Bye Bye Bloodsucker (Wicked Good Witches Book 3)

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Bye Bye Bloodsucker (Wicked Good Witches Book 3) Page 12

by Starla Silver

Melinda had a hard time eating as her evening date with Riley edged closer. But she did not want Michael to catch onto her feelings, so she did her best to ignore the butterflies swimming in her stomach and nibbled on the slice.

  She was still eager to see her motorcycle man. Although it was now dampened by her need to be honest with him about a few things. A few revelations that might send him running away from her, instead of dragging her into his bed.

  And part of her felt guilty for being excited to see him. But she knew nothing had changed between her and William. Even though everything had changed. Nothing could ever come of it though, and that’s what mattered in the end.

  Michael had driven Emily home so she could have dinner with her father, but could only be talked into letting her out of his sight upon her insistence that she was headed straight to bed after dinner. A bed he planned to join her in later if she’d let him.

  William took a mug of warmed animal blood out of the microwave. He sipped it, frowned and set it down. It wasn’t what his tongue craved, or satisfying in the least.

  After dinner, when everyone’d had a few minutes to eat and relax after the crazy day, Charlie brought up the subject of what the mermaids had told him, about the attacking mermaid and her being wrong. And explained in more depth what had happened to him after the mermaids had shown up in the yard.

  “They were really after your ring?” Michael shook his head. He didn’t understand how they’d know about this, any more than Charlie.

  “What do you think it means?” asked Melinda.

  “Honestly, I'm afraid to say it out loud,” Charlie admitted, glancing at William.

  “It does have all the signs of a shapeshifter.” William said what Charlie could not.

  “But you killed...” Melinda stopped, swallowing hard. “Even if somehow you didn't, you've got the ring now. You’re safe from it. It can’t control you, right?”

  “No. It can’t, Melinda.” Charlie comforted. “I just have to say it aloud though. It’s possible I may not have killed the alpha werewolf.”

  “What or who did you kill then?” wondered Michael.

  “I don't know. I remember thinking that the wolf I fought behind Eva's house seemed different. Not as in control. More savage and wild. And it didn't speak to my mind. At the time I just assumed the ring was blocking it, or the alpha had broken the connection.”

  “So the whole thing was a setup?” Melinda let out a tense breath.

  “Maybe?” Charlie shrugged. “I don’t get how the shifter, alpha, whatever you want to fucking call it… how would they have had another werewolf on hand to fight me like that?”

  “Perhaps it was a beta,” suggested William. “Perhaps someone the alpha had control over, but didn’t want as much as you. Someone the alpha saw as dispensable.”

  “Anything’s possible I guess.” Charlie couldn’t imagine using someone like that. The thought that he killed some helpless innocent raked him. “What I really don’t get though, is how this alpha shifter knew I had to take the ring off voluntarily.”

  “Voluntarily?” questioned Michael.

  Charlie threw him a confused look. “I told you this last night. Remember, down by Nina’s cottage on the beach. She told me it could only be taken off voluntarily. It’s a built in safety feature.”

  “Well, that’s good to know, but it’s the first time I’m hearing about it. I was with Emily last night. You and I didn’t talk about the ring, Charlie.”

  Charlie opened his mouth to speak and closed it. “When did you get home?”

  “Well after midnight. Emily and I were walking on the beach.”

  “Walking?” razzed Melinda.

  Michael smirked. “Actually. Yes. Walking. And also not important right now.”

  Melinda scrunched her nose, something eerie dawning on her. She opened her mouth to speak but stopped when Charlie jumped out, threw his hands to his head and growled angrily.

  “I wasn’t talking to you last night, Michael. I don’t fucking believe it. It wasn’t you.”

  “What are you talking about?” He didn’t understand.

  Charlie explained being at Nina’s cottage and speaking to someone he thought was Michael. “It looked and sounded just like you,” he explained, completely weirded out by the situation. “The Michael I spoke to last night even told me Melinda explained where Nina’s house was located.”

