuckle left his chest. “He was very sick when he was born, and well… he didn’t survive.”

  “Nadia, why… where…” I had no idea what to ask or how to respond. I stood, clasping my hands together. “Why do you believe I’m Nadia?”

  “You were taken after your mother delivered you; they sent a nanny who sabotaged your security. They would’ve taken you from the hospital, but my men killed the enemy. The same men who brought you home after all these years.” His lips drew into a small smile behind his silver beard.

  A large lump sat in the back of my throat. They had protected me when I was a baby? I sat down, digesting everything that he’d said. “My family?”

  “Your husband…” His eyes dropped with a pause.

  “Yes, Jax Moretti. I won’t be kept from him.”

  He drew another breath and stared out the window. “You’ve already been kept from him, Nadia. This is your family, your life now.”

  I was scared, and hope at that moment… was lost. Surely this wasn’t it. I had to believe that he’d find me… us even though I’d lied and told him I didn’t need to be rescued. “I’m sorry that your daughter was taken, but I’m not her. I belong with my husband, and our child deserves both parents. So do what you will, but I’m going back to him.”

  “Sit,” he demanded, there was a monster inside of him that he struggled to hold back.

  I didn’t listen, I never did. “No,” I said matter-of-factly.

  “Very well, that’s all for now. I’ll have something brought to your room, and you’ll eat there.”

  What was he going to say? “I demand you let me talk to him!”

  He laughed. “You demand?”

  I composed myself, my breathing, the spinning of anger in my head. “Yes,”

  “Nadia, you are everything I knew you would be. So… much like me.” He smiled proudly.

  I shook my head. “What does that mean, Ivan?”

  He lifted his brows wrinkling his forehead. “It means, even though you were taken and weren’t raised by us, your mother and myself, you are still one of us.”

  He seemed to believe the madness he spilled. His truth wasn’t my truth, but he believed it was. It wasn’t. “I can’t live without him. I won’t. And, furthermore, if you insist on keeping me from him, you’ll be taking away any chance we could’ve had at…” I didn’t want to say it, “...having a relationship.”

  “Mmm, you think just because he told you that Sagatori was your father it made it true? You can’t imagine that it could’ve all been a lie?”

  I tilted my head as what he’d said struck me. “He raised me, loved me, cared for my every need. He was all I knew, and that’s enough for me.”

  “Of course, I’m not a monster, Nadia. I understand that this is going to be a transition… coming here, meeting your parents. Finding out that you aren’t who you’ve thought yourself to be all this time isn’t going to be easy, but with time, that’ll all change. You’ll see.”

  “And in the meantime… you’ll take away everyone that I love?” I fell against the chair with tears falling.

  His stare was piercing. “That’s what has to be done,” he spoke with finality.

  The maid surprised me at my side, ushering me back to the room I’d been in a few hours before. Her steps were fast, turning corners with rapid pace. I wondered if the threat I’d made about our relationship had changed things somehow, for the worse?

  She’d brought me back a different way, a faster way. I wasn’t going to figure out how to maneuver in this palace; I was certain Ivan would prevent that from happening.

  Once she was gone and silence followed behind her, I snuck into the bathroom. I slipped the phone from where I had hidden it in the towel. Quickly I swiped my fingers across the screen to call Jax, but disappoint washed over me when it went to voicemail.

  I sighed.

  Damn it, Jax, where are you?



  I bounced from the bed drenched in sweat and bound from the horrific nightmare of my last moments with Jax. My eyes focused on the room, its dark and unsettling feel, forgetting for a moment where I was. I drew a deep breath and stood, hearing only silence.

  When I was certain no one was near, I rushed to the bathroom and dug my newly stolen phone from the towel and dialed Jax. The phone went to voicemail on the first ring. “Jax, where are you?” I begged. I wanted to cry, but I didn’t want him to know how lonely I was. I needed to be strong no matter the truth of my weakness. I needed to feign strength now more than ever.

  I needed to speak to someone from the outside world. I dialed Emily’s phone number.

  She answered on the fourth ring. “Hello?” she rasped.

  “Em!” I threw myself against the wall with excitement.

  “Holy fuck! Bella?”

  “Yes, it’s so good to hear your voice,” I whispered.

  “Where are you?”

  “Russia,” I deadpanned.

  “I don’t think Jax is doing so good.”

  I wrinkled my brows. “What do you mean? Is he okay?”

  “I don’t know. He said he was going to get you. But he didn’t sound right. How are you, though? They’re letting you use a phone?”

  I shook my head instinctively as I spoke, “No, no they don’t know I have it. I stole it from one of the guards.”

  “That’s my girl! Are they feeding you? Is the baby okay?”

  The last part had me thinking; was Ennio okay? He hadn’t kicked for a while, but I’d passed out shortly after being brought back to the room.

