A Talent for Surrender

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A Talent for Surrender Page 20

by Madeline Bastinado

  On Wednesday night Jo drove to Adam’s house. Adam lived in a fashionable square in Notting Hill, a few streets away from where Jo had grown up. In those days, the area had been run-down and neglected. She hardly recognised the neatly painted elegant homes as the same peeling tatty and overcrowded houses she remembered from childhood. But the Georgian façades and railings and communal gardens were the same and, whenever she visited Adam, she always experienced a warm familiar glow in her chest, as if she were coming home.

  She parked the car and walked up his path, carrying her overnight bag. She climbed the six steps up to his front door. The house where she had grown up had had the same black and white checkerboard tiles, she remembered, smiling. She rang the bell.

  After a few moments she could see Adam’s dark shape through the stained glass of the door, walking down the hall. When he opened the door, Jo saw that he was wearing only a towelling dressing gown and his hair was wet and untidy.

  ‘Hello, darling. I’ve just got out of the shower. You’re early.’

  ‘I’d have thought you’d be pleased . . . after all, it must be at least a week since I last allowed you to come.’ She kissed him. He smelled of shampoo and shaving foam. Jo stepped into the hall and Adam shut the door behind her.

  ‘Nine days . . . not that I’m counting. But if you’ve come over early to end my frustration then I’m not just pleased, I’m delighted.’

  Jo undid the belt of his dressing gown and pulled it open. His cock was already thickening and growing hard. She smiled. ‘So I see. Shall we go upstairs?’

  She walked behind Adam. She flipped up the back of his dressing gown, uncovering his arse. His buttocks were covered in yellowing bruises. He looked over his shoulder at her and smiled.

  When they reached the top Jo walked along the landing. She opened the bedroom door and walked over to the bed. She pulled her sundress off over her head and tossed it aside. Underneath she was naked. Her chest was heaving and her crotch was already hot and wet.

  Adam closed the door behind him and shrugged off his robe. ‘You seem very keen . . .’ He walked over to the bed and knelt at her feet. Jo sat down. She spread her legs and lay back on the bed. Still in her high heels, she lifted her feet to the edge of the bed, displaying her moist crotch.

  Adam whistled. ‘I’ll never tire of that sight. How may I serve you, madame?’

  Jo raised herself up on her elbows and looked down at him. His eyes were shining and intense. ‘Make me come . . . and make sure you do a good job, because I’m in a vicious mood.’

  ‘It’ll be my pleasure.’ Adam spread her lips with his fingertips and Jo gasped. She lay back on the bed. He ran a finger between her lips and over her clit and it slid easily in the slippery juices. She sighed.

  She was trembling by now and her heightened senses made her aware of every sensation. The duvet beneath her felt crisp and cool. She could hear her own heart beating.

  ‘Don’t move,’ he whispered. ‘Close your eyes.’

  Jo silently obeyed him. She lay there, patient and blind. He blew on her wet crotch and she shivered. She could sense him kneeling there, still and silent, and she knew he was looking at her body: her hard dark nipples, the rise and fall of her breasts, the soft curves of her hips, her rounded belly. But, most of all, she knew he was looking at her cunt, spread open by his strong fingers like an offering.

  ‘Stay there.’ His voice was soft, heavy with desire. She was conscious of how wet she was. She could feel it dripping down the cleft in her bottom, wetting the duvet, and the knowledge that he was watching it happen made her raise her pussy towards him.

  ‘Lick me,’ she begged.

  She heard him laughing softly. She felt his hot mouth on her and his breath gently touching her wet skin. He kissed her cunt tenderly, running the flat of his tongue around the margin of her clit.

  He spread her lips with strong fingers and covered her with his hot wet mouth. His tongue darted over her sensitive flesh. She opened her legs wider and reached down to stroke his hair.

  ‘I want to make you come,’ he whispered, raising his head momentarily from between her tensed legs. He blew gently on her pussy, cooling the wet folds and making her tingle and shudder.

  He covered her clit with his mouth and sucked. He licked and nibbled. He pushed his tongue deep inside her. She laced her fingers through his damp hair and rocked her hips.