  “I did,” Melinda squeaked out. “It just hit me and I was about to bring it up. Michael had left for Emily’s and I was sitting on the front porch before bed. He came up the driveway a bit later and asked me if you’d come home yet. You hadn’t, and we talked about where you might be. He… it… acted worried about you. I didn’t give it a second thought.”

  “This is super frigging freaky.” Michael eyed his siblings, with no idea what to do.

  “And unfortunately seems to confirm that the shifter still lives,” expressed William, wearing a disgruntled frown.

  “Does anyone else have a major case of the hee bee gee bees now?” Melinda shook, goosebumps rising on her arms.

  No one spoke for a moment. The fact that the alpha werewolf slash shapeshifter was still alive, sucked. The fact that it had successfully impersonated one of the siblings, gave them the mega creeps.

  “We have much to be cautious about,” William warned evenly.

  They each looked at him, hopeful he would shower them with words of wisdom, or somehow soothe their concerns.

  “In light of recent events,” William continued, “the warning from the Guardians, the arrival of the Deanes, and now potentially still having the alpha werewolf on the loose... I’d like to make some changes.”

  “How do you mean?” asked Charlie.

  “I’d like to begin with battle training.”

  “We've learned how to battle,” said Michael with a short shake of his head.

  “No. You have not,” William disagreed briskly. “Yes, you have used many of the spells, but in a true battle, you would each fail.” His words were cutting, but true. “I do not wish to sound dismal, but if it comes to it, I would rather have you hate me and live, versus die, because I did not tell you the truth. Real war is brutal. Something none of you has yet experienced.”

  “What is it we don't know, William?” Melinda was confident she was not ready for a real fight.

  “Many things,” William didn’t expand much. “I want to train with each of you, and once I believe you are ready, you will dual each other.” His tone was quite serious. “I may even call upon some experts in this area, to assist me.”

  “Okay,” agreed Charlie. “You've never led us astray before, William. If you think we're not ready, then I guess we had better get ready. You're the only one here that's ever been in any real battles.”

  William nodded sternly, in approval. “I also believe we need to reassess our security here at the mansion. It suddenly feels, lacking...”

  “I’m afraid I agree with you on that one, too,” said Charlie. “We can’t chance the shifter getting in, or the Deanes.”

  A quiet awkwardness fell over the table.

  On Melinda’s part, she felt oddly uncomfortable sitting in her own home, reeling over the fact that it might not be as safe as she’d always thought it was.

  Charlie was eager to get started. He wanted to implement new safety precautions as soon as possible.

  Michael just tried to keep his own feelings separate from his sibling’s, as he had the same concerns, but just wanted to get to Emily, and hold her, just to make sure she was really still human. And safe.

  William was pleased. He had decided it was time to make some changes, to reaffirm his place in the Howard’s lives. He was their mentor. Their protector. This is how it had been, and this is how it would remain. It was especially necessary after these last few days, to remind himself and not just them.

  “Oh, William,” Charlie spoke after a few minutes. “I got so sidetracked today that I never got the chance to tell you. I've got an idea I want to
run by you. A possible way to track the thing that took Dad. At least find out what direction it went after leaving the Isle.”

  “Really?” Michael’s interest perked up.

  “I'm not sure of course. But I think it's worth a shot.”

  “We can start right away if you like,” said William. “We can discuss possible new security measures as well.”

  Charlie nodded in agreement.

  “Do you guys mind if I sit this one out?” Melinda bit her lip, anxiously.

  “Yeah. It's no problem, Sis. We can handle this,” said Charlie.

  “Plans?” wondered Michael.

  She knew he was using his empathic ability to search out her feelings.

  “Thought I might go out for an evening stroll. Maybe grab a cup of decaf before Grace closes up the cafe. And catch a movie,” she lied, needing an excuse as to why she’d be home so late. She didn’t want them to worry or wonder where she was, or ask questions she wasn’t ready to answer. “I just need to clear my head a little.” Another lie. Where does it stop?

  “Okay. Well, have fun.” Charlie didn’t question. He figured it was better to just let her go.

