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The Troublemaker Next Door

Page 18

by Marie Harte

  Abby laughed. “I’ll bet she did. So what’s in the bag? Whips and chains? Lube? Some toys, maybe?”

  “Abigail Dunn. Where do you get your ideas?”

  “Not from my own love life, that’s for sure.” Abby scowled. “Now stop avoiding the question. What’s in the bag?”

  “A change of clothes and a six-pack of beer. Next?”

  “Hmm. Okay. What are your plans for the night?”

  Through the screen door, Maddie heard vehicles approach. Vanessa’s car pulled into the driveway. Behind her, Flynn parked his truck and opened the door. Maddie didn’t want to deal with Vanessa, so she picked up her bag and purse and turned to Abby. “Tonight I plan to give Flynn the best blow job of his life. We might see a movie, we might not. Then I’m going to spend the rest of the weekend whipping him into shape as my love slave. Any more questions?”

  Silence reigned.

  Abby crossed her arms over her chest and bowed her head. “You’re my idol. I can only dream of one day aspiring to give great head like you.” She lifted her chin and grinned. “We’re so talking when you get back. I need material for my new book. Go get your groove on, and think of me while you’re getting yours.”

  “Sorry, but I won’t be thinking of you when that happens.” Maddie gave her a smart salute, turned, and left the house. She met Flynn before he could walk up the steps to the porch.

  His unhurried perusal slowed over her breasts and lingered on her heels. “In case I haven’t said it already, I’m really looking forward to tonight.”

  “Me too.” She didn’t pause as she passed Vanessa. They exchanged a silent but graphic communication involving fingers until Vanessa slammed into the house.

  “Whoa. What was that about?”

  “Never mind. Let’s not spoil the mood. Drive, Flynn. Somewhere out of the way, hmm?”


  Three fucking weeks, an eternity spent without Maddie. Flynn had filled his days with work, his nights spent playing cards with Brody or watching TV. When he couldn’t fall asleep without thinking about her, he’d remember their time spent in his apartment, or in the closet of that club. Images of Maddie’s beautiful red hair, her breasts, and her long legs never failed to make him sweat. Then he’d remember how hot and tight she felt when he pushed inside her, how sweet she tasted when he went down on her. And he’d come in a heartbeat.

  Now the woman he’d been thinking far too much about sat next to him wearing a tame enough pair of jeans, a jacket over a pretty top. But the heels… He’d fucked her in those the last time they’d been together. Did that mean what he thought it did? He’d only been half teasing about her giving him a blowjob when he’d called her earlier in the week. While a part of him—the part already hard and throbbing—wanted to feel her lips around him, his rational side didn’t want to have sex with her this time.

  He’d done nothing but think about her while working, and he’d come to the conclusion that by having sex whenever they’d met, he’d perpetuated her idea that he only wanted her for one thing. The woman didn’t want a relationship, or so she’d said. But damn it all, Flynn had changed his mind. He did. With Maddie.

  He’d been telling himself no sex tonight. He’d change things up, put her off her game and indulge in an honest-to-God date, with no strings attached. But those heels bothered him.

  “It’s warm in here.” She fanned herself.

  Before he could ask if she wanted him to roll down a window, she took off her jacket. The teal blue silk tank she wore molded to her curves. His mouth dried in seconds.

  “No bra?” He tried to sound together, sophisticated. Like this happened to him all the time. But he’d never had a woman like Maddie, and the knowledge that at any moment she could twist in her seat and her tits might pop out made it almost impossible to concentrate. He gripped the wheel and focused on not crashing into the vehicles around him.

  “I thought I’d go without tonight. Something new. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “Um, mind?” He hadn’t made a sound that high-pitched since Brody had tagged him in the balls trying to steal home in last summer’s big game. He coughed. “No. No, you’re good.”

  Determined to see the night through, his way, he pulled away from the crowded streets and headed toward Golden Gate Park. Maybe they could walk a bit before the park closed and they went to dinner.

