Eastern European
in Havana
in Israel
in Italy
in North Korea
organized labor of
Oswald as
Philby, Kim as
in Poland
rising power of
in Soviet Union
in State Department
sympathy with
Tet uprising of
victory of
The Company
Congress for Cultural Freedom
“the Constitutionalists”
formation of
as winners
Cooper, Gary
Corcoran, Judge
Cordesman, Anthony
Angleton chief of
challenges of
in Israel
in Italy
Cram, Cleveland
Criminal Division of the Justice Department
Crump, Ray
Cuba. See also Havana, Cuba
Angleton in
artillery in
colony in Miami
defenses of
exiles from
Fair Play for Cuba Committee
Harvey role
Nixon position on
Oswald connections to
revolution in
Soviet Union in
Task Force
U-2 spy plane over
Cuban Control and Action Capabilities
Angleton writing of
application of
in JFK assassination
Cuban missile crisis
Castro after
Harvey during
JFK during
Khrushchev during
RFK during
Schlesinger after
Cubela, Rolando
Cummings, E. E.
Curry, Jesse
Curtis, Willard
Dayan, Moshe
de Beauvoir, Simone
de Breuys, Warren
de Gaulle, Charles
de Mowbray, Stephen
De Niro, Robert
de Shalit, Amos
de Shalit, Memi
Dealey Plaza
Decima Mas
Dempster, Ferguson
Department of Energy
Deriabin, Pyotr
Detroit, Michigan
Dobrynin, Anatoly
Dollmann, Eugen
Donne, John
Donovan, William (“Wild Bill”)
Doolittle, Hilda (“H. D.”)
Doolittle, James
Downie, Len
Duckett, Carl
Dulles, Allen
Angleton meeting with
CIA positions of
in JFK assassination investigation
JFK relations with
at the Mall
Dunn, James
Duran, Sylvia
Eastern European Communists
education, early
Egerter, Elizabeth Ann
Ehrlichman, John
Eichmann, Adolf
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Eitan, Rafael
El Greco painting
Elder, Walter
Eliot, T. S.
Elliott, Nicholas
Ellsberg, Daniel
Empson, William
Encounter magazine
English 10
Epstein, Ed
on Angleton attributes
Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald
Eshkol, Levi
Espionage Act
Exceptional Civilian Service Award
Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC)
development of
Oswald connection to
Fascist Party
American collaboration with
Angleton admiration of
Angleton penetration of
in Austria
leaders of
National Front
FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
CIA ending contact with
in Oswald interview
Roman liaison to
Federal Bureau of Narcotics
Federal Communications Commission
Fensterwald, Bernard
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence
The Fifth Decade of Cantos, (Pound)
Fischer, Kary
FitzGerald, Desmond
after JFK assassination
Ford, Gerald
on CIA assassination plots
power of
Rumsfeld relationship with
swearing in
Fort Dix, New Jersey
FPCC. See Fair Play for Cuba Committee
Franco, Francisco
Free Trade Union Committee of the American Federation of Labor
Freedom and Independence Movement (WiN)
Friberg, Frank
Gaitskill, Hugh
Gambino, Robert
Garbo, Greta
Garrison, Jim
Garrison Group
George Washington University Hospital
arms industry in
catching spies from
deciphering communications of
invasion into Poland
plan IVY in
Giancana, Sam
Ginsberg, Allen
Gittinger, John
Gmirkin, Vasia
Golitsyn, Anatoly
Angleton trust in
at Angleton 50th birthday
in CIA
evaluation of
in Gaitskill assassination
meeting about MI5
in MI5 safe house
New Lies for Old
paranoia of
RFK meetings with
theories of
Golpe Borghese
The Good Shepherd
Gowen, William
Graham, Katharine
Grajewski, Wiktor
Great Britain. See also British intelligence
ghost in
United States allied with
“the Wilson Plot”
Greene, Joe
Gregory, Dick
Groden, Robert
Gromberg, Henry
Guarnieri, Luciano
Guevara, Che
Guillaume, Guenter
Gulf of Aqaba
Gulf of Tigullio
The Guns of August, (Tuchman)
Hadden, John
in Israel war
on uranium heist
Haldeman, H. R.