  Michael was eying her distrustfully, and opened his mouth to speak when surprisingly, William came to her rescue.

  “Michael, would you reheat my blood mug? I still can’t figure out how to start that confounded microwave, and my blood has gone cold.”

  “Oh, yeah, sure. No problem.”

  William darted by Melinda, his mouth turning up in the slightest of smiles. A strained smile, she thought. But she thanked him just the same. So softly only the vampire could hear. She slipped out of the house before anyone drilled for in depth answers.


  Anthony Jordan stepped into his house. A short while later, his daughter’s jeep pulled up the driveway. He waited by the front door for what he knew would be an indignant entrance.

  Eva stalked up the stairs, each step heavier and louder than the previous, plowing through the door letting it slam shut behind her.

  “Don't ask me how my fucking God damned day went!” Her white hair flailed around her head in a fury, acting out her emotions. She displayed her empty fingers. “No ring, all you need to know.”

  She poured herself a whiskey and let her anger fly.

  “I almost had him. Those stupid ass mermaids! They almost had that ring off Charlie Howard’s finger, and they went and jacked it all up!” She took a deep swig, breathing through the burn. “That ring is causing me a ridiculous amount of grief! It’s blocking me from his mind. I can’t tap into his thoughts anymore.”

  Her father just waited, patiently, to be sure she had finished.

  Eva huffed, taking another swig, emptying the shot glass. She poured another.

  Anthony spoke softly, but in a tone meant to pique her curiosity. “It’s a rough blow, no doubt. But… my day went a little bit better.”

  She sighed in an irritated manner.

  “K. I'll bite.”

  “First, I spent the day living in the world of the Howard Witches. I saw hours ago that you had failed, being that the ring was still on Charlie's finger.”

  “And how is this a good day?” she barked bitterly, warning him to get to the point.

  “I found out some very interesting news today.” He poured his own shot of whiskey before continuing. “The Demon Isle’s power source does not give the Howard Witches their abilities. They would be witches regardless of its existence.”

  “Their powers are not tied to the source... they came out and actually told you that?” Her eyes lit up.

  “The young man, Michael. I used some of that plant research drivel, wondering if the power source affected the local plant life and he just offered the information freely.”

  “You are good, Dad. I'll give you that.”

  “So are you, my dear, it just wasn't your day, today.”

  “Hasn't been my day since we came to this shit-hole!”

  “Things are looking up, regardless,” he reminded. “If their powers are not linked to the Isle, they can be taken. And once they are powerless...” he nodded knowingly.

  “Then we can win,” Eva muttered.

  “Yes, my darling daughter. Then we can win.”


  After discussing security at the mansion, and thoughts on locating Jack Howard for thirty minutes, Charlie and William kicked Michael out of the house and told him to go check on Emily already. He had wanted to stay and help, but the need to see Emily was killing him.

  His jeep pulled into her driveway. He’d texted her he was stopping in, so she wouldn’t be caught unawares by his arrival. She hadn’t gone straight to bed after dinner, but had strayed only to the front porch, reading on the swing.

  It was a dark, starless night. The moon hidden behind thick clouds that threatened rain. But a warm breeze misted off the ocean.

  Emily saw him pull in and met him in the driveway, a picnic basket in her hands.

  He hopped out to greet her. “What’s this?” He grabbed it from her hands to carry it.

  “A late night picnic.”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Yup. I thought we’d have a drink and hang out on the beach. I’m not sleepy,” she hinted.

  “You’re wearing your hair down,” he noticed. “I like it. You should do it more often.” He hadn’t seen her do it for ages. It fanned around her face, layered down her back a few inches.

  “You think? It’s so in the way all the time. I was actually toying with a haircut.”

  Michael didn’t want to tell her not to. That would be pushy, plus Emily would keep hair that made her miserable, rather than make him unhappy. But he loved the thought of running his hands through her hair.

  “Maybe a few inches off would be okay.”