  She crossed her legs. He widened his, hoping for some release from the hard-on from hell.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her finger trace down her breast, calling attention to her nipple. Christ, was she trying to kill him?

  He cleared his throat. “I thought we’d go walk at a park for a little bit, then hit dinner. Okay?”

  “Sure. Whatever you want.”

  “Jesus, help me now.”

  She laughed, the rich sound making everything inside him come to life.

  “Just sit there and don’t move or talk to me until I get us away from the traffic, okay?” It would be the longest twenty minutes of his life, but he’d suffered worse. Hadn’t he?

  “Sure.” The silence between them only increased the tension.

  “Okay, the quiet isn’t helping.”

  “Helping what?”

  “Helping me keep my mind off my dick,” he snapped.

  She laughed again.

  “Tell me what the silent treatment between you and Vanessa was all about.”

  “You do want to kill the mood, don’t you? My cousin. Hmm, where should I start? I was having a bad day, and she made it worse.”

  “How? What happened?”

  She squirmed in her seat, and the material of her shirt slid over her breasts. “It’s embarrassing.”

  “Yeah? Well, so is trying not to come in your jeans when sitting next to a beautiful woman. I’m dealing. Get over yourself and tell me what happened.”

  “So bossy.”

  He had every intention of bossing her around later. So much for trying to make their date platonic. “I am so weak,” he muttered. At her look, he prodded, “Vanessa…?”

  “I’ve been having a few problems getting used to my new job. How to spend my money, make better contacts. Just growing pains and nerves.”

  “We all have them. Hell, Brody and I still do. We go a few days without a client, he’s climbing the walls.”

  “It’s hard. Hell, you know all about it. I was just having a moment—”

  “Like the one you had when I first met you?”

  She blushed. “A little.”

  He laughed. “Wish I could have been there. You’re fucking sexy as hell when you’re ticked off.”

  “Shut up, Flynn.” But he could tell his comment pleased her. “So Vanessa turned on her bitchy-as-hell mode. I didn’t appreciate little Miss Perfect throwing in her two cents, and she didn’t like me whining—again.”

  He shrugged. “Sounds to me like maybe she should be more understanding. You’ve been through the wringer the past few weeks. You’re entitled to a bad day or two.”

  She didn’t say anything, and he wondered if he should have just shut up and let her vent. He fiddled with the radio, suddenly feeling a little nervous.

  “Oh, leave that song. I like it.”


  By the time they’d reached the park, it looked mostly deserted and the sun had gone down.

  “Wait. Pull over there.” She pointed to an empty spot under some trees away from the overhead light. When she reached for her jacket, he figured she wanted some privacy to put it on, not wanting the rest of the world to ogle those luscious breasts.

  Her action relieved him. He didn’t want her showing anyone else those perfect tits, but he didn’t know how she might have reacted if he’d told her to cover them up. In no way could he imagine a scenario where that wouldn’t blow up in his face.

  He parked and moved to turn off the engine.

  “No, keep it running.”

  She sat much closer, nearly in his lap.

r />   She unbuckled his seat belt. Then her fingers ran over his thigh, creeping dangerously higher up his leg. She palmed his cock.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  “Exactly. Now lean back and let me do what we both know you want.” She licked her lips.

  How the hell did a red-blooded man say no to that? To refuse a blow job from the hottest woman on the planet because he wanted her to feel appreciated for more than her mouth?

  Hell no. Rejection at this point would only hurt them both. She’d feel insulted, and he’d expire from the worst case of blue balls ever on record.

  The sound of his jeans being unsnapped sounded like a shotgun compared to the muted sound of the radio.

  “Keep your eye out, Flynn. We wouldn’t want to get caught.”

  “Right.” His nervous cough turned into a moan when she unzipped him. He wanted to scoot the material down, but she stilled him.

  “No. Let me.”