Halevy, Efraim
Angleton relations with
during Sinai attack
with Rabin
Harel, Isser
Harlot’s Ghost, (Mailer)
Hart, John
Hartman, Paul
Harvard University
Harvey, Bill
alcoholism of
in Cuba
investigating Philby
during missile crisis
party for
RFK relations with
in Rome
Rosselli meeting with
Harvey, Clara Grace
Hauser, Ernest
Havana, Cuba. See also Cuba
CIA in
Communists in
Helms, Dick
as CIA director
in CIA investigation
at Dulles funeral
employment of
in JFK investigation
letter from
loyalty of
McCone relationship with
Nixon relationship with
paying Nosenko
release of Nosenko
in retirement
testimony of
after war
Helsinki rezidentura
Hermoni, Avraham
Hersh, Burton
Hersh, Seymour
High Noon
Hillenkoetter, Roscoe
Hitler, Adolf
Holiday, Billie
Angleton view of
entertainment of
firing of
during Lavender Scare
openly gay
files on
formation of
Hood, Bill
Hoover, J. Edgar
Angleton relationship with
appointment of
ending CIA contacts
in Huston plan
mail surveillance ideas of
withdrawal of
Horton, John
Hosty, James
House Select Committee on Assassinations
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley, (Pound)
Hughes, Tom
Humphrey, Hubert
Hunt, Howard
development of
execution of
in Huston plan
letters intercepted
Huston, Tom
of Mexican agent
for mind control
Idaho National Guard
Ignatius, David
Intelligence Evaluation Committee
interrogation techniques
Iowa Writer’s Workshop
Iron Curtain
Angleton in
Angleton, C., in
attack of
cease-fire in
Communists in
counterespionage in
desk officer for
Egypt war with
intelligence in
invasion by
nuclear weaponry development in
predictions about
uranium in
war in
Italian-American Chamber of Commerce
Italy. See also Rome
Angleton in
CIA operations in
civil war in
Committee for the Liberation of
Communists in
counterespionage in
Croatian fascists in
plan IVY in
Pound in
press in
IVY plan
Janney, Peter
Janney, Wistar
Jessup, Peter
Jessup, Ted
Angleton resentment of
mobile machines killing
JFK assassination. See also Kennedy, John F.
Angleton and
Castro after
conspiracy theories on
Cuban Control and Action Capabilities in
FitzGerald after
investigation committee for
investigation of
RFK and
Soviet Union after
United States after
Warren Commission in
Joannides, George
Johnson, Loch
Johnson, Lyndon
conspiracy theories of
in Israel war
after JFK assassination
Oswald file of
in Vietnam war
Kalaris, George
after Angleton resignation
comments of
Karamessines, Tom
in Oswald case
role in Operation CHAOS
Karlow, Peter
investigation of
retirement of
Kennan, George
Kennedy, John F. (JFK). See also JFK assassination
Angleton compared to
Angleton view of
after Bay of Pigs
critiques of
during Cuban crisis
in Dallas
Dulles relations with
election of
hostility towards
LeMay advise to
Meyer affair with
taking LSD
Kennedy, Robert (RFK)
Angleton files on
after Bay of Pigs
Bolshakov meeting with
as candidate
death of
Golitsyn meeting with
Harvey relations with
JFK assassination and
McCone relationship with
meeting Kisevalter
during missile crisis
ordering Cuban exiles out
planning Castro assassination
Kent State University
KGB. See also Soviet Union
deception operations in
department of disinformation
Department Thirteen in
investigations of
mole hunts of
Nosenko in
paranoia about
Philby meeting with
Sasha in
theories of
watching Oswald
Khrushchev, Nikita
as bully
during missile crisis
“On the Cult of the Individual and Its Consequences”
Kilduff, Malcolm
King, Martin Luther Jr.