  “You don’t want me to cut it, do you?” A sparkle lit up her eyes.

  “Not really. I really want to play around in that hair.”

  A wave of nervous anticipation rippled through Emily at the threat in his tone. She grabbed his hand, leading him down a path they’d taken many times before. A short burst of trees followed by a sandy shore. A small beach that tourists never visited since it was well hidden.

  Emily stopped just at the edge of the beach, out of reach of the rolling waves, with tree limbs overhead for cover. She opened the basket and pulled out a blanket, spreading it on the sandy ground.

  Michael set the basket down and they plopped onto the blanket. “What else you got in there?”

  She lifted the lid and took out a bottle of white wine and two glasses. “I already opened the bottle. Just need to pour.” There was a lusty sting in her eyes, but a nervous edge to her tone.

  “Need some liquid courage, eh?”

  Emily tossed the glasses. In a quick movement, she had him on his back straddling his middle. Her heart beat erratically, wreaking havoc against her chest. Michael’s eyes opened wide in surprise. Her boldness stirred life underneath her pressing center.

  “When I was a little girl, I always thought being a mermaid would be a dream come true.” She shook her head. “I much prefer being human and I’m claiming you all for myself Michael Howard.” A blur of clothing tore over her head, bare skin freed in a heartbeat. Her perky handfuls heaved in excitement, peaks beading to attention.

  Michael licked his lips, his voice momentarily broken. She was offering herself to him, and he’d take her. But he’d expected she’d want to move slower. And he had never seen this aggressive, bolder side.

  “Every time I think I know you, Emily Morgan, you take me some place new.”

  In another flashing moment, he leaned up, pushed her down and straddled her thighs. “But the first round is me, pleasuring you.” He got a wicked gleam in his eyes.

  Michael’s shirt came off and his body stretched over hers, flesh pressing against flesh. Tongues invaded mouths. His hand slid down her side, gripping her ass. His other hand by her head, fingers lost in her hair. So many emotions flared to li
fe. Michael lost track of which were his and which belonged to Emily.

  He’d planned to go much slower, but his need, combined with her need, sent an uncontrollable surge of urgency rippling through him.

  He pulled himself away, got to his knees his breaths heavy, intent on slowing down just a little.

  Instead, Emily’s fingers gripped his shorts, searching for the zipper. The rest of their clothes had to come off.

  Michael got to his feet, slinking out of his shorts. His briefs clung to him, his thick bulge pulsing for freedom. His gaze ordered the immediate removal of her shorts.

  Emily unbuttoned, unzipped and wiggled out of them. Panties included.

  His mind went numb for a moment. She looked just like he’d always imagined. Peaches and cream. Fuzzy, soft, inviting. He licked his lips, wondering if she tasted like peaches.

  “My God, Emily. You’re so beautiful. More perfect than anything I’ve ever imagined.”

  “You’ve imagined me? Us? Like this?”

  “So many times.”

  He sucked in, blood stalling to pump for a moment, her silent lust filled response emoting out at him, ensnaring his senses. Love, devotion and desire crested in her gaze. Her stiff beads hardened. Breasts full. Luscious.

  “Enough imagining, Michael.” Emily’s look demanded the immediate removal of his briefs.

  His eyes fell half-mast in silent challenge.

  Emily sat up to her knees, grabbed the band of his briefs with her teeth and gave them a playful tug. Her eyes lifted, teeth nipping his hip.

  “Hey.” His mouth opened in shock.

  She nipped again. This time, grabbing his briefs and yanking them down until they pooled onto the blanket.

  He was all man. All free. And all hers.

  Her tongue dived to his base, slathering upward, in a long teasing stroke. Michael grabbed the back of her head to remain upright. “Jesus…”

  She peered up at him, suspect of his thoughts. “Did you think I was going to be sweet, and predictable?”

  Michael answered by falling to his knees in front of her and lifting her to straddle his legs. He stretched her open, hardness threatening her entrance. His lips found hers, demanding and possessive. Tasting, tugging… she returned each charge with an attack of her own.


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