  She moaned and grunted. She tightened her grip on his hair and began to move her pelvis to a rhythm of her own. She could feel his beard stubble prickling her sensitive flesh. He wrapped one hand round her hip and pulled her onto his mouth.

  She ground herself against him. She was panting and moaning. She gasped as she felt two fingers sliding into her. Exquisite sensations coursed through her excited body. Every nerve ending was transmitting pleasure and excitement. A wave of contractions began in her belly, filling her with heat and pleasure. She pumped her hips.

  She was tingling all over. Her cunt gripped his fingers. It tightened under his mouth, and she shuddered with pleasure as she reached her peak. He held her tight, pulling her onto his face. He worked his fingers inside her as she shuddered, rocked and throbbed to orgasm.

  Jo let her feet fall to the floor and flopped back against the duvet. Adam climbed onto the bed, making the mattress creak as he half crawled, half slithered to lie down beside her.

  ‘I don’t think I’ve ever known you to come so fast.’

  ‘I was very horny . . .’

  He planted a kiss on her cheek. He brushed back the wet strands of hair from her face and smiled down at her while she got her breath back. Slowly his gentle amused smile became more knowing and slightly wicked. Quickly and elegantly he rose up to his knees and straddled her, his erection jutting out invitingly from its blond curly nest.

  He looked magnificent above her, his muscular body glistening and tense with desire. She knew what he wanted and she opened her mouth to take him. He mounted her and his thick rigid cock slid past her lips until he was buried up to the root.

  Quickly he began to move inside her, establishing a rhythm which she easily followed. She explored his helmet with her tongue, probing his slit and tasting salty pre-come. She wrapped her arms round him, grasped his buttocks and pulled him towards her.

  He began to slowly rock his hips. Jo held onto him and matched his rhythm. Her crotch still felt tingly and wet.

  His pubes bashed against her nose. His tight ball sac slapped against her chin. He moaned softly and reached down to cup her head with his hands.

  Jo’s head bobbed. His slippery hot cock slid in her mouth. Her jaw ached. He was fucking her face now, pumping his hips and pulling her face onto him. His arse muscles were hard and tight under her hands. Her clit ached.

  She could feel his excitement building as he picked up speed. He’d begun to groan and pant. His hips pistoned. His cock pounded her.

  He was hot and hard and slippery in her mouth. Jo relaxed her face muscles and surrendered to his fucking. His strong hands pulled her onto his cock.

  He was moving faster now, fucking her mouth with every stroke. His cock was rigid and engorged, his balls small and tight. His strokes grew short and urgent. Under her hands, his buttocks tensed and he began to throb in her mouth. She grasped him more tightly, opened her mouth wider and relaxed her throat expectantly.

  After a couple of short hard thrusts his cock began contracting, spilling hot salty seed on her tongue. His body was rigid and trembling. He was gasping and panting. His sperm surged down her throat, its rich musky odour filling her nostrils.

  Gradually the contractions began to slow and his dick began to soften between her lips. His tensed buttocks and thighs relaxed and he lay down beside her and took her in his arms.

  ‘I must say, Jo –’ his voice was breathless and soft ‘– you seem exceptionally horny today. What’s got you so worked up?’

  Dan buried himself in work, spending long hours at the production office when he wasn’t actually filmi
ng, but it didn’t help. All he could think about was Jo and the things they’d shared. He was so wound up and excited that he felt like a teenager again, semi-hard most of the time and powerless to control it.

  He considered relieving his frustrations with Sarah but, tempting though it was, he knew it would feel like cheating. Jo hadn’t exactly forbidden him to have sex with anyone else but he was pretty certain that she expected him not to. She wanted him to live with his frustration and hunger and to understand that she alone was capable of relieving it.

  But he hadn’t bargained on how helpless and distracted it would make him feel. He couldn’t concentrate, his mind wandered and he was so horny that he had to keep nipping into the toilet.

  He’d stand in the locked cubicle with one hand pressed up against the wall and his other curled around his disobedient cock as a slideshow of images of Jo at her most commanding ran through his mind. He did it so often that Sarah grew concerned that he had tummy trouble. He wasn’t sure why he couldn’t tell her the truth – after all, she knew him better than anyone and they’d been lovers for years – but somehow he just didn’t think she’d understand.