  The woman refused to make him more comfortable, which only turned him on even more. She pulled his cock through the slit in his underwear, exposing his long, thick shaft. Asshole that he was, his tip beaded with pre-come, unable to hold himself back. Even to himself, he looked huge. “Ah, Maddie, you sure about this?” Because no way in hell did he want to wear a condom for a blow job.

  “Oh yeah. I’ve been thinking about this for weeks.”

  She slowly bent down. Her hair tickled his cock, then her breath washed over him.

  “Maddie. Oh fuck. I’m not gonna last, baby. Not at all,” he moaned as she fitted her lips to his cockhead.

  The warmth of her wet mouth eased over him so slowly. The impulse to shove her head down and fuck her throat pulled at him. But he clenched his fists and kept his eyes on the rearview and side mirrors. The last thing he needed was to get busted for public indecency and stop this before it had even gotten started.

  She moaned around him and pushed down. She had half of him inside her, but it wasn’t enough.

  She flattened her hand against his belly, while the other cupped his balls through his jeans.

  Then she sucked, and he felt himself spurt a small amount into her mouth.


  She made a noise that could have been a laugh then started to bob over him, that glorious wealth of red hair fanned around his crotch. A fantasy he couldn’t help living out to the fullest.

  Consigning himself to a quick orgasm, he threaded his hands through her hair and pushed her head over him with gentle insistence.

  “Let me fuck that mouth, baby. So good.”

  He grunted, he groaned, and he nearly had a heart attack when she scraped her teeth under his crown, against the very sensitive part of his shaft.

  “I’m gonna come in your mouth. You going to swallow me, baby? Take that come down your throat?”

  She moaned and pressed her hand firmer against his balls.

  He couldn’t draw it out any longer. He had to come. He ached to fill her. “Now, Maddie. Oh God, I’m coming.”

  He moaned her name as he released, the tremors of pleasure more than he could bear as he jetted down her throat. The orgasm seemed to last forever. His thoughts fled, nothing but sheer sensation filling his body, from his balls to his brain.

  Leaning his head back, he reveled in the climax and felt himself fall headlong into what felt suspiciously like love. He’d never been in love before, so he couldn’t swear by it, but he’d never felt this emotion for any other woman he’d been dating—or not dating. Never.

  Soft hands tucked him back inside his jeans and zipped him up. He didn’t move, even when she kissed him, and he tasted himself on her lips. He never would have pegged that as sexy, but knowing she’d accepted him willingly turned him on in a big way. If only he had the energy to physically respond.

  It took him minutes before his brain cells fired again.

  “You okay, Flynn?”

  He blinked his eyes open and turned to thank her, but his words stuck in his throat.

  Her large eyes dominated her face. Tender and soft, yet brimming with feeling. Her shiny lips looked swollen. They’d been stretched around his cock and coated with his seed. So plump and pretty. But her eyes held him.


  He pulled her forward and kissed her. Not content to let it stop at that and afraid to say anything for fear of blurting out the wrong thing or scaring her away, he tugged her onto his lap and just held her.

  She sighed and laid her head against his chest.

  Flynn hugged her, stroking her back and feeling so much affection for Maddie he didn’t know what to do. They hadn’t known each other all that long. But he felt like he knew the real her. The scrappy, hardworking, decisive woman who had courage, integrity, and loyalty down to a science.

  He kept trying to tell himself that great sex didn’t make a relationship, but it sure the hell made him want to try for one.

  After some time, he nudged her back into her seat and buckled them in. He pulled out of the parking lot and drove to a seafood restaurant downtown. Determined to keep things light while he figured out a way to make Maddie see him as more than a sex partner, he teased her about Vanessa and Abby and told tales about his brothers.

  By the time they’d been seated in the restaurant, their relationship felt the way it normally did. But deep inside, Flynn knew everything had changed.

  Chapter 15

  Throughout dinner, Maddie could feel something between them growing stronger. Flynn laughed and joked, but he watched her with an intensity that drew her like a drug. God, she wanted to blow him again. She’d never been into oral sex all that much, but she’d felt so empowered taking him like that. He’d been putty in her hands, or rather, her mouth. Afterward, she’d expected a smart remark, a slap on the ass, or even a little hanky-panky from him.