  As if he’d heard my thoughts, he moved, and my heart thumped hard against my chest with relief. I drew a breath and answered, “I think he’s okay.” I smiled. “As far as feeding me, they are. I have no freaking idea what it is.” I shrugged off the thought.

  She gasped, “Like what, poison?”

  “No, some sort of goulash. I don’t know, but it was okay I guess.”

  “So what’s the deal, why did they take you? Did Jax kill his family or somethin’?”

  “Emily! Watch what you’re saying.”

  “I’m joking, damn, Bella.”

  I rolled my eyes at her poor attempt at convincing the FBI, who were probably listening, that she wasn’t talking about my husband murdering people. “Did he say when he was coming?”

  “They’ve already boarded a plane. They’re on their way.”

  My heart sank into the pit of my stomach. I was worried for his life, for all their lives. Ivan would try to kill him, that I had no doubt, and if he was successful, I’d beg that he’d kill me too.

  “I miss you!” I cried silently, hiding my sadness from her.

  “I miss you more. I was thinking, I’d like to
move to Chicago, be close to you.”

  “Em! That is the best idea.” A tear slid against my cool flesh. I was happy, but I was uncertain if I’d ever go home. I wouldn’t share that with Em, though. I couldn’t worry her like that, I wouldn’t. “I’m gonna go before these grizzly Russians come for their phone. I love you, and I want you to take care of yourself, okay.” I wiped my wet nose with the back of my hand.

  “Can you call me soon?”

  “I’ll try, but honestly… I don’t know how much time this battery is gonna hold out.” It was only 10 percent.

  “I love you. And, Bella?”


  “Kick their asses for me, okay! Show ‘em how Detroit girls get down.”

  I laughed. “Yeah.”


  I quickly tried Jax’s number once again. One ring and his voicemail answered. “Jax, I know you’re coming, but you have to be careful. These people are dangerous. You can’t just storm this compound. Please don’t die, baby… please don’t leave me.” My throat burned from the tears I held back. I disconnected the call and hid the phone inside the towel. I considered hiding it somewhere else, but it had been safe there so far.

  When I opened the bathroom door, I saw that the sun was just over the horizon. It was morning, but when I shifted my body toward the bed I hadn’t expected to see someone standing there.

  The Russian goon asked, “What were you doing?”

  I trembled, terrified. I’d need to lie now better than I ever had before.

  Here goes nothing.


  I woke as the plane touched down. I turned toward Tony. “We in Russia?” His hair was all over the place, looked as if he’d just woken up also.

  He yawned. “Uhh… I don’t know, boss.” He disappeared behind the seat lifting the window blind.

  The captain must’ve come over the speakers, but I missed it. I turned to Caesar who was also just waking up. Sure, he had no idea, I searched for Wyatt. He rested in front of me.

  I tapped his seat. “We in Moscow?”

  He leaned into the aisle and removed his headphones. “Yeah, it won’t be long now, boss.” My heart pounded in my chest.

  I was so close to her, only miles away.

  We lifted the compartments and retrieved our bags. Our first class seats allowed us off first, which was a relief. We weren’t allowed to fly with our guns, so Sal prepared a pick up from someone who owed us a favor. Knowing we were walking into a death trap we’d also hired missionaries. They were familiar with the compound and could walk us through what we could expect.

  I looked down at my watch seeing we were right on schedule. The missionaries would lead us in and we’d get my girl. Gettin’ out of the country… that was another situation. One I’d hoped would work out.

  I powered on my phone but didn’t have service. “Damn it.” It was useless.

  “No cell service,” Wyatt announced.

  “Nah, international,” Chase answered.

  We shouldered through the busy airport, staying in a tight formation. I didn’t know what to expect or what was waiting for us outside, but we’d need to be ready.

  Sal pushed between Wyatt and me, clutching a map he’d snatched from a gift shop. We had no cell service and no way of using our GPS. “Here”—he stabbed at the paper with his index finger—"this is our meet point.”

  “A mile?” A rough guess but close enough.

  He nodded, letting his eyes drift over the inundated area. “We’ve got company.”

  I closed my eyes tight. “Fuck.”

  “We gotta get to the weapons, boss,” Cesar whispered.

  “Maybe this isn’t so bad,” Sal insisted.

  Tony mumbled, “How isn’t this bad?”

  “They could take us straight to her.”

  “They take us, their gonna whack us,” Tony continued.

  Chase interrupted from his job as lookout, “And now’s the time to go.”

  I lifted my head seeing five men walking from all corners of the platform.

  “We grab a taxi and head for this location.” Sal stabbed the map again.

  Tony bumped my shoulder and informed, “We aren’t getting out of here, boss.”

  “I know.” Think. “It’s me they want. You go, I’ll stay.”

  “Are you fuckin’ crazy? With all due respect, of course, boss,” Caesar asked, lowering his head.