  But he needed to talk about it with someone. Thoughts and fantasies ran around and around in his mind, getting nowhere. He was usually extremely logical and organised but he simply had no frame of reference to help him make sense of his conflicting feelings. He’d never found a decision so agonising. There was no doubt that what Jo offered excited him, but it was so new and so overwhelming that he lacked any objectivity or clarity.

  On Wednesday evening he sat at his desk in the office long after Sarah and the admin team had gone home. He was still no closer to a decision than he had been when he’d walked away from the school on Monday morning. He needed some impartial informed advice. He picked up the phone and dialled Sadie’s number. She answered almost immediately.

  ‘Hello, Sadie. It’s Dan. I hope I’m not disturbing you.’

  ‘Not at all. Is there something wrong? You don’t sound quite yourself.’

  ‘You could say that . . . the fact is . . . I could really do with a chat. I’ve got myself into a situation and . . . well, I need to talk to someone with experience to help me sort things out.’

  ‘Well, if I can help. I must say it all sounds very mysterious and intriguing. Tell you what . . . why don’t you come over? I was just about to cook and there’s plenty for two.’

  ‘Sadie, you don’t know what this means to me. You’re an angel. If I leave now I can be with you in twenty minutes.’

  Sadie fed Dan a Thai curry as authentic as anything he’d eaten in Bangkok, except that it was made with Quorn. She’d poured him some white wine and made sure his glass was topped up. Dan was beginning to relax for the first time in days.

  ‘So what’s up? I’m assuming that, since you’ve come to me, it’s a sexual problem.’ Sadie pushed her plate away and picked up her glass.

  ‘Sex is involved, certainly, but it’s the type of sex that made me think you might be able to help me. It’s your area of expertise.’


  Dan nodded. ‘I . . . I’ve met someone.’

  ‘And she’s kinky?’

  ‘She’s very possibly the kinkiest woman alive.’ Dan took a long swallow of wine.

  ‘Well, now . . . she must be some woman. What’s the problem?’

  Dan told Sadie everything. As he spoke he felt the heaviness and confusion that had been weighing him down slowly begin to lift.

  When he’d finished speaking Sadie reached for the bottle and she refilled both of their glasses. ‘And do you intend to go back?’

  ‘I’m still not sure. I can’t seem to think of anything else . . .’

  ‘And yet?’

  Dan shook his head, chasing away the confusion. ‘I don’t know, really. I suppose what worries me most is not knowing where it might lead. When you and I had our session together it was exciting and wonderful but what made it so special with Jo was . . . I don’t know . . . the intimacy of it, I suppose. It was like there were no barriers between us. It was pure naked intimacy.’

  ‘That sounds pretty wonderful to me . . .’

  ‘It was. But that’s both the allure and the problem. It was captivating, intoxicating, breathtaking . . . yet, at the same time, it was utterly terrifying.’

  ‘All intimacy is frightening. Didn’t your mother ever tell you that?’ Sadie sipped her wine silently for a moment, staring at him. ‘I must say, Dan, I never pegged you as commitment-phobic. I’m not telling you what to do, but all I can say is that if you turn down what Jo has to offer you must be insane.’


  On Friday evening when Dan rang the school’s doorbell his cock was already half hard and his heart was pounding. Jo opened the door wearing a short flared velvet skirt which barely covered her arse and a corseted bodice made from the same material. She wore seamed stockings and a pair of impossibly high stilettos in black suede. Her breasts seemed to spill over the top of her bodice and the shoes made her legs seem endless.

  She didn’t speak, but the longing he saw in her eyes told him all that he needed to know. She closed the door behind him and walked away, expecting him to follow. As they climbed the stairs, Dan couldn’t keep his eyes off her arse. The hem of her skirt flicked up as she walked revealing a glimpse of sheer lacy knickers. His cock tingled.

  Jo led him straight into her bedroom. ‘Strip.’

  Dan undressed with trembling fingers. By the time he’d got down to his boxers he was fully erect. He slid them down and stood up straight, waiting for orders.

  He could see Jo’s chest rise and fall as she breathed. A flush of arousal stained her throat. ‘Come into the bathroom.’ Her voice had an unmistakable edge of authority.

  Icy shivers slid down his spine. His crotch ached.