  She hadn’t expected that hug, or the belonging she’d felt in his arms.

  “I’d love to know what you’re thinking right now,” he said in a deep voice.

  The waiter arrived and took away their plates.

  Flynn ordered them coffee and asked, “Dessert, Maddie?”

  She gave him an impish grin. “I already had mine. Just coffee’s fine.”

  He blew out a breath and waited until the waiter left before he spoke. “Don’t worry, baby. I’m not going to let you go without giving you a proper thanks.”

  “Gee, I can’t wait.”

  His eyes flashed. “I’ll bet. You liked making me lose my freakin’ head.”

  “I must have. I keep letting you call me baby.”

  “You don’t like it?”

  Normally she didn’t. But Flynn calling her that didn’t demean her or make her feel like the proverbial little woman. She heard the affection in his voice, the intimacy, and it didn’t bother her. Yet it should have. “I do like it, which makes me wonder what’s happened to my backbone.”

  “Don’t worry. You’re still independent, feisty, and a little bit mean.”

  “Thanks.” She grinned.

  “A real working woman with attitude. In fact, just to make you feel better, I’ll let you pay for my dinner and order me around all night. Heck, you can drive us home, too.”

  “Not that monster truck. And I don’t want to pay for dinner. You asked me out, you get the tab.”

  “Fair enough.” He stroked the condensation on his water glass. “What about ordering me around for the rest of the night? You plan on doing that?”

  “I might.”

  “Hmm.” He pursed his lips. “I might let you. First, answer a few questions for me.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  He took a moment. “Earlier, you’re okay with all that? What we did in my truck?”

  “If I hadn’t been, I wouldn’t have done it.” Great, now she felt defensive.

  “I just… we pretty much have been, ah, careful, if you know what I mean. And in the car, it was just you and me.”

  She caught what he didn’t say. No condom. “Flynn, I might be stupid,
but I trust you.”

  The smile in his eyes lingered after his lips evened. “I trust you, too, you know. I’ve been too tired the past few weeks to do more than work my ass off with Brody, but even if I hadn’t been, I told you when we first agreed that I wouldn’t be with anyone but you.”

  “While we’re doing this casual, um, thing.” Should she call their association a relationship?

  His frown came and went in a split second. “I think we can call it a relationship.”

  Scary how he started to read her mind. “Oh?”

  “I’m not seeing anyone else, and you aren’t. You and Ben haven’t been a thing in weeks, right?”

  “Ben and I were over for a few months before we split. We hadn’t been together sexually,” she explained in a lower voice. “And we didn’t seem to click the way we once had.”

  “I think you said something about him being too clingy when you were ranting to Abby.” He grinned. “Remember? The first day I met you?”

  Uncomfortable, she looked anywhere but at Flynn. She must have seemed like the biggest bitch. “Ben’s a nice guy. I didn’t have a lot of trouble with him, but I think he wanted more out of our relationship than I could give him.”

  “What? Kids? Marriage?”

  “Hell no.” Horrified at the thought, she shivered. “I can’t imagine life as Mrs. Dr. Ben Foster.”

  “Mrs. Doctor?”

  “Yeah. Ben was all about his career. He should have been proud of it. And he’s really a nice guy, but everything had to be his way. His job came first. His socializing meant we couldn’t do anything I wanted. I got tired of it. And he wouldn’t give me any room to breathe.”

  Flynn looked her in the eye, his expression intent. “Do I make you feel like that?”

  “No. Not at all,” she hurried to relieve him. “You’re so different from him. Easy to talk to. We get along. And the, well, what we do when we’re together, it’s very wow.”

  “Yeah.” His gaze drifted to her mouth. “Wow is a good description.” He grew pensive, and she wondered what she’d said or done to make him uneasy.



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