  I dipped my hands inside my black cashmere coat, watching as they drew closer. We only had minutes before they were close enough to swarm us. “You go, I’ll stay. Go with the plan. I’ll hold ‘em off.” There was nothin’ else I could do. Nothing left to do. I couldn’t let my men get killed; if everyone died who would save Bella?

  “I’ll go with you, boss.” Tony butted up to my shoulder. “I got your back.”

  “Nah, I’ll go alone.” When they got me, they’d kill me; I knew that. I wasn’t gonna hand feed him to the Russians.

  “Boss?” Tony questioned. We exchanged knowing looks, but he knew his only job was to protect Bella.

  “We’ll go with the plan.” Chase moved his fist near mine. “See you on the other side, brother.” I pulled him in for a quick hug. “Don’t get dead.”

  I moved around the group. “They look friendly.” They didn’t.

  They closed the distance, and their faces were flat and void of emotion. They were large well-dressed monsters. Probably carrying enough firepower to take everyone out. I made it my mission to bring their attention away from my guys before I risked a turn in their direction seeing they were gone.

  We were merely feet away as they begun to rush me. Their large bodies had shoved through the large crowds without concern. Their focus was on me alone. Their expressions never changed, and they never broke eye contact.

  I took the last few steps and stood firm. I wouldn’t show them weakness.

  “Mr. Mikhailov would like to speak with you.”

  My lips flattened. “I’ve been here all of five minutes.”

  That statement was what caused the first blow to my stomach.

  I groaned through the shattering of my ribs. “So hospitable.” And that was what caused the second. But I could take it, I was strong. I worked out three hours a day. When the time came, I’d show them why they shouldn’t have fucked with my family.

  One of the grizzlies tucked his arms under mine and shoved through the crowd. They walked closely with one another as we exited the airport. I was pushed inside a limousine that waited along the curb.

  Once the car was in motion, one of the men pulled a cloth from his pocket. “Nighty night, asshole.” They laughed and shoved a hood over my head causing everything to go dark.

  I felt a sharp prick in my neck, and seconds later I was out.


  I opened my eyes feeling moisture from my heated breath. They’d stuck a hood over my head preventing me from seeing where I was. Fuck!

  I kept my body still, not wanting anyone to know I’d woken. I listened to their booming Russian voices. None of what they said made any sense and did me no good. My body slid left against someone else as the car swerved.

  Assessing the situation I was in, I determined that my hands were tied with rope and was cutting into my wrists; it was painful but nothin’ I couldn’t handle.

  Another few minutes and the car slowed to a stop. Cold air rushed inside the once warm space before one of the men pulled me from the car. I moved my feet, but couldn’t see where I was being led. New voices spoke, and I assumed they were talking to the five who’d brought me.

  The loud metal creak of a door echoed, and I was pushed forward falling onto a hard surface. “Sit.”

  More voices spoke. More words I didn’t understand.

  “Take it off,” a man demanded in English, his voice deep and brooding.

  Cool air rushed my lungs as my eyes adjusted on the man who stood in front of me.


  “Tell me, Jax Moretti… what did you belie
ve you’d accomplish… coming to Russia?” I narrowed my eyes watching as he lit a cigar.

  I shrugged inside the wooden chair. “You know why I’m here.”

  He laughed taking another puff. “Ah, yes.” He shook his head. “My daughter. The daughter your people kept from me and the Russian people.”

  “I don’t know about that.”

  His forehead wrinkled as he approached. “You took over for Anthony, did you not?”


  “Then you knew.” Ivan leaned down level with me. “And you’re just as responsible as he was.” He stood tall again.

  “Where is she?”

  “Safe, where she belongs. Where she’s always belonged.”

  “Is she safe?”

  He drew a long breath watching out the window. “She’s my blood, of course, I’ve kept her safe. Let’s talk about honesty. Have you shared with your sweet Bella why you married her?”

  This motherfucker! “You know nothin’ about my reasons for marrying her. You know nothing!” I struggled against the rope that cut into my bound wrists. “I want to see her.” I was tied and had no control, but I needed to see that she was okay.

  Ivan leaned forward blowing billowing clouds of smoke into my face. I coughed, flaring my nostrils as my eyes watered.

  “Why not”—he shrugged—“I’ll let you see her.” He walked to his desk pulling an iPad from the drawer. Ignoring him as he shoved it into my chest hard, I saw that she caressed her belly near a large window. She was safe and looked healthy and was undeniably the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. “Enough.” He stepped away taking the iPad with him.

  She wasn’t on the ground level. She looked toward the ground. That would serve to be more useful than he could’ve imagined.

  “What are you gonna do with me?” I turned to my left counting the many men who stood in the room. I’d be an idiot not to know what he’d planned. He’d kill me, I already knew that.


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