  In the bathroom Dan immediately spotted several items of unfamiliar equipment laid out on the vanity unit. There was a coil of clear plastic tubing, a measuring jug, a tube of KY jelly and something made of thick plastic which he couldn’t recognise. ‘What’s that?’

  ‘I’m going to give you an enema. It’s nothing to worry about,’ she added, when she saw the look of alarm on his face. ‘You might even enjoy it.’

  ‘How does it work? I’ve never had one before.’ Dan fingered the tubing and his cock tingled.

  ‘We lube this and put it into you.’ She held up a tapered nozzle at the end of the tube. ‘This bit is a sort of bag.’ She held it up. ‘It has a handle which we hang over here.’ She indicated a hook on the wall. ‘I mix up the enema in the jug – just warm water and soap – and then pour it into the bag. There’s a little valve to hold the water back until we’re ready. We turn the tap and it starts to flow. Simple.’

  The hairs on the back of Dan’s neck were standing on end. ‘And does it hurt?’ He could hear the alarm in his own voice.

  Jo laughed. ‘No, not at all. It just feels a bit strange but most people quite like it.’

  ‘OK then. Where do you want me?’

  ‘Why don’t you sit on the edge of the bath for a minute while I get it ready?’

  Dan sat down and watched as Jo put on a pair of medical gloves. She squirted some liquid soap into the jug. She ran the hot tap and held her hand in the stream until she judged it was the right temperature then filled the jug. She hung up the bag and poured in the mixture. As she picked up the tube of KY and began to lube up the nozzle a wave of heat crashed over Dan making him feel instantly light-headed. His cock was rigid.

  When the nozzle was lubed to her satisfaction she held it up for Dan to see and raised an eyebrow in mock wickedness. Dan got down on all fours and Jo knelt behind him. He gasped as Jo’s lubed latex-covered finger touched his hole. The jelly was cold against his skin and, as Jo worked it in, he felt his legs begin to tremble. Her finger pushed slowly inside him and he sighed.

  ‘I’m going to insert the nozzle now.’ Jo removed her finger and pressed the end of the tube against his hole. He
felt the hard plastic begin to slide past his muscles, bringing his nerve endings to life and making them tingle. His cock dangled beneath him, hot and hard.

  Jo reached between his legs and gave his erection a squeeze. He gasped. ‘No need to ask if you’re enjoying it so far. I’m going to start the enema, OK?’

  ‘Yes.’ The word hissed with urgency.

  He heard Jo standing up and fiddling with the enema bag. Blood pounded in his ears. He barely dared to breathe. At first nothing seemed to happen, then he began to feel a fullness as the enema slowly filled him.

  Jo knelt down beside him. Her eyes seemed to glow and her lips were on the edge of a smile. He felt his belly distending as the water flowed into him. His crotch smouldered, his arse was tingling.

  The enema felt strange and incredible and unbelievably exciting. He gazed at Jo’s beautiful face. Her cheeks were pink and her pupils were huge. He lifted a hand to her cheek and pulled her gently towards him for a kiss. Dan’s cock gave an involuntary twitch.

  ‘I think it’s finished.’ Jo got to her feet. ‘Yes. Let me pull out the tube.’ Dan sighed as she pulled out the nozzle. ‘Now you have to get rid of it.’ Jo walked over to the toilet and lifted up the cover. She patted the seat.

  ‘I think I can manage this bit on my own.’ Dan stood up slowly, clamping down with his muscles to retain the enema.

  Jo laughed. ‘Doing it in front of me is part of it. It’s taboo and dirty and alien, that’s its power. We’re shattering boundaries here. That’s what it’s all about.’ She patted the seat again.

  Dan sat down and allowed the enema to drain out of him. His face burned with shame yet excitement flooded through him like a drug rush. Jo knelt beside him holding his hand. When it was over, she left him alone to have a shower.

  Dan went into the bedroom with a towel around his waist. Jo was fiddling with an outfit she had laid out on the bed. She looked up at him and smiled. ‘I think it ought to fit you. But I wasn’t sure about your shoe size.’

  ‘I’m a twelve.’ The outfit on the bed seemed to be a replica of what Jo was wearing. Icy fingers trailed over his scalp.


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