death of
popularity of
King David Hotel
“the Kings Party”
acts out of
emergence of
Kirkland, Lane
Kisevalter, George
in Nosenko case
in RFK meeting
on Sasha
Kissinger, Henry
as Angleton enemy
on CIA assassination plots
Nixon relationship with
Nixon, resignation of
peace treaty of
détente, pursuit of
resignation of
Klibansky, Peter
Knebel, Fletcher
Knights of Malta
Kollek, Teddy
Korean War
kundalini yoga
Ladd, Mickey
Lamphere, Bob
Langelle, Russell
Angleton at
Nixon speech at
Lashbrook, Robert
Lavender Scare
le Carré, John
Leary, Timothy
leftist partisans
in Balkans
in Mussolini death
war against
Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Epstein)
Leigh, David
LeMay, Curtis
Lemnitzer, Lyman
development of
execution of
in Huston plan
investigation of
letters about
Oswald file in
suspension of
Lovestone, Jay
Angleton friendship with
in labor movement
personal life of
Lowenthal, David
in nuclear warfare
in uranium heist
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
Angleton experiments with
discovery of
in Kennedy affair
in Time magazine
White use of
Machiavelli, Niccolò
Maclean, Donald
MacLeish, Archibald
Macpherson, Perdita
account of
career of
holiday of
mail surveillance
Angleton legacy of
Church Committee findings on
Hoover view of
in Huston plan
during Nixon presidency
Patriot Act out of
of Soviet Union mail
Mailer, Norman
during Cuban revolution
Harlot’s Ghost
the Mall
Angleton moving into
Dulles arrival at
morale at
move from
Malvern College
Mangold, Tom
Mann, Wilfred
Manor, Amos
Mansfield, Mike
Marceglia, Antonio
Marshall, Caroline
Marshall, George
Martin, Arthur
Martin, David
Martinez, Eugenio
Mattson, Roger
Maury, Jack
McCargar, Jim
McCarthy, Joseph
McCarthy, Mary
McCone, John
appointment of
Helms relations with
RFK relationship with
McCord, James
arrest of
McCoy, Leonard
McDonald, Kenneth
McGonagle, William L.
McKenzie, Robert
McNamara, Robert
McNeil, Hector
Meir, Golda
memorial service
memory enhancement
Mexico City, Mexico
hypnotizing agents in
mole hunts in
Oswald in
Meyer, Cord
Angleton relationship with
employment of
Meyer, Mary
affair of
diary of
divorce of
Meyer, Quentin
Golitsyn working with
spies in
Miami, Florida
allies in
Cubans in
enemies in
exiles in
military-industrial complex
Miller, Bill
Angleton relationship with
calling split
Miller, Gerry
Millett, Stephen
mind control
CIA program for
experiments in
hypnosis for
Mindszenty, József
Minh, Ho Chi
Mitchell, John
mole hunts
in British intelligence
careers ruined by
condemnation of
continuation of
of counterintelligence staff
end of
“the Great Mole Hunt”
Karlow in
of KGB agents
in Mexico City
Murphy in
Nosenko in
for Sasha
Montini, Giovanni Battista
becoming Pope Paul VI
meetings with
Morris, Louise Page
friendship with
in labor operations
Mosaddegh, Mohammad
Americans moving to
Moscow-Cairo axis
Oswald in
Angleton relations with
founding of
operations of
Murphy, Charles
Murphy, David
as mole
in Nosenko defection
in Paris
Mussolini, Benito
death of
defending Hitler
leftist partisans and
in new Europe
Pound admiration of
retreat of
My Silent War, (Philby)
Naftali, Timothy
Nasser, Gamel
National Cash Register Company
National Front movement
National Photographic Interpretation Center
National Security Act (1947)
National Security Agency (NSA)
The Ghost Page 38